/** * Add button action for the do button * * @param {jQuery} $btn Button element to add the action to * @param {Array} props Associative array of button properties * @param {string} edid ID of the editor textarea * @return {string} If button should be appended return the id for in aria-controls, otherwise an empty string * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function addBtnActionDo($btn, props, edid) { 'use strict'; PluginDo.initDialog(edid); // add toolbar button action $btn.click(PluginDo.toggleToolbarDialog); return 'do'; } /** * Append button to toolbar */ if (typeof window.toolbar !== 'undefined') { // icon from Yusuke Kamiyamane - http://www.pinvoke.com/ window.toolbar.push({ type: 'do', title: LANG.plugins.do.toolbar_title, icon: '../../plugins/do/pix/toolbar.png', }); }