* @author Matthias Jung * @author Robert Rackl * @author Jonathan Tsai * @author Esther Brunner * @author Romain Coltel */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); /** * Displays a table where users can vote for some predefined choices * Syntax: * *
 *     * Option 1 
 *     * Option 2 **some wikimarkup** \\ is __allowed__!
 *     * Option 3
* * Only required parameteres are a title and at least one option. * *


* auth="none" - everyone can vote with any username, (IPs will be recorded but not checked) * auth="ip" - everyone can vote with any username, votes will be tracked by IP to prevent duplicate voting * auth="user" - users must login with a valid dokuwiki user. This has the advantage, that users can * edit their vote ("change their mind") later on. * *

adminUsers and adminGroups

* "|"-separated list of adminUsers or adminGroups, whose members can always edit and delete any entry. * *

Vote Type

* default - user can vote for exactly one option (round checkboxes will be shown) * multi - can choose any number of options, including none (square checkboxes will be shown). * *


* auto - width of option columns is determined by content (css: width:auto) * 123px - width of all option columns is set to provided value (e.g. css: width:123px) * valid values must match regexp: /^[0-9]+px$/ (see https://regex101.com/r/yKOhAo/1 for details) * *


* all (default) - everyone can see every vote * own - only own vote is visible (except for admingroup) * *


* true (default) - sum / result is displayed at the end * false - no sum / result * *


