[[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespace]] === Elasticsearch\Namespaces\MlNamespace Class MlNamespace *Description* NOTE: this file is autogenerated using util/GenerateEndpoints.php and Elasticsearch 7.12.1 (3186837139b9c6b6d23c3200870651f10d3343b7) *Methods* The class defines the following methods: * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacecloseJob_closeJob]] .`closeJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The name of the job to close $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['allow_no_jobs'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['force'] = (boolean) True if the job should be forcefully closed $params['timeout'] = (time) Controls the time to wait until a job has closed. Default to 30 minutes $params['body'] = (array) The URL params optionally sent in the body */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteCalendar_deleteCalendar]] .`deleteCalendar(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to delete */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteCalendarEvent_deleteCalendarEvent]] .`deleteCalendarEvent(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to modify $params['event_id'] = (string) The ID of the event to remove from the calendar */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteCalendarJob_deleteCalendarJob]] .`deleteCalendarJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to modify $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to remove from the calendar */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteDataFrameAnalytics_deleteDataFrameAnalytics]] .`deleteDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to delete $params['force'] = (boolean) True if the job should be forcefully deleted (Default = false) $params['timeout'] = (time) Controls the time to wait until a job is deleted. Defaults to 1 minute */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteDatafeed_deleteDatafeed]] .`deleteDatafeed(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeed to delete $params['force'] = (boolean) True if the datafeed should be forcefully deleted */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteExpiredData_deleteExpiredData]] .`deleteExpiredData(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job(s) to perform expired data hygiene for $params['requests_per_second'] = (number) The desired requests per second for the deletion processes. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteFilter_deleteFilter]] .`deleteFilter(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['filter_id'] = (string) The ID of the filter to delete */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteForecast_deleteForecast]] .`deleteForecast(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job from which to delete forecasts (Required) $params['forecast_id'] = (string) The ID of the forecast to delete, can be comma delimited list. Leaving blank implies `_all` $params['allow_no_forecasts'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if `_all` matches no forecasts $params['timeout'] = (time) Controls the time to wait until the forecast(s) are deleted. Default to 30 seconds */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteJob_deleteJob]] .`deleteJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to delete $params['force'] = (boolean) True if the job should be forcefully deleted (Default = false) $params['wait_for_completion'] = (boolean) Should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning (Default = true) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteModelSnapshot_deleteModelSnapshot]] .`deleteModelSnapshot(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to fetch $params['snapshot_id'] = (string) The ID of the snapshot to delete */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacedeleteTrainedModel_deleteTrainedModel]] .`deleteTrainedModel(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['model_id'] = (string) The ID of the trained model to delete */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceestimateModelMemory_estimateModelMemory]] .`estimateModelMemory(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['body'] = (array) The analysis config, plus cardinality estimates for fields it references (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceevaluateDataFrame_evaluateDataFrame]] .`evaluateDataFrame(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceexplainDataFrameAnalytics_explainDataFrameAnalytics]] .`explainDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to explain $params['body'] = (array) The data frame analytics config to explain */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacefindFileStructure_findFileStructure]] .`findFileStructure(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed completely in a future release **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['lines_to_sample'] = (int) How many lines of the file should be included in the analysis (Default = 1000) $params['line_merge_size_limit'] = (int) Maximum number of characters permitted in a single message when lines are merged to create messages. (Default = 10000) $params['timeout'] = (time) Timeout after which the analysis will be aborted (Default = 25s) $params['charset'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the character set of the file $params['format'] = (enum) Optional parameter to specify the high level file format (Options = ndjson,xml,delimited,semi_structured_text) $params['has_header_row'] = (boolean) Optional parameter to specify whether a delimited file includes the column names in its first row $params['column_names'] = (list) Optional parameter containing a comma separated list of the column names for a delimited file $params['delimiter'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the delimiter character for a delimited file - must be a single character $params['quote'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the quote character for a delimited file - must be a single character $params['should_trim_fields'] = (boolean) Optional parameter to specify whether the values between delimiters in a delimited file should have whitespace trimmed from them $params['grok_pattern'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the Grok pattern that should be used to extract fields from messages in a semi-structured text file $params['timestamp_field'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the timestamp field in the file $params['timestamp_format'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the timestamp format in the file - may be either a Joda or Java time format $params['explain'] = (boolean) Whether to include a commentary on how the structure was derived (Default = false) $params['body'] = (array) The contents of the file to be analyzed (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceflushJob_flushJob]] .`flushJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The name of the job to flush $params['calc_interim'] = (boolean) Calculates interim results for the most recent bucket or all buckets within the latency period $params['start'] = (string) When used in conjunction with calc_interim, specifies the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results $params['end'] = (string) When used in conjunction with calc_interim, specifies the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results $params['advance_time'] = (string) Advances time to the given value generating results and updating the model for the advanced interval $params['skip_time'] = (string) Skips time to the given value without generating results or updating the model for the skipped interval $params['body'] = (array) Flush parameters */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceforecast_forecast]] .`forecast(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to forecast for $params['duration'] = (time) The duration of the forecast $params['expires_in'] = (time) The time interval after which the forecast expires. Expired forecasts will be deleted at the first opportunity. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetBuckets_getBuckets]] .`getBuckets(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) ID of the job to get bucket results from (Required) $params['timestamp'] = (string) The timestamp of the desired single bucket result $params['expand'] = (boolean) Include anomaly records $params['exclude_interim'] = (boolean) Exclude interim results $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of buckets $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of buckets to get $params['start'] = (string) Start time filter for buckets $params['end'] = (string) End time filter for buckets $params['anomaly_score'] = (double) Filter for the most anomalous buckets $params['sort'] = (string) Sort buckets by a particular field $params['desc'] = (boolean) Set the sort direction $params['body'] = (array) Bucket selection details if not provided in URI */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetCalendarEvents_getCalendarEvents]] .`getCalendarEvents(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar containing the events $params['job_id'] = (string) Get events for the job. When this option is used calendar_id must be '_all' $params['start'] = (string) Get events after this time $params['end'] = (date) Get events before this time $params['from'] = (int) Skips a number of events $params['size'] = (int) Specifies a max number of events to get */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetCalendars_getCalendars]] .`getCalendars(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to fetch $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of calendars $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of calendars to get $params['body'] = (array) The from and size parameters optionally sent in the body */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetCategories_getCategories]] .`getCategories(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The name of the job (Required) $params['category_id'] = (long) The identifier of the category definition of interest $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of categories $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of categories to get $params['partition_field_value'] = (string) Specifies the partition to retrieve categories for. This is optional, and should never be used for jobs where per-partition categorization is disabled. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetDataFrameAnalytics_getDataFrameAnalytics]] .`getDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no data frame analytics. (This includes `_all` string or when no data frame analytics have been specified) (Default = true) $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of analytics (Default = 0) $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of analytics to get (Default = 100) $params['exclude_generated'] = (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on data frame analytics PUT (Default = false) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetDataFrameAnalyticsStats_getDataFrameAnalyticsStats]] .`getDataFrameAnalyticsStats(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics stats to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no data frame analytics. (This includes `_all` string or when no data frame analytics have been specified) (Default = true) $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of analytics (Default = 0) $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of analytics to get (Default = 100) $params['verbose'] = (boolean) whether the stats response should be verbose (Default = false) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetDatafeedStats_getDatafeedStats]] .`getDatafeedStats(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeeds stats to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified) $params['allow_no_datafeeds'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetDatafeeds_getDatafeeds]] .`getDatafeeds(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeeds to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified) $params['allow_no_datafeeds'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified) $params['exclude_generated'] = (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on datafeed PUT (Default = false) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetFilters_getFilters]] .`getFilters(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['filter_id'] = (string) The ID of the filter to fetch $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of filters $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of filters to get */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetInfluencers_getInfluencers]] .