<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace JMS\Serializer; use JMS\Serializer\Exception\LogicException; use JMS\Serializer\Exception\NotAcceptableException; use JMS\Serializer\Exception\RuntimeException; use JMS\Serializer\Metadata\ClassMetadata; use JMS\Serializer\Metadata\PropertyMetadata; use JMS\Serializer\Visitor\DeserializationVisitorInterface; final class JsonDeserializationVisitor extends AbstractVisitor implements DeserializationVisitorInterface { /** * @var int */ private $options = 0; /** * @var int */ private $depth = 512; /** * @var \SplStack */ private $objectStack; /** * @var object|null */ private $currentObject; public function __construct( int $options = 0, int $depth = 512 ) { $this->objectStack = new \SplStack(); $this->options = $options; $this->depth = $depth; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitNull($data, array $type): void { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitString($data, array $type): string { return (string) $data; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitBoolean($data, array $type): bool { return (bool) $data; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitInteger($data, array $type): int { return (int) $data; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitDouble($data, array $type): float { return (float) $data; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitArray($data, array $type): array { if (!\is_array($data)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Expected array, but got %s: %s', \gettype($data), json_encode($data))); } // If no further parameters were given, keys/values are just passed as is. if (!$type['params']) { return $data; } switch (\count($type['params'])) { case 1: // Array is a list. $listType = $type['params'][0]; $result = []; foreach ($data as $v) { $result[] = $this->navigator->accept($v, $listType); } return $result; case 2: // Array is a map. [$keyType, $entryType] = $type['params']; $result = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $result[$this->navigator->accept($k, $keyType)] = $this->navigator->accept($v, $entryType); } return $result; default: throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Array type cannot have more than 2 parameters, but got %s.', json_encode($type['params']))); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitDiscriminatorMapProperty($data, ClassMetadata $metadata): string { if (isset($data[$metadata->discriminatorFieldName])) { return (string) $data[$metadata->discriminatorFieldName]; } throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'The discriminator field name "%s" for base-class "%s" was not found in input data.', $metadata->discriminatorFieldName, $metadata->name )); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function startVisitingObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, object $object, array $type): void { $this->setCurrentObject($object); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitProperty(PropertyMetadata $metadata, $data) { $name = $metadata->serializedName; if (null === $data) { return; } if (!\is_array($data)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid data %s (%s), expected "%s".', json_encode($data), $metadata->type['name'], $metadata->class)); } if (true === $metadata->inline) { if (!$metadata->type) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf( 'You must define a type for %s::$%s.', $metadata->class, $metadata->name )); } return $this->navigator->accept($data, $metadata->type); } if (!array_key_exists($name, $data)) { throw new NotAcceptableException(); } if (!$metadata->type) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('You must define a type for %s::$%s.', $metadata->class, $metadata->name)); } return null !== $data[$name] ? $this->navigator->accept($data[$name], $metadata->type) : null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function endVisitingObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, $data, array $type): object { $obj = $this->currentObject; $this->revertCurrentObject(); return $obj; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getResult($data) { return $data; } public function setCurrentObject(object $object): void { $this->objectStack->push($this->currentObject); $this->currentObject = $object; } public function getCurrentObject(): ?object { return $this->currentObject; } public function revertCurrentObject(): ?object { return $this->currentObject = $this->objectStack->pop(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepare($str) { $decoded = json_decode($str, true, $this->depth, $this->options); switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: return $decoded; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: throw new RuntimeException('Could not decode JSON, maximum stack depth exceeded.'); case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: throw new RuntimeException('Could not decode JSON, underflow or the nodes mismatch.'); case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: throw new RuntimeException('Could not decode JSON, unexpected control character found.'); case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: throw new RuntimeException('Could not decode JSON, syntax error - malformed JSON.'); case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: throw new RuntimeException('Could not decode JSON, malformed UTF-8 characters (incorrectly encoded?)'); default: throw new RuntimeException('Could not decode JSON.'); } } }