*/ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once DOKU_PLUGIN.'admin.php'; require_once DOKU_PLUGIN.'elwikiupgrade/VerboseTarLib.class.php'; require_once DOKU_PLUGIN.'elwikiupgrade/HTTPClient.php'; use dokuwiki\plugin\elwikiupgrade\DokuHTTPClient; class admin_plugin_elwikiupgrade extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { private $tgzurl; private $tgzfile; private $tgzdir; private $tgzversion; private $pluginversion; protected $haderrors = false; public function __construct() { global $conf; $branch = 'stable'; $this->tgzurl = "https://download.einsatzleiterwiki.de/elwikiupgrade/einsatzleiterwiki-upgrade.tar.gz"; $this->tgzfile = $conf['tmpdir'].'/dokuwiki-elwikiupgrade.tgz'; $this->tgzdir = $conf['tmpdir'].'/dokuwiki-elwikiupgrade/'; $this->tgzversion = "https://download.einsatzleiterwiki.de/elwikiupgrade/VERSION"; $this->pluginversion = "https://download.einsatzleiterwiki.de/elwikiupgrade/plugin.info.txt"; } public function getMenuSort() { return 555; } public function handle() { if($_REQUEST['step'] && !checkSecurityToken()) { unset($_REQUEST['step']); } } public function html() { $abrt = false; $next = false; echo '


'; self::_say('
'); // enable auto scroll ?> _stepit($abrt, $next); // disable auto scroll ?> '); $careful = ''; if($this->haderrors) { echo '
'; $careful = 'careful'; } $action = script(); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if($next) echo ''; if($abrt) echo ''; echo '
'; $this->_progress($next); } /** * Display a progress bar of all steps * * @param string $next the next step */ private function _progress($next) { $steps = array('version', 'download', 'unpack', 'check', 'elwikiupgrade'); $active = true; $count = 0; echo '
    '; foreach($steps as $step) { $count++; if($step == $next) $active = false; if($active) { echo '
  1. '; echo ''; } else { echo '
  2. '; echo ''.$count.''; } echo ''.$this->getLang('step_'.$step).''; echo '
  3. '; } echo '
'; } /** * Decides the current step and executes it * * @param bool $abrt * @param bool $next */ private function _stepit(&$abrt, &$next) { if(isset($_REQUEST['step']) && is_array($_REQUEST['step'])) { $step = array_shift(array_keys($_REQUEST['step'])); } else { $step = ''; } if($step == 'cancel' || $step == 'done') { # cleanup @unlink($this->tgzfile); $this->_rdel($this->tgzdir); if($step == 'cancel') $step = ''; } if($step) { $abrt = true; $next = false; if($step == 'version') { $this->_step_version(); $next = 'download'; } elseif ($step == 'done') { $this->_step_done(); $next = ''; $abrt = ''; } elseif(!file_exists($this->tgzfile)) { if($this->_step_download()) $next = 'unpack'; } elseif(!is_dir($this->tgzdir)) { if($this->_step_unpack()) $next = 'check'; } elseif($step != 'elwikiupgrade') { if($this->_step_check()) $next = 'elwikiupgrade'; } elseif($step == 'elwikiupgrade') { if($this->_step_copy()) { $next = 'done'; $abrt = ''; } } else { echo 'uhm. what happened? where am I? This should not happen'; } } else { # first time run, show intro echo $this->locale_xhtml('step0'); $abrt = false; $next = 'version'; } } /** * Output the given arguments using vsprintf and flush buffers */ public static function _say() { $args = func_get_args(); echo ' '; echo vsprintf(array_shift($args)."
\n", $args); flush(); ob_flush(); } /** * Print a warning using the given arguments with vsprintf and flush buffers */ public function _warn() { $this->haderrors = true; $args = func_get_args(); echo '! '; echo vsprintf(array_shift($args)."
