class action_plugin_fckg_edit extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {
//store the namespaces for sorting
var $fck_location = "fckeditor";
var $helper = false;
var $fckg_bak_file = "";
var $debug = false;
var $test = false;
var $page_from_template;
var $draft_found = false;
var $draft_text;
* Constructor
function action_plugin_fckg_edit()
$this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'fckg');
function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller)
if(method_exists($this->helper, 'is_outOfScope') && $this->helper->is_outOfScope()) return;
global $FCKG_show_preview;
$FCKG_show_preview = true;
if(isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'dwiki') {
$FCKG_show_preview = true;
elseif(isset($_COOKIE['FCKG_USE'])) {
preg_match('/_\w+_/', $_COOKIE['FCKG_USE'], $matches);
if($matches[0] == '_false_') {
$FCKG_show_preview = true;
$Fck_NmSp = "!!NONSET!!";
if(isset($_COOKIE['FCK_NmSp'])) {
$Fck_NmSp = $_COOKIE['FCK_NmSp'];
$dwedit_ns = @$this->getConf('dwedit_ns');
if(isset($dwedit_ns) && $dwedit_ns) {
$ns_choices = explode(',',$dwedit_ns);
foreach($ns_choices as $ns) {
$ns = trim($ns);
if(preg_match("/$ns/",$_REQUEST['id']) || preg_match("/$ns/",$Fck_NmSp)) {
$FCKG_show_preview = true;
$controller->register_hook('COMMON_PAGE_FROMTEMPLATE', 'AFTER', $this, 'pagefromtemplate', array());
$controller->register_hook('COMMON_PAGETPL_LOAD', 'AFTER', $this, 'pagefromtemplate', array());
$controller->register_hook('TPL_ACT_RENDER', 'BEFORE', $this, 'fckg_edit');
$controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'fckg_edit_meta');
* function pagefromtemplate
* Capture template text output by Template Event handler instead of pageTemplate()
* @author Myron Turner \s+_fckg_NPBBR_\s+<\/p>/ms',"\n",$xhtml);
$xhtml = str_replace('_fckg_NPBBR_', " ", $xhtml);
$xhtml = str_replace('_fckg_QUOT_', '"', $xhtml);
$xhtml = str_replace('_fckg_NL', "\n", $xhtml);
$xhtml = str_replace('', "\n\n |
/ms", "TPRE_CODE", $matches[2]);
$matches[2] = preg_replace("/
\n", $matches[1]);
$matches[1] = preg_replace("/TPRE_FILE/","
function _render_xhtml($text){
$mode = 'fckg';
global $Smilies;
$smiley_as_text = @$this->getConf('smiley_as_text');
if($smiley_as_text) {
$Smilies = array('8-)'=>'aSMILEY_1', '8-O'=>'aSMILEY_2', ':-('=>'aSMILEY_3', ':-)'=>'aSMILEY_4',
'=)' => 'aSMILEY_5', ':-/' => 'aSMILEY_6', ':-\\' => 'aSMILEY_7', ':-?' => 'aSMILEY_8',
':-D'=>'aSMILEY_9', ':-P'=>'bSMILEY_10', ':-O'=>'bSMILEY_11', ':-X'=>'bSMILEY_12',
':-|'=>'bSMILEY_13', ';-)'=>'bSMILEY_14', '^_^'=>'bSMILEY_15', ':?:'=>'bSMILEY_16',
':!:'=>'bSMILEY_17', 'LOL'=>'bSMILEY_18', 'FIXME'=>'bSMILEY_19', 'DELETEME'=>'bSMILEY_20');
$s_values = array_values($Smilies);
$s_values_regex = implode('|', $s_values);
$s_keys = array_keys($Smilies);
$s_keys = array_map ( create_function(
'return "(" . preg_quote($k,"/") . ")";'
) ,
$s_keys );
$s_keys_regex = implode('|', $s_keys);
global $haveDokuSmilies;
$haveDokuSmilies = false;
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'/(' . $s_keys_regex . ')/ms',
'global $Smilies;
global $haveDokuSmilies;
$haveDokuSmilies = true;
return $Smilies[$matches[1]];'
), $text
// try default renderer first:
$file = DOKU_INC."inc/parser/$mode.php";
require_once $file;
$rclass = "Doku_Renderer_$mode";
if ( !class_exists($rclass) ) {
trigger_error("Unable to resolve render class $rclass",E_USER_WARNING);
msg("Renderer for $mode not valid",-1);
return null;
$Renderer = new $rclass();
// Maybe a plugin is available?
