// Browser detection mostly taken from prototype.js var is_ie = !!(window.attachEvent && !window.opera); var is_khtml = !!(navigator.appName.match("Konqueror") || navigator.appVersion.match("KHTML")); var is_gecko = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('KHTML') == -1; var is_ie7 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 7') > 0; var is_ie6 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6') > 0; var is_opera = !!window.opera; var is_webkit = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1; /** * This class is the client part of phpFreeChat * (depends on prototype library) * @author Stephane Gully */ var pfcClient = Class.create(); //defining the rest of the class implmentation pfcClient.prototype = { initialize: function() { // load the graphical user interface builder this.gui = new pfcGui(); // load the resources manager (labels and urls) this.res = new pfcResource(); this.nickname = pfc_nickname; this.nickid = pfc_nickid; this.usermeta = $H(); this.chanmeta = $H(); this.nickwhoisbox = $H(); // this array contains all the sent commands // use the up and down arrow key to navigate through the history this.cmdhistory = Array(); this.cmdhistoryid = -1; this.cmdhistoryissearching = false; /* this.channels = Array(); this.channelids = Array(); */ this.privmsgs = Array(); this.privmsgids = Array(); this.timeout = null; this.timeout_time = new Date().getTime(); this.refresh_delay = pfc_refresh_delay; this.refresh_delay_steps = pfc_refresh_delay_steps; this.last_response_time = new Date().getTime(); this.last_request_time = new Date().getTime(); this.last_activity_time = new Date().getTime(); /* unique client id for each windows used to identify a open window * this id is passed every time the JS communicate with server * (2 clients can use the same session: then only the nickname is shared) */ this.clientid = pfc_clientid; this.isconnected = false; this.nicklist = $H(); this.nickcolor = Array(); this.colorlist = Array(); this.blinktmp = Array(); this.blinkloop = Array(); this.blinktimeout = Array(); }, loadChat: function() { new Ajax.Request(pfc_server_script_url, { method: 'get', parameters: {pfc_ajax: 1, f: 'loadChat'}, onSuccess: function(transport) { eval( transport.responseText ); } }); }, connectListener: function() { this.el_words = $('pfc_words'); this.el_handle = $('pfc_handle'); this.el_container = $('pfc_container'); // this.el_online = $('pfc_online'); this.el_errors = $('pfc_errors'); this.detectactivity = new DetectActivity(this.el_container); // restore the window title when user come back to the active zone if (pfc_notify_window) this.detectactivity.onunactivate = this.gui.unnotifyWindow.bindAsEventListener(this.gui); /* the events callbacks */ this.el_words.onkeypress = this.callbackWords_OnKeypress.bindAsEventListener(this); // don't use this line because when doing completeNick the "return false" doesn't work (focus is lost) // Event.observe(this.el_words, 'keypress', this.callbackWords_OnKeypress.bindAsEventListener(this), false); Event.observe(this.el_words, 'keydown', this.callbackWords_OnKeydown.bindAsEventListener(this), false); Event.observe(this.el_words, 'keyup', this.callbackWords_OnKeyup.bindAsEventListener(this), false); Event.observe(this.el_words, 'mouseup', this.callbackWords_OnMouseup.bindAsEventListener(this), false); Event.observe(this.el_words, 'focus', this.callbackWords_OnFocus.bindAsEventListener(this), false); Event.observe(document.body, 'unload', this.callback_OnUnload.bindAsEventListener(this), false); }, refreshGUI: function() { this.minmax_status = pfc_start_minimized; var cookie = getCookie('pfc_minmax_status'); if (cookie != null) this.minmax_status = (cookie == 'true'); cookie = getCookie('pfc_nickmarker'); this.nickmarker = (cookie == 'true'); if (cookie == '' || cookie == null) this.nickmarker = pfc_nickmarker; cookie = getCookie('pfc_clock'); this.clock = (cookie == 'true'); if (cookie == '' || cookie == null) this.clock = pfc_clock; cookie = getCookie('pfc_showsmileys'); this.showsmileys = (cookie == 'true'); if (cookie == '' || cookie == null) this.showsmileys = pfc_showsmileys; cookie = getCookie('pfc_showwhosonline'); this.showwhosonline = (cookie == 'true'); if (cookie == '' || cookie == null) this.showwhosonline = pfc_showwhosonline; // '' means no forced color, let CSS choose the text color this.current_text_color = ''; cookie = getCookie('pfc_current_text_color'); if (cookie != null) this.switch_text_color(cookie); cookie = getCookie('pfc_issoundenable'); this.issoundenable = (cookie == 'true'); if (cookie == '' || cookie == null) this.issoundenable = pfc_startwithsound; this.refresh_loginlogout(); this.refresh_minimize_maximize(); this.refresh_Smileys(); this.refresh_sound(); this.refresh_nickmarker(); }, /** * Show a popup dialog to ask user to choose a nickname */ askNick: function(nickname,error_text) { // ask to choose a nickname if (nickname == '' || nickname == undefined) nickname = this.nickname; // build a dhtml prompt box var pfcp = this.getPrompt();//new pfcPrompt($('pfc_container')); pfcp.callback = function(v) { pfc.askNickResponse(v); } pfcp.prompt((error_text != undefined ? ''+error_text+'
