* @desc Allow farm administration through the DokuWiki admin interface, * handle a farm command from $_REQUEST['farm_cmd'], loads a handler class * form it then process request / display output html */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); if(!defined('DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN', DOKU_PLUGIN.'farm/'); if(!defined('DOKU_FARM_WWW')) define('DOKU_FARM_WWW', 'lib/plugins/farm/'); if(!defined('DOKU_FARMPLUGINLOADED')) define('DOKU_FARMPLUGINLOADED', true); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'admin.php'); /** * Version string, will be used to check whether we need to upgrade the farm or not, * it can be in the case of a new installation or if we updated the plugin from * plugin manager / fs and the downloaded version is higher than the installed one, * in this case we update structure / config if needed. */ define('DOKU_FARM_VERSION', '1'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function * need to inherit from this class */ class admin_plugin_farm extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { var $disabled = 0; var $cmd = ''; var $opt = array(); var $conf = array(); var $handler = null; var $lang = array(); var $localised = false; var $errors = array(); var $success = array(); var $version = null; function __construct() { global $conf; if(defined('DOKU_IS_FARMER')) $this->getConf(); $this->disabled = (isset($conf['pluginfarm']) && ($conf['pluginfarm'] == 0)); } /** * Return some info */ function getInfo() { return array( 'author' => 'Etienne Meleard', 'email' => 'etienne.meleard@cru.fr', 'date' => '2009-12-16', 'name' => 'Farm Manager', 'desc' => 'Manage Wiki farm'.($this->disabled ? ' (disabled)' : ''), 'url' => 'http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:farm', ); } /** * Return prompt for admin menu * @param $l language identifier * @return nothing if not in farmer context, menu title otherwise */ function getMenuText($l) { if(!defined('DOKU_IS_FARMER')) { @touch(DOKU_CONF.'local.php'); return $this->getLang('menu'); // not installed } if(!DOKU_IS_FARMER) return; // don't display farm management item in the animals' admin page if(!$this->disabled) return $this->getLang('menu'); return ''; } /** * Return sort order for position in admin menu * @return integer */ function getMenuSort() { return 20; } /** * Get localized string * @param $code lang string identifier * @param $data string or array used to replace %s occurences in the localized string * @param $opt option to postprocess localized string * @return localized string */ function getLang($code, $data = null, $opt='') { if(!$this->localised) $this->setupLocale(); if(!isset($this->lang[$code])) return '{'.strtoupper($code).'}'; $str = $this->lang[$code]; if(!is_null($data)) if(!is_array($data)) $data = array($data); if(is_array($data)) foreach($data as $d) $str = preg_replace('`%s`', $d, $str, 1); switch($opt) { case 'js': $str = htmlentities(str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $str)); break; } return $str; } /** * Get farm config * @return array of farm config parameters */ function getConf() { $farmconf = array(); include DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.'config.php'; $this->conf = $farmconf; return $this->conf; } /** * Add error to error list * @param $family error familly identifier (lang string identifier) * @param $e error code (lang string identifier) or array containing 'code' => string and 'data => array entries */ function error($family, $e) { if($family == '') $family = 'not_classified_errors'; if(!isset($this->errors[$family])) $this->errors[$family] = array(); $this->errors[$family][] = $e; } /** * Print errors */ function putErrors() { if(!count($this->errors)) return; foreach($this->errors as $c => $list) { ptln('
'); ptln(' '.$this->getLang($c)); ptln(' '); ptln('
'); } } /** * Add success to success list * @param $s success code (lang string identifier) */ function success($s) { $this->success[] = $s; } /** * Print successes */ function putSuccess() { if(!count($this->success)) return; ptln('
'); if(count($this->success) > 1) { ptln(' '); }else{ $s = reset($this->success); ptln(' '.$this->getLang(is_array($s) ? $s['code'] : $s, is_array($s) ? $s['data'] : null)); } ptln('
'); } /** * Returns human readable size * @param $s size as integer * @return human readabe localized size as a string */ function nicesize($s) { $e = ''; $m = array('k', 'M', 'G', 'T'); foreach($m as $p) { if($s < 1024) break; $s /= 1024; $e = $p; } return number_format($s, ($s >= 100 || $e == '') ? 0 : 1).$e.$this->getLang('size_unit'); } /** * Print form head * @param $data associative array of hidden fields names and values to be printed in the form */ function formHead($data = array()) { global $ID; echo '