* vertical - User displayed in Rows * horizontal - User displayed in Columns * *


* both - Fullname & Username * fullname - Fullname * username - Username * * If closed=="true", then no one can vote anymore. The result will still be shown on the page. * * The doodle's data is saved in '/data/meta/title_of_vote.doodle'. The filename is the (masked) title. * This has the advantage that you can move your doodle to another page, without loosing the data. */ class syntax_plugin_doodle4 extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { const AUTH_NONE = 0; const AUTH_IP = 1; const AUTH_USER = 2; /** * return info about this plugin */ function getInfo() { return array( 'author' => 'Nico Stueber', 'email' => 'nstueber@v-markt.de', 'date' => '2019/02/20', 'name' => 'Doodle Plugin 4', 'desc' => 'Survey / Poll ', 'url' => 'https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:doodle4', ); } function getType() { return 'substition';} function getPType() { return 'block';} function getSort() { return 168; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('.+?', $mode, 'plugin_doodle4'); } /** * Handle the match, parse parameters & choices * and prepare everything for the render() method. */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { $match = substr($match, 8, -9); // strip markup (including space after "/u', $match, 2); //----- default parameter settings $params = array( 'title' => 'Default title', 'auth' => self::AUTH_NONE, 'adminUsers' => '', 'adminGroups' => '', 'showMode' => 'all', 'showSum' => TRUE, 'adminMail' => null, 'printName' => 'both', 'voteType' => 'default', 'closed' => FALSE, 'fieldwidth' => 'auto', 'userlist' => 'vertical' ); //----- parse parameteres into name="value" pairs preg_match_all("/(\w+?)=\"(.*?)\"/", $parameterStr, $regexMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER); //debout($parameterStr); //debout($regexMatches); for ($i = 0; $i < count($regexMatches); $i++) { $name = strtoupper($regexMatches[$i][1]); // first subpattern: name of attribute in UPPERCASE $value = $regexMatches[$i][2]; // second subpattern is value if (strcmp($name, "TITLE") == 0) { $params['title'] = hsc(trim($value)); } else if (strcmp($name, "AUTH") == 0) { if (strcasecmp($value, 'IP') == 0) { $params['auth'] = self::AUTH_IP; } else if (strcasecmp($value, 'USER') == 0) { $params['auth'] = self::AUTH_USER; } } else if (strcmp($name, "ADMINUSERS") == 0) { $params['adminUsers'] = $value; } else if (strcmp($name, "ADMINGROUPS") == 0) { $params['adminGroups'] = $value; } else if (strcmp($name, "ADMINMAIL") == 0) { // check for valid email adress if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,5})$/', $value)) { $params['adminMail'] = $value; } } else if (strcmp($name, "VOTETYPE") == 0) { if (preg_match('/default|multi/', $value)) { $params['voteType'] = $value; } } else if ((strcmp($name, "CLOSEON") == 0) && (($timestamp = strtotime($value)) !== false) && (time() > $timestamp) ) { $params['closed'] = 1; } else if (strcmp($name, "CLOSED") == 0) { if (strcasecmp($value, "TRUE") == 0) { $params['closed'] = 1; } else if ($time = strtotime($value)) { if ($time < time()) $params['closed'] = 1; } else { $params['closed'] = 0; } } else if (strcmp($name, "PRINTNAME") == 0) { if ($value == 'fullname' || $value == 'username' || $value == 'both'){ $params['printName'] = $value; } } else if (strcmp($name, "SHOWMODE") == 0) { if ($value == 'all' || $value == 'own'){ $params['showMode'] = $value; } } else if (strcmp($name, "SHOWSUM") == 0) { if (strcasecmp($value, "TRUE") == 0) { $params['showSum'] = 1; } else { $params['showSum'] = 0; } } else if (strcmp($name, "USERLIST") == 0) { if ($value == 'vertical' || $value == 'horizontal'){ $params['userlist'] = $value; } } else if (strcmp($name, "SORT") == 0) { $params['sort'] = $value; // make it possible to sort by time } else if (strcmp($name, "FIELDWIDTH") == 0) { if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+px$/",$value,$hit) == 1) $params['fieldwidth'] = $hit[0]; } } // (If there are no choices inside the tag, then doodle's data will be reset.) $choices = $this->parseChoices($choiceStr); $result = array('params' => $params, 'choices' => $choices); //debout('handle returns', $result); return $result; } /** * parse list of choices * explode, trim and encode html entities, * empty choices will be skipped. */ function parseChoices($choiceStr) { $choices = array(); preg_match_all('/^\s{0,3}\* (.*?)$/m', $choiceStr, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); foreach ($matches[1] as $choice) { $choice = hsc(trim($choice)); if (!empty($choice)) { $choice = preg_replace('#\\\\\\\\#', '
