--TEST-- "trim" filter --TEMPLATE-- {{ " I like Twig. "|trim }} {{ text|trim }} {{ " foo/"|trim("/") }} {{ "xxxI like Twig.xxx"|trim(character_mask="x", side="left") }} {{ "xxxI like Twig.xxx"|trim(side="right", character_mask="x") }} {{ "xxxI like Twig.xxx"|trim("x", "right") }} {{ "/ foo/"|trim("/", "left") }} {{ "/ foo/"|trim(character_mask="/", side="left") }} {{ " do nothing. "|trim("", "right") }} --DATA-- return ['text' => " If you have some HTML it will be escaped. "] --EXPECT-- I like Twig. If you have some <strong>HTML</strong> it will be escaped. foo I like Twig.xxx xxxI like Twig. xxxI like Twig. foo/ foo/ do nothing.