# Changes in PHP_CodeCoverage 3.3 All notable changes of the PHP_CodeCoverage 3.3 release series are documented in this file using the [Keep a CHANGELOG](http://keepachangelog.com/) principles. ## [3.3.3] - 2016-MM-DD ### Fixed * Fixed [#438](https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/issues/438): Wrong base directory for Clover reports ## [3.3.2] - 2016-05-25 ### Changed * The constructor of `PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text` now has default values for its parameters ## [3.3.1] - 2016-04-08 ### Fixed * Fixed handling of lines that contain `declare` statements ## [3.3.0] - 2016-03-03 ### Added * Added support for whitelisting classes for the unintentionally covered code unit check [3.3.3]: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/compare/3.3.2...3.3.3 [3.3.2]: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/compare/3.3.1...3.3.2 [3.3.1]: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/compare/3.3.0...3.3.1 [3.3.0]: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/compare/3.2...3.3.0