setMode($mode); parent::__construct($streamName, $context, $wait); return; } /** * Open the stream and return the associated resource. * * @param string $streamName Stream name (e.g. path or URL). * @param \Hoa\Stream\Context $context Context. * @return resource * @throws \Hoa\File\Exception\FileDoesNotExist * @throws \Hoa\File\Exception */ protected function &_open($streamName, Stream\Context $context = null) { if (false === is_dir($streamName)) { if ($this->getMode() == self::MODE_READ) { throw new Exception\FileDoesNotExist( 'Directory %s does not exist.', 0, $streamName ); } else { self::create( $streamName, $this->getMode(), null !== $context ? $context->getContext() : null ); } } $out = null; return $out; } /** * Close the current stream. * * @return bool */ protected function _close() { return true; } /** * Recursive copy of a directory. * * @param string $to Destination path. * @param bool $force Force to copy if the file $to already exists. * Use the \Hoa\Stream\IStream\Touchable::*OVERWRITE * constants. * @return bool * @throws \Hoa\File\Exception */ public function copy($to, $force = Stream\IStream\Touchable::DO_NOT_OVERWRITE) { if (empty($to)) { throw new Exception( 'The destination path (to copy) is empty.', 1 ); } $from = $this->getStreamName(); $fromLength = strlen($from) + 1; $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in($from); self::create($to, self::MODE_CREATE_RECURSIVE); foreach ($finder as $file) { $relative = substr($file->getPathname(), $fromLength); $_to = $to . DS . $relative; if (true === $file->isDir()) { self::create($_to, self::MODE_CREATE); continue; } // This is not possible to do `$file->open()->copy(); // $file->close();` because the file will be opened in read and // write mode. In a PHAR for instance, this operation is // forbidden. So a special care must be taken to open file in read // only mode. $handle = null; if (true === $file->isFile()) { $handle = new Read($file->getPathname()); } elseif (true === $file->isDir()) { $handle = new Directory($file->getPathName()); } elseif (true === $file->isLink()) { $handle = new Link\Read($file->getPathName()); } if (null !== $handle) { $handle->copy($_to, $force); $handle->close(); } } return true; } /** * Delete a directory. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $from = $this->getStreamName(); $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in($from) ->childFirst(); foreach ($finder as $file) { $file->open()->delete(); $file->close(); } if (null === $this->getStreamContext()) { return @rmdir($from); } return @rmdir($from, $this->getStreamContext()->getContext()); } /** * Create a directory. * * @param string $name Directory name. * @param string $mode Create mode. Please, see the self::MODE_CREATE* * constants. * @param string $context Context ID (please, see the * \Hoa\Stream\Context class). * @return bool * @throws \Hoa\File\Exception */ public static function create( $name, $mode = self::MODE_CREATE_RECURSIVE, $context = null ) { if (true === is_dir($name)) { return true; } if (empty($name)) { return false; } if (null !== $context) { if (false === Stream\Context::contextExists($context)) { throw new Exception( 'Context %s was not previously declared, cannot retrieve ' . 'this context.', 2, $context ); } else { $context = Stream\Context::getInstance($context); } } if (null === $context) { return @mkdir( $name, 0755, self::MODE_CREATE_RECURSIVE === $mode ); } return @mkdir( $name, 0755, self::MODE_CREATE_RECURSIVE === $mode, $context->getContext() ); } }