====== Manage Federated Login Providers ====== On this page you can configure which authroization providers are available for your users to login with. You may as well set the order of provider buttons and size whether they should be large or small. ===== Large Buttons ===== @LARGELIST@ ===== Small Buttons ===== @SMALLLIST@ ===== Add Custom Provider ===== You can add your own provider setting. You should add at least small image for it. The images should be previously uploaded using Media Manager. **Note:** If the [[http://openid.net/|OpenID]] provider URL is to contain username, include **{username}** in the URL string, eg. ''%%http://myprovider.com/{username}%%'' @ADDPROVIDER@ ===== Restore Defaults ===== When restoring defaults, your local configuration files are deleted. All of your custom providers are deleted permanently and all default providers are restored. :!: **WARNING:** //This action cannot be reverted.// @RESTOREDEFAULTS@