\n", $args); flush(); ob_flush(); } /** * Recursive delete * * @author Jon Hassall * @link http://de.php.net/manual/en/function.unlink.php#87045 */ private function _rdel($dir) { if(!$dh = @opendir($dir)) { return false; } while(false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') continue; if(!@unlink($dir.'/'.$obj)) { $this->_rdel($dir.'/'.$obj); } } closedir($dh); return @rmdir($dir); } /** * Check various versions * * @return bool */ private function _step_version() { $ok = true; // we need SSL - only newer HTTPClients check that themselves if(!in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports())) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_ssl')); $ok = false; } // get the available version $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $tgzversion = $http->get($this->tgzversion); if(!$tgzversion) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_tgzno').' '.hsc($http->error)); $ok = false; } $tgzversionnum = $this->dateFromVersion($tgzversion); if($tgzversionnum === 0) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_tgzno')); $ok = false; } else { self::_say($this->getLang('vs_tgz'), $tgzversion); } // get the current version $version = getVersion(); $versionnum = $this->dateFromVersion($version); self::_say($this->getLang('vs_local'), $version); // compare versions if(!$versionnum) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_localno')); $ok = false; } else if($tgzversionnum) { if($tgzversionnum < $versionnum) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_newer')); $ok = false; } elseif($tgzversionnum == $versionnum && $tgzversion == $version) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_same')); $ok = false; } } // check plugin version $pluginversion = $http->get($this->pluginversion); if($pluginversion) { $plugininfo = linesToHash(explode("\n", $pluginversion)); $myinfo = $this->getInfo(); if($plugininfo['date'] > $myinfo['date']) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_plugin'), $plugininfo['date']); $ok = false; } } // check if PHP is up to date $minphp = '5.6'; if(version_compare(phpversion(), $minphp, '<')) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('vs_php'), $minphp, phpversion()); $ok = false; } return $ok; } /** * Redirect to the start page */ private function _step_done() { if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) { opcache_reset(); } echo $this->getLang('finish'); echo ""; } /** * Download the tarball * * @return bool */ private function _step_download() { self::_say($this->getLang('dl_from'), $this->tgzurl); @set_time_limit(300); @ignore_user_abort(); $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $http->timeout = 300; $data = $http->get($this->tgzurl); if(!$data) { $this->_warn($http->error); $this->_warn($this->getLang('dl_fail')); return false; } if(!io_saveFile($this->tgzfile, $data)) { $this->_warn($this->getLang('dl_fail')); return false; } self::_say($this->getLang('dl_done'), filesize_h(strlen($data))); return true; } /** * Unpack the tarball * * @return bool */ private function _step_unpack() { self::_say(''.$this->getLang('pk_extract').''); @set_time_limit(300); @ignore_user_abort(); try { $tar = new VerboseTar(); $tar->open($this->tgzfile); $tar->extract($this->tgzdir, 1); $tar->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_warn($e->getMessage()); $this->_warn($this->getLang('pk_fail')); return false; } self::_say($this->getLang('pk_done')); self::_say( $this->getLang('pk_version'), hsc(file_get_contents($this->tgzdir.'/VERSION')), getVersion() ); return true; } /** * Check permissions of files to change * * @return bool */ private function _step_check() { self::_say($this->getLang('ck_start')); $ok = $this->_traverse('', true); if($ok) { self::_say(''.$this->getLang('ck_done').''); } else { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('ck_fail').''); } return $ok; } /** * Copy over new files * * @return bool */ private function _step_copy() { self::_say($this->getLang('cp_start')); $ok = $this->_traverse('', false); if($ok) { self::_say(''.$this->getLang('cp_done').''); $this->_rmold(); self::_say(''.$this->getLang('finish').''); } else { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('cp_fail').''); } return $ok; } /** * Delete outdated files */ private function _rmold() { global $conf; $list = file($this->tgzdir.'data/deleted.files'); foreach($list as $line) { $line = trim(preg_replace('/#.*$/', '', $line)); if(!$line) continue; $file = DOKU_INC.$line; if(!file_exists($file)) continue; // check that the given file is an case sensitive match if(basename(realpath($file)) != basename($file)) { self::_say($this->getLang('rm_mismatch'), hsc($line)); continue; } if((is_dir($file) && $this->_rdel($file)) || @unlink($file) ) { self::_say($this->getLang('rm_done'), hsc($line)); } else { $this->_warn($this->getLang('rm_fail'), hsc($line)); } } // delete install @unlink(DOKU_INC.'install.php'); // make sure update message will be gone @touch(DOKU_INC.'doku.php'); @unlink($conf['cachedir'].'/messages.txt'); } /** * Traverse over the given dir and compare it to the DokuWiki dir * * Checks what files need an update, tests for writability and copies * * @param string $dir * @param bool $dryrun do not copy but only check permissions * @return bool */ private function _traverse($dir, $dryrun) { $base = $this->tgzdir; $ok = true; $dh = @opendir($base.'/'.$dir); if(!$dh) return false; while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; $from = "$base/$dir/$file"; $to = DOKU_INC."$dir/$file"; if(is_dir($from)) { if($dryrun) { // just check for writability if(!is_dir($to)) { if(is_dir(dirname($to)) && !is_writable(dirname($to))) { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('tv_noperm').'', hsc("$dir/$file")); $ok = false; } } } // recursion if(!$this->_traverse("$dir/$file", $dryrun)) { $ok = false; } } else { $fmd5 = md5(@file_get_contents($from)); $tmd5 = md5(@file_get_contents($to)); if($fmd5 != $tmd5 || !file_exists($to)) { if($dryrun) { // just check for writability if((file_exists($to) && !is_writable($to)) || (!file_exists($to) && is_dir(dirname($to)) && !is_writable(dirname($to))) ) { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('tv_noperm').'', hsc("$dir/$file")); $ok = false; } else { self::_say($this->getLang('tv_upd'), hsc("$dir/$file")); } } else { // check dir if(io_mkdir_p(dirname($to))) { // remove existing (avoid case sensitivity problems) if(file_exists($to) && !@unlink($to)) { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('tv_nodel').'', hsc("$dir/$file")); $ok = false; } // copy if(!copy($from, $to)) { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('tv_nocopy').'', hsc("$dir/$file")); $ok = false; } else { self::_say($this->getLang('tv_done'), hsc("$dir/$file")); } } else { $this->_warn(''.$this->getLang('tv_nodir').'', hsc("$dir")); $ok = false; } } } } } closedir($dh); return $ok; } /** * Figure out the release date from the version string * * @param $version * @return int|string returns 0 if the version can't be read */ public function dateFromVersion($version) { if(preg_match('/(^|[^\d])(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)([^\d]|$)/i', $version, $m)) { return $m[2]; } return 0; } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:enc=utf-8: