* */ /** * Changes Log * [2008-01-09] Original Form Plugin from Ole Rienow * [2008-02-17] Small additions by Stephane Chamberland * - rename to Formular (not to confuse with Esther's Form plugin) and to keep compatibility with previous versions settings * - make compatible with configuration plugin * - localize [include only the En, Fr translations] * - add default styles [borrowed from Esther's form plugin] * [2008-06-29] You can hand over GET-Parameters as Standard Values for Textfields and Textareas * [2008-07-03] * - Many Refactorings * - Constraints are now also possible for self written Scripts * - Username in Mail * - Added Grepnot Constraint * [2008-07-09] * - Added local wikipage Language (e.g. Hidden lang "en";) * [2008-07-17] * - Added Debug-Modus * - Bugfix in the Constraint-Writer for self written Scripts * [2008-07-18] * - Bugfix in MailForm creation * - Added Feature to hold Data if given Data is not valid * [2008-07-19] * - Added File-Upload feature * [2008-07-20] * - Hold Data in Selectboxes, Radiobuttons and Checkboxes as well * - Bugfix for Multiple Line Data in Textareas * [2008-07-23] * - Writing Debug-Infos to File * [2009-03-12] * - little bugfix of missing quotation mark in textareas * - new italian translation - thanks to Diego Pierotto */ /**$renderer->info['cache'] = false; * Configuration specified in DOKUPATH/conf/local.php * * $conf['plugin']['formular']['AllowInclude'] = 1|0; * $conf['plugin']['formular']['mailPath'] = "data/formplugin/"; * $conf['plugin']['formular']['selectPage'] = "formplugin:select"; * $conf['plugin']['formular']['mailSubject'] = "Message -- formular plugin"; * $conf['plugin']['formular']['mailFrom'] = ""; * */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_formular extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { var $scriptPath; var $mailPath; var $mailFile; var $internalScript = false; var $localLang = array(); /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Ole Rienow', 'email' => 'wikiform@rienow.eu', 'date' => '2009-03-12', 'name' => 'Formular Plugin', 'desc' => 'Creates HTML Forms', 'url' => 'http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:form', ); } function getType(){ return 'substition'; } /** * What about paragraphs? (optional) */ function getPType(){ return 'block'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 999; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('(?=.*?)',$mode,'plugin_formular'); } function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('', 'plugin_formular'); } function phpParsed($string) { require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/xhtml.php'; require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/parser.php'; $Parser = & new Doku_Parser(); $Parser->Handler = & new Doku_Handler(); $Parser->addMode('php',new Doku_Parser_Mode_PHP()); $instructions = $Parser->parse($string); // Get a list of instructions $Renderer = & new Doku_Renderer_XHTML(); // Create a renderer // Loop through the instructions foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) { call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]); } return trim(substr($Renderer->doc, 4, -5)); } function parsed($string) { require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/xhtml.php'; require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/parser.php'; $Parser = & new Doku_Parser(); $Parser->Handler = & new Doku_Handler(); $Parser->addMode('listblock',new Doku_Parser_Mode_ListBlock()); $Parser->addMode('preformatted',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Preformatted()); $Parser->addMode('notoc',new Doku_Parser_Mode_NoToc()); $Parser->addMode('header',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Header()); $Parser->addMode('table',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Table()); $Parser->addMode('linebreak',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Linebreak()); $Parser->addMode('footnote',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Footnote()); $Parser->addMode('hr',new Doku_Parser_Mode_HR()); $Parser->addMode('unformatted',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Unformatted()); $Parser->addMode('php',new