*/ /** * Class action_plugin_discussion */ class action_plugin_discussion extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin{ /** @var helper_plugin_avatar */ var $avatar = null; var $style = null; var $use_avatar = null; /** @var helper_plugin_discussion */ var $helper = null; /** * load helper */ public function __construct() { $this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'discussion'); } /** * Register the handlers * * @param Doku_Event_Handler $contr DokuWiki's event controller object. */ public function register(Doku_Event_Handler $contr) { $contr->register_hook( 'ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_act_preprocess', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'TPL_ACT_RENDER', 'AFTER', $this, 'comments', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'INDEXER_PAGE_ADD', 'AFTER', $this, 'idx_add_discussion', array('id' => 'page', 'text' => 'body') ); $contr->register_hook( 'FULLTEXT_SNIPPET_CREATE', 'BEFORE', $this, 'idx_add_discussion', array('id' => 'id', 'text' => 'text') ); $contr->register_hook( 'INDEXER_VERSION_GET', 'BEFORE', $this, 'idx_version', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'FULLTEXT_PHRASE_MATCH', 'AFTER', $this, 'ft_phrase_match', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'PARSER_METADATA_RENDER', 'AFTER', $this, 'update_comment_status', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_tpl_metaheader_output', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'TOOLBAR_DEFINE', 'AFTER', $this, 'handle_toolbar_define', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'AJAX_CALL_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_ajax_call', array() ); $contr->register_hook( 'TPL_TOC_RENDER', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_toc_render', array() ); } /** * Preview Comments * * @author Michael Klier * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $params */ public function handle_ajax_call(Doku_Event $event, $params) { if($event->data != 'discussion_preview') return; $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); print p_locale_xhtml('preview'); print '
'; if(!$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && !$this->getConf('allowguests')) { print p_locale_xhtml('denied'); } else { print $this->_render($_REQUEST['comment']); } print '
'; } /** * Adds a TOC item if a discussion exists * * @author Michael Klier * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $params */ public function handle_toc_render(Doku_Event $event, $params) { global $ACT; if($this->_hasDiscussion($title) && $event->data && $ACT != 'admin') { $tocitem = array( 'hid' => 'discussion__section', 'title' => $this->getLang('discussion'), 'type' => 'ul', 'level' => 1 ); array_push($event->data, $tocitem); } } /** * Modify Tollbar for use with discussion plugin * * @author Michael Klier * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param */ public function handle_toolbar_define(Doku_Event $event, $param) { global $ACT; if($ACT != 'show') return; if($this->_hasDiscussion($title) && $this->getConf('wikisyntaxok')) { $toolbar = array(); foreach($event->data as $btn) { if($btn['type'] == 'mediapopup') continue; if($btn['type'] == 'signature') continue; if($btn['type'] == 'linkwiz') continue; if($btn['type'] == 'NewTable') continue; //skip button for Edittable Plugin if(preg_match("/=+?/", $btn['open'])) continue; array_push($toolbar, $btn); } $event->data = $toolbar; } } /** * Dirty workaround to add a toolbar to the discussion plugin * * @author Michael Klier * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param */ public function handle_tpl_metaheader_output(Doku_Event $event, $param) { global $ACT; global $ID; if($ACT != 'show') return; if($this->_hasDiscussion($title) && $this->getConf('wikisyntaxok')) { // FIXME ugly workaround, replace this once DW the toolbar code is more flexible @require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/toolbar.php'); ob_start(); print 'NS = "' . getNS($ID) . '";'; // we have to define NS, otherwise we get get JS errors toolbar_JSdefines('toolbar'); $script = ob_get_clean(); array_push($event->data['script'], array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'charset' => "utf-8", '_data' => $script)); } } /** * Handles comment actions, dispatches data processing routines * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param * @return bool */ public function handle_act_preprocess(Doku_Event $event, $param) { global $ID; global $INFO; global $lang; // handle newthread ACTs if ($event->data == 'newthread') { // we can handle it -> prevent others $event->data = $this->_newThread(); } // enable captchas if (in_array($_REQUEST['comment'], array('add', 'save'))) { $this->_captchaCheck(); $this->_recaptchaCheck(); } // if we are not in show mode or someone wants to unsubscribe, that was all for now if ($event->data != 'show' && $event->data != 'discussion_unsubscribe' && $event->data != 'discussion_confirmsubscribe') return; if ($event->data == 'discussion_unsubscribe' or $event->data == 'discussion_confirmsubscribe') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['hash'])) { return; } else { $file = metaFN($ID, '.comments'); $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file)); $themail = ''; foreach($data['subscribers'] as $mail => $info) { // convert old style subscribers just in case if(!is_array($info)) { $hash = $data['subscribers'][$mail]; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['hash'] = $hash; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['active'] = true; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['confirmsent'] = true; } if ($data['subscribers'][$mail]['hash'] == $_REQUEST['hash']) { $themail = $mail; } } if($themail != '') { if($event->data == 'discussion_unsubscribe') { unset($data['subscribers'][$themail]); msg(sprintf($lang['subscr_unsubscribe_success'], $themail, $ID), 1); } elseif($event->data == 'discussion_confirmsubscribe') { $data['subscribers'][$themail]['active'] = true; msg(sprintf($lang['subscr_subscribe_success'], $themail, $ID), 1); } io_saveFile($file, serialize($data)); $event->data = 'show'; } return; } } else { // do the data processing for comments $cid = $_REQUEST['cid']; switch ($_REQUEST['comment']) { case 'add': if(empty($_REQUEST['text'])) return; // don't add empty comments if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && !$this->getConf('adminimport')) { $comment['user']['id'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $comment['user']['name'] = $INFO['userinfo']['name']; $comment['user']['mail'] = $INFO['userinfo']['mail']; } elseif((isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && $this->getConf('adminimport') && $this->helper->isDiscussionMod()) || !isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { if(empty($_REQUEST['name']) or empty($_REQUEST['mail'])) return; // don't add anonymous comments if(!mail_isvalid($_REQUEST['mail'])) { msg($lang['regbadmail'], -1); return; } else { $comment['user']['id'] = 'test'.hsc($_REQUEST['user']); $comment['user']['name'] = hsc($_REQUEST['name']); $comment['user']['mail'] = hsc($_REQUEST['mail']); } } $comment['user']['address'] = ($this->getConf('addressfield')) ? hsc($_REQUEST['address']) : ''; $comment['user']['url'] = ($this->getConf('urlfield')) ? $this->_checkURL($_REQUEST['url']) : ''; $comment['subscribe'] = ($this->getConf('subscribe')) ? $_REQUEST['subscribe'] : ''; $comment['date'] = array('created' => $_REQUEST['date']); $comment['raw'] = cleanText($_REQUEST['text']); $repl = $_REQUEST['reply']; if($this->getConf('moderate') && !$this->helper->isDiscussionMod()) { $comment['show'] = false; } else { $comment['show'] = true; } $this->_add($comment, $repl); break; case 'save': $raw = cleanText($_REQUEST['text']); $this->save(array($cid), $raw); break; case 'delete': $this->save(array($cid), ''); break; case 'toogle': $this->save(array($cid), '', 'toogle'); break; } } } /** * Main function; dispatches the visual comment actions */ public function comments(Doku_Event $event, $param) { if ($event->data != 'show') return; // nothing to do for us $cid = $_REQUEST['cid']; if(!$cid) { $cid = $_REQUEST['reply']; } switch ($_REQUEST['comment']) { case 'edit': $this->_show(NULL, $cid); break; default: $this->_show($cid); break; } } /** * Redirects browser to given comment anchor */ protected function _redirect($cid) { global $ID; global $ACT; if ($ACT !== 'show') return; if($this->getConf('moderate') && !$this->helper->isDiscussionMod()) { msg($this->getLang('moderation'), 1); @session_start(); global $MSG; $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['msg'] = $MSG; session_write_close(); $url = wl($ID); } else { $url = wl($ID) . '#comment_' . $cid; } if (function_exists('send_redirect')) { send_redirect($url); } else { header('Location: ' . $url); } exit(); } /** * Checks config settings to enable/disable discussions * * @return bool */ public function isDiscussionEnabled() { global $INFO; if($this->getConf('excluded_ns') == '') { $isNamespaceExcluded = false; } else { $isNamespaceExcluded = preg_match($this->getConf('excluded_ns'), $INFO['namespace']); } if($this->getConf('automatic')) { if($isNamespaceExcluded) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { if($isNamespaceExcluded) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Shows all comments of the current page */ protected function _show($reply = null, $edit = null) { global $ID; global $INFO; // get .comments meta file name $file = metaFN($ID, '.comments'); if (!$INFO['exists']) return false; if (!@file_exists($file) && !$this->isDiscussionEnabled()) return false; if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && !$this->getConf('showguests')) return false; // load data if (@file_exists($file)) { $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file, false)); if (!$data['status']) return false; // comments are turned off } elseif (!@file_exists($file) && $this->isDiscussionEnabled() && $INFO['exists']) { // set status to show the comment form $data['status'] = 1; $data['number'] = 0; } // show discussion wrapper only on certain circumstances $cnt = empty($data['comments']) ? 0 : count($data['comments']); $keys = []; if (is_array($data['comments'])){ $keys = @array_keys($data['comments']); } $show = false; if($cnt > 1 || ($cnt == 1 && $data['comments'][$keys[0]]['show'] == 1) || $this->getConf('allowguests') || isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $show = true; // section title $title = ($data['title'] ? hsc($data['title']) : $this->getLang('discussion')); ptln('