`getInfluencers(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) Identifier for the anomaly detection job $params['exclude_interim'] = (boolean) Exclude interim results $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of influencers $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of influencers to get $params['start'] = (string) start timestamp for the requested influencers $params['end'] = (string) end timestamp for the requested influencers $params['influencer_score'] = (double) influencer score threshold for the requested influencers $params['sort'] = (string) sort field for the requested influencers $params['desc'] = (boolean) whether the results should be sorted in decending order $params['body'] = (array) Influencer selection criteria */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetJobStats_getJobStats]] .`getJobStats(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the jobs stats to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['allow_no_jobs'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetJobs_getJobs]] .`getJobs(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the jobs to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['allow_no_jobs'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['exclude_generated'] = (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on job PUT (Default = false) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetModelSnapshots_getModelSnapshots]] .`getModelSnapshots(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to fetch (Required) $params['snapshot_id'] = (string) The ID of the snapshot to fetch $params['from'] = (int) Skips a number of documents $params['size'] = (int) The default number of documents returned in queries as a string. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetOverallBuckets_getOverallBuckets]] .`getOverallBuckets(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The job IDs for which to calculate overall bucket results $params['top_n'] = (int) The number of top job bucket scores to be used in the overall_score calculation $params['bucket_span'] = (string) The span of the overall buckets. Defaults to the longest job bucket_span $params['overall_score'] = (double) Returns overall buckets with overall scores higher than this value $params['exclude_interim'] = (boolean) If true overall buckets that include interim buckets will be excluded $params['start'] = (string) Returns overall buckets with timestamps after this time $params['end'] = (string) Returns overall buckets with timestamps earlier than this time $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['allow_no_jobs'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified) $params['body'] = (array) Overall bucket selection details if not provided in URI */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetRecords_getRecords]] .`getRecords(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job $params['exclude_interim'] = (boolean) Exclude interim results $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of records $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of records to get $params['start'] = (string) Start time filter for records $params['end'] = (string) End time filter for records $params['record_score'] = (double) Returns records with anomaly scores greater or equal than this value $params['sort'] = (string) Sort records by a particular field $params['desc'] = (boolean) Set the sort direction $params['body'] = (array) Record selection criteria */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetTrainedModels_getTrainedModels]] .`getTrainedModels(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['model_id'] = (string) The ID of the trained models to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no trained models. (This includes `_all` string or when no trained models have been specified) (Default = true) $params['include'] = (string) A comma-separate list of fields to optionally include. Valid options are 'definition' and 'total_feature_importance'. Default is none. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacegetTrainedModelsStats_getTrainedModelsStats]] .`getTrainedModelsStats(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['model_id'] = (string) The ID of the trained models stats to fetch $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no trained models. (This includes `_all` string or when no trained models have been specified) (Default = true) $params['from'] = (int) skips a number of trained models (Default = 0) $params['size'] = (int) specifies a max number of trained models to get (Default = 100) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceinfo_info]] .`info(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceopenJob_openJob]] .`openJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to open */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacepostCalendarEvents_postCalendarEvents]] .`postCalendarEvents(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to modify $params['body'] = (array) A list of events (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacepostData_postData]] .`postData(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The name of the job receiving the data $params['reset_start'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the start of the bucket resetting range $params['reset_end'] = (string) Optional parameter to specify the end of the bucket resetting range $params['body'] = (array) The data to process (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacepreviewDatafeed_previewDatafeed]] .`previewDatafeed(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeed to preview */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputCalendar_putCalendar]] .`putCalendar(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to create $params['body'] = (array) The calendar details */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputCalendarJob_putCalendarJob]] .`putCalendarJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['calendar_id'] = (string) The ID of the calendar to modify $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to add to the calendar */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputDataFrameAnalytics_putDataFrameAnalytics]] .`putDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to create $params['body'] = (array) The data frame analytics configuration (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputDatafeed_putDatafeed]] .