# Ebay Partner Network Smart Links Plugin for DokuWiki Plugin to integrate EPN SmartLinks ## How it works EPN Smart Links converts all links to eBay into affiliate links. This plugin lazyloads a Java-Script library provided by eBay and initializes the library with the given Campaign ID. >**Smart Links** \ To make your job easier, Smart Links saves you an exorbitant amount of time with a simple copy and paste. By recognizing each link to eBay that is placed on your site, the Smart Links code automatically converts every one into a personalized affiliate link for you, in real-time. Regardless of what page you want to share, with Smart Links you will never have to worry about sharing a non-monetized link on your website again. Source: https://partnernetwork.ebay.com/affiliate-marketing-tools#SmartSuite ## Why No need to manually add the code and the lazyloading will make your site respond faster. ## Install Use the Extension Manager to install this Plugin. If you install this plugin manually make sure you install it in lib/plugins/epnsmartlink/ - else it wont work ## Settings - Enable EbayPartnerNetwork Smart Links: Lets you disable the Plugin from the Config - EPN SmartLink JS-URL: The URL for the JavaScript File Provided from eBay. If eBay should ever change the Link you can enter the new one there. - Your EPN Campaign ID: Enter your own eBay-Campaign ID here. - Support the Developer: 5% of the requests will be donated to the developer.