'); // the id value is used for visibility toggling the section ptln('

', 2); ptln($title, 4); ptln('

', 2); ptln('
', 2); } // now display the comments if (isset($data['comments'])) { if (!$this->getConf('usethreading')) { $data['comments'] = $this->_flattenThreads($data['comments']); uasort($data['comments'], '_sortCallback'); } if($this->getConf('newestfirst')) { $data['comments'] = array_reverse($data['comments']); } foreach ($data['comments'] as $key => $value) { if ($key == $edit) $this->_form($value['raw'], 'save', $edit); // edit form else $this->_print($key, $data, '', $reply); } } // comment form if (($data['status'] == 1) && (!$reply || !$this->getConf('usethreading')) && !$edit) $this->_form(''); if($show) { ptln('
', 2); // level2 hfeed ptln('
'); // comment_wrapper } // check for toggle print configuration if($this->getConf('visibilityButton')) { // print the hide/show discussion section button $this->_print_toggle_button(); } return true; } /** * @param array $comments * @param null|array $keys * @return array */ protected function _flattenThreads($comments, $keys = null) { if (is_null($keys)) $keys = array_keys($comments); foreach($keys as $cid) { if (!empty($comments[$cid]['replies'])) { $rids = $comments[$cid]['replies']; $comments = $this->_flattenThreads($comments, $rids); $comments[$cid]['replies'] = array(); } $comments[$cid]['parent'] = ''; } return $comments; } /** * Adds a new comment and then displays all comments * * @param array $comment * @param string $parent * @return bool */ protected function _add($comment, $parent) { global $ID; global $TEXT; $otxt = $TEXT; // set $TEXT to comment text for wordblock check $TEXT = $comment['raw']; // spamcheck against the DokuWiki blacklist if (checkwordblock()) { msg($this->getLang('wordblock'), -1); return false; } if ((!$this->getConf('allowguests')) && ($comment['user']['id'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ) { return false; // guest comments not allowed } $TEXT = $otxt; // restore global $TEXT // get discussion meta file name $file = metaFN($ID, '.comments'); // create comments file if it doesn't exist yet if(!@file_exists($file)) { $data = array('status' => 1, 'number' => 0); io_saveFile($file, serialize($data)); } else { $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file, false)); if ($data['status'] != 1) return false; // comments off or closed } if ($comment['date']['created']) { $date = strtotime($comment['date']['created']); } else { $date = time(); } if ($date == -1) { $date = time(); } $cid = md5($comment['user']['id'].$date); // create a unique id if (!is_array($data['comments'][$parent])) { $parent = NULL; // invalid parent comment } // render the comment $xhtml = $this->_render($comment['raw']); // fill in the new comment $data['comments'][$cid] = array( 'user' => $comment['user'], 'date' => array('created' => $date), 'raw' => $comment['raw'], 'xhtml' => $xhtml, 'parent' => $parent, 'replies' => array(), 'show' => $comment['show'] ); if($comment['subscribe']) { $mail = $comment['user']['mail']; if($data['subscribers']) { if(!$data['subscribers'][$mail]) { $data['subscribers'][$mail]['hash'] = md5($mail . mt_rand()); $data['subscribers'][$mail]['active'] = false; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['confirmsent'] = false; } else { // convert old style subscribers and set them active if(!is_array($data['subscribers'][$mail])) { $hash = $data['subscribers'][$mail]; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['hash'] = $hash; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['active'] = true; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['confirmsent'] = true; } } } else { $data['subscribers'][$mail]['hash'] = md5($mail . mt_rand()); $data['subscribers'][$mail]['active'] = false; $data['subscribers'][$mail]['confirmsent'] = false; } } // update parent comment if ($parent) { $data['comments'][$parent]['replies'][] = $cid; } // update the number of comments $data['number']++; // notify subscribers of the page $data['comments'][$cid]['cid'] = $cid; $this->_notify($data['comments'][$cid], $data['subscribers']); // save the comment metadata file io_saveFile($file, serialize($data)); $this->_addLogEntry($date, $ID, 'cc', '', $cid); $this->_redirect($cid); return true; } /** * Saves the comment with the given ID and then displays all comments * * @param array|string $cids * @param string $raw * @param string $act * @return bool */ public function save($cids, $raw, $act = NULL) { global $ID; if(!$cids) return false; // do nothing if we get no comment id if ($raw) { global $TEXT; $otxt = $TEXT; // set $TEXT to comment text for wordblock check $TEXT = $raw; // spamcheck against the DokuWiki blacklist if (checkwordblock()) { msg($this->getLang('wordblock'), -1); return false; } $TEXT = $otxt; // restore global $TEXT } // get discussion meta file name $file = metaFN($ID, '.comments'); $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file, false)); if (!is_array($cids)) $cids = array($cids); foreach ($cids as $cid) { if (is_array($data['comments'][$cid]['user'])) { $user = $data['comments'][$cid]['user']['id']; $convert = false; } else { $user = $data['comments'][$cid]['user']; $convert = true; } // someone else was trying to edit our comment -> abort if (($user != $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && (!$this->helper->isDiscussionMod())) return false; $date = time(); // need to convert to new format? if ($convert) { $data['comments'][$cid]['user'] = array( 'id' => $user, 'name' => $data['comments'][$cid]['name'], 'mail' => $data['comments'][$cid]['mail'], 'url' => $data['comments'][$cid]['url'], 'address' => $data['comments'][$cid]['address'], ); $data['comments'][$cid]['date'] = array( 'created' => $data['comments'][$cid]['date'] ); } if ($act == 'toogle') { // toogle visibility $now = $data['comments'][$cid]['show']; $data['comments'][$cid]['show'] = !$now; $data['number'] = $this->_count($data); $type = ($data['comments'][$cid]['show'] ? 'sc' : 'hc'); } elseif ($act == 'show') { // show comment $data['comments'][$cid]['show'] = true; $data['number'] = $this->_count($data); $type = 'sc'; // show comment } elseif ($act == 'hide') { // hide comment $data['comments'][$cid]['show'] = false; $data['number'] = $this->_count($data); $type = 'hc'; // hide comment } elseif (!$raw) { // remove the comment $data['comments'] = $this->_removeComment($cid, $data['comments']); $data['number'] = $this->_count($data); $type = 'dc'; // delete comment } else { // save changed comment $xhtml = $this->_render($raw); // now change the comment's content $data['comments'][$cid]['date']['modified'] = $date; $data['comments'][$cid]['raw'] = $raw; $data['comments'][$cid]['xhtml'] = $xhtml; $type = 'ec'; // edit comment } } // save the comment metadata file io_saveFile($file, serialize($data)); $this->_addLogEntry($date, $ID, $type, '', $cid); $this->_redirect($cid); return true; } /** * Recursive function to remove a comment */ protected function _removeComment($cid, $comments) { if (is_array($comments[$cid]['replies'])) { foreach ($comments[$cid]['replies'] as $rid) { $comments = $this->_removeComment($rid, $comments); } } unset($comments[$cid]); return $comments; } /** * Prints an individual comment * * @param string $cid * @param array $data * @param string $parent * @param string $reply * @param bool $visible * @return bool */ protected function _print($cid, &$data, $parent = '', $reply = '', $visible = true) { if (!isset($data['comments'][$cid])) return false; // comment was removed $comment = $data['comments'][$cid]; if (!is_array($comment)) return false; // corrupt datatype if ($comment['parent'] != $parent) return true; // reply to an other comment if (!$comment['show']) { // comment hidden if ($this->helper->isDiscussionMod()) $hidden = ' comment_hidden'; else return true; } else { $hidden = ''; } // print the actual comment $this->_print_comment($cid, $data, $parent, $reply, $visible, $hidden); // replies to this comment entry? $this->_print_replies($cid, $data, $reply, $visible); // reply form $this->_print_form($cid, $reply); return true; } /** * @param $cid * @param $data * @param $parent * @param $reply * @param $visible * @param $hidden */ protected function _print_comment($cid, &$data, $parent, $reply, $visible, $hidden) { global $conf, $lang, $HIGH; $comment = $data['comments'][$cid]; // comment head with date and user data ptln('
', 4); ptln('
', 6); ptln('', 8); $head = ''; // prepare variables if (is_array($comment['user'])) { // new format $user = $comment['user']['id']; $name = $comment['user']['name']; $mail = $comment['user']['mail']; $url = $comment['user']['url']; $address = $comment['user']['address']; } else { // old format $user = $comment['user']; $name = $comment['name']; $mail = $comment['mail']; $url = $comment['url']; $address = $comment['address']; } if (is_array($comment['date'])) { // new format $created = $comment['date']['created']; $modified = $comment['date']['modified']; } else { // old format $created = $comment['date']; $modified = $comment['edited']; } // show username or real name? if ((!$this->getConf('userealname')) && ($user)) { $showname = $user; } else { $showname = $name; } // show avatar image? if ($this->_use_avatar()) { $user_data['name'] = $name; $user_data['user'] = $user; $user_data['mail'] = $mail; $avatar = $this->avatar->getXHTML($user_data, $name, 'left'); if($avatar) $head .= $avatar; } if ($this->getConf('linkemail') && $mail) { $head .= $this->email($mail, $showname, 'email fn'); } elseif ($url) { $head .= $this->external_link($this->_checkURL($url), $showname, 'urlextern url fn'); } else { $head .= ''.$showname.''; } if ($address) { $head .= ', '.$address.''; } $head .= ', '. ''. dformat($created, $conf['dformat']).''; if ($modified) { $head .= ', '.dformat($modified, $conf['dformat']). ''; } ptln($head, 8); ptln('