' : '')+this.res.getLabel('Please enter your nickname'), nickname); pfcp.focus(); }, askNickResponse: function(newnick) { if (newnick) { if (this.isconnected) this.sendRequest('/nick "'+newnick+'"'); else this.sendRequest('/connect "'+newnick+'"'); } }, /** * Reacte to the server response */ handleResponse: function(cmd, resp, param) { // display some debug messages if (pfc_debug) if (cmd != "update") { var param2 = param; if (cmd == "who" || cmd == "who2") { param2 = $H(param2); param2.set('meta', $H(param2.get('meta'))); param2.get('meta').set('users', $H(param2.get('meta').get('users'))); trace('handleResponse: '+cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param2.inspect()); } else if (cmd == "whois" || cmd == "whois2") { param2 = $H(param2); trace('handleResponse: '+cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param2.inspect()); } else if (cmd == "getnewmsg" || cmd == "join") { param2 = $A(param2); trace('handleResponse: '+cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param2.inspect()); } else trace('handleResponse: '+cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param); } if (cmd != "update") { // speed up timeout if activity this.last_activity_time = new Date().getTime(); var delay = this.calcDelay(); if (this.timeout_time - new Date().getTime() > delay) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout('pfc.updateChat(true)', delay); this.timeout_time = new Date().getTime() + delay; } } if (cmd == "connect") { if (resp == "ok") { this.nickname = param[0]; this.isconnected = true; // start the polling system this.updateChat(true); } else this.isconnected = false; this.refresh_loginlogout(); } else if (cmd == "quit") { if (resp =="ok") { // stop updates this.updateChat(false); this.isconnected = false; this.refresh_loginlogout(); } } else if (cmd == "join" || cmd == "join2") { if (resp =="ok") { // create the new channel var tabid = param[0]; var name = param[1]; this.gui.createTab(name, tabid, "ch"); if (cmd != "join2" || this.gui.tabs.length == 1) this.gui.setTabById(tabid); this.refresh_Smileys(); this.refresh_WhosOnline(); } else if (resp == "max_channels") { this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('Maximum number of joined channels has been reached') ); } else alert(cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param); } else if (cmd == "leave") { if (resp =="ok") { // remove the channel var tabid = param; this.gui.removeTabById(tabid); // synchronize the channel client arrays /* var index = -1; index = this.channelids.indexOf(tabid); this.channelids = this.channelids.without(tabid); this.channels = this.channels.without(this.channels[index]); */ // synchronize the privmsg client arrays index = -1; index = indexOf(this.privmsgids, tabid); this.privmsgids = without(this.privmsgids, tabid); this.privmsgs = without(this.privmsgs, this.privmsgs[index]); } } else if (cmd == "privmsg" || cmd == "privmsg2") { if (resp == "ok") { // create the new channel var tabid = param[0]; var name = param[1]; this.gui.createTab(name, tabid, "pv"); if (cmd != "privmsg2" || this.gui.tabs.length == 1) this.gui.setTabById(tabid); this.privmsgs.push(name); this.privmsgids.push(tabid); } else if (resp == "max_privmsg") { this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('Maximum number of private chat has been reached') ); } else if (resp == "unknown") { // speak to unknown user this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('You are trying to speak to a unknown (or not connected) user') ); } else if (resp == "speak_to_myself") { this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('You are not allowed to speak to yourself') ); } else alert(cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param); } else if (cmd == "nick") { // give focus the the input text box if wanted if (pfc_focus_on_connect) this.el_words.focus(); if (resp == "connected" || resp == "notchanged") { cmd = ''; } if (resp == "ok" || resp == "notchanged" || resp == "changed" || resp == "connected") { this.setUserMeta(this.nickid, 'nick', param); this.el_handle.innerHTML = this.getUserMeta(this.nickid, 'nick').escapeHTML(); this.nickname = this.getUserMeta(this.nickid, 'nick'); this.updateNickBox(this.nickid); // clear the possible error box generated by the bellow displayMsg(...) function this.clearError(Array(this.el_words)); } else if (resp == "isused") { this.setError(this.res.getLabel('Chosen nickname is already used'), Array()); this.askNick(param,this.res.getLabel('Chosen nickname is already used')); } else if (resp == "notallowed") { // When frozen_nick is true and the nickname is already used, server will return // the 'notallowed' status. It will display a message and stop chat update. // If the chat update is not stopped, this will loop forever // as long as the forced nickname is not changed. // display a message this.setError(this.res.getLabel('Chosen nickname is not allowed'), Array()); // then stop chat updates this.updateChat(false); this.isconnected = false; this.refresh_loginlogout(); } } else if (cmd == "update") { } else if (cmd == "version") { if (resp == "ok") { this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('phpfreechat current version is %s',param) ); } } else if (cmd == "help") { if (resp == "ok") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param); } } else if (cmd == "rehash") { if (resp == "ok") { this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('Configuration has been rehashed') ); } else if (resp == "ko") { this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('A problem occurs during rehash') ); } } else if (cmd == "banlist") { if (resp == "ok" || resp == "ko") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param ); } } else if (cmd == "unban") { if (resp == "ok" || resp == "ko") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param ); } } else