*/ /** * Authorization providers management class. Handles all requests from * the admin module and renders the results of current action. * * @author Aoi Karasu */ class fa_manage extends fa_base { /** * Source form/ajax call identifier used with provider lists. */ var $listSource = null; /** * Creates the class instance bound with the admin plugin and an authorization provider. * * @param objref $manager object reference to the admin plugin * @param string $cmd name of the command to handle * @param string $provid (optional) an authorization provider id */ function __construct(&$manager, $cmd, $provid='') { parent::__construct(&$manager, $cmd, $provid); } /** * Verifies whether the request contains valid list type. * Used by derived classes to ensure that the request is * related to any of the provider lists. * * @return bool true, if list type is valid */ function isValidListSource() { if (is_null($this->listSource)) { $source = strtolower($_REQUEST['source']); $this->listSource = (($source == 'large') || ($source == 'small')) ? $source : null; } return !is_null($this->listSource); } /** * Returns a reference to an associative array cotaining the providers * selected by current list source. Use isValidListSource() method first, * to ensure that calling this method won't fail. * * @return arrayref reference to a providers array */ function &getProvidersByListSource() { return $this->manager->providers->{'get'.ucfirst($this->listSource)}(); } /** * Saves the authorization providers cofiguration file. */ function saveConfig() { $this->manager->providers->save($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); // NOTE: Expiring the dokuwiki caches seem to be necessary, // because Opera and IE9 seem not to refresh the management page // on reload for changes made using different browser/session. // Guess what, Firefox and Chrome don't need this! // TODO: Find a less intrusive solution. global $config_cascade; // touching local.php expires wiki page, JS and CSS caches @touch(reset($config_cascade['main']['local'])); } /** * Performs an action depending on current command (and function). * * @return string the processing result message */ function process() { $method = 'process_' . $this->cmd; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method(); } $this->success = true; return ''; } /** * Outputs data for AJAX call. * * @return bool true on success */ function ajax() { $method = 'handle_ajax_' . $this->cmd; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method(); } return false; } /** * Handles AJAX call to display provider details. * * @return bool true on success */ function handle_ajax_details() { print $this->_html_details($this->provid); return true; } /** * Outputs the XHTML of the management page. */ function html() { $out = $this->manager->plugin_locale_xhtml('admproviders'); $out = str_replace('@LARGELIST@', $this->html_providers_form(true), $out); $out = str_replace('@SMALLLIST@', $this->html_providers_form(), $out); $out = str_replace('@ADDPROVIDER@', $this->html_add_provider_form(), $out); $out = str_replace('@RESTOREDEFAULTS@', $this->html_restore_defaults_form(), $out); print $out; } /** * Renders the form with provider buttons table and action buttons. * * @param bool $large true for providers configured to use large buttons or else small * @return string rendered provider list form */ function html_providers_form($large=false) { global $ID; $listtype = $large ? 'large' : 'small'; $out = '
' . ' ' . '
' . $this->html_providers_list($this->manager->providers->{'get'.ucfirst($listtype)}(), $large) . '
' . '
' . ' ' . '
' . '
'; return $out; } /** * Renders the form for adding a custom authorization provider. */ function html_add_provider_form() { return 'WARNING: This version does not support adding custom providers.'; } /** * Renders the form for restoring the default settings. */ function html_restore_defaults_form() { global $ID; $out = '
' . ' ' . '
' . ' ' . '
' . '
'; return $out; } function html_providers_list(&$source, $large=false) { if (!is_array($source)) return ''; $out = ''; $even = false; foreach ($source as $id => $pro) { $protected = false; $class = array(); if (!$pro->isEnabled()) $class[] = 'disabled'; if ($even = !$even) $class[] = 'even'; $class = count($class) ? ' class="'.join('', $class).'"' : ''; $checked = $pro->isEnabled() ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $check_disabled = ($protected) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; // this might need ajax disable check $details = ($this->cmd == 'details' && $this->provid == $id) ? $this->_html_details($id, true) : ''; $out .= ' ' . ' '.$id.'' . ' ' . '
'.(!$pro->isEnabled()?'('.$this->lang['disabled'].')':'') . '
' . $this->_html_button($id, 'details', false, 6) . $this->_html_button($id, 'moveup', $this->manager->providers->isFirst($id), 6) . $this->_html_button($id, 'movedn', $this->manager->providers->isLast($id), 6) . $this->_html_button($id, $large ? 'usesmall' : 'uselarge', false, 6) . $this->_html_button($id, 'remove', !$pro->isRemovable(), 6) . ' '; //$out .= "


" . print_r($pro, true) . "
"; } return $out; } function _html_button($provid, $btn, $disabled=false, $indent=0, $class='') { $disabled = ($disabled) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; return str_repeat(' ', $indent) . ''; } function _html_details($provid, $forcevisible=false) { $fv = $forcevisible ? ' style="display: block;"' : ''; $pro =& $this->manager->providers->get($provid); return '
ID: '.$provid.'
'.$this->lang['serviceurl'].': '.$pro->getURL().'
' .$pro->getImageXHTML(PROV_LARGE,'imgdetails').' 80x40 '.$pro->getImageXHTML(PROV_SMALL,'imgdetails').' 16x16
'; } function _json_buttoninfo($cmd) { return sprintf('{"success":1,"name":"fa[%s][%s]","title":"%s","value":"%s"}', $cmd, $this->provid, $this->lang['btn_'.$cmd], $this->lang['btn_'.$cmd]); } } /* fa_manage */ /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */