/** * The Tag File Selector Wizard * * This code is used in the toolbar entry of the doxycode plugin for quickly selecting available * tag files from the tag file configuration for a code snippet. * * It opens a floating jQuery dialog that is inspired from the linkwiz floating dialog by Andreas Gohr and Pierre Spring * (see {@link https://github.com/dokuwiki/dokuwiki/blob/master/lib/scripts/linkwiz.js}). * The user can filter all available tag file entries with a search string and select all * tag files to be used via checkboxes for each entry. * * On load the tagselector tries to find a doxygen syntax near the cursor in the editor and loads * the already used tag file names into the dialog. Tag files can quickly be added by clicking on * a tag file entry. * * * @author Lukas Probsthain */ var doxycode_tagselector = { /** * The main div that holds the tagselector for rendering * @type {jQuery} */ $container: null, /** * The search text input for filtering the available tag files * @type {jQuery} */ $search: null, /** * DIV for rendering the tag name list as a table * @type {DOM/Element} */ result: null, timer: null, textArea: null, selected: -1, // the element in the result that is currently marked with hotkeys /** Selection of the doxycode syntax in the edit textArea @type {selection_class} */ doxycodeSelected: null, // syntax that was near the cursor in the edit textArea selection: null, // the old text selection in the edit textArea tagNames: [], /** * Initialize the tag file selector by creating the needed HTML * and attaching the eventhandlers */ init: function($editor){ // position relative to the text area var pos = $editor.position(); if(doxycode_tagselector.$container) { // if we already have a container ready do nothing here return; } // create HTML Structure doxycode_tagselector.$container = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: true, title: LANG.plugins.doxycode.tag_selector_title, resizable: false, buttons: [ { text: LANG.plugins.doxycode.tag_selector_btn_insert, click: function() { doxycode_tagselector.insertTagNames(); doxycode_tagselector.hide(); } },{ text: LANG.plugins.doxycode.tag_selector_btn_update, click: function() { doxycode_tagselector.updateTagNames(); } } ] }) .html( '
'+ '
' ) .parent() .attr('id','doxycode__tagselector') .css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': (pos.top+20)+'px', 'left': (pos.left+80)+'px' }) .hide() .appendTo('.dokuwiki:first'); doxycode_tagselector.textArea = $editor[0]; doxycode_tagselector.result = jQuery('#doxycode__tagselector_result')[0]; // scrollview correction on arrow up/down gets easier jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result).css('position', 'relative'); doxycode_tagselector.$search = jQuery('#doxycode__tagselector_search'); // attach event handlers jQuery('#doxycode__tagselector .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').on('click', doxycode_tagselector.hide); doxycode_tagselector.$search.keydown(doxycode_tagselector.onEntry); jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result).on('click', 'a', doxycode_tagselector.onResultClick); }, /** * handle all keyup events in the search field */ onEntry: function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39){ //left/right return true; //ignore } if(e.keyCode == 27){ //Escape doxycode_tagselector.hide(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 38){ //Up doxycode_tagselector.select(doxycode_tagselector.selected -1); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 40){ //Down doxycode_tagselector.select(doxycode_tagselector.selected +1); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 32){ //Space // Find the currently selected row based on your selection logic var $selectedRow = doxycode_tagselector.$getResult(doxycode_tagselector.selected); // Find the checkbox within that row var $checkbox = $selectedRow.find('td:first-child input[type="checkbox"]'); // Toggle the checkbox state $checkbox.prop('checked', !$checkbox.prop('checked')); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if(e.keyCode == 13){ //Enter // trigger the insertion of the tagfilelist doxycode_tagselector.insertTagNames(); // close the tag selector doxycode_tagselector.hide(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } doxycode_tagselector.filterRows(); }, /** * Get the selected tag name list from the result table. * * @returns {Array} List of selected tag names */ getTagList: function() { // get the table body var $tbody = jQuery('#doxycode__tagselector_table tbody'); /** * Array to hold the tag names * @type {Array} */ var tagNames = []; // Iterate over each row $tbody.find('tr').each(function() { var $row = jQuery(this); var $checkbox = $row.find('td:first-child input[type="checkbox"]'); // Check if the checkbox is checked if ($checkbox.is(':checked')) { // Get the text from the second column and add it to the tagNames array var name = $row.find('td:nth-child(2)').text(); tagNames.push(name); } }); return tagNames; }, /** * Get jQuery object of the entry in the result table by index * * @param {num} int index of the entry in the tbody * @returns {jQuery} Row matching the index */ $getResult: function(num) { return jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.