if (cmd == "auth") { if (resp == "ban") { alert(param); } if (resp == "frozen") { alert(param); } else if (resp == "nick") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param ); } } else if (cmd == "debug") { if (resp == "ok" || resp == "ko") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param ); } } else if (cmd == "clear") { var tabid = this.gui.getTabId(); var container = this.gui.getChatContentFromTabId(tabid); container.innerHTML = ""; } else if (cmd == "identify") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param ); } else if (cmd == "checknickchange") { this.displayMsg( cmd, param ); } else if (cmd == "whois" || cmd == "whois2") { param = $H(param); var nickid = param.get('nickid'); if (resp == "ok") { this.setUserMeta(nickid, param); this.updateNickBox(nickid); } if (cmd == "whois") { // display the whois info var um = this.getAllUserMeta(nickid); var um_keys = um.keys(); var msg = ''; for (var i=0; i' + k + ': ' + v + '
'; } this.displayMsg( cmd, msg ); } } else if (cmd == "who" || cmd == "who2") { param = $H(param); var chan = param.get('chan'); var chanid = param.get('chanid'); var meta = $H(param.get('meta')); meta.set('users', $H(meta.get('users'))); if (resp == "ok") { this.setChanMeta(chanid,meta); // send /whois commands for unknown users for (var i=0; i' + k + ': ' + v + '
'; } } this.displayMsg( cmd, msg ); } } else if (cmd == "getnewmsg") { if (resp == "ok") { this.handleComingRequest(param); } } else if (cmd == "send") { } else alert(cmd + "-"+resp+"-"+param); }, getAllUserMeta: function(nickid) { if (nickid && this.usermeta.get(nickid)) return this.usermeta.get(nickid); else return null; }, getUserMeta: function(nickid, key) { if (nickid && key && this.usermeta.get(nickid) && this.usermeta.get(nickid).get(key)) return this.usermeta.get(nickid).get(key); else return ''; }, setUserMeta: function(nickid, key, value) { if (nickid && key) { if (!this.usermeta.get(nickid)) this.usermeta.set(nickid, $H()); if (value) this.usermeta.get(nickid).set(key, value); else this.usermeta.set(nickid, $H(key)); } }, getAllChanMeta: function(chanid) { if (chanid && this.chanmeta.get(chanid)) return this.chanmeta.get(chanid); else return null; }, getChanMeta: function(chanid, key) { if (chanid && key && this.chanmeta.get(chanid) && this.chanmeta.get(chanid).get(key)) return this.chanmeta.get(chanid).get(key); else return ''; }, setChanMeta: function(chanid, key, value) { if (chanid && key) { if (!this.chanmeta.get(chanid)) this.chanmeta.set(chanid, $H()); if (value) this.chanmeta.get(chanid).set(key,value); else this.chanmeta.set(chanid, $H(key)); } }, doSendMessage: function() { var w = this.el_words; var wval = w.value; // Append the string to the history. this.cmdhistory.push(wval); this.cmdhistoryid = this.cmdhistory.length; this.cmdhistoryissearching = false; // Send the string to the server. re = new RegExp("^(\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)( (.*)|)"); if (wval.match(re)) { // A user command. cmd = wval.replace(re, '$1'); param = wval.replace(re, '$3'); this.sendRequest(cmd +' '+ param.substr(0, pfc_max_text_len + 2*this.clientid.length)); } else { // A classic 'send' command. // Empty messages with only spaces. rx = new RegExp('^[ ]*$','g'); wval = wval.replace(rx,''); // Truncate the text length. wval = wval.substr(0,pfc_max_text_len); // Colorize the text with current_text_color. if (this.current_text_color != '' && wval.length != '') wval = '[color=#' + this.current_text_color + '] ' + wval + ' [/color]'; this.sendRequest('/send '+ wval); } w.value = ''; return false; }, /** * Try to complete a nickname like on IRC when pressing the TAB key. * Nicks with spaces may not work under certain circumstances. * Replacing spaces with alternate spaces (e.g.,  ) helps. * Gecko browsers convert the   to regular spaces, so no help for these browsers. * Note: IRC does not allow nicks with spaces, so it's much easier for those clients. :) * @author Gerard Pinzone */ completeNick: function() { var w = this.el_words; var selStart = w.value.length; // Default for browsers that don't support selection/caret position commands. var selEnd = selStart; // Get selection/caret position. if (w.setSelectionRange) { // We don't rely on the stored values for browsers that support // the selectionStart and selectionEnd commands. selStart = w.selectionStart; selEnd = w.selectionEnd; } else if (w.createTextRange && document.selection) { // We must rely on the stored values for IE browsers. selStart = (w.selStart != null) ? w.selStart : w.value.length; selEnd = (w.selEnd != null) ? w.selEnd : w.value.length; } var begin = w.value.lastIndexOf(' ', selStart - 1) + 1; var end = (w.value.indexOf(' ', selStart) >= 0) ? w.value.indexOf(' ', selStart) : w.value.length; var nick_src = w.value.substring(begin, end); var non_nick_begin = w.value.substring(0, begin); var non_nick_end = w.value.substring(end, w.value.length); if (nick_src != '') { var tabid = this.gui.getTabId(); var n_list = this.getChanMeta(tabid, 'users')['nick']; var nick_match = false; for (var i = 0; i < n_list.length; i++) { var nick_tmp = n_list[i]; // replace spaces in nicks with   nick_tmp = nick_tmp.replace(/ /g, '\240'); if (nick_tmp.indexOf(nick_src) == 0) { if (! nick_match) { nick_match = true; nick_replace = nick_tmp; } else { // more than one possibility for completion var nick_len = Math.min(nick_tmp.length, nick_replace.length); // only keep characters that are common to all matches var j = 0; for (j = 0; j < nick_len; j++) if (nick_tmp.charAt(j) != nick_replace.charAt(j)) break; nick_replace = nick_replace.substr(0, j); } } } if (nick_match) { w.value = non_nick_begin + nick_replace + non_nick_end; w.selStart = w.selEnd = non_nick_begin.length + nick_replace.length; // Move cursor to end of completed nick. if (w.setSelectionRange) w.setSelectionRange(w.selEnd, w.selEnd); // Gecko else this.setSelection(w); // IE } } }, /** * Cycle to older entry in history */ historyUp: function() { // Write the previous command in the history. if (this.cmdhistory.length > 0) { var w = this.el_words; if (this.cmdhistoryissearching == false && w.value != "") this.cmdhistory.push(w.value); this.cmdhistoryissearching = true; this.cmdhistoryid = this.cmdhistoryid - 1; if (this.cmdhistoryid < 0) this.cmdhistoryid = 0; // stop at oldest entry w.value = this.cmdhistory[this.cmdhistoryid]; } }, /** * Cycle to newer entry in history */ historyDown: function() { // Write the next command in the history. if (this.cmdhistory.length > 0) { var w = this.el_words; if (this.cmdhistoryissearching == false && w.value != "") this.cmdhistory.push(w.value); this.cmdhistoryissearching = true; this.cmdhistoryid = this.cmdhistoryid + 1; if (this.cmdhistoryid >= this.cmdhistory.length) { this.cmdhistoryid = this.cmdhistory.length; // stop at newest entry + 1 w.value = ""; // blank input box } else w.value = this.cmdhistory[this.cmdhistoryid]; } }, /** * Handle the pressed keys. * see also callbackWords_OnKeydown */ callbackWords_OnKeypress: function(evt) { // All browsers except for IE should use "evt.which." var code = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode; if (code == Event.KEY_RETURN) /* ENTER key */ { return this.doSendMessage(); } else { // Allow other key defaults. return true; } }, /** * Handle the pressed keys. * see also callbackWords_OnKeypress * WARNING: Suppressing defaults on the keydown event * may prevent keypress and/or keyup events * from firing. */ callbackWords_OnKeydown: function(evt) { if (!this.isconnected) return false; this.clearError(Array(this.el_words)); var code = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode if (code == 38 && (is_gecko || is_ie || is_opera || is_webkit)) // up arrow key { /* TODO: Fix up arrow issue in Opera - may be a bug in Opera. See TAB handler comments below. */ /* Konqueror cannot use this feature due to keycode conflicts. */ // Write the previous command in the history. this.historyUp(); if (evt.returnValue) // IE evt.returnValue = false; if (evt.preventDefault) // DOM evt.preventDefault(); return false; // should work in all browsers } else if (code == 40 && (is_gecko || is_ie || is_opera || is_webkit)) // down arrow key { /* Konqueror cannot use this feature due to keycode conflicts. */ // Write the previous command in the history. this.historyDown(); if (evt.returnValue) // IE evt.returnValue = false; if (evt.preventDefault) // DOM evt.preventDefault(); return false; // should work in all browsers } else if (code == 9) /* TAB key */ { // Do nickname completion like on IRC / Unix command line. this.completeNick(); if (is_opera) { // Fixes Opera's loss of focus after TAB key is pressed. // This is most likely due to a bug in Opera // that executes the default key operation BEFORE the // keydown and keypress event handler. // This is probably the reason for the "up arrow" issue above. //window.setTimeout(function(){evt.target.focus();}, 0); evt.target.onblur = function() { this.focus(); this.onblur = null; }; } if (evt.returnValue) // IE evt.returnValue = false; if (evt.preventDefault) // DOM evt.preventDefault(); return false; // Should work in all browsers. } else { // Allow other key defaults. return true; } }, callbackWords_OnKeyup: function(evt) { // Needed for IE since the text box loses selection/caret position on blur this.storeSelectionPos(this.el_words); }, callbackWords_OnMouseup: function(evt) { // Needed for IE since the text box loses selection/caret position on blur this.storeSelectionPos(this.el_words); }, callbackWords_OnFocus: function(evt) { // if (this.el_handle && this.el_handle.value == '' && !this.minmax_status) // this.el_handle.focus(); // Needed for IE since the text box loses selection/caret position on blur this.setSelection(this.el_words); }, callback_OnUnload: function(evt) { /* don't disconnect users when they reload the window * this event doesn't only occurs when the page is closed but also when the page is reloaded */ if (pfc_quit_on_closedwindow) { if (!this.isconnected) return false; this.sendRequest('/quit'); } }, /** * hide error area and stop blinking fields */ clearError: function(ids) { this.el_errors.style.display = 'none'; for (var i=0; i'+msg+''; // finaly append this to the message list container.appendChild(div); this.gui.scrollDown(tabid, div); */ }, handleComingRequest: function( cmds ) { var msg_html = $H(); var max_msgid = $H(); //alert(cmds.inspect()); for(var mid = 0; mid < cmds.length ; mid++) { var id = cmds[mid][0]; var date = cmds[mid][1]; var time = cmds[mid][2]; var sender = cmds[mid][3]; var recipientid = cmds[mid][4]; var cmd = cmds[mid][5]; var param = cmds[mid][6]; var fromtoday = cmds[mid][7]; var oldmsg = cmds[mid][8]; // format and post message var line = ''; line += '
'; line += ''+ date +' '; line += ''+ time +' '; if (cmd == 'send') { line += ' '; line += '‹'; line += ''; line += sender.escapeHTML(); line += ''; line += '›'; line += ' '; } if (cmd == 'notice') line += '* ' + this.parseMessage(param) +' '; else if (cmd == 'me') line += '* '+ sender.escapeHTML() + ' ' + this.parseMessage(param) +' '; else line += ''+ this.parseMessage(param) +' '; line += '
