set_oebps() ; $Renderer->set_current_page(epub_clean_name(str_replace(':', '_', $id)) . '.html') ; $this->_renderer = $Renderer; if(is_null($Renderer)){ msg("No renderer for $mode found",-1); exit; } global $ID; $oldID = $ID; $ID = cleanID($id); $wiki_file = wikiFN($id); if(!file_exists($wiki_file)) { epub_push_spine(array("","")); echo htmlentities($id) . " not found\n"; return false; } epub_update_progress("reading $id"); $instructions = p_cached_instructions($wiki_file, false, $id); if(is_null($instructions)) return ''; $Renderer->notoc(); $Renderer->smileys = getSmileys(); $Renderer->entities = getEntities(); $Renderer->acronyms = array(); $Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); epub_update_progress("rendering $id, this could take some time"); // Loop through the instructions foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) { // Execute the callback against the Renderer call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]); } $result = ""; $result .=' '; $result .= '' . "\n"; $result .= "\n\n"; $result .= '' ."\n"; $result .= ''; epub_check_for_mathjax($result); $result .= "\n"; $result .= "\n\n"; $result .= "
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([\s\n]*)(.*?.*?)([\s\n])*<\/p>|im', function($matches) { $result = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3]; //echo "$result\n"; return $result; }, $result ); ob_end_flush(); if($user_title) { $id = 'title.html'; } else { $id = epub_clean_name(str_replace(':', '_', $id)) . '.html'; } io_saveFile(epub_get_oebps() ."Text/$id",$result); if($user_title) { epub_write_zip('Text/title.html'); $ID = $oldID; return true; } $item_num=epub_write_item("Text/$id", "application/xhtml+xml"); epub_push_spine(array("Text/$id",$item_num)); epub_save_namespace(); $ID = $oldID; return true; } function get_renderer () { return $this->_renderer; } } global $INPUT; // $epub_ids = 'ditaa:win_filebrowser;;introduction;;v06;;features;;index:site_inx'; if(isset ($_POST['epub_ids'])) $epub_ids = rawurldecode($INPUT->post->str('epub_ids')); if(isset ($_POST['epub_titles'])) $e_titles = rawurldecode($INPUT->post->str('epub_titles')); $epub_pages = explode(';;',$epub_ids) ; $epub_titles = explode(';;',$e_titles) ; $epub_user_title = strpos($epub_pages[0], 'title') !== false ? true: false; epub_setup_book_skel($epub_user_title) ; epub_opf_header($epub_user_title); if($epub_user_title) { $creator = new epub_creator(); $creator->create($epub_pages[0], $epub_user_title); array_shift($epub_pages); echo "processed: title page \n"; } else { array_unshift($epub_titles, 'Title Page'); } epub_checkfor_ns($epub_pages[0],$epub_pages, $epub_titles); array_push($epub_titles,"Footnotes"); epub_titlesStack($epub_titles); $page_num = 0; $creator = false; foreach($epub_pages as $page) { epub_update_progress("processing: $page"); $creator = new epub_creator(); if($creator->create($page)) { if(isset ($_POST['epub_ids'])) echo rawurlencode("processed: $page \n"); else echo "processed: $page \n"; } } if(epub_footnote_handle(true)) { epub_close_footnotes(); } epub_css($creator); epub_write_item('Styles/style.css',"text/css"); epub_opf_write(''); epub_write_spine(); epub_write_footer(); epub_write_ncx(); epub_finalize_zip() ; epub_update_progress("packing ebook"); epub_pack_book(); epub_update_progress(); // deletes progress file exit;