scroll_id ?? null; if (isset($scroll_id)) { @trigger_error('A scroll id can be quite large and should be specified as part of the body', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } if (isset($scroll_id)) { return "/_search/scroll/$scroll_id"; } return "/_search/scroll"; } public function getParamWhitelist(): array { return [ ]; } public function getMethod(): string { return 'DELETE'; } public function setBody($body): ClearScroll { if (isset($body) !== true) { return $this; } $this->body = $body; return $this; } public function setScrollId($scroll_id): ClearScroll { if (isset($scroll_id) !== true) { return $this; } if (is_array($scroll_id) === true) { $scroll_id = implode(",", $scroll_id); } $this->scroll_id = $scroll_id; return $this; } }