', 6); // class="comment_head" // main comment content ptln('
_use_avatar() ? $this->_get_style() : '').'>', 6); echo ($HIGH?html_hilight($comment['xhtml'],$HIGH):$comment['xhtml']).DOKU_LF; ptln('
', 6); // class="comment_body" if ($visible) { ptln('
', 6); // show reply button? if (($data['status'] == 1) && !$reply && $comment['show'] && ($this->getConf('allowguests') || $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && $this->getConf('usethreading') ) { $this->_button($cid, $this->getLang('btn_reply'), 'reply', true); } // show edit, show/hide and delete button? if ((($user == $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && ($user != '')) || ($this->helper->isDiscussionMod())) { $this->_button($cid, $lang['btn_secedit'], 'edit', true); $label = ($comment['show'] ? $this->getLang('btn_hide') : $this->getLang('btn_show')); $this->_button($cid, $label, 'toogle'); $this->_button($cid, $lang['btn_delete'], 'delete'); } ptln('
', 6); // class="comment_buttons" } ptln('
', 4); // class="hentry" } /** * @param string $cid * @param string $reply */ protected function _print_form($cid, $reply) { if ($this->getConf('usethreading') && $reply == $cid) { ptln('
', 4); $this->_form('', 'add', $cid); ptln('
', 4); // class="comment_replies" } } /** * @param string $cid * @param array $data * @param string $reply * @param bool $visible */ protected function _print_replies($cid, &$data, $reply, &$visible) { $comment = $data['comments'][$cid]; if (!count($comment['replies'])) { return; } ptln('
_get_style().'>', 4); $visible = ($comment['show'] && $visible); foreach ($comment['replies'] as $rid) { $this->_print($rid, $data, $cid, $reply, $visible); } ptln('
', 4); } /** * Is an avatar displayed? * * @return bool */ protected function _use_avatar() { if (is_null($this->use_avatar)) { $this->use_avatar = $this->getConf('useavatar') && (!plugin_isdisabled('avatar')) && ($this->avatar =& plugin_load('helper', 'avatar')); } return $this->use_avatar; } /** * Calculate width of indent * * @return string */ protected function _get_style() { if (is_null($this->style)){ if ($this->_use_avatar()) { $this->style = ' style="margin-left: '.($this->avatar->getConf('size') + 14).'px;"'; } else { $this->style = ' style="margin-left: 20px;"'; } } return $this->style; } /** * Show the button which toggle the visibility of the discussion section */ protected function _print_toggle_button() { ptln('
'); ptln(''); ptln('
'); } /** * Outputs the comment form */ protected function _form($raw = '', $act = 'add', $cid = NULL) { global $lang; global $conf; global $ID; // not for unregistered users when guest comments aren't allowed if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && !$this->getConf('allowguests')) { ?>
getLang('noguests'); ?>
getConf('adminimport') && $this->helper->isDiscussionMod())) { ?>
getConf('urlfield')) { ?>
getConf('addressfield')) { ?>
getConf('adminimport') && ($this->helper->isDiscussionMod())) { ?>
getLang('entercomment'); echo ($this->getConf('wikisyntaxok') ? "" : ":"); if($this->getConf('wikisyntaxok')) echo '. ' . $this->getLang('wikisyntax') . ':'; ?> getConf('wikisyntaxok')) { ?>
loadHelper('captcha', false); if ($captcha && $captcha->isEnabled()) { echo $captcha->getHTML(); } /** @var helper_plugin_recaptcha $recaptcha */ $recaptcha = $this->loadHelper('recaptcha', false); if ($recaptcha && $recaptcha->isEnabled()) { echo $recaptcha->getHTML(); } ?> getConf('subscribe')) { ?>
* @author Ben Coburn * * @param int $date * @param string $id page id * @param string $type * @param string $summary * @param string $extra */ protected function _addLogEntry($date, $id, $type = 'cc', $summary = '', $extra = '') { global $conf; $changelog = $conf['metadir'].'/_comments.changes'; //use current time if none supplied if(!$date) { $date = time(); } $remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $logline = array( 'date' => $date, 'ip' => $remote, 'type' => str_replace($strip, '', $type), 'id' => $id, 'user' => $user, 'sum' => str_replace($strip, '', $summary), 'extra' => str_replace($strip, '', $extra) ); // add changelog line $logline = implode("\t", $logline)."\n"; io_saveFile($changelog, $logline, true); //global changelog cache $this->_trimRecentCommentsLog($changelog); // tell the indexer to re-index the page @unlink(metaFN($id, '.indexed')); } /** * Trims the recent comments cache to the last $conf['changes_days'] recent * changes or $conf['recent'] items, which ever is larger. * The trimming is only done once a day. * * @author Ben Coburn * * @param string $changelog file path * @return bool */ protected function _trimRecentCommentsLog($changelog) { global $conf; if (@file_exists($changelog) && (filectime($changelog) + 86400) < time() && !