$Renderer = plugin_load('renderer',$mode);
msg("No renderer for $mode found",-1);
return null;
// prevents utf8 conversions of quotation marks
$text = str_replace('"',"_fckg_QUOT_",$text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('/(\n", $matches[1]);
$matches[2] = preg_replace("/TC_NL/ms", "\n", $matches[2]);
$matches[3] = "
return $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3];'
$this->xhtml = preg_replace_callback(
'$matches[4] = preg_replace("/(\||\^)[ ]+(\||\^)/ms","$1 $2" , $matches[4]);
return $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3] . $matches[4] . $matches[5];'
$cname = getCacheName($INFO['client'].$ID,'.draft.fckl');
if(file_exists($cname)) {
$cdata = unserialize(io_readFile($cname,false));
$cdata['text'] = urldecode($cdata['text']);
preg_match_all("/<\/(.*?)\>/", $cdata['text'],$matches);
/* exclude drafts saved from preview mode */
if (!in_array('code', $matches[1]) && !in_array('file', $matches[1]) && !in_array('nowiki', $matches[1])) {
$this->draft_text = $cdata['text'];
$this->draft_found = true;
msg($fckg_lang['draft_msg']) ;
return true;
* function dw_edit_displayed
* @author Myron Turner
* determines whether or not to show or hide the
'DW Edit' button
function dw_edit_displayed()
global $INFO;
$dw_edit_display = @$this->getConf('dw_edit_display');
if(!isset($dw_edit_display))return ""; //version 0.
if($dw_edit_display != 'all') {
$admin_exclusion = false;
if($dw_edit_display == 'admin' && ($INFO['isadmin'] || $INFO['ismanager']) ) {
$admin_exclusion = true;
if($dw_edit_display == 'none' || $admin_exclusion === false) {
return ' style = "display:none"; ';
return "";
return "";
* function _print
* @author Myron Turner
function _print()
global $INFO;
global $lang;
global $fckg_lang;
global $ID;
global $REV;
global $DATE;
global $PRE;
global $SUF;
global $SUM;
$wr = $INFO['writable'];
if ($REV) print p_locale_xhtml('editrev');
// check pseudo action 'source'
msg('Command disabled: source',-1);
return false;
print p_locale_xhtml('read');
if(!$DATE) $DATE = $INFO['lastmod'];
$guest_toolbar = $this->getConf('guest_toolbar');
$guest_media = $this->getConf('guest_media');
if(!isset($INFO['userinfo']) && !$guest_toolbar) {
echo $this->helper->registerOnLoad(
' fck = new FCKeditor("wiki__text", "100%", "600");
fck.BasePath = "'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/fckg/'.$this->fck_location.'/";
fck.ToolbarSet = "DokuwikiNoGuest";
else if(!isset($INFO['userinfo']) && !$guest_media) {
echo $this->helper->registerOnLoad(
' fck = new FCKeditor("wiki__text", "100%", "600");
fck.BasePath = "'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/fckg/'.$this->fck_location.'/";
fck.ToolbarSet = "DokuwikiGuest";
else {
echo $this->helper->registerOnLoad(
' fck = new FCKeditor("wiki__text", "100%", "600");
fck.BasePath = "'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/fckg/'.$this->fck_location.'/";
fck.ToolbarSet = "Dokuwiki";
'$quot = str_replace("_fckg_QUOT_",\'"\',$matches[2]);
$quot = str_replace("\\\\ ","_fckg_NL",$quot);
return $matches[1] . $quot . $matches[3];'
), $text);
global $fckgLPluginPatterns;
$fckgLPluginPatterns = array();
$instructions = p_get_instructions("=== header ==="); // loads DOKU_PLUGINS array --M.T. Dec 22 2009
$installed_plugins = $this->get_plugins();
$regexes = $installed_plugins['plugins'];
$text = preg_replace_callback('/('. $regexes .')/',
'global $fckgLPluginPatterns;
$retv = preg_replace("/([\{\}\@\:&~\?\!<>])/", "$1 ", $matches[0]);
$fckgLPluginPatterns[] = array($retv, $matches[0]);
return $retv;'
global $fckLImmutables;
foreach($installed_plugins['xcl'] as $xcl) {
$text = preg_replace_callback('/'. $xcl . '/',
'global $fckLImmutables;
if(preg_match("#///font#",$matches[0])) {
return str_replace("///", "<", $matches[0]);
$index = count($fckLImmutables);
$fckLImmutables[] = $matches[0];
return "" . str_replace("///", "<", $matches[0]) . "" ;'
global $multi_block;
if(preg_match('/(?=MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN)(.*?)(?<=MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE)/ms', $text, $matches)) {
$multi_block = $matches[1];
