<?php /** * Hoa * * * @license * * New BSD License * * Copyright © 2007-2017, Hoa community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Hoa nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace Hoa\Compiler\Test\Integration\Llk\Rule; use Hoa\Compiler as LUT; use Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule; use Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Analyzer as SUT; use Hoa\Test; /** * Class \Hoa\Compiler\Test\Integration\Llk\Rule\Analyzer. * * Test suite of the rule analyzer. * * @copyright Copyright © 2007-2017 Hoa community * @license New BSD License */ class Analyzer extends Test\Integration\Suite { public function case_simple_kept_token() { return $this->_case_simple_token(true); } public function case_simple_skipped_token() { return $this->_case_simple_token(false); } protected function _case_simple_token($kept) { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar']], $ruleA = $kept ? '<foo>' : '::foo::', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Token('ruleA', 'foo', null, -1, $kept), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_simple_named() { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar']], $rules = [ 'ruleA' => 'ruleB()', 'ruleB' => '<foo>' ], $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Concatenation('ruleA', ['ruleB']), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($rules['ruleA']), $_ruleB = new Rule\Token('ruleB', 'foo', null, -1, true), $_ruleB->setPPRepresentation($rules['ruleB']) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules($rules)) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 'ruleA' => $_ruleA, 'ruleB' => $_ruleB ]); } public function case_simple_kept_unified_token() { return $this->_case_simple_unified_token(true); } public function case_simple_skipped_unified_token() { return $this->_case_simple_unified_token(false); } protected function _case_simple_unified_token($kept) { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar']], $ruleA = $kept ? '<foo[42]>' : '::foo[42]::', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Token('ruleA', 'foo', null, 42, $kept), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_repetition_zero_or_one() { return $this->_case_repetition('?', 0, 1); } public function case_repetition_one_or_more() { return $this->_case_repetition('+', 1, -1); } public function case_repetition_zero_or_more() { return $this->_case_repetition('*', 0, -1); } public function case_repetition_n_to_m() { return $this->_case_repetition('{7,42}', 7, 42); } public function case_repetition_n_or_more() { return $this->_case_repetition('{7,}', 7, -1); } public function case_repetition_exactly_n() { return $this->_case_repetition('{7}', 7, 7); } protected function _case_repetition($quantifier, $min, $max) { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar']], $ruleA = '<foo>' . $quantifier, $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Repetition('ruleA', $min, $max, 0, null), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA), $_rule0 = new Rule\Token(0, 'foo', null, -1, true) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ '0' => $_rule0, 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_concatenation() { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux']], $ruleA = '<foo> <baz>', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Concatenation('ruleA', [0, 1], null), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA), $_rule0 = new Rule\Token(0, 'foo', null, -1, true), $_rule1 = new Rule\Token(1, 'baz', null, -1, true) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 0 => $_rule0, 1 => $_rule1, 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_choice() { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux']], $ruleA = '<foo> | <baz>', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Choice('ruleA', [0, 1], null), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA), $_rule0 = new Rule\Token(0, 'foo', null, -1, true), $_rule1 = new Rule\Token(1, 'baz', null, -1, true) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 0 => $_rule0, 1 => $_rule1, 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_rule() { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux']], $ruleA = '<foo> | <baz>', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_ruleA = new Rule\Choice('ruleA', [0, 1], null), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA), $_rule0 = new Rule\Token(0, 'foo', null, -1, true), $_rule1 = new Rule\Token(1, 'baz', null, -1, true) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 0 => $_rule0, 1 => $_rule1, 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_full() { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux']], $ruleA = '<foo>+ | ruleB() ::foo::', $ruleB = '<baz> ruleA()', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens), $_rule0 = new Rule\Token(0, 'foo', null, -1, true), $_rule1 = new Rule\Repetition('1', 1, -1, '0', null), $_rule2 = new Rule\Token(2, 'foo', null, -1, false), $_rule3 = new Rule\Concatenation('3', ['ruleB', 2]), $_ruleA = new Rule\Choice('ruleA', [1, 3], null), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation($ruleA), $_rule5 = new Rule\Token(5, 'baz', null, -1, true), $_ruleB = new Rule\Concatenation('ruleB', [5, 'ruleA']), $_ruleB->setPPRepresentation($ruleB) ) ->when($result = $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA, 'ruleB' => $ruleB])) ->then ->array($result) ->isEqualTo([ 0 => $_rule0, 1 => $_rule1, 2 => $_rule2, 3 => $_rule3, 'ruleA' => $_ruleA, 5 => $_rule5, 'ruleB' => $_ruleB ]); } public function case_no_rule() { $this ->given($analyzer = new SUT([])) ->exception(function () use ($analyzer) { $analyzer->analyzeRules([]); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage('No rules specified!'); } public function case_error_while_parsing_rule() { $this ->given( $tokens = ['default' => ['foo' => 'bar']], $ruleA = '<foo>{2,1}', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens) ) ->exception(function () use ($analyzer, $ruleA) { $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA]); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage( 'Upper bound 1 must be greater or equal to lower bound ' . '2 in rule ruleA.' ); } public function case_kept_token_does_not_exist() { $this ->given( $tokens = [], $ruleA = '<foo>', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens) ) ->exception(function () use ($analyzer, $ruleA) { $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA]); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage('Token <foo> does not exist in rule ruleA.'); } public function case_skipped_token_does_not_exist() { $this ->given( $tokens = [], $ruleA = '::foo::', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens) ) ->exception(function () use ($analyzer, $ruleA) { $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA]); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage('Token ::foo:: does not exist in rule ruleA.'); } public function case_rule_does_not_exist() { $this ->given( $tokens = [], $ruleA = 'ruleB()', $analyzer = new SUT($tokens) ) ->exception(function () use ($analyzer, $ruleA) { $analyzer->analyzeRules(['ruleA' => $ruleA]); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage( 'Cannot call rule ruleB() in rule ruleA because it does not exist.' ); } }