@file_exists($changelog.'_tmp') ) { io_lock($changelog); $lines = file($changelog); if (count($lines)<$conf['recent']) { // nothing to trim io_unlock($changelog); return true; } io_saveFile($changelog.'_tmp', ''); // presave tmp as 2nd lock $trim_time = time() - $conf['recent_days']*86400; $out_lines = array(); $num = count($lines); for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) { $log = parseChangelogLine($lines[$i]); if ($log === false) continue; // discard junk if ($log['date'] < $trim_time) { $old_lines[$log['date'].".$i"] = $lines[$i]; // keep old lines for now (append .$i to prevent key collisions) } else { $out_lines[$log['date'].".$i"] = $lines[$i]; // definitely keep these lines } } // sort the final result, it shouldn't be necessary, // however the extra robustness in making the changelog cache self-correcting is worth it ksort($out_lines); $extra = $conf['recent'] - count($out_lines); // do we need extra lines do bring us up to minimum if ($extra > 0) { ksort($old_lines); $out_lines = array_merge(array_slice($old_lines,-$extra),$out_lines); } // save trimmed changelog io_saveFile($changelog.'_tmp', implode('', $out_lines)); @unlink($changelog); if (!rename($changelog.'_tmp', $changelog)) { // rename failed so try another way... io_unlock($changelog); io_saveFile($changelog, implode('', $out_lines)); @unlink($changelog.'_tmp'); } else { io_unlock($changelog); } return true; } return true; } /** * Sends a notify mail on new comment * * @param array $comment data array of the new comment * @param array $subscribers data of the subscribers * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Esther Brunner */ protected function _notify($comment, &$subscribers) { global $conf; global $ID; $notify_text = io_readfile($this->localfn('subscribermail')); $confirm_text = io_readfile($this->localfn('confirmsubscribe')); $subject_notify = '['.$conf['title'].'] '.$this->getLang('mail_newcomment'); $subject_subscribe = '['.$conf['title'].'] '.$this->getLang('subscribe'); $mailer = new Mailer(); if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $mailer->from($conf['mailfromnobody']); } $replace = array( 'PAGE' => $ID, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DATE' => dformat($comment['date']['created'], $conf['dformat']), 'NAME' => $comment['user']['name'], 'TEXT' => $comment['raw'], 'COMMENTURL' => wl($ID, '', true) . '#comment_' . $comment['cid'], 'UNSUBSCRIBE' => wl($ID, 'do=subscribe', true, '&'), 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL ); $confirm_replace = array( 'PAGE' => $ID, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL ); $mailer->subject($subject_notify); $mailer->setBody($notify_text, $replace); // send mail to notify address if ($conf['notify']) { $mailer->bcc($conf['notify']); $mailer->send(); } // send email to moderators if ($this->getConf('moderatorsnotify')) { $mods = trim($this->getConf('moderatorgroups')); if (!empty($mods)) { global $auth; // create a clean mods list $mods = explode(',', $mods); $mods = array_map('trim', $mods); $mods = array_unique($mods); $mods = array_filter($mods); // search for moderators users foreach($mods as $mod) { if(!$auth->isCaseSensitive()) $mod = utf8_strtolower($mod); // create a clean mailing list $dests = array(); if($mod[0] == '@') { foreach($auth->retrieveUsers(0, 0, array('grps' => $auth->cleanGroup(substr($mod, 1)))) as $user) { if (!empty($user['mail'])) { array_push($dests, $user['mail']); } } } else { $userdata = $auth->getUserData($auth->cleanUser($mod)); if (!empty($userdata['mail'])) { array_push($dests, $userdata['mail']); } } $dests = array_unique($dests); // notify the users $mailer->bcc(implode(',', $dests)); $mailer->send(); } } } // notify page subscribers if (actionOK('subscribe')) { $data = array('id' => $ID, 'addresslist' => '', 'self' => false); if (class_exists('Subscription')) { /* Introduced in DokuWiki 2013-05-10 */ trigger_event( 'COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, array(new Subscription(), 'notifyaddresses') ); } else { /* Old, deprecated default handler */ trigger_event( 'COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, 'subscription_addresslist' ); } $to = $data['addresslist']; if(!empty($to)) { $mailer->bcc($to); $mailer->send(); } } // notify comment subscribers if (!empty($subscribers)) { foreach($subscribers as $mail => $data) { $mailer->bcc($mail); if($data['active']) { $replace['UNSUBSCRIBE'] = wl($ID, 'do=discussion_unsubscribe&hash=' . $data['hash'], true, '&'); $mailer->subject($subject_notify); $mailer->setBody($notify_text, $replace); $mailer->send(); } elseif(!$data['active'] && !