function epub_show_throbber(user,client) { var dom = document.getElementById('epub_throbber'); if(!dom || !user || !epub_title) return;'block'; var params="user="+encodeURIComponent(user); params += "&location="+encodeURIComponent(window.location); params += "&title="+encodeURIComponent(epub_title); params+="&epub_ids="+epub_stringifyArray(epub_id); params+="&epub_titles="+epub_stringifyArray(epub_wikilink); if(client) { params += "&client="+encodeURIComponent(client); } if(book_id) { params+= "&book_page=" + encodeURIComponent(book_id); } DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/epub/scripts/ebook.php', params, function (data) { dom.innerHTML = '
' +decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(data)) + '
'; regex=/Ebook:\s+(:?epub.*?\.epub)/; result = regex.exec(dom.innerHTML); if(result) { var epub='http://'+ + DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/fetch.php?media=' + result[1]; dom.innerHTML +='
' + result[1] +'
'; } }, 'html' ); } function epub_stringifyArray(ar) { ar=ar.join(';;'); ar= ar.replace(/^;;/,""); ar= ar.replace(/;;$/,""); return encodeURIComponent(ar); } function epub_remove_creator(id) { var params="remove="+encodeURIComponent(id); DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/epub/scripts/update_files.php', params, function (data) { alert(data); }, 'html' ); } function _epub_show_throbber(user,client) { epub_show_throbber(user,client); var dom = document.getElementById('show_throbberbutton');'none'; epub_check_progress(client,user); } function epub_check_progress(client,user) { var dom = document.getElementById('epub_progress'); var params="user="+encodeURIComponent(user); if(client) { params += "&client="+encodeURIComponent(client); } var secs = 0; var t =window.setInterval(function() { DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/epub/scripts/check_progess.php', params, function (data) { if(!data) window.clearInterval(t); secs++; dom.innerHTML = data + '[seconds: ' + secs*15 + ']'; }, 'html' ); }, 15000); } function epub_admin_confirm(which) { var f =document.epub_admin; var epubs = new Array(); var msg=""; for(var i=0; i < f.length; i++) { if(f[i].checked) { matches = f[i].name.match(/\[([a-z0-9]+)\]/); msg += f[i].value + "\n" ; } } var confirm_msg = "Please confirm that you want to delete the following cache entries"; if(which == 'media') { confirm_msg +=" and their ebooks"; } if(!confirm(confirm_msg + ":\n" + msg)) return false; return true; }