$container).find('#doxycode__tagselector_table tbody tr:visible').eq(num); }, /** * Select the given entry * * @param {num} int index of the entry in the tbody */ select: function(num){ if(num < 0){ doxycode_tagselector.deselect(); return; } // get the current item var $obj = doxycode_tagselector.$getResult(num); if ($obj.length === 0) { return; } // remove class from item doxycode_tagselector.deselect(); $obj.addClass('selected'); // make sure the item is viewable in the scroll view //getting child position within the parent var childPos = $obj.position().top; //getting difference between the childs top and parents viewable area var yDiff = childPos + $obj.outerHeight() - jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result).innerHeight(); if (childPos < 0) { //if childPos is above viewable area (that's why it goes negative) jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result)[0].scrollTop += childPos; } else if(yDiff > 0) { // if difference between childs top and parents viewable area is // greater than the height of a childDiv jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result)[0].scrollTop += yDiff; } doxycode_tagselector.selected = num; }, /** * Deselect the entry in the result table */ deselect: function(){ if(doxycode_tagselector.selected > -1){ doxycode_tagselector.$getResult(doxycode_tagselector.selected).removeClass('selected'); } doxycode_tagselector.selected = -1; }, /** * Handle clicks in the result set an dispatch them to resultClick() * * @param {Event} e */ onResultClick: function(e){ if(!jQuery(this).is('a')) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); doxycode_tagselector.resultClick(this); return false; }, /** * Handles the "click" on a given result anchor * * Enable the clicked tag name and insert new syntax into edit textArea * * @param {DOM/Element} a The link element this event was triggered for. */ resultClick: function(a){ // enable the checkbox of this item var $row = jQuery(a).closest('tr'); var $checkbox = $row.find('td:first-child input[type="checkbox"]'); $checkbox.prop('checked', true); // trigger the insertion of the tagfilelist doxycode_tagselector.insertTagNames(); // close the tag selector doxycode_tagselector.hide(); }, /** * Start the timer for filtering the tag file list by the search string. * * If a timer was already running we restart the timer. */ filterRows: function() { if(doxycode_tagselector.timer !== null){ window.clearTimeout(doxycode_tagselector.timer); doxycode_tagselector.timer = null; } doxycode_tagselector.timer = window.setTimeout(doxycode_tagselector.filterRowsExec,350); }, /** * Filter the tag file list by the search string. */ filterRowsExec: function(){ // Convert search text to lower case for case-insensitive comparison var searchText = jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.$search).val().toLowerCase(); var $tbody = jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result).find('#doxycode__tagselector_table tbody'); var $selectedRow = null; // get currently selected row so we can update the selected index if(doxycode_tagselector.selected >= 0) { $selectedRow = doxycode_tagselector.$getResult(doxycode_tagselector.selected); } // get all rows var $rows = $tbody.find('tr'); // TODO: maybe also match the description? // show all matching rows $rows.filter(function() { var name = jQuery(this).find('td').eq(1).text().toLowerCase(); return searchText === '' || name.includes(searchText); }).show(); // hide all not matching rows $rows.not(function() { var name = jQuery(this).find('td').eq(1).text().toLowerCase(); return searchText === '' || name.includes(searchText); }).hide(); if($selectedRow != null) { // update index of the currently selected item inside the list of visible files doxycode_tagselector.selected = $tbody.find('tr:visible').index($selectedRow); if(doxycode_tagselector.selected < 0) { // if row can't be selected anymore remove selected class $selectedRow.removeClass('selected'); } } }, /** * Executes the AJAX call for loading the tag configuration from the server */ updateTagNames: function(){ var $res = jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result); // show the loading animation $loading_animation = jQuery(''); $res.prepend($loading_animation); // request the tag file configuration from the server jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', { call: 'plugin_doxycode_get_tag_files' }, function(response) { // update the local tag name list doxycode_tagselector.renderTagNameList(response); }, 'json' ).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error("AJAX error:", textStatus, errorThrown); }); }, /** * Insert or update a table with the current tag file configuration. * * @param {array} response Tag file configuration from the server. */ renderTagNameList: function(response) { var $res = jQuery(doxycode_tagselector.result); // remove the loading animation $res.find('img').remove(); var $table = jQuery('#doxycode__tagselector_table'); // Reference to the table if ($table.length === 0) { // If the table doesn't exist, create it $table = jQuery('