`putDatafeed(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeed to create $params['ignore_unavailable'] = (boolean) Ignore unavailable indexes (default: false) $params['allow_no_indices'] = (boolean) Ignore if the source indices expressions resolves to no concrete indices (default: true) $params['ignore_throttled'] = (boolean) Ignore indices that are marked as throttled (default: true) $params['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether source index expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open) (Options = open,closed,hidden,none,all) $params['body'] = (array) The datafeed config (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputFilter_putFilter]] .`putFilter(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['filter_id'] = (string) The ID of the filter to create $params['body'] = (array) The filter details (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputJob_putJob]] .`putJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to create $params['body'] = (array) The job (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceputTrainedModel_putTrainedModel]] .`putTrainedModel(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['model_id'] = (string) The ID of the trained models to store $params['body'] = (array) The trained model configuration (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacerevertModelSnapshot_revertModelSnapshot]] .`revertModelSnapshot(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to fetch $params['snapshot_id'] = (string) The ID of the snapshot to revert to $params['delete_intervening_results'] = (boolean) Should we reset the results back to the time of the snapshot? $params['body'] = (array) Reversion options */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacesetUpgradeMode_setUpgradeMode]] .`setUpgradeMode(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['enabled'] = (boolean) Whether to enable upgrade_mode ML setting or not. Defaults to false. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacestartDataFrameAnalytics_startDataFrameAnalytics]] .`startDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to start $params['timeout'] = (time) Controls the time to wait until the task has started. Defaults to 20 seconds $params['body'] = (array) The start data frame analytics parameters */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacestartDatafeed_startDatafeed]] .`startDatafeed(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeed to start $params['start'] = (string) The start time from where the datafeed should begin $params['end'] = (string) The end time when the datafeed should stop. When not set, the datafeed continues in real time $params['timeout'] = (time) Controls the time to wait until a datafeed has started. Default to 20 seconds $params['body'] = (array) The start datafeed parameters */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacestopDataFrameAnalytics_stopDataFrameAnalytics]] .`stopDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to stop $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no data frame analytics. (This includes `_all` string or when no data frame analytics have been specified) $params['force'] = (boolean) True if the data frame analytics should be forcefully stopped $params['timeout'] = (time) Controls the time to wait until the task has stopped. Defaults to 20 seconds $params['body'] = (array) The stop data frame analytics parameters */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacestopDatafeed_stopDatafeed]] .`stopDatafeed(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeed to stop $params['allow_no_match'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified) $params['allow_no_datafeeds'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified) $params['force'] = (boolean) True if the datafeed should be forcefully stopped. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceupdateDataFrameAnalytics_updateDataFrameAnalytics]] .`updateDataFrameAnalytics(array $params = [])` *NOTE:* This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['id'] = (string) The ID of the data frame analytics to update $params['body'] = (array) The data frame analytics settings to update (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceupdateDatafeed_updateDatafeed]] .`updateDatafeed(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['datafeed_id'] = (string) The ID of the datafeed to update $params['ignore_unavailable'] = (boolean) Ignore unavailable indexes (default: false) $params['allow_no_indices'] = (boolean) Ignore if the source indices expressions resolves to no concrete indices (default: true) $params['ignore_throttled'] = (boolean) Ignore indices that are marked as throttled (default: true) $params['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether source index expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open) (Options = open,closed,hidden,none,all) $params['body'] = (array) The datafeed update settings (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceupdateFilter_updateFilter]] .`updateFilter(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['filter_id'] = (string) The ID of the filter to update $params['body'] = (array) The filter update (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceupdateJob_updateJob]] .`updateJob(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to create $params['body'] = (array) The job update settings (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceupdateModelSnapshot_updateModelSnapshot]] .`updateModelSnapshot(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job to fetch $params['snapshot_id'] = (string) The ID of the snapshot to update $params['body'] = (array) The model snapshot properties to update (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespaceupgradeJobSnapshot_upgradeJobSnapshot]] .`upgradeJobSnapshot(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['job_id'] = (string) The ID of the job $params['snapshot_id'] = (string) The ID of the snapshot $params['timeout'] = (time) How long should the API wait for the job to be opened and the old snapshot to be loaded. */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacevalidate_validate]] .`validate(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['body'] = (array) The job config (Required) */ ---- **** [[Elasticsearch_Namespaces_MlNamespacevalidateDetector_validateDetector]] .`validateDetector(array $params = [])` **** [source,php] ---- /* $params['body'] = (array) The detector (Required) */ ---- ****