$data['confirmsent']) { $confirm_replace['SUBSCRIBE'] = wl($ID, 'do=discussion_confirmsubscribe&hash=' . $data['hash'], true, '&'); $mailer->subject($subject_subscribe); $mailer->setBody($confirm_text, $confirm_replace); $mailer->send(); $subscribers[$mail]['confirmsent'] = true; } } } } /** * Counts the number of visible comments * * @param array $data * @return int */ protected function _count($data) { $number = 0; foreach ($data['comments'] as $comment) { if ($comment['parent']) continue; if (!$comment['show']) continue; $number++; $rids = $comment['replies']; if (count($rids)) { $number = $number + $this->_countReplies($data, $rids); } } return $number; } /** * @param array $data * @param array $rids * @return int */ protected function _countReplies(&$data, $rids) { $number = 0; foreach ($rids as $rid) { if (!isset($data['comments'][$rid])) continue; // reply was removed if (!$data['comments'][$rid]['show']) continue; $number++; $rids = $data['comments'][$rid]['replies']; if (count($rids)) { $number = $number + $this->_countReplies($data, $rids); } } return $number; } /** * Renders the comment text * * @param string $raw * @return null|string */ protected function _render($raw) { if ($this->getConf('wikisyntaxok')) { // Note the warning for render_text: // "very ineffecient for small pieces of data - try not to use" // in dokuwiki/inc/plugin.php $xhtml = $this->render_text($raw); } else { // wiki syntax not allowed -> just encode special chars $xhtml = hsc(trim($raw)); $xhtml = str_replace("\n", '
', $xhtml); } return $xhtml; } /** * Finds out whether there is a discussion section for the current page * * @param string $title * @return bool */ protected function _hasDiscussion(&$title) { global $ID; $cfile = metaFN($ID, '.comments'); if (!@file_exists($cfile)) { if ($this->isDiscussionEnabled()) { return true; } else { return false; } } $comments = unserialize(io_readFile($cfile, false)); if ($comments['title']) { $title = hsc($comments['title']); } $num = $comments['number']; if ((!$comments['status']) || (($comments['status'] == 2) && (!$num))) return false; else return true; } /** * Creates a new thread page * * @return string */ protected function _newThread() { global $ID, $INFO; $ns = cleanID($_REQUEST['ns']); $title = str_replace(':', '', $_REQUEST['title']); $back = $ID; $ID = ($ns ? $ns.':' : '').cleanID($title); $INFO = pageinfo(); // check if we are allowed to create this file if ($INFO['perm'] >= AUTH_CREATE) { //check if locked by anyone - if not lock for my self if ($INFO['locked']) { return 'locked'; } else { lock($ID); } // prepare the new thread file with default stuff if (!@file_exists($INFO['filepath'])) { global $TEXT; $TEXT = pageTemplate(array(($ns ? $ns.':' : '').$title)); if (!$TEXT) { $data = array('id' => $ID, 'ns' => $ns, 'title' => $title, 'back' => $back); $TEXT = $this->_pageTemplate($data); } return 'preview'; } else { return 'edit'; } } else { return 'show'; } } /** * Adapted version of pageTemplate() function * * @param array $data * @return string */ protected function _pageTemplate($data) { global $conf, $INFO; $id = $data['id']; $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $tpl = io_readFile(DOKU_PLUGIN.'discussion/_template.txt'); // standard replacements $replace = array( '@NS@' => $data['ns'], '@PAGE@' => strtr(noNS($id),'_',' '), '@USER@' => $user, '@NAME@' => $INFO['userinfo']['name'], '@MAIL@' => $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], '@DATE@' => dformat(time(), $conf['dformat']), ); // additional replacements $replace['@BACK@'] = $data['back']; $replace['@TITLE@'] = $data['title']; // avatar if useavatar and avatar plugin available if ($this->getConf('useavatar') && (@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.'avatar/syntax.php')) && (!plugin_isdisabled('avatar')) ) { $replace['@AVATAR@'] = '{{avatar>'.$user.' }} '; } else { $replace['@AVATAR@'] = ''; } // tag if tag plugin is available if ((@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.'tag/syntax/tag.php')) && (!plugin_isdisabled('tag')) ) { $replace['@TAG@'] = "\n\n{{tag>}}"; } else { $replace['@TAG@'] = ''; } // do the replace $tpl = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $tpl); return $tpl; } /** * Checks if the CAPTCHA string submitted is valid */ protected function _captchaCheck() { /** @var helper_plugin_captcha $captcha */ if (plugin_isdisabled('captcha') || (!$captcha = plugin_load('helper', 'captcha'))) return; // CAPTCHA is disabled or not available if ($captcha->isEnabled() && !$captcha->check()) { if ($_REQUEST['comment'] == 'save') { $_REQUEST['comment'] = 'edit'; } elseif ($_REQUEST['comment'] == 'add') { $_REQUEST['comment'] = 'show'; } } } /** * checks if the submitted reCAPTCHA string is valid * * @author Adrian Schlegel */ protected function _recaptchaCheck() { /** @var $recaptcha helper_plugin_recaptcha */ if (plugin_isdisabled('recaptcha') || (!$recaptcha = plugin_load('helper', 'recaptcha'))) return; // reCAPTCHA is disabled or not available // do nothing if logged in user and no reCAPTCHA required if (!$recaptcha->getConf('forusers') && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) return; $resp = $recaptcha->check(); if (!