Doku_Parser_Mode_PHP()); $Parser->addMode('html',new Doku_Parser_Mode_HTML()); $Parser->addMode('code',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Code()); $Parser->addMode('file',new Doku_Parser_Mode_File()); $Parser->addMode('quote',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Quote()); $Parser->addMode('acronym',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Acronym(array_keys(getAcronyms()))); $Parser->addMode('multiplyentity',new Doku_Parser_Mode_MultiplyEntity()); $Parser->addMode('quotes',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Quotes()); $Parser->addMode('camelcaselink',new Doku_Parser_Mode_CamelCaseLink()); $Parser->addMode('internallink',new Doku_Parser_Mode_InternalLink()); $Parser->addMode('media',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Media()); $Parser->addMode('externallink',new Doku_Parser_Mode_ExternalLink()); $Parser->addMode('windowssharelink',new Doku_Parser_Mode_WindowsShareLink()); $Parser->addMode('filelink',new Doku_Parser_Mode_FileLink()); $Parser->addMode('eol',new Doku_Parser_Mode_Eol()); $formats = array ( 'strong', 'emphasis', 'underline', 'monospace', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'deleted', ); foreach ($formats as $format) { $Parser->addMode($format,new Doku_Parser_Mode_Formatting($format)); } $instructions = $Parser->parse($string); // Get a list of instructions $Renderer = & new Doku_Renderer_XHTML(); // Create a renderer // Loop through the instructions foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) { call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]); } return trim(substr($Renderer->doc, 4, -5)); } function setLocalLang($text) { $langFile = DOKU_PLUGIN . "formular/lang/$text/lang.php"; if (is_File($langFile)) { include($langFile); $this->localLang = $lang; } } function getLocalLang($id) { return (isset($this->localLang[$id])) ? $this->localLang[$id] : $this->getLang($id); } /** * Function to create some Error-Output */ function insertError($name, $type=3){ $header = ''; $footer = ''; switch ($type) { case 0: $error = $this->getLocalLang('name_not_unique').': ' . trim($name); break; case 1: $error = $this->getLocalLang('wrong_nb_of_arguments').': ' . trim($name); break; case 2: $error = $this->getLocalLang('undef_combo').': ' . trim($name); break; case 3: $error = trim($name); break; } return $header.$error.$footer; } /** * Function to write something at beginning of file */ function writeBefore($file, $content) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $handle = fopen($file,'w'); fclose($handle); } $fOld = file_get_contents($file); $newContent = $content.$fOld; $f = fopen($file,'w') or die($this->getLocalLang('cannot_open')); fwrite($f, $newContent); fclose($f); // file_put_contents($file, $newContent); not used because not implemented below php5 } function writeDebugInfo($message) { if ($this->getConf('DebugMode')) { $this->writeBefore(DOKU_PLUGIN.'formular/debug.txt', $message."\n"); } } function constraintError($error) { return "{ \n" . ' $back .= "error='.$error."\";\n" . ' header("Location: $back");' . ' exit();' ."\n}\n"; } /** * At the moment this just works if the settings are set as follows: * Use Nice URLs = 2 (DokuWiki Internal) * Use Slash as Namespace seperator = 0 (Not Checked) */ function writeConstraintsToScript() { $this->writeDebugInfo("Function: writeConstraintsToScript"); global $conf; if ($conf['userewrite'] != 2 || $conf['useslash'] == 1) { unlink($this->mailPath.'constraint.tmp'); $this->writeDebugInfo("Wrong Settings for this."); return; } if ($this->internalScript && file_exists($this->mailPath.'constraint.tmp')) { $sgn_begin = "// Formular Plugin - Constraint Signature Begin"; $sgn_end = "// Formular Plugin - Constraint Signature End"; $sgn_warning = "// Don't remove these lines! Removing can lead to Data Loss in this File!"; chdir("lib/"); // To ignore the ../ which is used for niceURLs $this->writeDebugInfo("Current Directory: ".getcwd()); if(isset($this->scriptPath) && $this->scriptPath != '' && file_exists($this->scriptPath)) { $this->writeDebugInfo("Writing from: ../".$this->mailPath."constraint.tmp to: $this->scriptPath"); $constraints = file_get_contents("../".