getTagName(); $this->mpdf->inMeter = true; $max = 1; if (!empty($attr['MAX'])) { $max = $attr['MAX']; } $min = 0; if (!empty($attr['MIN']) && $tag === 'METER') { $min = $attr['MIN']; } if ($max < $min) { $max = $min; } $value = ''; if (isset($attr['VALUE']) && ($attr['VALUE'] || $attr['VALUE'] === '0')) { $value = $attr['VALUE']; if ($value < $min) { $value = $min; } elseif ($value > $max) { $value = $max; } } $low = $min; if (!empty($attr['LOW'])) { $low = $attr['LOW']; } if ($low < $min) { $low = $min; } elseif ($low > $max) { $low = $max; } $high = $max; if (!empty($attr['HIGH'])) { $high = $attr['HIGH']; } if ($high < $low) { $high = $low; } elseif ($high > $max) { $high = $max; } if (!empty($attr['OPTIMUM'])) { $optimum = $attr['OPTIMUM']; } else { $optimum = $min + (($max - $min) / 2); } if ($optimum < $min) { $optimum = $min; } elseif ($optimum > $max) { $optimum = $max; } $type = ''; if (!empty($attr['TYPE'])) { $type = $attr['TYPE']; } $objattr = []; $objattr['margin_top'] = 0; $objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0; $objattr['margin_left'] = 0; $objattr['margin_right'] = 0; $objattr['padding_top'] = 0; $objattr['padding_bottom'] = 0; $objattr['padding_left'] = 0; $objattr['padding_right'] = 0; $objattr['width'] = 0; $objattr['height'] = 0; $objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0; $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0; $objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0; $objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0; $properties = $this->cssManager->MergeCSS('INLINE', $tag, $attr); if (isset($properties ['DISPLAY']) && strtolower($properties ['DISPLAY']) === 'none') { return; } $objattr['visibility'] = 'visible'; if (isset($properties['VISIBILITY'])) { $v = strtolower($properties['VISIBILITY']); if (($v === 'hidden' || $v === 'printonly' || $v === 'screenonly') && $this->mpdf->visibility === 'visible') { $objattr['visibility'] = $v; } } if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert( $properties['MARGIN-TOP'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false ); 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} if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) { $objattr['padding_left'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert( $properties['PADDING-LEFT'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false ); } if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['padding_right'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert( $properties['PADDING-RIGHT'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false ); } if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) { $objattr['border_top'] = $this->mpdf->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']); } if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['border_bottom'] = $this->mpdf->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']); } if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) { $objattr['border_left'] = $this->mpdf->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']); } if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['border_right'] = $this->mpdf->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']); } if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $this->getAlign($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN']); } $w = 0; $h = 0; if (isset($properties['WIDTH'])) { $w = $this->sizeConverter->convert( $properties['WIDTH'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false ); } elseif (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) { $w = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['WIDTH'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) { $h = $this->sizeConverter->convert( $properties['HEIGHT'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false ); } elseif (isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) { $h = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['HEIGHT'], $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($properties['OPACITY']) && $properties['OPACITY'] > 0 && $properties['OPACITY'] <= 1) { $objattr['opacity'] = $properties['OPACITY']; } if ($this->mpdf->HREF) { if (strpos($this->mpdf->HREF, '.') === false && strpos($this->mpdf->HREF, '@') !== 0) { $href = $this->mpdf->HREF; while (array_key_exists($href, $this->mpdf->internallink)) { $href = '#' . $href; } $this->mpdf->internallink[$href] = $this->mpdf->AddLink(); $objattr['link'] = $this->mpdf->internallink[$href]; } else { $objattr['link'] = $this->mpdf->HREF; } } $extraheight = $objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'] + $objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w']; $extrawidth = $objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right'] + $objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w']; $svg = $this->makeSVG($type, $value, $max, $min, $optimum, $low, $high); //Save to local file $srcpath = $this->cache->write('/_tempSVG' . uniqid(random_int(1, 100000), true) . '_' . strtolower($tag) . '.svg', $svg); $orig_srcpath = $srcpath; $this->mpdf->GetFullPath($srcpath); $info = $this->imageProcessor->getImage($srcpath, true, true, $orig_srcpath); if (!