$instructions = p_get_instructions($text);
if(is_null($instructions)) return '';
$Renderer->smileys = getSmileys();
$Renderer->entities = getEntities();
$Renderer->acronyms = array();
$Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki();
// Loop through the instructions
foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) {
// Execute the callback against the Renderer
call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]);
//set info array
$info = $Renderer->info;
// Post process and return the output
$data = array($mode,& $Renderer->doc);
$xhtml = $Renderer->doc;
$pos = strpos($xhtml, 'MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN');
if($pos !== false) {
$xhtml = preg_replace('/MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN.*?MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE/ms', $multi_block, $xhtml);
$xhtml = preg_replace_callback(
'$matches[0] = str_replace("///", "< ",$matches[0]);
return preg_replace("/\n/ms","
$xhtml = preg_replace('/~\s*~\s*MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN~\s*~/', "~ ~ MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN~ ~\n\n\n\n", $xhtml);
$xhtml = preg_replace('/~\s*~\s*MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE~\s*~/', "\n\n\n\n~ ~ MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE~ ~\n", $xhtml);
// remove empty paragraph: see _fckg_NPBBR_ comment above
$xhtml = preg_replace('/
\s+<\/(em|b|u|i)>/ms',"",$xhtml); if($smiley_as_text) { if($haveDokuSmilies) { $s_values = array_values($Smilies); $s_values_regex = (implode('|', $s_values)); $xhtml = preg_replace_callback( '/(' . $s_values_regex . ')/ms', create_function( '$matches', 'global $Smilies; return array_search($matches[1],$Smilies); ' ), $xhtml ); } } $ua = strtolower ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if(strpos($ua,'chrome') !== false) { $xhtml = preg_replace_callback( '/(?<=)/sm', create_function( '$matches', '$ret_str = " " . trim($matches[3]) . " " . trim($matches[2]) . " " . trim($matches[1]) ; return $ret_str;' ), $xhtml ); } return $xhtml; } function write_debug($what) { return; $handle = fopen("edit_php.txt", "a"); if(is_array($what)) $what = print_r($what,true); fwrite($handle,"$what\n"); fclose($handle); } /** * @author Myron Turner* Converts FCK extended syntax to native DokuWiki syntax */ function fck_convert_text(&$event) { } function big_file() { } /** * get regular expressions for installed plugins * @author Myron Turner * return string of regexes suitable for PCRE matching */ function get_plugins() { global $DOKU_PLUGINS; $list = plugin_list('syntax'); $data = $DOKU_PLUGINS['syntax'][$list[0]]->Lexer->_regexes['base']->_labels; $patterns = $DOKU_PLUGINS['syntax'][$list[0]]->Lexer->_regexes['base']->_patterns; $labels = array(); $regex = '~~NOCACHE~~|~~NOTOC~~'; //$regex .= "|\{\{rss>http:\/\/.*?\}\}"; $exclusions = $this->getConf('xcl_plugins'); $exclusions = trim($exclusions, " ,"); $exclusions = explode (',', $exclusions); $exclusions[] = 'fckg_font'; $list = array_diff($list,$exclusions); foreach($list as $plugin) { if(preg_match('/fckg_dwplugin/',$plugin)) continue; $plugin = 'plugin_' . $plugin; $indices = array_keys($data, $plugin); if(empty($indices)) { $plugin = '_' . $plugin; $indices = array_keys($data, $plugin); } if(!empty($indices)) { foreach($indices as $index) { $labels[] = "$index: " . $patterns[$index]; $pattern = $patterns[$index]; $pattern = preg_replace('/^\(\^/',"(",$pattern); $regex .= "|$pattern"; } } } $regex = ltrim($regex, '|'); $regex_xcl = array(); foreach($exclusions as $plugin) { if(preg_match('/fckg_dwplugin/',$plugin)) continue; $plugin = 'plugin_' . $plugin; $indices = array_keys($data, $plugin); if(empty($indices)) { $plugin = '_' . $plugin; $indices = array_keys($data, $plugin); } if(!empty($indices)) { foreach($indices as $index) { $pos = strpos($patterns[$index],'<'); if($pos !== false) { $pattern = str_replace('<', '\/\/<\/\/', $patterns[$index]); $pattern = str_replace('?=',"",$pattern); $regex_xcl[] = $pattern; } } } } return array('plugins'=> $regex, 'xcl'=> $regex_xcl); //return $regex; } } //end of action class ?>