<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace JMS\Serializer\Tests\Serializer; use JMS\Serializer\SerializerBuilder; use JMS\Serializer\Tests\Fixtures\Author; use JMS\Serializer\Tests\Fixtures\AuthorList; use JMS\Serializer\Tests\Fixtures\Order; use JMS\Serializer\Tests\Fixtures\Price; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class ArrayTest extends TestCase { protected $serializer; public function setUp() { $builder = SerializerBuilder::create(); $this->serializer = $builder->build(); } public function testToArray() { $order = new Order(new Price(5)); $expected = [ 'cost' => ['price' => 5], ]; $result = $this->serializer->toArray($order); self::assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * @dataProvider scalarValues */ public function testToArrayWithScalar($input) { $this->expectException('JMS\Serializer\Exception\RuntimeException'); $this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf( 'The input data of type "%s" did not convert to an array, but got a result of type "%s".', gettype($input), gettype($input) )); $result = $this->serializer->toArray($input); self::assertEquals([$input], $result); } public function scalarValues() { return [ [42], [3.14159], ['helloworld'], [true], ]; } public function testFromArray() { $data = [ 'cost' => ['price' => 2.5], ]; $expected = new Order(new Price(2.5)); $result = $this->serializer->fromArray($data, 'JMS\Serializer\Tests\Fixtures\Order'); self::assertEquals($expected, $result); } public function testToArrayReturnsArrayObjectAsArray() { $result = $this->serializer->toArray(new Author(null)); self::assertSame([], $result); } public function testToArrayConversNestedArrayObjects() { $list = new AuthorList(); $list->add(new Author(null)); $result = $this->serializer->toArray($list); self::assertSame(['authors' => [[]]], $result); } }