'."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; } /** * Builds a link inside farm manager * @param $cmd farm command * @param $opt associative array of farm options * @return url string */ function wl($cmd, $opt = array()) { global $ID; $p = array('do' => 'admin', 'page' => 'farm', 'farm_cmd' => $cmd); foreach($opt as $k => $v) $p['farm_opt__'.$k] = $v; return wl($ID, $p); } /** * Handle requests */ function handle() { // Do nothing if disabled / not installed if($this->disabled) return; if(defined('DOKU_IS_FARMER')) if(!DOKU_IS_FARMER) return; // Enable direct access to language strings $this->setupLocale(); // get installed version $this->version = @file_exists(DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.'installed') ? trim(@file_get_contents(DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.'installed'), "\n") : null; if($this->version != DOKU_FARM_VERSION) { // set installer class as handler if the farm is not installed if(is_null($this->version)) { $_REQUEST['farm_cmd'] = 'farminstall'; }elseif($this->version == '0.99') { if($fp = fopen(DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.'installed', 'w')) { fwrite($fp, '1'); fclose($fp); $this->success('install_success'); $_REQUEST['farm_plugin_cmd'] = 'farmconfig'; }else $this->error('install_errors', 'install_stepupdate_failure'); } // Add code here to upgrade to other (future) version } // Fetch command from request $this->cmd = 'overview'; $this->opt = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['farm_cmd'])) { if(is_array($_REQUEST['farm_cmd'])) { $this->cmd = key($_REQUEST['farm_cmd']); $t = $_REQUEST['farm_cmd'][$this->cmd]; while(is_array($t)) { $k = key($t); if(is_array($t[$k])) { $v = key($t[$k]); $t = $t[$k][$v]; if(preg_match('`^(true|false)$`i', $v, $m)) { $v = (strtolower($m[1]) == 'true'); }elseif(preg_match('`^([0-9]+)$`', $v, $m)) { $v = (int)$m[1]; }elseif(preg_match('`^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$`', $v, $m)) { $v = (float)$m[1]; } $this->opt[$k] = $v; }else{ $this->opt[$k] = $t[$k]; $t = null; } } }else $this->cmd = $_REQUEST['farm_cmd']; } // Fetch arguments from request if(isset($_REQUEST['farm_opt']) && !empty($_REQUEST['farm_opt'])) { if(is_array($_REQUEST['farm_opt'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['farm_opt'] as $k => $v) { if(preg_match('`^(true|false)$`i', $v, $m)) { $v = (strtolower($m[1]) == 'true'); }elseif(preg_match('`^([0-9]+)$`', $v, $m)) { $v = (int)$m[1]; }elseif(preg_match('`^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$`', $v, $m)) { $v = (float)$m[1]; } if(!isset($this->opt[$k])) $this->opt[$k] = $v; } }else $this->opt[$_REQUEST['farm_opt']] = true; } // Fetch arguments from non array get var foreach($_GET as $k => $v) { if(preg_match('`^farm_opt__([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$`', $k, $m)) { $this->opt[$m[1]] = $v; } } //echo 'REQUEST : '; print_r($_REQUEST); //echo '
CMD : '; print_r($this->cmd); //echo '
OPT : '; print_r($this->opt); // List of allowed commands and their handlers $commands = array( 'farminstall' => 'install', 'overview' => 'overview', 'farmconfig' => 'config', 'soapconfig' => 'soapconfig', 'virtualhostconfig' => 'virtualhostconfig', 'animal' => 'animalmanager' ); // verify command vars if(!isset($commands[$this->cmd])) $this->cmd = 'overview'; // create an object to handle the command, then process request with it $file = DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.$commands[$this->cmd].'.class.php'; if(@file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; $class = 'dokuwiki_farm_'.$commands[$this->cmd]; if(!class_exists($class)) { include_once DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.'overview.class.php'; $class = 'dokuwiki_farm_overview'; } $this->handler = & new $class($this); if($this->handler) $this->handler->process(); } } /** * Output appropriate html */ function html() { global $ID; // Do nothing if disabled / not installed if($this->disabled) return; if(defined('DOKU_IS_FARMER')) if(!DOKU_IS_FARMER) return; // Enable direct access to language strings $this->setupLocale(); ptln('
'); ptln('
'); // Farm menu if($this->cmd != 'farminstall') { ptln(' '); } // Call handler renderer, prints errors / successes if needed ptln('
'); if(!$this->handler) $this->error('system_errors', array('code' => 'system_nohandler_failure', 'data' => array($this->cmd))); if($this->handler) if(method_exists($this->handler, 'htmlheader')) $this->handler->htmlheader(); $this->putErrors(); $this->putSuccess(); if($this->handler) $this->handler->html(); ptln('
'); ptln('
'); } } ?>