extractOptions($params); $this->checkUserParams($params); $params = $this->convertCustom($params); $this->params = $this->convertArraysToStrings($params); return $this; } public function getParams(): array { return $this->params; } public function getOptions(): array { return $this->options; } public function getIndex(): ?string { return $this->index; } /** * @return $this */ public function setIndex($index) { if ($index === null) { return $this; } if (is_array($index) === true) { $index = array_map('trim', $index); $index = implode(",", $index); } $this->index = urlencode($index); return $this; } /** * @deprecated */ public function getType(): ?string { return $this->type; } /** * @deprecated * @return $this */ public function setType(?string $type) { if ($type === null) { return $this; } if (is_array($type) === true) { $type = array_map('trim', $type); $type = implode(",", $type); } $this->type = urlencode($type); return $this; } /** * @param int|string $docID * * @return $this */ public function setId($docID) { if ($docID === null) { return $this; } if (is_int($docID)) { $docID = (string) $docID; } $this->id = urlencode($docID); return $this; } /** * @return array|string */ public function getBody() { return $this->body; } protected function getOptionalURI(string $endpoint): string { $uri = []; $uri[] = $this->getOptionalIndex(); $uri[] = $this->getOptionalType(); $uri[] = $endpoint; $uri = array_filter($uri); return '/' . implode('/', $uri); } private function getOptionalIndex(): string { if (isset($this->index) === true) { return $this->index; } else { return '_all'; } } private function getOptionalType(): string { if (isset($this->type) === true) { return $this->type; } else { return ''; } } /** * @param array $params * * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ private function checkUserParams(array $params) { if (empty($params)) { return; //no params, just return. } $whitelist = array_merge( $this->getParamWhitelist(), [ 'pretty', 'human', 'error_trace', 'source', 'filter_path', 'opaqueId' ] ); $invalid = array_diff(array_keys($params), $whitelist); if (count($invalid) > 0) { sort($invalid); sort($whitelist); throw new UnexpectedValueException( sprintf( (count($invalid) > 1 ? '"%s" are not valid parameters.' : '"%s" is not a valid parameter.').' Allowed parameters are "%s"', implode('", "', $invalid), implode('", "', $whitelist) ) ); } } /** * @param array $params Note: this is passed by-reference! */ private function extractOptions(&$params) { // Extract out client options, then start transforming if (isset($params['client']) === true) { // Check if the opaqueId is populated and add the header if (isset($params['client']['opaqueId']) === true) { if (isset($params['client']['headers']) === false) { $params['client']['headers'] = []; } $params['client']['headers']['x-opaque-id'] = [trim($params['client']['opaqueId'])]; unset($params['client']['opaqueId']); } $this->options['client'] = $params['client']; unset($params['client']); } $ignore = isset($this->options['client']['ignore']) ? $this->options['client']['ignore'] : null; if (isset($ignore) === true) { if (is_string($ignore)) { $this->options['client']['ignore'] = explode(",", $ignore); } elseif (is_array($ignore)) { $this->options['client']['ignore'] = $ignore; } else { $this->options['client']['ignore'] = [$ignore]; } } } private function convertCustom(array $params): array { if (isset($params['custom']) === true) { foreach ($params['custom'] as $k => $v) { $params[$k] = $v; } unset($params['custom']); } return $params; } private function convertArraysToStrings(array $params): array { foreach ($params as $key => &$value) { if (!($key === 'client' || $key == 'custom') && is_array($value) === true) { if ($this->isNestedArray($value) !== true) { $value = implode(",", $value); } } } return $params; } private function isNestedArray(array $a): bool { foreach ($a as $v) { if (is_array($v)) { return true; } } return false; } }