*/ // The filestore requires Dokuwiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); // Constants for known core changelog line types. // Use these in place of string literals for more readable code. if (!defined('FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE')) define('FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE', 'C'); if (!defined('FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE')) define('FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE', 'D'); if (!defined('FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_REFRESH')) define('FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_REFRESH', 'R'); /** * Federated login file-based data storage class. Handles all * i/o operations performed on authentication user data. * * @author Aoi Karasu */ class fa_filestore { /** * Base data storage path, eg. [dw_root]/data/users/ */ var $root = ''; /** * Base providers configuration path, eg. [dw_root]/conf/fedauth/ */ var $conf = ''; /** * Array containing user identity entries. */ var $userData = null; /** * Array containing the identities from single provider * service associated with local usernames (accounts). */ var $claimedIdentities = null; /** * Creates the class instance. */ function __construct() { $this->root = DOKU_INC . 'data/users/'; $this->conf = DOKU_CONF . 'fedauth/'; io_makeFileDir($this->root); io_makeFileDir($this->conf); // print "
" . $this->root . "\n" . $this->conf . "
"; } /** * Loads the identities from single provider service * associated with local usernames (accounts) from a file. * * @param string $providerId provider identifier * @return mixed identity+username pairs array or false on failure */ function &getClaimedIdentities($providerId) { if (is_array($this->claimedIdentities)) { return $this->claimedIdentities; } $lines = @file_get_contents($this->provFN($providerId)); $lines = explode("\n", $lines); if (empty($lines)) return false; $data = array(); foreach ($lines as $value) { $tmp = $this->parseClaimedIdentitiesLine($value); if ($tmp !== false) { $data[] = $tmp; } } $this->claimedIdentities = $data; return $this->claimedIdentities; } /** * Returns a username associated with a claimed identity. * * @param string $providerId provider identifier * @param string $claimedId claimed identifier * @return mixed username or false on failure */ function getUsernameByIdentity($providerId, $claimedId) { if (($entries =& $this->getClaimedIdentities($providerId)) === false) return false; $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $claimedId = str_replace($strip, '', $claimedId); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry['ident'] == $claimedId) { return $entry['user']; } } return false; } /** * Parses a claimed identity line into it's components. * * @param string $line claimed identity line to parse * @return mixed claimed identity entry array or false on failure */ function parseClaimedIdentitiesLine($line) { $tmp = explode("\t", $line); if ($tmp!==false && count($tmp)>1) { $info = array( 'ident' => $tmp[0], // user identity 'user' => $tmp[1]); // local username return $info; } return false; } /** * Loads user authentication data from file. * * @return mixed user authentication data array or false on failure */ function &getUserData() { if (is_array($this->userData)) { return $this->userData; } $lines = @file_get_contents($this->userFN()); $lines = explode("\n", $lines); if (empty($lines)) return false; $data = array(); foreach ($lines as $value) { $tmp = $this->parseUserDataLine($value); if ($tmp !== false) { $data[] = $tmp; } } $this->userData = $data; return $this->userData; } /** * Searches for user authentication data entry by identity. * * @param string $claimedId identity associated with the user data entry * @return mixed user authentication data array or false on failure */ function getUserDataEntry($claimedId) { if (($entries =& $this->getUserData()) === false) return false; $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $claimedId = str_replace($strip, '', $claimedId); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry['ident'] == $claimedId) { return $entry; } } return false; } /** * Parses an user data line into it's components. * * @param string $line user data line to parse * @return mixed user data entry array or false on failure */ function parseUserDataLine($line) { $tmp = explode("\t", $line); if ($tmp!==false && count($tmp)>1) { $info = array( 'id' => $tmp[0], // provider id 'ident' => $tmp[1], // user identity 'last' => (int)$tmp[2]); // last used return $info; } return false; } /** * Adds an entry to the user authentication data file. * * @param string $providerId identifier of the auth provider service * @param string $claimedId user authentication identity * @param int $date (optional) timestamp of the change */ function addUserDataEntry($providerId, $claimedId, $date=null) { if (!