$info) { $info = $this->imageProcessor->getImage($this->mpdf->noImageFile); if ($info) { $srcpath = $this->mpdf->noImageFile; $w = ($info['w'] * (25.4 / $this->mpdf->img_dpi)); $h = ($info['h'] * (25.4 / $this->mpdf->img_dpi)); } } if (!$info) { return; } $objattr['file'] = $srcpath; // Default width and height calculation if needed if ($w == 0 && $h == 0) { // SVG units are pixels $w = $this->mpdf->FontSize / (10 / Mpdf::SCALE) * abs($info['w']) / Mpdf::SCALE; $h = $this->mpdf->FontSize / (10 / Mpdf::SCALE) * abs($info['h']) / Mpdf::SCALE; } // IF WIDTH OR HEIGHT SPECIFIED if ($w == 0) { $w = $info['h'] ? abs($h * $info['w'] / $info['h']) : INF; } if ($h == 0) { $h = $info['w'] ? abs($w * $info['h'] / $info['w']) : INF; } // Resize to maximum dimensions of page $maxWidth = $this->mpdf->blk[$this->mpdf->blklvl]['inner_width']; $maxHeight = $this->mpdf->h - ($this->mpdf->tMargin + $this->mpdf->bMargin + 1); if ($this->mpdf->fullImageHeight) { $maxHeight = $this->mpdf->fullImageHeight; } if (($w + $extrawidth) > ($maxWidth + 0.0001)) { // mPDF 5.7.4 0.0001 to allow for rounding errors when w==maxWidth $w = $maxWidth - $extrawidth; $h = abs($w * $info['h'] / $info['w']); } if ($h + $extraheight > $maxHeight) { $h = $maxHeight - $extraheight; $w = abs($h * $info['w'] / $info['h']); } $objattr['type'] = 'image'; $objattr['itype'] = $info['type']; $objattr['orig_h'] = $info['h']; $objattr['orig_w'] = $info['w']; $objattr['wmf_x'] = $info['x']; $objattr['wmf_y'] = $info['y']; $objattr['height'] = $h + $extraheight; $objattr['width'] = $w + $extrawidth; $objattr['image_height'] = $h; $objattr['image_width'] = $w; $e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=image,objattr=" . serialize($objattr) . "\xbb\xa4\xac"; if ($this->mpdf->tableLevel) { $this->mpdf->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->mpdf->HREF); $this->mpdf->cell[$this->mpdf->row][$this->mpdf->col]['s'] += $objattr['width']; } else { $this->mpdf->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->mpdf->HREF); } } public function close(&$ahtml, &$ihtml) { parent::close($ahtml, $ihtml); $this->mpdf->ignorefollowingspaces = false; $this->mpdf->inMeter = false; } protected function makeSVG($type, $value, $max, $min, $optimum, $low, $high) { if ($type == '2') { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// CUSTOM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $h = 10; $w = 160; $border_radius = 0.143; // Factor of Height $svg = ' '; $svg .= ''; // LOW to HIGH region //if ($low && $high && ($low != $min || $high != $max)) { if ($low && $high) { $barx = (($low - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $barw = (($high - $low) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $svg .= ''; } // OPTIMUM Marker (? AVERAGE) if ($optimum) { $barx = (($optimum - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $barw = $h / 2; $barcol = '#888888'; $svg .= ''; } // VALUE Marker if ($value) { if ($min != $low && $value < $low) { $col = 'orange'; } elseif ($max != $high && $value > $high) { $col = 'orange'; } else { $col = '#008800'; } $cx = (($value - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $cy = $h / 2; $rx = $h / 3.5; $ry = $h / 2.2; $svg .= ''; } // BoRDER $svg .= ''; $svg .= ''; } elseif ($type == '3') { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// CUSTOM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $h = 10; $w = 100; $border_radius = 0.143; // Factor of Height $svg = ' '; $svg .= ''; // LOW to HIGH region if ($low && $high && ($low != $min || $high != $max)) { //if ($low && $high) { $barx = (($low - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $barw = (($high - $low) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $svg .= ''; } // OPTIMUM Marker (? AVERAGE) if ($optimum) { $barx = (($optimum - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $barw = $h / 2; $barcol = '#888888'; $svg .= ''; } // VALUE Marker if ($value) { if ($min != $low && $value < $low) { $col = 'orange'; } elseif ($max != $high && $value > $high) { $col = 'orange'; } else { $col = 'orange'; } $cx = (($value - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; $cy = $h / 2; $rx = $h / 2.2; $ry = $h / 2.2; $svg .= ''; } // BoRDER $svg .= ''; $svg .= ''; } else { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// DEFAULT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $h = 10; $w = 50; $border_radius = 0.143; // Factor of Height $svg = ' '; if ($value) { $barw = (($value - $min) / ($max - $min) ) * $w; if ($optimum < $low) { if ($value < $low) { $barcol = 'url(#GrGREEN)'; } elseif ($value > $high) { $barcol = 'url(#GrRED)'; } else { $barcol = 'url(#GrORANGE)'; } } elseif ($optimum > $high) { if ($value < $low) { $barcol = 'url(#GrRED)'; } elseif ($value > $high) { $barcol = 'url(#GrGREEN)'; } else { $barcol = 'url(#GrORANGE)'; } } else { if ($value < $low) { $barcol = 'url(#GrORANGE)'; } elseif ($value > $high) { $barcol = 'url(#GrORANGE)'; } else { $barcol = 'url(#GrGREEN)'; } } $svg .= ''; } $svg .= ''; } return $svg; } }