*/ //$conf['fixme'] = 'FIXME'; $conf['Scale'] = 0.6; # The initial zoom factor that should be used. Should be a number above 0 (1=100%) $conf['ZoomTransition'] = 'easeOut'; # The zoom transition that should be used when zooming in FlexPaper. It uses the same Transition modes as the Tweener. The default value is easeOut. Some examples: easenone, easeout, linear, easeoutquad $conf['ZoomTime'] = 0.5; # The time it should take for the zoom to reach the new zoom factor. Should be 0 or greater. $conf['ZoomInterval'] = 0.1; # The interval which the zoom slider should be using. Basically how big the "step" should be between each zoom factor. The default value is 0.1. Should be a positive number. $conf['FitPageOnLoad'] = 1; # Fits the page on initial load. Same effect as using the fit-page button in the toolbar. $conf['FitWidthOnLoad'] = 0; # Fits the width on initial load. Same effect as using the fit-width button in the toolbar. $conf['FullScreenAsMaxWindow'] = 0; # With this set to true, clicking on fullscreen will open a new browser window with FlexPaper maximized instead of using true fullscreen. This is a preferred setting when using FlexPaper as flash standalone as the security limitations of the Flash player disables (for security reasons) most of the input controls in true fullscreen. $conf['ProgressiveLoading'] = 0; $conf['MaxZoomSize'] = 5; # Sets the maximum allowed zoom level $conf['MinZoomSize'] = 0.2; # Sets the minimum allowed zoom level $conf['SearchMatchAll'] = 0; # When set to true, the viewer highlights all matches when performing searches in a document. $conf['InitViewMode'] = 'Portrait'; # Sets the start-up view mode. For example "Portrait" or "TwoPage". $conf['PrintPaperAsBitmap'] = 0; # When set to true, the viewer will print the document as a bitmap as opposed to vectorized //$conf['RenderingOrder'] = flash; //$conf['StartAtPage'] = ''; # Instructs the viewer to start at a specific page $conf['ViewModeToolsVisible'] = 1; # Shows or hides view modes from the tool bar $conf['ZoomToolsVisible'] = 1; # Shows or hides zoom tools from the tool bar $conf['NavToolsVisible'] = 1; # Shows or hides nav tools from the tool bar $conf['CursorToolsVisible'] = 1; # Shows or hides cursor tools from the tool bar $conf['SearchToolsVisible'] = 1; # Shows or hides search tools from the tool bar //$conf['WMode'] = 'window'; $conf['localeChain'] = 'zh_CN'; # Shows or hides search tools from the tool bar