*/ class MacroNode extends Node { const VARARGS_NAME = 'varargs'; public function __construct($name, \Twig_NodeInterface $body, \Twig_NodeInterface $arguments, $lineno, $tag = null) { foreach ($arguments as $argumentName => $argument) { if (self::VARARGS_NAME === $argumentName) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The argument "%s" in macro "%s" cannot be defined because the variable "%s" is reserved for arbitrary arguments.', self::VARARGS_NAME, $name, self::VARARGS_NAME), $argument->getTemplateLine(), null, null, false); } } parent::__construct(['body' => $body, 'arguments' => $arguments], ['name' => $name], $lineno, $tag); } public function compile(Compiler $compiler) { $compiler ->addDebugInfo($this) ->write(sprintf('public function get%s(', $this->getAttribute('name'))) ; $count = \count($this->getNode('arguments')); $pos = 0; foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $name => $default) { $compiler ->raw('$__'.$name.'__ = ') ->subcompile($default) ; if (++$pos < $count) { $compiler->raw(', '); } } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600) { if ($count) { $compiler->raw(', '); } $compiler->raw('...$__varargs__'); } $compiler ->raw(")\n") ->write("{\n") ->indent() ; $compiler ->write("\$context = \$this->env->mergeGlobals([\n") ->indent() ; foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $name => $default) { $compiler ->write('') ->string($name) ->raw(' => $__'.$name.'__') ->raw(",\n") ; } $compiler ->write('') ->string(self::VARARGS_NAME) ->raw(' => ') ; if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600) { $compiler->raw("\$__varargs__,\n"); } else { $compiler ->raw('func_num_args() > ') ->repr($count) ->raw(' ? array_slice(func_get_args(), ') ->repr($count) ->raw(") : [],\n") ; } $compiler ->outdent() ->write("]);\n\n") ->write("\$blocks = [];\n\n") ->write("ob_start();\n") ->write("try {\n") ->indent() ->subcompile($this->getNode('body')) ->outdent() ->write("} catch (\Exception \$e) {\n") ->indent() ->write("ob_end_clean();\n\n") ->write("throw \$e;\n") ->outdent() ->write("} catch (\Throwable \$e) {\n") ->indent() ->write("ob_end_clean();\n\n") ->write("throw \$e;\n") ->outdent() ->write("}\n\n") ->write("return ('' === \$tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Markup(\$tmp, \$this->env->getCharset());\n") ->outdent() ->write("}\n\n") ; } } class_alias('Twig\Node\MacroNode', 'Twig_Node_Macro');