', $choice); # two(!) backslashes for a newline $choice = preg_replace('#\*\*(.*?)\*\*#', '\1', $choice); # bold $choice = preg_replace('#__(.*?)__#', '\1', $choice); # underscore $choice = preg_replace('#//(.*?)//#', '\1', $choice); # italic $choices []= $choice; } } //debout($choices); return $choices; } // ----- these fields will always be initialized at the beginning of the render function // and can then be used in helper functions below. public $params = array(); public $choices = array(); public $doodle = array(); public $template = array(); // output values for doodle_template.php /** * Read doodle data from file, * add new vote if user just submitted one and * create output xHTML from template */ function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if ($mode != 'xhtml') return false; //debout("render: $mode"); global $lang; global $auth; global $conf; global $INFO; // needed for users real name global $ACT; // action from $_REQUEST['do'] global $REV; // to not allow any action if it's an old page global $ID; // name of current page //debout('data in render', $data); $this->params = $data['params']; $this->choices = $data['choices']; $this->doodle = array(); $this->template = array(); // prevent caching to ensure the poll results are fresh $renderer->info['cache'] = false; // ----- read doodle data from file (if there are choices given and there is a file) if (count($this->choices) > 0) { $this->doodle = $this->readDoodleDataFromFile(); } //FIXME: count($choices) may be different from number of choices in $doodle data! // ----- FORM ACTIONS (only allowed when showing the most recent version of the page, not when editing) ----- $formId = 'doodle__form__'.cleanID($this->params['title']); if ($ACT == 'show' && $_REQUEST['formId'] == $formId && $REV == false) { // ---- cast new vote if (!empty($_REQUEST['cast__vote'])) { $this->castVote(); } else // ---- start editing an entry if (!empty($_REQUEST['edit__entry']) ) { $this->startEditEntry(); } else // ---- save changed entry if (!empty($_REQUEST['change__vote']) ) { $this->castVote(); } else // ---- delete an entry completely if (!empty($_REQUEST['delete__entry']) ) { $this->deleteEntry(); } } /******** Format of the $doodle array *********** * The $doodle array maps fullnames (with html special characters masked) to an array of userData for this vote. * Each sub array contains: * 'username' loggin name if use was logged in * 'choices' is an (variable length!) array of column indexes where user has voted * 'ip' ip of voting machine * 'time' unix timestamp when vote was casted $doodle = array( 'Robert' => array( 'username' => 'doogie' 'choices' => array(0, 3), 'ip' => '', 'time' => 1284970602 ), 'Peter' => array( 'choices' => array(), 'ip' => '', 'time' > 12849702333 ), 'Sabine' => array( 'choices' => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), 'ip' => '333.333.333.333', 'time' => 1284970222 ), ); */ // ---- fill $this->template variable for doodle_template.php (column by column) $this->template['title'] = hsc($this->params['title']); $this->template['choices'] = $this->choices; $this->template['result'] = $this->params['closed'] ? $this->getLang('final_result') : $this->getLang('count'); $this->template['doodleData'] = array(); // this will be filled with some HTML snippets $this->template['formId'] = $formId; $this->template['fieldwidth'] = $this->params['fieldwidth']; if ($this->params['closed']) { $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('poll_closed'); } $this->template['showSum'] = $this->params['showSum']; $this->template['printName'] = $this->params['printName']; $this->template['userlist'] = $this->params['userlist']; for($col = 0; $col < count($this->choices); $col++) { $this->template['count'][$col] = 0; foreach ($this->doodle as $fullname => $userData) { if ($this->isAllowedToSeeEntry($fullname)){ if (!empty($userData['username'])) { $this->template['doodleData']["$fullname"]['username'] = $userData['username']; } if (in_array($col, $userData['choices'])) { $timeLoc = strftime($conf['dformat'], $userData['time']); // localized time of vote $this->template['doodleData']["$fullname"]['choice'][$col] = ''; $this->template['count']["$col"]++; } else { $this->template['doodleData']["$fullname"]['choice'][$col] = ' '; } } } } // ---- add edit link to editable entries foreach($this->doodle as $fullname => $userData) { if ($ACT == 'show' && $REV == false && $this->isAllowedToEditEntry($fullname)) { // the javascript source of these functions is in script.js $this->template['doodleData']["$fullname"]['editLinks'] = ''. ' edit entry'. ''. ''. ' delete entry'. ''; } } // ---- calculates if user is allowed to vote $this->template['inputTR'] = $this->getInputTR(); // ----- I am using PHP as a templating engine here. //debout("Template", $this->template); ob_start(); include 'doodle_template.php'; // the array $template can be used inside doodle_template.php! $doodle_table = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $renderer->doc .