register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, '_importer', array());
function _importer(&$event, $param) {
if ( auth_quickaclcheck( $ID ) < AUTH_EDIT ) return;
if ( $event->data != 'doc2dw' ) return;
if ( $_FILES['doc'] ) {
$pageName = $_POST["title"];
$nameSpace = $_POST["ns"];
if (!$nameSpace) {
$nameSpace = "wiki";
#Create temporary directory
$tempDir = System::mktemp("-d word_upload");
$fileName = basename($_FILES['doc']['name']);
$fileName = preg_replace("/ /", "_", $fileName);
$agnosticFileName = preg_split("/\./", $fileName);
$agnosticFileName = $agnosticFileName[0];
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['doc']['tmp_name'], $tempDir."/". $fileName)){
#Convert the doc to HTML and MediaWiki
$result = exec("export HOME=/tmp && cd ".$tempDir." && convert_to_mediawiki ".$fileName);
#Load html and MediaWiki
$myWikiContent = file_get_contents($tempDir."/".$agnosticFileName.".txt");
$myHTMLContent = file_get_contents($tempDir."/".$agnosticFileName.".html");
#Replace nbsp by space
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/ /", " ",$myWikiContent);
#Remove center tags
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/
/", " ",$myWikiContent);
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/<\/center>/", " \n",$myWikiContent);
#Remove buggy Toc tags
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/\\[#_Toc.*\\]/", " \n",$myWikiContent);
#Convert from MediaWiki to dokuwiki
$converter = new MediaWiki2DokuWiki_MediaWiki_SyntaxConverter($myWikiContent);
$myWikiContent = $converter->convert();
#Remove buggy //
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/\/\//", "",$myWikiContent);
#Get undernlined sentences from html and replace them in the wiki text
$underlined_sentences = get_tagged_from_html($myHTMLContent, "underlined");
$myWikiContent = replace_from_list($myWikiContent, $underlined_sentences, "underlined");
#Get italic sentences from html and replace them in the wiki text
$italic_sentences = get_tagged_from_html($myHTMLContent, "italic");
$myWikiContent = replace_from_list($myWikiContent, $italic_sentences, "italic");
#Get all the images from the html
$myWikiContent = get_images_from_html($myHTMLContent, $myWikiContent);
#Convert tables
$raw_tables = array();
$good_tables = array();
preg_match_all("/\{\|(.*)\|\}/sU", $myWikiContent, $tables);
foreach ($tables[1] as $match) {
array_push($raw_tables, '{|'.$match.'|}');
array_push($good_tables, convert_table($match));
$myWikiContent = str_replace($raw_tables, $good_tables, $myWikiContent);
#Transform references into footnotes
$myWikiContent = preg_replace_callback("/(.*)<\/ref>/sU", "convert_footnote",$myWikiContent);
#Remove junk
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/
/", "\n",$myWikiContent);
#Remove junk
$myWikiContent = preg_replace("/----\n/", "",$myWikiContent);
#Remove ** that does not have the corresponding closing **
$content_lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $myWikiContent);
$myWikiContent = "";
foreach ($content_lines as $line) {
$first = strpos($line, "**");
if ($first) {
$second = strpos($line, "**", $first+2);
if (!$second) {
$line = preg_replace("/\*\*/U","",$line);
$myWikiContent = $myWikiContent.$line."\n";
#Send the wiki page
$username = $this->getConf('api_username');
$password = $this->getConf('api_password');
$client = new IXR_Client('http://localhost/dokuwiki/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php');
$ok = $client->query('dokuwiki.login', $username, $password);
if ($ok) {
$attrs = array('sum' => 'First try', 'minor' => false);
$result = $client->query('wiki.putPage', $nameSpace.':'.$pageName, $myWikiContent, $attrs);
#Send all the images as attachements
if ($handle = opendir($tempDir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if (strpos($entry,'.png') !== false || strpos($entry,'.jpg') !== false || strpos($entry,'.gif') !== false) {
$image_data = file_get_contents($tempDir."/".$entry, true);
//$image_data = base64_encode($image_data);
$image_data = new IXR_Base64($image_data);
$attrs = array('ow' => true);
$client->query('wiki.putAttachment', $entry, $image_data, $attrs);
$event->data = $this->getConf('parserPostDisplay');
send_redirect(wl($nameSpace.':'.$pageName, '', true, '&'));