 * Script to search in uploaded pdf documents
 * @author Dominik Eckelmann <eckelmann@cosmocode.de>
 * @author @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)

if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();

class action_plugin_docsearch_search extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {

    private $backupConfig;

    function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) {
        $controller->register_hook('TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY', 'AFTER', $this, 'display', array());

    function display(Doku_Event &$event, $param) {
        global $ACT;
        global $conf;
        global $QUERY;
        global $lang;

        // only work with search
        if($ACT !== 'search') return;

        // backup the config array
        $this->backupConfig = $conf;

        // change index/pages folder for DocSearch
        $conf['indexdir'] = $conf['savedir'] . '/docsearch/index';
        $conf['datadir'] = $conf['savedir'] . '/docsearch/pages';

        $data = ft_pageSearch($QUERY, $regex);

        if(empty($data)) {
            $conf = $this->backupConfig;

        $searchResults = array();
        $runs = 0;
        foreach($data as $id => $hits) {
            $searchResults[$id] = array();
            $searchResults[$id]['hits'] = $hits;
            if($runs++ < $this->getConf('showSnippets')) {
                $searchResults[$id]['snippet'] = ft_snippet($id, $regex);

        $conf = $this->backupConfig;

        echo '<h2>' . hsc($this->getLang('title')) . '</h2>';
        echo '<div class="search_result">';

        $num = 0;
        foreach($searchResults as $id => $data) {
            if($this->getConf('showUsage') !== 0) {
                $usages = ft_mediause($id, $this->getConf('showUsage'));
            } else {
                $usages = array();

            echo '<a href="' . ml($id) . '" title="" class="wikilink1">' . hsc($id) . '</a>: ';
            echo '<span class="search_cnt">' . hsc($data['hits']) . ' ' . hsc($lang['hits']) . '</span>';
            if(!empty($usages)) {
                echo '<span class="usage">';
                echo ', ' . hsc($this->getLang('usage')) . ' ';
                foreach($usages as $usage) {
                    echo html_wikilink($usage);
                echo '</span>';

            if(isset($data['snippet'])) {
                echo '<div class="search_snippet">';
                echo $data['snippet'];
                echo '</div>';

            echo '<br />';

        echo '</div>';