
/* Example: Create Author */ 
try {
  $author = $instance->createAuthor('John McLear'); // This really needs explaining..
  $authorID = $author->authorID;
echo "The AuthorID is now $authorID\n\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "\n\ncreateAuthor Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: get Mapped Author ID based on a value from your web application such as the userID */
try {
  $authormap = $instance->createAuthorIfNotExistsFor('John McLear', 'Cake');  // This would show my local UserID mapping John McLear as Cake on Etherpad
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "\n\ncreateAuthorIfNotExistsFor Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();


/* Example: Create a new Pad */
try {
  $instance->createPad('testPad','Hello world');
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "\n\ncreatePad Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Set Text into a Pad */
try {
  $instance->setText('testPad','Hello world');
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "\n\nsetText Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Create a new Pad */
try {
  $instance->createPad('testPad','Hello world');
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Get Ready Only ID of a pad */
try {
  $readOnlyID = $instance->getReadOnlyID('testPad');
  echo "The read only ID of this pad is: $readOnlyID->readOnlyID\n\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "\n\ngetReadOnlyID Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Get Public Status of a pad and include some logic -- This only works for group pads */
try {
  $getpublicStatus = $instance->getPublicStatus('testPad');
  if ($getpublicStatus->publicStatus === false){echo "This Pad is not public\n\n";}else{echo "This Pad is public\n\n";}
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "\n\ngetPublicStatus Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Set Public Status of a pad -- This only works for group pads */
try {
  $instance->setPublicStatus('testPad',true); // true or false
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "\n\nsetPublicStatus Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Set Password on a pad -- This only works for group pads */
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "\n\nsetPassword Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Get true/false if the pad is password protected and include some logic -- This only works for group pads*/
try {
  $isPasswordProtected = $instance->isPasswordProtected('testPad');
  if ($isPasswordProtected->isPasswordprotected === false){echo "Pad is not password protected\n\n";}else{echo "Pad is password protected\n\n";}
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "\n\nisPasswordProtected Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Get revisions Count of a pad */
try {
  $revisionCount = $instance->getRevisionsCount('testPad');
  $revisionCount = $revisionCount->revisions;
  echo "Pad has $revisionCount revisions\n\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // the pad already exists or something else went wrong
  echo "\n\ngetRevisionsCount Failed with message ". $e->getMessage();

/* Example: Get Pad Contents and echo to screen */
try {
  $padContents = $instance->getText('testPad');
  echo "Pad text is: 
"; echo "End of Pad Text\n\n
"; } catch (Exception $e) { // the pad already exists or something else went wrong echo "\n\ngetText Failed with message ". $e->getMessage(); } /* Example: Delete Pad */ try { $instance->deletePad('testPad'); } catch (Exception $e) { // the pad doesn't exist? echo "\n\ndeletePad Failed with message ". $e->getMessage(); } echo "


"; /* Example: Create Group */ try { $createGroup = $instance->createGroup(); $groupID = $createGroup->groupID; echo "New GroupID is $groupID\n\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { // the pad already exists or something else went wrong echo "\n\ncreateGroup Failed with message ". $e->getMessage(); } /* Example: Create Group Pad */ try { $newPad = $instance->createGroupPad($groupID,'testpad','Example text body'); $padID = $newPad->padID; echo "Created new pad with padID: $padID\n\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { // the pad already exists or something else went wrong echo "\n\ncreateGroupPad Failed with message ". $e->getMessage(); } /* Example: List Pads from a group */ try { $padList = $instance->listPads($groupID); echo "Available pads for this group:\n"; var_dump($padList->padIDs); echo "\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\n\nlistPads Failed: ". $e->getMessage(); } /* Example: Create Mapped Group -- This maps a humanly readable name to a groupID */ try { $mapGroup = $instance->createGroupIfNotExistsFor("Guests"); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\n\ndeleteGroupFailed: ". $e->getMessage(); } /* Example: Delete a Group */ try { $instance->deleteGroup($groupID); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\n\ndeleteGroupFailed: ". $e->getMessage(); } echo "
"; echo "


"; /* Example: Create Session */ $validUntil = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+1, date("y")); // One day in the future $sessionID = $instance->createSession($groupID, $authorID, $validUntil); echo "New Session ID is $sessionID->sessionID\n\n"; /* Example: Get Session info */ echo "Session info:\n"; $sessionID = $sessionID->sessionID; $sessioninfo = $instance->getSessionInfo($sessionID); var_dump($sessioninfo); echo "\n"; /* Example: List Sessions os Author */ echo "Sessions the Author $authorID is part of:\n"; $authorSessions = $instance->listSessionsOfAuthor($authorID); var_dump($authorSessions); echo "\n"; /* Example: List Sessions of Group */ $groupSessions = $instance->listSessionsOfGroup($groupID); var_dump($groupSessions); /* Example: Delete Session */ $instance->deleteSession($sessionID); ?>