$this->mailPath.'constraint.tmp'); $constraints = "getBackLinkVariable() . "\n" . $constraints . "\n" . $sgn_end . "\n ?>\n"; $lines = file($this->scriptPath); $position_bgn = array_search($sgn_begin."\n", $lines); $position_end = array_search($sgn_end."\n", $lines); if($position_bgn != false && $position_end != false) { array_splice($lines, $position_bgn-1, $position_end-$position_bgn+3); } foreach ($lines as $line) { $original_file .= $line; } $file = fopen($this->scriptPath,'w') or die($this->getLocalLang('cannot_open')); fwrite($file, $constraints . $original_file); fclose ($file); //file_put_contents($this->scriptPath, $constraints . $original_file); not used because not implemented below php5 } else { $this->writeDebugInfo("Error: ScriptPath not set or File Does not Exist - ScriptPath: $this->scriptPath"); } chdir("../"); } else { $this->writeDebugInfo("Error: InternalScript: $this->internalScript - Constraint-File: $this->mailPath constraint.tmp"); } unlink($this->mailPath.'constraint.tmp'); } function createMailForm($match) { $this->writeDebugInfo("Creating MailForm"); $daten = explode(" ", substr($match, 13, -1)); $receipt=$daten[0]; $args = explode('"', substr($match, 13, -1)); // Parameter PHP used? if ($this->getConf('AllowInclude')) { $phpPos = strpos($match, 'PHP:'); if ($phpPos !== false) { $include = "include(\"" .substr($match, $phpPos +5, strpos($match, '"', $phpPos+5) - ($phpPos+5)) ."\");\n"; $f = fopen($this->mailPath.'incl.tmp','w') or die($this->getLocalLang('cannot_open')); fwrite($f, $include); fclose($f); } else { $include = ''; } } if (isset($_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"])) { $URI = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"] . "?id="; } else { $URI = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?id="; } // Parameter Next used? $nextPos = strpos($match, 'NEXT:'); if ($nextPos !== false) { $next = substr($match, $nextPos +6 , strpos($match, '"', $nextPos+6) - ($nextPos+6)); } if (substr($next, 0, 4) == "www.") { $next = "http://" . $next; } elseif (substr($next, 0, 7) == "http://") { $next = $next; } else { $next = $URI.$next; } $mail = 'if ($_POST[\'submit\'] == true) { '. " \n" . '$date=date(\'d.m.Y\'); '. " \n" . '$time=date(\'H,i,s\'); '. " \n" . '$receipt=\'' . $receipt . "'; \n" . '$next="' . $next . "\"; \n" . '$string="'.$this->getLang('received_on').' $date : $time: "'; $f = fopen($this->mailPath . 'mail.tmp','w') or die($this->getLocalLang('cannot_open')); fwrite($f, $mail); fclose($f); } function createConstraints($line, $name, $error) { $grepPos = strpos($line, 'grep='); $grepnotPos = strpos($line, 'grepnot='); $minLengthPos = strpos($line, 'minLength='); $maxLengthPos = strpos($line, 'maxLength='); $valueTypePos = strpos($line, 'valueType='); $evalFunctionPos = strpos($line, 'evalFunction='); $lengthPos = strpos($line, 'length='); $grepnotPos = strpos($line, 'grepnot='); if ($grepPos !== false) { $grep = substr($line, $grepPos+6 , strpos($line, '"', $grepPos+6) - ($grepPos+6)); $constraint .= 'if (! preg_match(\''.$grep.'\', $_POST[\''.$name.'\']))'."\n" .$this->constraintError($error); } if($grepnotPos !== false) { $grepnot = substr($line, $grepnotPos+9 , strpos($line, '"', $grepnotPos+9) - ($grepnotPos+9)); $constraint .= 'if(preg_match(\'' . $grepnot . '\', $_POST[\'' . $name . '\']))' . "\n" .$this->constraintError($error); } if ($lengthPos !== false) { (int) $length = substr($line, $lengthPos+8 , strpos($line, '"', $lengthPos+8) - ($lengthPos+8)); if (! is_numeric($length)) { $data .= $this->insertError($this->getLocalLang('len_not_num')); } $constraint .= 'if (strlen($_POST[\''.$name.'\']) != '.$length.')'."\n" .$this->constraintError($error); } if ($minLengthPos !== false) { (int) $minLength = substr($line, $minLengthPos+11 , strpos($line, '"', $minLengthPos+11) - ($minLengthPos+11)); if (! is_numeric($minLength)) { $data .= $this->insertError($this->getLocalLang('minlen_not_num')); } $constraint .= 'if (strlen($_POST[\''.$name.'\']) < '.$minLength.')'."\n" .$this->constraintError($error); } if ($maxLengthPos !== false) { (int) $maxLength = substr($line, $maxLengthPos+11 , strpos($line, '"', $maxLengthPos+11) - ($maxLengthPos+11)); if (! is_numeric($maxLength)) { $data .= $this->insertError($this->getLocalLang('maxlen_not_num')); } $constraint .= 'if (strlen($_POST[\'' . $name . '\']) > '.$maxLength.')'."\n" .$this->constraintError($error); } if ($valueTypePos !== false) { $valueType = substr($line, $valueTypePos+11 , strpos($line, '"', $valueTypePos+11) - ($valueTypePos+11)); switch ($valueType) { case 'integer' : $constraint .= 'if( (! preg_match("/^\d+$/", $_POST[\''.$name.'\'])) ' .'|| (! is_numeric($_POST[\'' . $name . '\'])) )'."\n" . $this->constraintError($error); break; case 'float' : $constraint .= 'if(! is_numeric($_POST[\''.$name.'\']))'."\n " .$this->constraintError($error); break; case 'eMail' : $constraint .= '$pattern = "/^[A-z0-9\._-]+@[A-z0-9][A-z0-9-]*(\.[A-z0-9_-]+)*\.([A-z]{2,6})$/";'; $constraint .= "\n" .'if (! preg_match($pattern, $_POST[\''.$name.'\']))'."\n" .$this->constraintError($error); break; } } if($grepnotPos !== false) { $grepnot = substr($line, $grepnotPos+9 , strpos($line, '"', $grepnotPos+9) - ($grepnotPos+9)); $constraint .= 'if(preg_match(\'' . $grepnot . '\', $_POST[\'' . $name . '\']))' . "\n" . $this->constraintError($error); } if ($this->getConf('AllowInclude')) { if ($evalFunctionPos !== false) { $evalFunction = substr($line, $evalFunctionPos+14 , strpos($line, '"', $evalFunctionPos+14) - ($evalFunctionPos+14)); $constraint .= 'if(! '.$evalFunction.'($_POST[\''.$name.'\']))'."\n" .$this->constraintError($error); } } return $constraint; } function createFileElement($text, $width, $value) { $result = '' .$this->parsed($text) .'' .'parsed($text) .'' .'setLocalLang($text); } return ''; } function createPassbox($name, $text, $width) { $result = '' .$this->parsed($text) .'' .'parsed($text) .'' .''; return $result; } function createTextarea($name, $text, $value, $rows, $width) { $result = '' .$this->parsed($text) .'' .''; return $result; } function createRadioButton($name, $text, $options, $value) { foreach ($options as $option) { // first is for escape sequence to print commata $first = ''; $header = ''; if ($option[strlen($option)-1] == "\\") { $first = substr($option, 0, -1); continue; } if ($first != '') { $first = $first.","; $i = 1; } else { $i = 0; } if (trim($option) == trim($value) || trim($first.$option) == trim($value)) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } // Is this the first Option? If first is set the first Option has the index 1 not 0 if ($option == $options[$i]) { if ($value=='') $checked = 'checked="checked"'; $header = $this->parsed($text); } $result .= ''.$header.'' .'  ' .$first.$option .''; } return $result; } function setMailFile() { $this->writeDebugInfo("Function: setMailFile()"); global $ID; $mailFilePath = $this->getConf('mailPath'); if (! is_dir($mailFilePath)) mkdir($mailFilePath, 0777); // support namespaces $idSplit = explode(":", $ID); if (count($idSplit) > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($idSplit); $i++) { $mailFilePath .= $idSplit[($i-1)] . "/"; if (! is_dir($mailFilePath)) mkdir($mailFilePath, 0777); } $this->mailFile = $mailFilePath . "form_" . $idSplit[$i-1] . ".php"; } else { $this->mailFile = $mailFilePath . "form_" . $ID . ".php"; } $this->mailPath = $mailFilePath; $this->writeDebugInfo("MailPath: $mailFilePath"); $this->writeDebugInfo("MailFile: $this->mailFile"); } function getFileUploadScript() { return '$boundary = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(time())));' . "\n" . '$mail_header = "From: '.$this->getConf('mailFrom').'\n";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=$boundary";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\n\nThis is a multi-part message in MIME format -- Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\n--$boundary";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\nContent-Type: text/plain";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit";' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\n\n$string";' . "\n" . '$i = 0;' . "\n" . 'while (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[\'file\'][\'tmp_name\'][\'formular\'][$i])) {' . "\n" . ' if ($_FILES[\'file\'][\'size\'][\'formular\'][$i] > ($_POST[\'file_maxsize\'] * 1000000)) {' . "\n" . ' $back .