* @author Andreas Gohr */ // menu entry for admin plugins $lang['menu'] = 'Farming'; // tabs $lang['tab_setup'] = 'Farm Setup'; $lang['tab_info'] = 'Info'; $lang['tab_config'] = 'Configuration'; $lang['tab_plugins'] = 'Manage Plugins'; $lang['tab_new'] = 'Add new Animal'; $lang['tab_delete'] = 'Delete Animal'; // setup $lang['preloadPHPForm'] = 'Initialize Farming'; $lang['farm dir'] = 'Animal directory'; $lang['htaccess setup'] = 'Add farm code to .htaccess?'; $lang['submit'] = 'Submit'; $lang['farmdir_missing'] = 'Please enter a directory where the Animals should be stored.'; $lang['farmdir_in_dokuwiki'] = 'The Animal directory (%s) must be outside of the Farm dokuwiki (%s).'; $lang['farmdir_uncreatable'] = 'The Animal directory (%s) could not be created. Are the permissions correct?'; $lang['farmdir_unwritable'] = 'Please make sure that the webserver has write access in the Animal directory (%s)!'; $lang['farmdir_notEmpty'] = 'The Animal directory (%s) must be empty.'; $lang['preload creation success'] = 'Farming has been succesfully initialized.'; $lang['preload creation error'] = 'There was an error during Farming initialization.'; $lang['overwrite_preload'] = 'Warning: Your existing inc/preload.php will be overwritten when continuing here!'; // info $lang['animal'] = 'Animal Name / Domain'; $lang['thisis'] = 'Instance is'; $lang['thisis.farmer'] = 'The farmer!'; $lang['thisis.animal'] = 'An Animal!'; $lang['baseinstall'] = 'Farmer Install'; $lang['animals'] = 'Animals'; $lang['confdir'] = 'Instance Configuration Directory'; $lang['savedir'] = 'Instance Data Directory'; $lang['plugins'] = 'Plugins active in this instance'; // config $lang['base'] = 'Base Configuration'; $lang['farm host'] = 'Farmer Host Name'; $lang['base domain'] = 'Base Domain for subdomain Animals'; $lang['conf_inherit'] = 'Farmer Settings Animals should inherit'; $lang['conf_inherit_main'] = 'Configuration Settings'; $lang['conf_inherit_acronyms'] = 'Acronym Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_entities'] = 'Entity Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_interwiki'] = 'Interwiki Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_license'] = 'License Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_mime'] = 'MIME Type Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_scheme'] = 'URL Scheme Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_smileys'] = 'Smiley Definitions'; $lang['conf_inherit_wordblock'] = 'Spam Blacklist Entries'; $lang['conf_inherit_userstyle'] = 'User Styles'; $lang['conf_inherit_userscript'] = 'User Scripts'; $lang['conf_inherit_styleini'] = 'Template style customizations'; $lang['conf_inherit_users'] = 'Users (Plain Auth only)'; $lang['conf_inherit_plugins'] = 'Plugin State'; $lang['conf_inherit_yes'] = 'inherited from farmer'; $lang['conf_inherit_no'] = 'independent from farmer'; $lang['conf_notfound'] = 'Behavior on accessing nonexistent Animals'; $lang['conf_notfound_farmer'] = 'Show the farmer wiki'; $lang['conf_notfound_404'] = 'Show a 404 error page'; $lang['conf_notfound_list'] = 'Show a list of available animals'; $lang['conf_notfound_redirect'] = 'Redirect to the URL below'; $lang['conf_notfound_url'] = 'URL to redirect to if selected above'; $lang['save'] = 'Save'; // new $lang['animal template'] = 'Copy existing Animal'; $lang['animal creation success'] = 'The Animal "%s" has been successfully created.'; $lang['animal creation error'] = 'There was an error while creating the Animal.'; $lang['animal configuration'] = 'Basic Animal configuration'; $lang['inherit user registration'] = 'Inherit user registration setting from farmer'; $lang['enable user registration'] = 'Allow users to register themselves'; $lang['disable user registration'] = 'Disable user register'; $lang['animal administrator'] = 'Animal administrator'; $lang['noUsers'] = 'Do not create any users'; $lang['importUsers'] = 'Import all users of the Farmer to the new Animal'; $lang['currentAdmin'] = 'Set the current user as admin'; $lang['newAdmin'] = 'Create new admin user "admin"'; $lang['admin password'] = 'Password for the new admin'; $lang['animalname_missing'] = 'Please enter a name for the new Animal.'; $lang['animalname_invalid'] = 'The Animal name may only contain alphanumeric characters and dots/hyphens (but not as first or last character).'; $lang['animalname_preexisting'] = 'An Animal with that name already exists.'; $lang['adminPassword_empty'] = 'The password for the new admin account must not be empty.'; $lang['animal template copy error'] = 'There was a problem copying %s from the existing Animal to the new one.'; $lang['aclpolicy missing/bad'] = 'Please choose an initial ACL policy from the dropdown.'; // plugins $lang['bulkSingleSwitcher'] = 'Edit a single Animal or all at once?'; $lang['bulkEdit'] = 'Bulk edit all Animals'; $lang['singleEdit'] = 'Edit a single Animal'; $lang['bulkEditForm'] = 'Activate or deactivate a plugin in all Animals'; $lang['matrixEdit'] = 'Edit Animal/Plugin matrix'; $lang['default'] = 'Set to default'; $lang['activate'] = 'Activate'; $lang['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; $lang['singleEditForm'] = 'Edit the plugins of a specific Animal'; $lang['plugindone'] = 'Plugin states updated'; $lang['plugin'] = 'Plugin'; $lang['plugin_on'] = 'on'; $lang['plugin_off'] = 'off'; $lang['plugin_default'] = 'Default'; $lang['plugin_enabled'] = 'Enabled'; $lang['plugin_disabled'] = 'Disabled'; $lang['js']['animalSelect'] = 'Select an animal'; $lang['js']['pluginSelect'] = 'Select a plugin'; $lang['disable_new_plugins'] = 'The plugin has been disabled by default. You can enable it here or in specific animals only.'; // delete $lang['delete_animal'] = 'Select Animal to delete'; $lang['delete_confirm'] = 'Please type the Animal name to confirm'; $lang['delete'] = 'Delete the Animal and all its data'; $lang['delete_noanimal'] = 'Please select an Animal to delete'; $lang['delete_mismatch'] = 'Confirmation does not match Animal name. Not deleted.'; $lang['delete_invalid'] = 'Invalid Animal name. Not deleted.'; $lang['delete_success'] = 'Animal successfully deleted.'; $lang['delete_fail'] = 'Some files could not be deleted, you should clean up manuallly.'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :