====== Display Wiki Page ====== ===== About ===== This plugin defines an additional template function such that you can display more than one wiki page at a time on any given document. ===== Setup ===== The plugin also exports a function for use with your template, so you will have to insert the following code into your template, at the top of the page should suffice. **Note**: Inserting the code above is **required**, not optional. To display a wiki page at any point in your document, use the following code: ===== For template developers ===== Using the above code in this fashion will allow your users to use the template whether or not you have the plugin installed. ===== Support ===== For further support or discussion, please see the official plugin page [[doku>plugin:displaywikipage|here]]. If you find this plugin useful, please consider supporting the project via [[http://tjgrant.com/wiki/donate|Donations]] or [[https://github.com/sponsors/tatewake|Sponsorships]]; thank you!