# DSN parser [![Latest Version](https://img.shields.io/github/release/Nyholm/dsn.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/Nyholm/dsn/releases) [![Quality Score](https://img.shields.io/scrutinizer/g/Nyholm/dsn.svg?style=flat-square)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/Nyholm/dsn) [![SymfonyInsight](https://insight.symfony.com/projects/fe1a70b7-6ba9-424d-9217-53833e47b07f/mini.svg)](https://insight.symfony.com/projects/fe1a70b7-6ba9-424d-9217-53833e47b07f) [![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/nyholm/dsn.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/nyholm/dsn) Parse DSN strings into value objects to make them easier to use, pass around and manipulate. ## Install Via Composer ``` bash composer require nyholm/dsn ``` ## Quick usage ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; $dsn = DsnParser::parse(''); echo get_class($dsn); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" echo $dsn->getHost(); // "" echo $dsn->getPath(); // "/foo/bar" echo $dsn->getPort(); // null ``` ## The DSN string format A DSN is a string used to configure many services. A common DSN may look like a URL, other look like a file path. ```text memcached:// mysql://user:password@ memcached:///var/local/run/memcached.socket?weight=25 ``` Both types can have parameters, user, password. The exact definition we are using is found [at the bottom of the page](#definition). ### DSN Functions A DSN may contain zero or more functions. The DSN parser supports a function syntax but not functionality itself. The function arguments must be separated with space or comma. Here are some example functions. ``` failover(dummy://a dummy://a) failover(dummy://a,dummy://a) failover:(dummy://a,dummy://a) roundrobin(dummy://a failover(dummy://b dummy://a) dummy://b) ``` ## Parsing There are two methods for parsing; `DsnParser::parse()` and `DsnParser::parseFunc()`. The latter is for situations where DSN functions are supported. ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; $dsn = DsnParser::parse('scheme://'); echo get_class($dsn); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" echo $dsn->getHost(); // "" echo $dsn->getPath(); // "/foo/bar" echo $dsn->getPort(); // null ``` If functions are supported (like in the Symfony Mailer component) we can use `DsnParser::parseFunc()`: ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; $func = DsnParser::parseFunc('failover(sendgrid://KEY@default smtp://'); echo $func->getName(); // "failover" echo get_class($func->first()); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" echo $func->first()->getHost(); // "default" echo $func->first()->getUser(); // "KEY" ``` ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; $func = DsnParser::parseFunc('foo(udp://localhost failover:(tcp://localhost:61616,tcp://remotehost:61616)?initialReconnectDelay=100)?start=now'); echo $func->getName(); // "foo" echo $func->getParameters()['start']; // "now" $args = $func->getArguments(); echo get_class($args[0]); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" echo $args[0]->getScheme(); // "udp" echo $args[0]->getHost(); // "localhost" echo get_class($args[1]); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\DsnFunction" ``` When using `DsnParser::parseFunc()` on a string that does not contain any DSN functions, the parser will automatically add a default "dsn" function. This is added to provide a consistent return type of the method. The string `redis://` will automatically be converted to `dsn(redis://` when using `DsnParser::parseFunc()`. ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; $func = DsnParser::parseFunc('smtp://'); echo $func->getName(); // "dsn" echo get_class($func->first()); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" echo $func->first()->getHost(); // "" $func = DsnParser::parseFunc('dsn(smtp://'); echo $func->getName(); // "dsn" echo get_class($func->first()); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" echo $func->first()->getHost(); // "" ``` ### Parsing invalid DSN If you try to parse an invalid DSN string a `InvalidDsnException` will be thrown. ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; use Nyholm\Dsn\Exception\InvalidDsnException; try { DsnParser::parse('foobar'); } catch (InvalidDsnException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } ``` ## Consuming The result of parsing a DSN string is a `DsnFunction` or `Dsn`. A `DsnFunction` has a `name`, `argument` and may have `parameters`. An argument is either a `DsnFunction` or a `Dsn`. A `Dsn` could be a `Path` or `Url`. All 3 objects has methods for getting parts of the DSN string. - `getScheme()` - `getUser()` - `getPassword()` - `getHost()` - `getPort()` - `getPath()` - `getParameters()` You may also replace parts of the DSN with the `with*` methods. A DSN is immutable and you will get a new object back. ```php use Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser; $dsn = DsnParser::parse('scheme://'); echo $dsn->getHost(); // "" $new = $dsn->withHost('nyholm.tech'); echo $dsn->getHost(); // "" echo $new->getHost(); // "nyholm.tech" ``` ## Not supported ### Smart merging of options The current DSN is valid, but it is up to the consumer to make sure both host1 and host2 has `global_option`. ``` redis://(host1:1234,host2:1234?node2_option=a)?global_option=b ``` ### Special DSN The following DSN syntax are not supported. ``` // Rust pgsql://user:pass@tcp(localhost:5555)/dbname // Java jdbc:informix-sqli://[:]/:informixserver= ``` We do not support DSN strings for ODBC connections like: ``` Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};server=localhost;database=WideWorldImporters;trusted_connection=Yes; ``` However, we do support "only parameters": ``` ocdb://?Driver=ODBC+Driver+13+for+SQL+Server&server=localhost&database=WideWorldImporters&trusted_connection=Yes ``` ## Definition There is no official DSN RFC. We have defined a DSN configuration string as using the following definition. The "URL looking" parts of a DSN is based from [RFC 3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986). ``` configuration: { function | dsn } function: function_name[:](configuration[,configuration])[?query] function_name: REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9\+-]+ dsn: { scheme:[//]authority[path][?query] | scheme:[//][userinfo]path[?query] | host:port[path][?query] } scheme: REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9\+-\.]+ authority: [userinfo@]host[:port] userinfo: { user[:password] | :password } path: "Normal" URL path according to RFC3986 section 3.3. REGEX: (/? | (/[a-zA-Z0-9-\._~%!\$&'\(\}\*\+,;=:@]+)+) query: "Normal" URL query according to RFC3986 section 3.4. REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9-\._~%!\$&'\(\}\*\+,;=:@]+ user: This value can be URL encoded. REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9-\._~%!\$&'\(\}\*\+,;=]+ password: This value can be URL encoded. REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9-\._~%!\$&'\(\}\*\+,;=]+ host: REGEX: [a-zA-Z0-9-\._~%!\$&'\(\}\*\+,;=]+ post: REGEX: [0-9]+ ``` Example of formats that are supported: - scheme:// - scheme://user:pass@ - scheme:///var/local/run/memcached.socket?weight=25 - scheme://user:pass@/var/local/run/memcached.socket?weight=25 - scheme:?host[localhost]&host[localhost:12345]=3 - scheme://a - scheme:// - server:80