'); var $thead = jQuery(''); $table.append($thead); var $row = jQuery(''); $thead.append($row); $row.append(jQuery('')); $row.append(jQuery('').text(LANG.plugins.doxycode.tag_selector_name)); $row.append(jQuery('').text(LANG.plugins.doxycode.tag_selector_description)); $res.append($table); // Append the table to a container } var $tbody; if ($table.find('tbody').length === 0) { // If tbody doesn't exist, create it $tbody = jQuery(''); $table.append($tbody); } else { $tbody = $table.find('tbody'); } var existingRows = $tbody.find('tr').get(); // Get existing rows as an array for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(response)) { var $matchingRow = jQuery(existingRows).filter(function() { return jQuery(this).find('td:nth-child(2)').text() === key; }); if ($matchingRow.length > 0) { // Row exists, update it $matchingRow.find('td:nth-child(3)').text(value['description']); // Remove the row from existingRows array as it's already processed existingRows = existingRows.filter(row => row !== $matchingRow[0]); } else { // Row doesn't exist, create and insert it at the correct position var $row = doxycode_tagselector.createRow(key, value); doxycode_tagselector.insertRowInOrder($tbody, $row, Object.keys(response), key); } } // Remove any remaining rows that weren't in the response jQuery(existingRows).remove(); doxycode_tagselector.filterRowsExec(); // move focus back to search input doxycode_tagselector.$search.focus(); }, /** * Create a row for the table with the tag file names. * * The row consists of: * - a checkbox for selecting the tag name for insertion * - the tag name itself * - a short description from the tag file configuration * * @param {String} key Tag File name * @param {Array.<{description: String}>} value Configuration of the tag file * @returns */ createRow: function(key, value) { var $row = jQuery('').data('name', key); var $checkbox = jQuery('', { type: 'checkbox', value: 0 }); if (doxycode_tagselector.tagNames.includes(key)) { $checkbox.prop("checked", true); } $row.append(jQuery('').append($checkbox)); var $link = jQuery('').text(key); $row.append(jQuery('').append($link)); $row.append(jQuery('').text(value['description'])); return $row; }, /** * Insert a new row in the result table with the correct position based on the order of a tag name array * * @param {jQuery} $tbody Table body that displays the tag names * @param {jQuery} $newRow Entry row generated with createRow() * @param {Array} keys Tag names that should be displayed in the given order * @param {String} currentKey Tag name of the entry */ insertRowInOrder: function($tbody, $newRow, keys, currentKey) { var inserted = false; $tbody.find('tr').each(function() { var rowKey = jQuery(this).find('td:nth-child(2)').text(); var index = keys.indexOf(rowKey); if (index > keys.indexOf(currentKey)) { jQuery(this).before($newRow); inserted = true; return false; // break the .each loop } }); if (!inserted) { // Append to the end if not inserted in the middle $tbody.append($newRow); } }, /** * Insert the tagfiles attribute with the list of checked tag names from the tag file selector. * * If a doxycode syntax was detected when the tag file selector was shown, it tries to update * the existing doxycode syntax. If the doxycode syntax didn't include the tagfiles * attribute, it inserts it before the filename (if there was one). * * Otherwise it creates a new doxycode syntax at the position * * @property {selection_class} doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected used for replacing the existing doxycode syntax * @property {selection_class} doxycode_tagselector.selection used for inserting a new doxycode syntax */ insertTagNames: function() { var tagFileNames = doxycode_tagselector.getTagList(); var tagFilesString = 'tagfiles="' + tagFileNames.join(' ') + '"'; var tagfilesRegex = /tagfiles=".*?"/; if(doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected == null) { // we have to insert a new doxycode syntax into the editor textArea // use the start position from selector var doxycode_string = '\n'; // insert the string into the editor textArea pasteText(doxycode_tagselector.selection,doxycode_string,{}); // update doxycode selection, so that it matches the selection of the new text doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected = doxycode_tagselector.selection; } // update or insert tagfiles attribute! var doxycodeText = doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.getText(); var updatedDoxycode; if (tagfilesRegex.test(doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.getText())) { // Update the tagfiles attribute updatedDoxycode = doxycodeText.replace(tagfilesRegex, tagFilesString); } else { // Add the tagfiles attribute, considering self-closing tags updatedDoxycode = doxycodeText.replace(/)/, function(match, attributes, closingTag) { // Place tagFilesString before the filename and the closing tag var filenameMatch = attributes.match(/ ([^ ]+)(\/?>)$/); var filename = filenameMatch ? filenameMatch[1] : ''; var updatedAttributes = filename ? attributes.replace(filename, '').trim() : attributes.trim(); return '...<\doxycode>' or '' block: * * -> just mark from '<' to '>' or '\>' * * - inside the code content * * -> check if there is a '' block that is not closed before the start * * -> then check if there is a '<\doxycode>' block after the end * * @property {selection_class} doxycode_tagselector.selection used for searching doxycode syntax near the original cursor position * @returns {void} */ findNearestDoxycode: function() { doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected = new selection_class(); // extract the text from the edit textArea var text = doxycode_tagselector.textArea.value; // Extract the line where the selection starts var selectionStartLine = text.substring(0, doxycode_tagselector.selection.start).lastIndexOf('\n') + 1; var selectionEndLine = text.indexOf('\n', doxycode_tagselector.selection.start); if (selectionEndLine === -1) selectionEndLine = text.length; var line = text.substring(selectionStartLine, selectionEndLine); // Regex to match or var regex = //; // detect if cursors starts at doxycode syntax var match = regex.exec(line); if (match) { // copy over the object from the original selection doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.obj = doxycode_tagselector.selection.obj; // Update the selection to cover the entire tag doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.start = selectionStartLine + match.index; doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.end = selectionStartLine + match.index + match[0].length; return; } // search for doxycode block before the current selection // Extract the entire text before and after the selection var textBeforeCursor = text.substring(0, doxycode_tagselector.selection.start); var textAfterCursor = text.substring(doxycode_tagselector.selection.start); // Regex to match the opening and closing of doxycode blocks, and self-closing tag var openingTagRegex = //g; var closingTagRegex = /<\/doxycode>|/g; // Find the last opening tag and first closing tag before the cursor var lastOpeningTagIndex = -1, firstClosingTagIndex = -1; var lastOpeningTagIndexLength = -1; var match; // Find the nearest opening tag before the cursor while ((match = openingTagRegex.exec(textBeforeCursor)) !== null) { lastOpeningTagIndex = match.index; lastOpeningTagIndexLength = match[0].length; } // Check for closing tags before the cursor while ((match = closingTagRegex.exec(textBeforeCursor)) !== null) { if (match.index >= lastOpeningTagIndex) { // Found a closing tag after or at the last opening tag // ignore opening tag lastOpeningTagIndex = -1; } } // Find the nearest closing tag after the last opening tag if (lastOpeningTagIndex !== -1) { while ((match = closingTagRegex.exec(textAfterCursor)) !== null) { firstClosingTagIndex = match.index + doxycode_tagselector.selection.start; if (firstClosingTagIndex > lastOpeningTagIndex) { break; } } } // Determine if the cursor is inside an open doxycode block if (lastOpeningTagIndex !== -1 && (firstClosingTagIndex === -1 || firstClosingTagIndex > doxycode_tagselector.selection.start)) { // Cursor is inside an open doxycode block // copy over the object from the original selection doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.obj = doxycode_tagselector.selection.obj; // Update the selection to cover the entire tag doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.start = lastOpeningTagIndex; doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.end = lastOpeningTagIndex + lastOpeningTagIndexLength; return; } doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected = null; return; }, /** * Extract the tag file list from the selected '' syntax. * * @returns {void} */ getTagNamesFromSyntax: function() { // clear the current list of tagNames doxycode_tagselector.tagNames = []; if(doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected == null) { return; } // extract the doxycode text from the selection var doxycode_syntax = doxycode_tagselector.doxycodeSelected.getText(); // get the tagfiles from it var regex = /tagfiles="(.*?)"/; var match = regex.exec(doxycode_syntax); if (match) { doxycode_tagselector.tagNames = match[1].split(" "); return; } }, clearResults: function() { // get the table body var $tbody = jQuery('#doxycode__tagselector_table tbody'); // clear contents $tbody.empty(); }, /** * Show the tag selector */ show: function(){ // prepare the update from the current selection doxycode_tagselector.selection = DWgetSelection(doxycode_tagselector.textArea); // we'll scan for the current block containing a 'tagfiles' argument doxycode_tagselector.findNearestDoxycode(); doxycode_tagselector.getTagNamesFromSyntax(); // show the tag selector doxycode_tagselector.$container.show(); doxycode_tagselector.$search.focus(); // get the current list of tagnames from the server doxycode_tagselector.updateTagNames(); // Move the cursor to the end of the input var temp = doxycode_tagselector.$search.val(); doxycode_tagselector.$search.val(''); doxycode_tagselector.$search.val(temp); }, /** * Hide the tag selector */ hide: function(){ doxycode_tagselector.deselect(); // clear any results from the last time doxycode_tagselector.clearResults(); doxycode_tagselector.$container.hide(); // put the focus back to the editor doxycode_tagselector.textArea.focus(); }, /** * Toggle the tag selector */ toggle: function(){ if(doxycode_tagselector.$container.css('display') == 'none'){ doxycode_tagselector.show(); }else{ doxycode_tagselector.hide(); } } };