<?php namespace OAuth\Common\Storage; use OAuth\Common\Token\TokenInterface; use OAuth\Common\Storage\Exception\TokenNotFoundException; use OAuth\Common\Storage\Exception\AuthorizationStateNotFoundException; use Predis\Client as Predis; /* * Stores a token in a Redis server. Requires the Predis library available at https://github.com/nrk/predis */ class Redis implements TokenStorageInterface { /** * @var string */ protected $key; protected $stateKey; /** * @var object|\Redis */ protected $redis; /** * @var object|TokenInterface */ protected $cachedTokens; /** * @var object */ protected $cachedStates; /** * @param Predis $redis An instantiated and connected redis client * @param string $key The key to store the token under in redis * @param string $stateKey The key to store the state under in redis. */ public function __construct(Predis $redis, $key, $stateKey) { $this->redis = $redis; $this->key = $key; $this->stateKey = $stateKey; $this->cachedTokens = array(); $this->cachedStates = array(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function retrieveAccessToken($service) { if (!$this->hasAccessToken($service)) { throw new TokenNotFoundException('Token not found in redis'); } if (isset($this->cachedTokens[$service])) { return $this->cachedTokens[$service]; } $val = $this->redis->hget($this->key, $service); return $this->cachedTokens[$service] = unserialize($val); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function storeAccessToken($service, TokenInterface $token) { // (over)write the token $this->redis->hset($this->key, $service, serialize($token)); $this->cachedTokens[$service] = $token; // allow chaining return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasAccessToken($service) { if (isset($this->cachedTokens[$service]) && $this->cachedTokens[$service] instanceof TokenInterface ) { return true; } return $this->redis->hexists($this->key, $service); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function clearToken($service) { $this->redis->hdel($this->key, $service); unset($this->cachedTokens[$service]); // allow chaining return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function clearAllTokens() { // memory $this->cachedTokens = array(); // redis $keys = $this->redis->hkeys($this->key); $me = $this; // 5.3 compat // pipeline for performance $this->redis->pipeline( function ($pipe) use ($keys, $me) { foreach ($keys as $k) { $pipe->hdel($me->getKey(), $k); } } ); // allow chaining return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function retrieveAuthorizationState($service) { if (!$this->hasAuthorizationState($service)) { throw new AuthorizationStateNotFoundException('State not found in redis'); } if (isset($this->cachedStates[$service])) { return $this->cachedStates[$service]; } $val = $this->redis->hget($this->stateKey, $service); return $this->cachedStates[$service] = unserialize($val); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function storeAuthorizationState($service, $state) { // (over)write the token $this->redis->hset($this->stateKey, $service, $state); $this->cachedStates[$service] = $state; // allow chaining return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasAuthorizationState($service) { if (isset($this->cachedStates[$service]) && null !== $this->cachedStates[$service] ) { return true; } return $this->redis->hexists($this->stateKey, $service); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function clearAuthorizationState($service) { $this->redis->hdel($this->stateKey, $service); unset($this->cachedStates[$service]); // allow chaining return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function clearAllAuthorizationStates() { // memory $this->cachedStates = array(); // redis $keys = $this->redis->hkeys($this->stateKey); $me = $this; // 5.3 compat // pipeline for performance $this->redis->pipeline( function ($pipe) use ($keys, $me) { foreach ($keys as $k) { $pipe->hdel($me->getKey(), $k); } } ); // allow chaining return $this; } /** * @return Predis $redis */ public function getRedis() { return $this->redis; } /** * @return string $key */ public function getKey() { return $this->key; } }