= "error='.$this->getLocalLang('filesize_exceeded').'";' . "\n" . ' header("Location: $back");' . "\n" . ' exit();' . "\n" . ' }' . "\n" . ' $file_content = fread(fopen($_FILES[\'file\'][\'tmp_name\'][\'formular\'][$i],"r"),$_FILES[\'file\'][\'size\'][\'formular\'][$i]);' . "\n" . ' //$file_content = readfile($_FILES[\'file\'][\'tmp_name\'][\'formular\'][$i]);' . "\n" . ' $file_content = chunk_split(base64_encode($file_content));' . "\n" . ' $mail_header .= "\n--$boundary";' . "\n" . ' $mail_header .= "\nContent-Type: ".$_FILES[\'file\'][\'type\'][\'formular\'][$i]."; name=\"".$_FILES[\'file\'][\'name\'][\'formular\'][$i]."\"";' . "\n" . ' $mail_header .= "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64";' . "\n" . ' $mail_header .= "\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$_FILES[\'file\'][\'name\'][\'formular\'][$i]."\"";' . "\n" . ' $mail_header .= "\n\n$file_content";' . "\n" . ' $i++;' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . '$mail_header .= "\n--$boundary--";' . "\n"; } // create Constraints Backlink function getBackLinkVariable() { return '$back = $_POST["formular_url"]."?";' . "\n".'$blacklist=array("next","formular_url","submit","error","file_maxsize");' . "\n".'foreach($_POST as $key_name => $key_value) {' . "\n".' if (in_array($key_name, $blacklist)) continue;' . "\n".' $key_value = str_replace(chr(10),"
",$key_value);' . "\n".' $key_value = str_replace(chr(13),"",$key_value);' . "\n".' $back .= $key_name . "=". utf8decode($key_value) . "&";' . "\n}\n"; } //Only for Internal USE! function printAllInternInformation() { echo "\nMETHODS: \n"; print_r(get_class_methods($this)); echo "\nMETHODS-END: \n"; echo "\nVARIABLES: \n"; print_r(get_object_vars($this)); echo "\nVARIABLES-END: \n"; echo "\nGLOBALS: \n"; print_r($GLOBALS); echo "\nGLOBALS-END: \n"; } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler) { global $ID; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $this->writeDebugInfo("DOKU_LEXER_ENTER"); $this->writeDebugInfo("WorkingDirectory: ".getcwd()); $this->setMailFile(); // MAILTO-Formular if (substr($match, 6, 7) == "MAILTO:") { $this->createMailForm($match); $action = DOKU_URL . $this->mailFile; } else { $args = explode('"', $match); //DOKUWIKI-PAGE if ((substr($args[1], 0, 7) != "http://") && (substr($args[1], -4, 4) != ".php") && (substr($args[1], 0, 3) != "www")) { $this->scriptPath = "doku.php?id=" . $args[1]; //External Link without HTTP } elseif (substr($args[1], 0, 4) == "www.") { $this->scriptPath = "http://". $args[1]; //External Link with HTTP } elseif (substr($args[1], 0, 7) == "http://") { $this->scriptPath = $args[1]; // Internal PHP-Script-Path } elseif (substr($args[1], -4, 4) == ".php") { $this->scriptPath = $args[1]; $this->internalScript = true; } else { $this->scriptPath = $args[1]; } $this->writeDebugInfo("ScriptPath: $this->scriptPath"); $action = $this->scriptPath; } $data = "
"; if (isset($_GET['error'])) { $data .= ''; } $data .= $this->createHidden("formular_url", DOKU_URL."doku.php/".$ID); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $this->writeDebugInfo("DOKU_LEXER_EXIT_BEGIN"); $data = '
' . $_GET['error'] . '
'; if (is_file($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp')) { $subject = $this->getConf('mailSubject'); $mail = '; '." \n" . '$string .= "\nSender: ".$_SERVER[\'LOGON_USER\'].$_SERVER[\'REMOTE_USER\'];'." \n"; $mail .= $this->getFileUploadScript(); $mail .= 'mail($receipt, \''.$subject.'\', "", $mail_header);' . " \n" . 'header("Location: $next"); ' . " \n } \n ?>"; $f = fopen($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp','a') or die($this->getLocalLang('cannot_open')); fwrite($f, $mail); fclose($f); $mailhead = "mailPath.'incl.tmp')) { $mailhead .= file_get_contents($this->mailPath.'incl.tmp'); unlink($this->mailPath.'incl.tmp'); } // create Constraints Backlink $mailhead .= $this->getBackLinkVariable(); $this->writeBefore ($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp', $mailhead); $this->writeDebugInfo("Copy From ".$this->mailPath.'mail.tmp - To: '.$this->mailFile); copy($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp', $this->mailFile); unlink($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp'); // Write Constraints to self written Script-Files } elseif(is_file($this->mailPath.'constraint.tmp')) { $this->writeConstraintsToScript(); } $this->writeDebugInfo("DOKU_LEXER_EXIT_END"); break; // Complete Body between
default: $lines = explode(';', $match); // This is for global ; escape sequence foreach ($lines as $index => $line){ if (isset($firstPart) && $firstPart != '') { $lines[$index] = $firstPart.$line; $line = $lines[$index]; unset($firstPart); } if (substr($line, -1) == '\\') { $firstPart = substr($line, 0, -1).';'; unset($lines[$index]); continue; } } $nameArray = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $explBlank = explode(' ', $line); $explQuoteMark = explode('"', $line); $lastArgs = explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[count($explQuoteMark)-1])); $name = trim($explBlank[1]); $text = trim($explQuoteMark[1]); $value = $_GET["$name"]; // Keyword switch (trim($explBlank[0])) { case 'Textbox': case 'Passbox': case 'Hidden' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) != 3 || count($explBlank) < 2) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 1); break; } // routine to check if names are unique if (in_array($name, $nameArray)) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 0); break; } array_push($nameArray, $name); $width = $lastArgs[0]; if (trim($explBlank[0]) == 'Textbox') { $data .= $this->createTextbox($name, $text, $width, $value); } elseif (trim($explBlank[0]) == 'Passbox') { $data .= $this->createPassbox($name, $text, $width); } else { $data .= $this->createHidden($name, $text); } if (is_file($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp')) { $mail .= " . \"\\n $name ==> \" . \$_POST['$name'] " . "\n"; } break; case 'Select' : // SelectBox with manual Options given by a list if (count($explQuoteMark) == 5 && count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[4]))) == 1 && count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[0]))) == 2 && trim($explQuoteMark[2]) == '' ) { $width = $lastArgs[0]; $optionsList = $explQuoteMark[3]; $options = explode(",", $optionsList); } // SelectBox defined in wikipage select elseif (count($explQuoteMark) == 3 && count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[0]))) == 2 && (count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[2]))) == 2 || count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[2]))) == 1)) { $optName = $lastArgs[0]; $width = $lastArgs[1]; $selectPage = $this->getConf('selectPage'); $found = 0; $selectPath = "data/pages"; $selectSplit = explode(':', $selectPage); foreach ($selectSplit as $split) { $selectPath .= "/" . $split; } $selectPath .= ".txt"; if (file_exists($selectPath)){ $fileLines = file($selectPath); foreach ($fileLines as $fileLine) { $lineElements = explode(' ', $fileLine); // Is the defined name equal to name in argument list? if ($lineElements[0] == $optName) { $options = explode(",", substr($fileLine, strlen($lineElements[0])+1)); $found = 1; } } } // Named SelectBox not found in WikiPage if($found == 0) { $data .= $this->insertError($optName, 2); break; } } else { // arguments where not correct $data .= $this->insertError($name, 1); break; } // routine to check if names are unique if (in_array($name, $nameArray)) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 0); break; } array_push($nameArray, $name); if (is_file($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp')) { $mail .= " . \"\\n $name ==> \" . \$_POST['$name'] " . "\n"; } $data .= $this->createSelectBox($name, $text, $width, $options, $value); break; case 'Checkbox' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) != 3 || count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[0]))) != 2 || count(explode(' ', trim($lastArgs))) != 1 ) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 1); break; } // routine to check if names are unique if (in_array($name, $nameArray)) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 0); break; } array_push($nameArray, $name); // should checkbox be checked // Not working proberly if Standard=checked but not checked when sending // In this case the value is not set and therefore it is checked again when coming back $checked = ''; if (isset($value)) { if ($value='on') $checked = 'CHECKED'; } else { if ($lastArgs[0] == "1") $checked = 'CHECKED'; } if (is_file($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp')) { $mail .= " . \"\\n $name ==> \" . \$_POST['$name'] " . "\n"; } $data .= '' .'  ' .$this->parsed($text) .''; break; case 'Textarea' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) != 3 || ( count($lastArgs) != 1 && count($lastArgs) != 2 )) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 1); break; } // routine to check if names are unique if (in_array($name, $nameArray)) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 0); break; } array_push($nameArray, $name); if (is_file($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp')) { $mail .= " . \"\\n $name ==> \\\" \" . \$_POST['$name'] . \" \\\" \" " . "\n"; } $rows = $lastArgs[0]; $width = $lastArgs[1]; $data .= $this->createTextarea($name, $text, $value, $rows, $width); break; case 'Submit' : // number of arguments given is correct? if ( count($lastArgs) != 1 || count($explQuoteMark) != 3) { $data .= $this->insertError($explQuoteMark[1], 1); break; } $data .= '' .'' .''; break; case 'Static' : switch (count($explQuoteMark)) { case 3 : $data .= "" .$this->parsed($explQuoteMark[1]) .""; break; case 5 : $data .= "" .$this->parsed($explQuoteMark[1]) ."" .$this->parsed($explQuoteMark[3]) .""; break; default : $data .= $this->insertError($explQuoteMark[0], 1); } break; case 'Radio' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) != 5 || count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[0]))) != 2 || count($lastArgs) > 1 || $lastArgs[0] != '') { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 1); break; } // routine to check if names are unique if (in_array($name, $nameArray)) { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 0); break; } array_push($nameArray, $name); $options = explode(',', $explQuoteMark[3]); $data .= $this->createRadioButton($name, $text, $options, $value); if (is_file($this->mailPath . 'mail.tmp')) { $mail .= " . \"\\n $name ==> \" . \$_POST['$name'] " . "\n"; } break; case 'File' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) != 3 || count($explBlank) < 2 || count($lastArgs) < 1 || $lastArgs[0] == '') { $data .= $this->insertError($name, 1); break; } $maxsize = $lastArgs[0]; $width = $lastArgs[1]; $data .= $this->createFileElement($text, $width, $value); $data .= $this->createHidden('file_maxsize', $maxsize); break; case 'Line' : $data .= ' '; break; case 'Buttons' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) != 5 || count($lastArgs) != 1 || trim($explQuoteMark[2]) != '') { $data .= $this->insertError('Buttons', 1); //TODO: localize string break; } $data .= ' ' .'' .' ' .''; break; case 'Constraint' : // number of arguments given is correct? if (count($explQuoteMark) < 3 || count(explode(' ', trim($explQuoteMark[0]))) != 2) { $data .= $this->insertError('Constraint ' . $name, 1); break; } $error = $explQuoteMark[1]; $constraint .= $this->createConstraints($line, $name, $error); break; case '': break; // keyword was not recognised default: $data .= '' .$this->getLang('wrong_kw').' ' . trim($explBlank[0]) . '!' .''; break; } //switch body } //foreach line // File for creating Mail Script if ($mail != '') { if (isset($constraint) && $constraint != '') { $this->writebefore($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp', $constraint); } // file_put_contents($mailFilePath . 'mail.tmp', $mail, FILE_APPEND) or die("Could not write to mailscript temp file: $php_errormsg"); $f = fopen($this->mailPath.'mail.tmp','a') or die($this->getLocalLang('cannot_open')); fwrite($f, $mail); fclose($f); } else { if (isset($constraint) && $constraint != '' && $this->internalScript) { $this->writebefore($this->mailPath.'constraint.tmp', $constraint); } } } //switch $state // return created string return $data; } /** * Create output */ function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if ($mode == 'xhtml') { $renderer->info['cache'] = false; $renderer->doc .= $data; return true; } return false; } }