= $doodle_table; } // --------------- FORM ACTIONS ----------- /** * ACTION: cast a new vote * or save a changed vote * (If user is allowed to.) */ function castVote() { $fullname = hsc(trim($_REQUEST['fullname'])); $selected_indexes = $_REQUEST['selected_indexes']; // may not be set when all checkboxes are deseleted. if (empty($fullname)) { $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('dont_have_name'); return; } if (empty($selected_indexes)) { if ($this->params['voteType'] == 'multi') { $selected_indexes = array(); //allow empty vote only if voteType is "multi" } else { $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('select_one_option'); return; } } //---- check if user is allowed to vote, according to 'auth' parameter //if AUTH_USER, then user must be logged in if ($this->params['auth'] == self::AUTH_USER && !$this->isLoggedIn()) { $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('must_be_logged_in'); return; } //if AUTH_IP, then prevent duplicate votes by IP. //Exception: If user is logged in he is always allowed to change the vote with his fullname, even if he is on another IP. if ($this->params['auth'] == self::AUTH_IP && !$this->isLoggedIn() && !isset($_REQUEST['change__vote']) ) { foreach($this->doodle as $existintFullname => $userData) { if (strcmp($userData['ip'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == 0) { $this->template['msg'] = sprintf($this->getLang('ip_has_already_voted'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); return; } } } //do not vote twice, unless change__vote is set if (isset($this->doodle["$fullname"]) && !isset($_REQUEST['change__vote']) ) { $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('you_voted_already'); return; } //check if change__vote is allowed if (!empty($_REQUEST['change__vote']) && !$this->isAllowedToEditEntry($fullname)) { $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('not_allowed_to_change'); return; } if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $this->doodle["$fullname"]['username'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } $this->doodle["$fullname"]['choices'] = $selected_indexes; $this->doodle["$fullname"]['time'] = time(); $this->doodle["$fullname"]['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $this->writeDoodleDataToFile(); $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('vote_saved'); //send mail if $params['adminMail'] is filled if (!empty($this->params['adminMail'])) { $subj = "[DoodlePlugin] Vote casted by $fullname (".$this->doodle["$fullname"]['username'].')'; $body = 'User has casted a vote'."\n\n".print_r($this->doodle["$fullname"], true); mail_send($this->params['adminMail'], $subj, $body, $conf['mailfrom']); } } /** * ACTION: start editing an entry * expects fullname of voter in request param edit__entry */ function startEditEntry() { $fullname = hsc(trim($_REQUEST['edit__entry'])); if (!$this->isAllowedToEditEntry($fullname)) return; $this->template['editEntry']['fullname'] = $fullname; $this->template['editEntry']['selected_indexes'] = $this->doodle["$fullname"]['choices']; // $fullname will be shown in the input row } /** ACTION: delete an entry completely */ function deleteEntry() { $fullname = hsc(trim($_REQUEST['delete__entry'])); if (!$this->isAllowedToEditEntry($fullname)) return; unset($this->doodle["$fullname"]); $this->writeDoodleDataToFile(); $this->template['msg'] = $this->getLang('vote_deleted'); } // ---------- HELPER METHODS ----------- /** * check if the currently logged in user is allowed to edit a given entry. * @return true if entryFullname is the entry of the current user, or * the currently logged in user is in the list of admins */ function isAllowedToEditEntry($entryFullname) { global $INFO; global $auth; if (empty($entryFullname)) return false; if (!isset($this->doodle["$entryFullname"])) return false; if ($this->params['closed']) return false; if (!$this->isLoggedIn()) return false; $allowFlag = false; //check adminGroups if (!empty($this->params['adminGroups'])) { $adminGroups = explode('|', $this->params['adminGroups']); // array of adminGroups $usersGroups = $INFO['userinfo']['grps']; // array of groups that the user is in if(count(array_intersect($adminGroups, $usersGroups)) > 0) $allowFlag = true; } //check adminUsers if (!empty($this->params['adminUsers'])) { $adminUsers = explode('|', $this->params['adminUsers']); if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $adminUsers)) $allowFlag = true; } //check own entry if(strcasecmp(hsc($INFO['userinfo']['name']), $entryFullname) == 0) $allowFlag = true; // compare real name return $allowFlag; } /** * check if the currently logged in user is allowed to see a given entry. * @return true if entryFullname is the entry of the current user, or * the currently logged in user is in the list of admins, or * showMode = all */ function isAllowedToSeeEntry($entryFullname) { $allowFlag = false; //Check showMode if ($this->params['showMode'] == 'own'){ //Check if entry is of current user or Admin Group (like Edit Entry) if ( $this->isAllowedToEditEntry($entryFullname)){ $allowFlag = true; } } else { $allowFlag = true; } return $allowFlag; } /** * return true if the user is currently logged in */ function isLoggedIn() { // see http://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:environment global $INFO; return isset($INFO['userinfo']); } /** * calculate the input table row: * @return complete tags for input row and information message * May return empty string, if user is not allowed to vote * * If user is logged in he is always allowed edit his own entry. ("change his mind") * If user is logged in and has already voted, empty string will be returned. * If user is not logged in but login is required (auth="user"), then also return ''; */ function getInputTR() { global $ACT; global $INFO; if ($ACT != 'show') return ''; if ($this->params['closed']) return ''; $fullname = ''; $editMode = false; if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { $fullname = $INFO['userinfo']['name']; if (isset($this->template['editEntry'])) { $fullname = $this->template['editEntry']['fullname']; $editMode = true; } else { if (isset($this->doodle["$fullname"]) ) return ''; } } else { if ($this->params['auth'] == self::AUTH_USER) return ''; } // build html for tr $c = count($this->choices); $TR = ''; //$TR .= ''; $TR .= ''; $TR .= ''; if ($fullname) { if ($editMode) $TR .= $this->getLang('edit').': '; if ($this->params['printName'] == 'both'){ $TR .= $fullname.' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')'; } elseif ($this->params['printName'] == 'fullname'){ $TR .= $fullname; }elseif ($this->params['printName'] == 'username'){ $TR .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } $TR .= ''; } else { $TR .= ''; } $TR .=''; for($col = 0; $col < $c; $col++) { $selected = ''; if ($editMode && in_array($col, $this->template['editEntry']['selected_indexes']) ) { $selected = 'checked="checked"'; } $TR .= ''; if ($this->params['voteType'] == 'multi') { $inputType = "checkbox"; } else { $inputType = "radio"; } $TR .= '"; $TR .= ''; } $TR .= ''; $TR .= ''; $TR .= ' '; if ($editMode) { $TR .= ' '; } else { $TR .= ' '; } $TR .= ' '; $TR .= ''; return $TR; } /** * Loads the serialized doodle data from the file in the metadata directory. * If the file does not exist yet, an empty array is returned. * @return the $doodle array * @see writeDoodleDataToFile() */ function readDoodleDataFromFile() { $dfile = $this->getDoodleFileName(); $doodle = array(); if (file_exists($dfile)) { $doodle = unserialize(file_get_contents($dfile)); } //sanitize: $doodle[$fullnmae]['choices'] must be at least an array // This may happen if user deselected all choices foreach($doodle as $fullname => $userData) { if (!is_array($doodle["$fullname"]['choices'])) { $doodle["$fullname"]['choices'] = array(); } } if (strcmp($this->params['sort'], 'time') == 0) { debout("sorting by time"); uasort($doodle, 'cmpEntryByTime'); } else { uksort($doodle, "strnatcasecmp"); // case insensitive "natural" sort } //debout("read from $dfile", $doodle); return $doodle; } /** * serialize the doodles data to a file */ function writeDoodleDataToFile() { if (!is_array($this->doodle)) return; $dfile = $this->getDoodleFileName(); uksort($this->doodle, "strnatcasecmp"); // case insensitive "natural" sort io_saveFile($dfile, serialize($this->doodle)); //debout("written to $dfile", $doodle); return $dfile; } /** * create unique filename for this doodle from its title. * (replaces space with underscore etc.) */ function getDoodleFileName() { if (empty($this->params['title'])) { debout('Doodle must have title.'); return 'doodle.doodle'; } $dID = hsc(trim($this->params['title'])); $dfile = metaFN($dID, '.doodle'); // serialized doodle data file in meta directory return $dfile; } } // end of class // ----- static functions /** compare two doodle entries by the time of vote */ function cmpEntryByTime($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['time'], $b['time']); } function debout() { if (func_num_args() == 1) { msg('
'.hsc(print_r(func_get_arg(0), true)).'
'); } else if (func_num_args() == 2) { msg('


'.hsc(print_r(func_get_arg(1), true)).'
'); } } ?>