'; if (oldmsg == 0) if (cmd == 'send' || cmd == 'me') { // notify the hidden tab a message has been received // don't notify anything if this is old messages var tabid = recipientid; if (this.gui.getTabId() != tabid) this.gui.notifyTab(tabid); // notify the window (change the title) if (!this.detectactivity.isActive() && pfc_notify_window) this.gui.notifyWindow(); } if (msg_html.get(recipientid) == null) msg_html.set(recipientid, line); else msg_html.set(recipientid, msg_html.get(recipientid) + line); // remember the max message id in order to clean old lines if (!max_msgid.get(recipientid)) max_msgid.set(recipientid, 0); if (max_msgid.get(recipientid) < id) max_msgid.set(recipientid, id); } // loop on all recipients and post messages var keys = msg_html.keys(); for( var i=0; i scrollDown(..) will be broken m.innerHTML = msg_html.get(recipientid); this.colorizeNicks(m); this.refresh_clock(m); // finaly append this to the message list recipientdiv.appendChild(m); this.gui.scrollDown(tabid, m); // delete the old messages from the client (save some memory) var limit_msgid = max_msgid.get(recipientid) - pfc_max_displayed_lines; var elt = $('pfc_msg_'+recipientid+'_'+limit_msgid); while (elt) { // delete this element to save browser memory if(elt.parentNode) elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt); else if(elt.parentElement) // older IE browsers (<6.0) may not support parentNode elt.parentElement.removeChild(elt); else // if all else fails elt.innerHTML = ''; limit_msgid--; elt = $('pfc_msg_'+recipientid+'_'+limit_msgid); } } }, calcDelay: function() { var lastact = new Date().getTime() - this.last_activity_time; var dlist = this.refresh_delay_steps.slice(); var delay = dlist.shift(); if (this.refresh_delay > delay) delay = this.refresh_delay; var limit; while (typeof (limit = dlist.shift()) != "undefined") { var d = dlist.shift(); if (d < delay) continue; if (lastact > limit) delay = d; } return delay; }, /** * Call the ajax request function * Will query the server */ sendRequest: function(cmd, recipientid) { // do not send another ajax requests if the last one is not yet finished if (cmd == '/update' && this.pfc_ajax_connected) return; var delay = this.calcDelay(); if (cmd != "/update") { // setup a new timeout to update the chat in 5 seconds (in refresh_delay more exactly) clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout('pfc.updateChat(true)', delay); this.timeout_time = new Date().getTime() + delay; if (pfc_debug) trace('sendRequest: '+cmd); } // prepare the command string var rx = new RegExp('(^\/[^ ]+) *(.*)','ig'); if (!recipientid) recipientid = this.gui.getTabId(); cmd = cmd.replace(rx, '$1 '+this.clientid+' '+(recipientid==''?'0':recipientid)+' $2'); // send the real ajax request var url = pfc_server_script_url; new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'post', parameters: {'pfc_ajax':1, 'f':'handleRequest', 'cmd': cmd }, onCreate: function(transport) { this.pfc_ajax_connected = true; // request time counter used by ping indicator this.last_request_time = new Date().getTime(); }.bind(this), onSuccess: function(transport) { if (!transport.status) return; // fix strange behavior on KHTML // request time counter used by ping indicator this.last_response_time = new Date().getTime(); // evaluate the javascript response eval( transport.responseText ); }.bind(this), onComplete: function(transport) { this.pfc_ajax_connected = false; // calculate the ping and display it this.ping = Math.abs(this.last_response_time - this.last_request_time); if ($('pfc_ping')) $('pfc_ping').innerHTML = this.ping+'ms'+' ['+parseInt(this.calcDelay() / 1000)+'s]'; }.bind(this) }); }, /** * update function to poll the server each 'refresh_delay' time */ updateChat: function(start) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); if (start) { this.sendRequest('/update'); // setup the next update var delay = this.calcDelay(); this.timeout = setTimeout('pfc.updateChat(true)', delay); this.timeout_time = new Date().getTime() + delay; } }, /** * Stores the caret/selection position for IE 6.x and 7.x * Returns true if text range start and end values were updated. * Code based on: http://www.bazon.net/mishoo/articles.epl?art_id=1292 */ storeSelectionPos: function(obj) { // We don't need to store the start and end positions if the browser // supports the Gecko selection model. However, these values may be // useful for debugging. Also, Opera recognizes Gecko and IE range // commands, so we need to ensure Opera only uses the Gecko model. /* WARNING: Do not use this for textareas. They require a more complex algorithm. */ if (obj.setSelectionRange) { obj.selStart = obj.selectionStart; obj.selEnd = obj.selectionEnd; return true; } // IE else if (obj.createTextRange && document.selection) { // Determine current selection start position. var range = document.selection.createRange(); var isCollapsed = range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range) == 0; if (!isCollapsed) range.collapse(true); var b = range.getBookmark(); obj.selStart = b.charCodeAt(2) - b.charCodeAt(0) - 1; // Determine current selection end position. range = document.selection.createRange(); isCollapsed = range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range) == 0; if (!isCollapsed) range.collapse(false); b = range.getBookmark(); obj.selEnd = b.charCodeAt(2) - b.charCodeAt(0) - 1; return true; } // Browser does not support selection range processing. else return false; }, /** * Sets the selection/caret in the object based on the * object's selStart and selEnd parameters. * This should only be needed for IE only. */ setSelection: function(obj) { // This part of the function is included to prevent // Opera from executing the IE portion. /* WARNING: Do not attempt to use this function as a wrapper for the Gekco based setSelectionRange. It causes problems in Opera when executed from the event trigger onFocus. */ if (obj.setSelectionRange) { return null; } // IE else if (obj.createTextRange) { var range = obj.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart("character", obj.selStart); range.moveEnd("character", obj.selEnd - obj.selStart); range.select(); return range; } // Browser does not support selection range processing. else return null; }, /** * insert a smiley */ insertSmiley: function(smiley) { var w = this.el_words; if (w.setSelectionRange) { // Gecko var s = w.selectionStart; var e = w.selectionEnd; w.value = w.value.substring(0, s) + smiley + w.value.substr(e); w.setSelectionRange(s + smiley.length, s + smiley.length); w.focus(); } else if (w.createTextRange) { // IE w.focus(); // Get range based on stored values. var range = this.setSelection(w); range.text = smiley; // Move caret position to end of smiley and collapse selection, if any. // Check if internally kept values for selection are initialized. w.selStart = (w.selStart) ? w.selStart + smiley.length : smiley.length; w.selEnd = w.selStart; } else { // Unsupported browsers get smiley at end of string like old times. w.value += smiley; w.focus(); } }, updateNickBox: function(nickid) { // @todo optimize this function because it is called lot of times so it could cause CPU consuming on client side var chanids = this.chanmeta.keys(); for(var i = 0; chanids.length > i; i++) { this.updateNickListBox(chanids[i]); } }, /** * fill the nickname list with connected nicknames */ updateNickListBox: function(chanid) { var className = (!is_ie7 && !is_ie6) ? 'class' : 'className'; var nickidlst = this.getChanMeta(chanid,'users').get('nickid'); var nickdiv = this.gui.getOnlineContentFromTabId(chanid); var ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.setAttribute(className, 'pfc_nicklist'); for (var i=0; i 1 && !navigator.appName.match("Explorer|Konqueror") && !navigator.appVersion.match("KHTML")) { msg = ''; for( var i = 0; i' + (delta>0 ? ttt[i].substring(7,range1)+ ' ... ' + ttt[i].substring(range2,ttt[i].length) : ttt[i]) + ''; } else { msg = msg + ttt[i]; } } } else { // fallback for IE6/Konqueror which do not support split with regexp replace = '$1$2$3'; msg = msg.replace(rx_url, replace); } */ // Remove auto-linked entries. if ( false ) { rx = new RegExp('.*?<\/a>','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'); rx = new RegExp('.*?<\/a>','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'); } // Replace double spaces outside of tags by "  " entity. rx = new RegExp(' (?= )(?![^<]*>)','g'); msg = msg.replace(rx, ' '); // try to parse bbcode rx = new RegExp('\\[b\\](.+?)\\[\/b\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'); rx = new RegExp('\\[i\\](.+?)\\[\/i\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'); rx = new RegExp('\\[u\\](.+?)\\[\/u\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'); rx = new RegExp('\\[s\\](.+?)\\[\/s\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'); // rx = new RegExp('\\[pre\\](.+?)\\[\/pre\\]','ig'); // msg = msg.replace(rx, '
'); /* rx = new RegExp('\\[email\\]([A-z0-9][\\w.-]*@[A-z0-9][\\w\\-\\.]+\\.[A-z0-9]{2,6})\\[\/email\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '
$1'); rx = new RegExp('\\[email=([A-z0-9][\\w.-]*@[A-z0-9][\\w\\-\\.]+\\.[A-z0-9]{2,6})\\](.+?)\\[\/email\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$2'); */ rx = new RegExp('\\[color=([a-zA-Z]+|\\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6}|\\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{3})\\](.+?)\\[\/color\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$2'); // parse bbcode colors twice because the current_text_color is a bbcolor // so it's possible to have a bbcode color imbrication rx = new RegExp('\\[color=([a-zA-Z]+|\\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6}|\\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{3})\\](.+?)\\[\/color\\]','ig'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$2'); // try to parse smileys var smileys = this.res.getSmileyHash(); var sl = this.res.getSmileyKeys(); // Keys should be sorted by length from pfc.gui.loadSmileyBox() for(var i = 0; i < sl.length; i++) { // We don't want to replace smiley strings inside of tags. // Use negative lookahead to search for end of tag. rx = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(sl[i]) + '(?![^<]*>)','g'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '' + sl[i] + ''); } // try to parse nickname for highlighting rx = new RegExp('(^|[ :,;])'+RegExp.escape(this.nickname)+'([ :,;]|$)','gi'); msg = msg.replace(rx, '$1'+ this.nickname +'$2'); // this piece of code is replaced by the word-wrap CSS3 rule. /* // don't allow to post words bigger than 65 caracteres // doesn't work with crappy IE and Konqueror ! rx = new RegExp('([^ \\:\\<\\>\\/\\&\\;]{60})','ig'); var ttt = msg.split(rx); if (ttt.length > 1 && !navigator.appName.match("Explorer|Konqueror") && !navigator.appVersion.match("KHTML")) { msg = ''; for( var i = 0; i i; i++) nicktochange[i].style.color = color; }, /** * Returns a list of elements which have a clsName class */ getElementsByClassName: function( root, clsName, clsIgnore ) { var i, matches = new Array(); var els = root.getElementsByTagName('*'); var rx1 = new RegExp('.