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $data = array( 'id' => $providerId, // provider id 'ident' => str_replace($strip, '', $claimedId), // user identity 'last' => $date); // last used $provline = array( 'ident' => $data['ident'], 'user' => $user); $dataline = implode("\t", $data) . "\n"; $provline = implode("\t", $provline) . "\n"; io_saveFile($this->userFN($user), $dataline, true); //user data io_saveFile($this->provFN($providerId), $provline, true); //global provider identities $this->addLogEntry($date, $providerId, $claimedId, FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE); $this->userData = null; // force reload userData on next get } /** * Deletes user authentication data entry from the data file by identity. * * @param string $claimedId identity associated with the user data entry * @return mixed deleted entry or false on failure */ function deleteUserDataEntry($claimedId) { if ($entry = $this->getUserDataEntry($claimedId)) { $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $provline = array( 'ident' => $entry['ident'], 'user' => $user); $dataline = implode("\t", $entry) . "\n"; $provline = implode("\t", $provline) . "\n"; io_deleteFromFile($this->userFN($user), $dataline); io_deleteFromFile($this->provFN($entry['id']), $provline); $this->addLogEntry(time(), $entry['id'], $claimedId, FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE); $this->userData = null; // force reload userData on next get return $entry; } return false; } /** * Updates last used time for user authentication data entry by identity. * * @param string $claimedId identity associated with the user data entry */ function refreshUserDataEntry($claimedId) { if ($entry = $this->getUserDataEntry($claimedId)) { $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $dataline = implode("\t", $entry) . "\n"; io_deleteFromFile($this->userFN($user), $dataline); $entry['last'] = time(); $dataline = implode("\t", $entry) . "\n"; io_saveFile($this->userFN($user), $dataline, true); $this->addLogEntry(time(), $entry['id'], $claimedId, FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_REFRESH); $this->userData = null; // force reload userData on next get } } /** * Parses a changelog line into it's components. * * @param string $line changelog line to parse * @return mixed changelog entry array or false on failure */ function parseChangelogLine($line) { $tmp = explode("\t", $line); if ($tmp!==false && count($tmp)>1) { $info = array( 'date' => (int)$tmp[0], 'ip' => $tmp[1], 'type' => $tmp[2], 'id' => $tmp[3], 'ident' => $tmp[4], 'user' => $tmp[5]); return $info; } return false; } /** * Adds an entry to the user authentication data changelog. * * @param int $date timestamp of the change * @param string $providerId identifier of the auth provider service * @param string $claimedId user authentication identity * @param string $type type of the change see FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_* * @param bool $isExternal (optional) is change made by user or as result of internal cleanup */ function addLogEntry($date, $providerId, $claimedId, $type, $isExternal=true) { if (!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied $remote = ($isExternal) ? clientIP(true) : ''; $user = ($isExternal) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] : ''; $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $logline = array( 'date' => $date, 'ip' => $remote, 'type' => str_replace($strip, '', $type), 'id' => $providerId, 'ident' => str_replace($strip, '', $claimedId), 'user' => $user); // add the changelog line $logline = implode("\t", $logline) . "\n"; $refresh = ($type == FEDAUTH_CHANGE_TYPE_REFRESH); io_saveFile($this->userFN($user, $refresh ? 'activity' : 'changes'), $logline, true); //user data changelog // don't use global provider changelog to log sign-ins; too much data if (!$refresh) { io_saveFile($this->provFN($providerId, 'changes'), $logline, true); } } /** * Returns the full path to the provider file with user identities. * Note: use the extension parameter to get related (eg. meta) file path. * * @param string $provid provider identifier * @param string $ext (optional) file extension * @return string the full path */ function provFN($provid, $ext='conf') { return $this->conf . $provid . '.' . $ext; } /** * Returns the full path to the user file with all associated idenities. * Note: use the extension parameter to get related (eg. meta) file path. * * @param string $username (optional) the username; leave empty to autodetect * @param string $ext (optional) file extension * @return string the full path */ function userFN($username='', $ext='data') { if (empty($username)) $username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; return $this->root . substr($username, 0, 1) . '/' . $username . '/fedauth.' . $ext; } } /* fa_filestore */ /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */