*/ class admin_plugin_farmer_new extends AdminPlugin { /** @var helper_plugin_farmer $helper */ protected $helper; /** * admin_plugin_farmer_new constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'farmer'); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function showInMenu() { return false; } /** * Should carry out any processing required by the plugin. */ public function handle() { global $INPUT; global $ID; if (!$INPUT->has('farmer__submit')) return; $data = $this->validateAnimalData(); if (!$data) return; if ( $this->createNewAnimal( $data['name'], $data['admin'], $data['pass'], $data['template'], $data['aclpolicy'], $data['allowreg'] ) ) { $url = $this->helper->getAnimalURL($data['name']); $link = '' . hsc($data['name']) . ''; msg(sprintf($this->getLang('animal creation success'), $link), 1); $link = wl($ID, ['do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'farmer', 'sub' => 'new'], true, '&'); send_redirect($link); } } /** * Render HTML output, e.g. helpful text and a form */ public function html() { global $lang; $farmconfig = $this->helper->getConfig(); $form = new Form(); $form->addClass('plugin_farmer')->id('farmer__create_animal_form'); $form->addFieldsetOpen($this->getLang('animal configuration')); $form->addTextInput('animalname', $this->getLang('animal')); $form->addFieldsetClose(); $animals = $this->helper->getAllAnimals(); array_unshift($animals, ''); $form->addFieldsetOpen($this->getLang('animal template')); $form->addDropdown('animaltemplate', $animals) ->addClass('farmer_chosen_animals'); $form->addFieldsetClose(); $form->addFieldsetOpen($lang['i_policy'])->attr('id', 'aclPolicyFieldset'); $policyOptions = ['open' => $lang['i_pol0'], 'public' => $lang['i_pol1'], 'closed' => $lang['i_pol2']]; $form->addDropdown('aclpolicy', $policyOptions) ->addClass('acl_chosen'); if ($farmconfig['inherit']['main']) { $form->addRadioButton('allowreg', $this->getLang('inherit user registration')) ->val('inherit') ->attr('checked', 'checked'); $form->addRadioButton('allowreg', $this->getLang('enable user registration')) ->val('allow'); $form->addRadioButton('allowreg', $this->getLang('disable user registration')) ->val('disable'); } else { $form->addCheckbox('allowreg', $lang['i_allowreg']) ->attr('checked', 'checked'); } $form->addFieldsetClose(); $form->addFieldsetOpen($this->getLang('animal administrator')); $btn = $form->addRadioButton('adminsetup', $this->getLang('noUsers')) ->val('noUsers'); if ($farmconfig['inherit']['users']) { $btn->attr('checked', 'checked'); // default when inherit available } else { // no user copying when inheriting $form->addRadioButton('adminsetup', $this->getLang('importUsers')) ->val('importUsers'); $form->addRadioButton('adminsetup', $this->getLang('currentAdmin')) ->val('currentAdmin'); } $btn = $form->addRadioButton('adminsetup', $this->getLang('newAdmin')) ->val('newAdmin'); if (!$farmconfig['inherit']['users']) { $btn->attr('checked', 'checked'); // default when inherit not available } $form->addPasswordInput('adminPassword', $this->getLang('admin password')); $form->addFieldsetClose(); $form->addButton('farmer__submit', $this->getLang('submit')) ->attr('type', 'submit') ->val('newAnimal'); echo $form->toHTML(); } /** * Validate the data for a new animal * * @return array|bool false on errors, clean data otherwise */ protected function validateAnimalData() { global $INPUT; $animalname = $INPUT->filter('trim')->str('animalname'); $adminsetup = $INPUT->str('adminsetup'); $adminpass = $INPUT->filter('trim')->str('adminPassword'); $template = $INPUT->filter('trim')->str('animaltemplate'); $aclpolicy = $INPUT->filter('trim')->str('aclpolicy'); $allowreg = $INPUT->str('allowreg'); $errors = []; if ($animalname === '') { $errors[] = $this->getLang('animalname_missing'); } elseif (!$this->helper->validateAnimalName($animalname)) { $errors[] = $this->getLang('animalname_invalid'); } if ($adminsetup === 'newAdmin' && $adminpass === '') { $errors[] = $this->getLang('adminPassword_empty'); } if ($animalname !== '' && file_exists(DOKU_FARMDIR . '/' . $animalname)) { $errors[] = $this->getLang('animalname_preexisting'); } if (!is_dir(DOKU_FARMDIR . $template) && !in_array($aclpolicy, ['open', 'public', 'closed'])) { $errors[] = $this->getLang('aclpolicy missing/bad'); } if ($errors) { foreach ($errors as $error) { msg($error, -1); } return false; } if (!is_dir(DOKU_FARMDIR . $template)) { $template = ''; } if ($template != '') { $aclpolicy = ''; } return [ 'name' => $animalname, 'admin' => $adminsetup, 'pass' => $adminpass, 'template' => $template, 'aclpolicy' => $aclpolicy, 'allowreg' => $allowreg ]; } /** * Create a new animal * * @param string $name name/title of the animal, will be the directory name for htaccess setup * @param string $adminSetup newAdmin, currentAdmin or importUsers * @param string $adminPassword required if $adminSetup is newAdmin * @param string $template name of animal to copy * @param $aclpolicy * @param $userreg * @return bool true if successful * @throws Exception */ protected function createNewAnimal($name, $adminSetup, $adminPassword, $template, $aclpolicy, $userreg) { $animaldir = DOKU_FARMDIR . $name; // copy basic template $ok = $this->helper->copyDir(__DIR__ . '/../_animal', $animaldir); if (!