*'+clsName+'.*'); var rx2 = new RegExp('.*'+clsIgnore+'.*'); for(i=0; i i; i++) if (show) elts[i].style.display = 'inline'; else elts[i].style.display = 'none'; }, /** * Nickname marker show/hide */ nickmarker_swap: function() { if (this.nickmarker) { this.nickmarker = false; } else { this.nickmarker = true; } this.refresh_nickmarker() setCookie('pfc_nickmarker', this.nickmarker); }, refresh_nickmarker: function(root) { var nickmarker_icon = $('pfc_nickmarker'); if (!root) root = $('pfc_channels_content'); if (this.nickmarker) { nickmarker_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/color-on.gif'); nickmarker_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel("Hide nickname marker"); nickmarker_icon.title = nickmarker_icon.alt; this.colorizeNicks(root); } else { nickmarker_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/color-off.gif'); nickmarker_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel("Show nickname marker"); nickmarker_icon.title = nickmarker_icon.alt; var elts = this.getElementsByClassName(root, 'pfc_nickmarker', ''); for(var i = 0; elts.length > i; i++) { // this is not supported in konqueror =>>> elts[i].removeAttribute('style'); elts[i].style.color = ''; } } }, /** * Date/Hour show/hide */ clock_swap: function() { if (this.clock) { this.clock = false; } else { this.clock = true; } this.refresh_clock(); setCookie('pfc_clock', this.clock); }, refresh_clock: function( root ) { var clock_icon = $('pfc_clock'); if (!root) root = $('pfc_channels_content'); if (this.clock) { clock_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/clock-on.gif'); clock_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Hide dates and hours'); clock_icon.title = clock_icon.alt; this.showClass(root, 'pfc_date', 'pfc_invisible', true); this.showClass(root, 'pfc_heure', 'pfc_invisible', true); } else { clock_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/clock-off.gif'); clock_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Show dates and hours'); clock_icon.title = clock_icon.alt; this.showClass(root, 'pfc_date', 'pfc_invisible', false); this.showClass(root, 'pfc_heure', 'pfc_invisible', false); } // browser automaticaly scroll up misteriously when showing the dates // $('pfc_chat').scrollTop += 30; }, /** * Sound button */ sound_swap: function() { if (this.issoundenable) { this.issoundenable = false; } else { this.issoundenable = true; } this.refresh_sound(); setCookie('pfc_issoundenable', this.issoundenable); }, refresh_sound: function( root ) { var snd_icon = $('pfc_sound'); if (this.issoundenable) { snd_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/sound-on.gif'); snd_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Disable sound notifications'); snd_icon.title = snd_icon.alt; } else { snd_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/sound-off.gif'); snd_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Enable sound notifications'); snd_icon.title = snd_icon.alt; } }, /** * Connect/disconnect button */ connect_disconnect: function() { if (this.isconnected) this.sendRequest('/quit'); else { if (this.nickname == '') this.askNick(); else this.sendRequest('/connect "'+this.nickname+'"'); } }, refresh_loginlogout: function() { var loginlogout_icon = $('pfc_loginlogout'); if (this.isconnected) { loginlogout_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/logout.gif'); loginlogout_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Disconnect'); loginlogout_icon.title = loginlogout_icon.alt; } else { this.clearMessages(); this.clearNickList(); loginlogout_icon.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/login.gif'); loginlogout_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Connect'); loginlogout_icon.title = loginlogout_icon.alt; } }, /** * Minimize/Maximized the chat zone */ swap_minimize_maximize: function() { if (this.minmax_status) { this.minmax_status = false; } else { this.minmax_status = true; } setCookie('pfc_minmax_status', this.minmax_status); this.refresh_minimize_maximize(); }, refresh_minimize_maximize: function() { var content = $('pfc_content_expandable'); var btn = $('pfc_minmax'); if (this.minmax_status) { btn.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/maximize.gif'); btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Magnify'); btn.title = btn.alt; content.style.display = 'none'; } else { btn.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/minimize.gif'); btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Cut down'); btn.title = btn.alt; content.style.display = 'block'; } }, /** * BBcode ToolBar */ insert_text: function(open, close, promptifselempty) { var msgfield = $('pfc_words'); var pfcp = this.getPrompt(); pfcp.msgfield = msgfield; pfcp.open = open; pfcp.close = close; pfcp.promptifselempty = promptifselempty; pfcp.callback = this.insert_text_callback; // Gecko /* Always check for Gecko selection processing commands first. This is needed for Opera. */ if (msgfield.selectionStart || msgfield.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = msgfield.selectionStart; var endPos = msgfield.selectionEnd; var text = msgfield.value.substring(startPos, endPos); if (startPos == endPos && promptifselempty) { pfcp.prompt(this.res.getLabel('Enter the text to format'), ''); pfcp.focus(); } else this.insert_text_callback(text, pfcp); } // IE else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { msgfield.focus(); // Get selection range. pfcp.range = this.setSelection(msgfield); var text = pfcp.range.text; if (text == "" && promptifselempty) { pfcp.prompt(this.res.getLabel('Enter the text to format'), ''); pfcp.focus(); } else this.insert_text_callback(text, pfcp); } // Fallback support for other browsers else { pfcp.prompt(this.res.getLabel('Enter the text to format'), ''); pfcp.focus(); } return; }, insert_text_callback: function(text, pfcp) { var open = pfcp.open; var close = pfcp.close; var promptifselempty = pfcp.promptifselempty; var msgfield = pfcp.msgfield; var range = pfcp.range; // Gecko /* Always check for Gecko selection processing commands first. This is needed for Opera. */ if (msgfield.selectionStart || msgfield.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = msgfield.selectionStart; var endPos = msgfield.selectionEnd; var extralength = 0; if (startPos == endPos && promptifselempty) { if (text == null) text = ""; extralength = text.length; } if (text.length > 0 || !promptifselempty) { msgfield.value = msgfield.value.substring(0, startPos) + open + text + close + msgfield.value.substring(endPos, msgfield.value.length); var caretPos = endPos + open.length + extralength + close.length; msgfield.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos); msgfield.focus(); } } // IE else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { if (text == null) text = ""; if (text.length > 0 || !promptifselempty) { msgfield.focus(); range.text = open + text + close; // Increment caret position. // Check if internally kept values for selection are initialized. msgfield.selStart = (msgfield.selStart) ? msgfield.selStart + open.length + text.length + close.length : open.length + text.length + close.length; msgfield.selEnd = msgfield.selStart; msgfield.focus(); } } // Fallback support for other browsers else { if (text == null) text = ""; if (text.length > 0 || !promptifselempty) { msgfield.value += open + text + close; msgfield.focus(); } } }, /** * Minimize/Maximize none/inline */ minimize_maximize: function(idname, type) { var element = $(idname); if(element.style) { if(element.style.display == type ) { element.style.display = 'none'; } else { element.style.display = type; } } }, switch_text_color: function(color) { /* clear any existing borders on the color buttons */ var colorbtn = this.getElementsByClassName($('pfc_colorlist'), 'pfc_color', ''); for(var i = 0; colorbtn.length > i; i++) { colorbtn[i].style.border = 'none'; colorbtn[i].style.padding = '0'; } /* assign the new border style to the selected button */ this.current_text_color = color; setCookie('pfc_current_text_color', this.current_text_color); var idname = 'pfc_color_' + color; $(idname).style.border = '1px solid #555'; $(idname).style.padding = '1px'; // assigne the new color to the input text box this.el_words.style.color = '#'+color; this.el_words.focus(); }, /** * Smiley show/hide */ showHideSmileys: function() { if (this.showsmileys) { this.showsmileys = false; } else { this.showsmileys = true; } setCookie('pfc_showsmileys', this.showsmileys); this.refresh_Smileys(); }, refresh_Smileys: function() { // first of all : show/hide the smiley box var content = $('pfc_smileys'); if (this.showsmileys) content.style.display = 'block'; else content.style.display = 'none'; // then switch the button icon var btn = $('pfc_showHideSmileysbtn'); if (this.showsmileys) { if (btn) { btn.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/smiley-on.gif'); btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Hide smiley box'); btn.title = btn.alt; } } else { if (btn) { btn.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/smiley-off.gif'); btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Show smiley box'); btn.title = btn.alt; } } }, /** * Show Hide who's online */ showHideWhosOnline: function() { if (this.showwhosonline) { this.showwhosonline = false; } else { this.showwhosonline = true; } setCookie('pfc_showwhosonline', this.showwhosonline); this.refresh_WhosOnline(); }, refresh_WhosOnline: function() { // first of all : show/hide the nickname list box var root = $('pfc_channels_content'); var contentlist = this.getElementsByClassName(root, 'pfc_online', ''); for(var i = 0; i < contentlist.length; i++) { var content = contentlist[i]; if (this.showwhosonline) content.style.display = 'block'; else content.style.display = 'none'; content.style.zIndex = '100'; // for IE6, force the nickname list borders to be shown } // then refresh the button icon var btn = $('pfc_showHideWhosOnlineBtn'); if (!btn) return; if (this.showwhosonline) { btn.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/online-on.gif'); btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Hide online users box'); btn.title = btn.alt; } else { btn.src = this.res.getFileUrl('images/online-off.gif'); btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Show online users box'); btn.title = btn.alt; } this.refresh_Chat(); }, /** * Resize chat */ refresh_Chat: function() { // resize all the tabs content var root = $('pfc_channels_content'); var contentlist = this.getElementsByClassName(root, 'pfc_chat', ''); for(var i = 0; i < contentlist.length; i++) { var chatdiv = contentlist[i]; if (!this.showwhosonline) { chatdiv.style.width = '100%'; } else { chatdiv.style.width = ''; } } }, getPrompt: function() { if (!this.pfc) this.pfc = new pfcPrompt($('pfc_container')); return this.pfc; } };