HOW-TO Place the php files in the fckg directory as follows: 1. edit.php and save.php go in fckg/action and replace the current edit.php and save.php found in that directory. 2. specials.php is a new file and goes into fckg/syntax ------------------------------------------------- Writing the Markup Place the plugin markup at the top and bottom of the multi-line plugin: ~~MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN~~ ~~MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE~~ See the example file (bureaucracy3.txt) The easiest and least error prone way to include the plugin text is to first type it into a text editor and then to copy it from the text editor and paste it into the fckgLite editing window. This will give you the precise line spacing that is required. You cannot have spaces at the beginning of lines, since they will be treated as standard markup for DokuWiki code blocks.