/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Myron Turner * Copyright (C) 2013 Kamil Demecki [kodstark@gmail.com] * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == * */ // Register the related commands. var gdialog_dim = FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ? 500: 600; FCKCommands.RegisterCommand( 'geshi', new FCKDialogCommand( FCKLang['GeshiDlgTitle'], FCKLang['GeshiDlgTitle'], FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'geshi/geshi.html', gdialog_dim, gdialog_dim ) ) ; var oGeshiTool = new FCKToolbarButton( 'geshi', FCKLang['GeshiToolTip'] ) ; oGeshiTool.IconPath = FCKPlugins.Items['geshi'].Path + 'images/geshi.gif' ; FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'geshi', oGeshiTool ) ; // The object used for all Geshi operations. var FCKGeshi = new Object() ; FCKGeshi.isIE = FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE; FCKGeshi.CheckForText = function() { var isSafari = false; if(!FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko) isSafari = true; var mySelection = ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) ? FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML(isSafari) : removeBR(FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML(isSafari)); return FCKGeshi.StripHtmlDom(mySelection); } FCKGeshi.InsertText = function(code_type, lang, snip_fname, mySelection) { var pre_class = code_type + ' ' + lang; var hrefStartHtml = '
	var hrefEndHtml		=  '
'; var isSafari = false; if(!FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko) isSafari = true; mySelection = mySelection.replace(/^\s+/,""); mySelection = mySelection.replace(/\s+$/,""); if(!mySelection) mySelection = "

"; hrefHtml = hrefStartHtml+mySelection+hrefEndHtml; if(snip_fname) { hrefHtml=downloadable_snippet(hrefHtml, snip_fname) ; } hrefHtml += ' '; if(isSafari) { hrefHtml = ' ' + hrefHtml; } FCK.InsertHtml(hrefHtml); } FCKGeshi.Insert = function(code_type, lang, snip_fname) { var pre_class = code_type + ' ' + lang; var hrefStartHtml = '
	var hrefEndHtml		=  '
'; var isSafari = false; var reset = false; if(!FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko) isSafari = true; mySelection = ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) ? FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML(isSafari) : removeBR(FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML(isSafari)); mySelection = mySelection.replace(/^\s+/,""); mySelection = mySelection.replace(/\s+$/,""); if(!mySelection) mySelection = "

"; hrefHtml = hrefStartHtml+mySelection+hrefEndHtml; if(snip_fname) { hrefHtml=downloadable_snippet(hrefHtml, snip_fname) ; } hrefHtml += ' '; if(isSafari) { hrefHtml = ' ' + hrefHtml; } FCK.InsertHtml(hrefHtml); } FCKGeshi.InsertEdited = function(val) { // mySelection = ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) ? FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML() : removeBR(FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML()); hrefHtml = val; FCK.InsertHtml(hrefHtml); } FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML = function(isSafari) { // see http://www.quirksmode.org/js/selected.html for other browsers if( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) { // IE var oRange = FCK.EditorDocument.selection.createRange() ; //if an object like a table is deleted, the call to GetType before getting again a range returns Control switch ( this.GetType() ) { case 'Control' : return oRange.item(0).outerHTML; case 'None' : return '' ; default : return oRange.htmlText ; } } else if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko || isSafari ) { // Mozilla, Safari // Mozilla, Safari var oSelection = FCK.EditorWindow.getSelection(); //Gecko doesn't provide a function to get the innerHTML of a selection, //so we must clone the selection to a temporary element and check that innerHTML var e = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'DIV' ); for ( var i = 0 ; i < oSelection.rangeCount ; i++ ) { e.appendChild( oSelection.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents() ); } return e.innerHTML; } } function removeBR(input) { /* Used with Gecko */ var output = ""; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if ((input.charCodeAt(i) == 13) && (input.charCodeAt(i + 1) == 10)) { i++; output += " "; } else { output += input.charAt(i); } } return output; } function downloadable_snippet(mySelection, fname) { matches = fname.match(/\.(\w+)$/); var ext = matches ? matches[1] : 'php'; var media_file = 'mediafile mf_' + ext; var selection = '
' + '
' + fname +'
' + '
' + mySelection + '
'; return selection; } // originally from Club AJAX General Purpose Code // author of original: Mike Wilcox http://clubajax.org // Returns a line-break, properly spaced, normailized plain text // representation of multiple child nodes which can't be done via // textContent or innerText because those two methods are vastly // different, and even innerText works differently across browsers. FCKGeshi.StripHtmlDom = function(htmlText){ var node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = htmlText; // used for testing: // return node.innerText || node.textContent; var normalize = function(a){ // clean up double line breaks and spaces if(!a) return ""; return a.replace(/ +/g, " ") .replace(/[\t]+/gm, "") .replace(/[ ]+$/gm, "") .replace(/^[ ]+/gm, "") .replace(/\n+/g, "\n") .replace(/\n+$/, "") .replace(/^\n+/, "") .replace(/\nNEWLINE\n/g, "\n\n") .replace(/NEWLINE\n/g, "\n\n"); // IE } var removeWhiteSpace = function(node){ // getting rid of empty text nodes var isWhite = function(node) { return !(/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(node.nodeValue)); } var ws = []; var findWhite = function(node){ for(var i=0; i -1 ? "block" : n.style[prop]; if(s[prop] =="block" && n.tagName=="TD") return "feaux-inline"; return s[prop]; } var blockTypeNodes = "table-row,block,list-item"; var isBlock = function(n){ // diaply:block or something else var s = sty(n, "display") || "feaux-inline"; if(blockTypeNodes.indexOf(s) > -1) return true; return false; } var recurse = function(n){ // Loop through all the child nodes // and collect the text, noting whether // spaces or line breaks are needed. if(/pre/.test(sty(n, "whiteSpace"))) { t += n.innerHTML .replace(/\t/g, " ") .replace(/\n/g, " "); // to match IE return ""; } var s = sty(n, "display"); if(s == "none") return ""; var gap = isBlock(n) ? "\n" : " "; t += gap; for(var i=0; i/g, "\n"); // Double line breaks after P tags are desired, but would get // stripped by the final RegExp. Using placeholder text. var paras = node.getElementsByTagName("p"); for(var i=0; i