# Change Log The change log describes what is "Added", "Removed", "Changed" or "Fixed" between each release. ## 2.0.1 ### Fixed * Improve parsing of nested functions ## 2.0.0 No changes since beta2. ## 2.0.0@beta2 ### Added * DsnParser::parseUrl(string $dsn): Url * DsnParser::parsePath(string $dsn): Path ## 2.0.0@beta1 Version 2 comes with a new definition was a DSN really is. It supports functions and a greater variety of DSN formats. ### Changed The `Nyholm\Dsn` class has been replaced with `Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser`. To get a `Dsn` object: ```php // Before $dsn = new \Nyholm\DSN('mysql://localhost'); // After $dsn = new \Nyholm\Dsn\DsnParser::parse('mysql://localhost'); ``` ## 1.0.0 No changes since 0.1.1. ## 0.1.1 Support for PHP 7.3. ## 0.1.0 Initial release.