$ok) { msg($this->getLang('animal creation error'), -1); return false; } // copy animal template if ($template != '') { foreach (['conf', 'data/pages', 'data/media', 'data/meta', 'data/media_meta', 'index'] as $dir) { $templatedir = DOKU_FARMDIR . $template . '/' . $dir; if (!is_dir($templatedir)) continue; // do not copy changelogs in meta if (substr($dir, -4) == 'meta') { $exclude = '/\.changes$/'; } else { $exclude = ''; } if (!$this->helper->copyDir($templatedir, $animaldir . '/' . $dir, $exclude)) { msg(sprintf($this->getLang('animal template copy error'), $dir), -1); // we go on anyway } } } // append title to local config $ok &= io_saveFile($animaldir . '/conf/local.php', "\n" . '$conf[\'title\'] = \'' . $name . '\';' . "\n", true); // create a random logo and favicon if (!class_exists('\splitbrain\RingIcon\RingIcon', false)) { require(__DIR__ . '/../3rdparty/RingIcon.php'); } if (!class_exists('\chrisbliss18\phpico\PHPIco', false)) { require(__DIR__ . '/../3rdparty/PHPIco.php'); } try { if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $logo = $animaldir . '/data/media/wiki/logo.png'; if (!file_exists($logo)) { $ringicon = new RingIcon(64); $ringicon->createImage($animaldir, $logo); } $icon = $animaldir . '/data/media/wiki/favicon.ico'; if (!file_exists($icon)) { $icongen = new PHPIco($logo); $icongen->saveIco($icon); } } } catch (\Exception $ignore) { // something went wrong, but we don't care. this is a nice to have feature only } // create admin user if ($adminSetup === 'newAdmin') { $users = "# \n" . $this->makeAdminLine($adminPassword) . "\n"; } elseif ($adminSetup === 'currentAdmin') { $users = "# \n" . $this->getAdminLine() . "\n"; } elseif ($adminSetup === 'noUsers') { if (file_exists($animaldir . '/conf/users.auth.php')) { // a user file exists already, probably from animal template - don't overwrite $users = ''; } else { // create empty user file $users = "# \n"; } } else { $users = io_readFile(DOKU_CONF . 'users.auth.php'); } if ($users) { $ok &= io_saveFile($animaldir . '/conf/users.auth.php', $users); } if ($aclpolicy != '') { $aclfile = file($animaldir . '/conf/acl.auth.php'); $aclfile = array_map('trim', $aclfile); array_pop($aclfile); switch ($aclpolicy) { case 'open': $aclfile[] = "* @ALL 8"; break; case 'public': $aclfile[] = "* @ALL 1"; $aclfile[] = "* @user 8"; break; case 'closed': $aclfile[] = "* @ALL 0"; $aclfile[] = "* @user 8"; break; default: throw new Exception('Undefined aclpolicy given'); } $ok &= io_saveFile($animaldir . '/conf/acl.auth.php', implode("\n", $aclfile) . "\n"); global $conf; switch ($userreg) { case 'allow': $disableactions = implode(',', array_diff(explode(',', $conf['disableactions']), ['register'])); $ok &= io_saveFile( $animaldir . '/conf/local.php', "\n" . '$conf[\'disableactions\'] = \'' . $disableactions . '\';' . "\n", true ); break; case 'disable': $disableactions = implode(',', array_merge(explode(',', $conf['disableactions']), ['register'])); $ok &= io_saveFile( $animaldir . '/conf/local.php', "\n" . '$conf[\'disableactions\'] = \'' . $disableactions . '\';' . "\n", true ); break; case 'inherit': case true: // nothing needs to be done break; default: $ok &= io_saveFile( $animaldir . '/conf/local.php', "\n" . '$conf[\'disableactions\'] = \'register\';' . "\n", true ); } } // deactivate plugins by default FIXME this should be nicer $deactivatedPluginsList = explode(',', $this->getConf('deactivated plugins')); $deactivatedPluginsList = array_map('trim', $deactivatedPluginsList); $deactivatedPluginsList = array_unique($deactivatedPluginsList); $deactivatedPluginsList = array_filter($deactivatedPluginsList); foreach ($deactivatedPluginsList as $plugin) { $this->helper->setPluginState(trim($plugin), $name, 0); } return $ok; } /** * Creates a new user line * * @param $password * @return string */ protected function makeAdminLine($password) { $pass = auth_cryptPassword($password); $line = implode( ':', ['admin', $pass, 'Administrator', 'admin@example.org', 'admin,user'] ); return $line; } /** * Copies the current user as new admin line * * @return string */ protected function getAdminLine() { $currentAdmin = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $masterUsers = file_get_contents(DOKU_CONF . 'users.auth.php'); $masterUsers = ltrim(strstr($masterUsers, "\n" . $currentAdmin . ":")); $newAdmin = substr($masterUsers, 0, strpos($masterUsers, "\n") + 1); return $newAdmin; } }