$resp->is_valid) { msg($recaptcha->getLang('testfailed'),-1); if ($_REQUEST['comment'] == 'save') { $_REQUEST['comment'] = 'edit'; } elseif ($_REQUEST['comment'] == 'add') { $_REQUEST['comment'] = 'show'; } } } /** * Add discussion plugin version to the indexer version * This means that all pages will be indexed again in order to add the comments * to the index whenever there has been a change that concerns the index content. * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param */ public function idx_version(Doku_Event $event, $param) { $event->data['discussion'] = '0.1'; } /** * Adds the comments to the index * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param */ public function idx_add_discussion(Doku_Event $event, $param) { // get .comments meta file name $file = metaFN($event->data[$param['id']], '.comments'); if (!@file_exists($file)) return; $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file, false)); if ((!$data['status']) || ($data['number'] == 0)) return; // comments are turned off // now add the comments if (isset($data['comments'])) { foreach ($data['comments'] as $key => $value) { $event->data[$param['text']] .= DOKU_LF.$this->_addCommentWords($key, $data); } } } function ft_phrase_match(Doku_Event $event, $param) { if ($event->result === true) return; // get .comments meta file name $file = metaFN($event->data['id'], '.comments'); if (!@file_exists($file)) return; $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file, false)); if ((!$data['status']) || ($data['number'] == 0)) return; // comments are turned off $matched = false; // now add the comments if (isset($data['comments'])) { foreach ($data['comments'] as $key => $value) { $matched = $this->comment_phrase_match($event->data['phrase'], $key, $data); if ($matched) break; } } if ($matched) $event->result = true; } function comment_phrase_match($phrase, $cid, &$data, $parent = '') { if (!isset($data['comments'][$cid])) return false; // comment was removed $comment = $data['comments'][$cid]; if (!is_array($comment)) return false; // corrupt datatype if ($comment['parent'] != $parent) return false; // reply to an other comment if (!$comment['show']) return false; // hidden comment $text = utf8_strtolower($comment['raw']); if (strpos($text, $phrase) !== false) { return true; } if (is_array($comment['replies'])) { // and the replies foreach ($comment['replies'] as $rid) { if ($this->comment_phrase_match($phrase, $rid, $data, $cid)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Saves the current comment status and title in the .comments file * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param */ public function update_comment_status(Doku_Event $event, $param) { global $ID; $meta = $event->data['current']; $file = metaFN($ID, '.comments'); $status = ($this->isDiscussionEnabled() ? 1 : 0); $title = NULL; if (isset($meta['plugin_discussion'])) { $status = $meta['plugin_discussion']['status']; $title = $meta['plugin_discussion']['title']; } else if ($status == 1) { // Don't enable comments when automatic comments are on - this already happens automatically // and if comments are turned off in the admin this only updates the .comments file return; } if ($status || @file_exists($file)) { $data = array(); if (@file_exists($file)) { $data = unserialize(io_readFile($file, false)); } if (!array_key_exists('title', $data) || $data['title'] !== $title || !isset($data['status']) || $data['status'] !== $status) { $data['title'] = $title; $data['status'] = $status; if (!isset($data['number'])) $data['number'] = 0; io_saveFile($file, serialize($data)); } } } /** * Adds the words of a given comment to the index * * @param string $cid * @param array $data * @param string $parent * @return string */ protected function _addCommentWords($cid, &$data, $parent = '') { if (!isset($data['comments'][$cid])) return ''; // comment was removed $comment = $data['comments'][$cid]; if (!is_array($comment)) return ''; // corrupt datatype if ($comment['parent'] != $parent) return ''; // reply to an other comment if (!$comment['show']) return ''; // hidden comment $text = $comment['raw']; // we only add the raw comment text if (is_array($comment['replies'])) { // and the replies foreach ($comment['replies'] as $rid) { $text .= $this->_addCommentWords($rid, $data, $cid); } } return ' '.$text; } /** * Only allow http(s) URLs and append http:// to URLs if needed * * @param string $url * @return string */ protected function _checkURL($url) { if(preg_match("#^http://|^https://#", $url)) { return hsc($url); } elseif(substr($url, 0, 4) == 'www.') { return hsc('http://' . $url); } else { return ''; } } } /** * Sort threads * * @param $a * @param $b * @return int */ function _sortCallback($a, $b) { if (is_array($a['date'])) { // new format $createdA = $a['date']['created']; } else { // old format $createdA = $a['date']; } if (is_array($b['date'])) { // new format $createdB = $b['date']['created']; } else { // old format $createdB = $b['date']; } if ($createdA == $createdB) { return 0; } else { return ($createdA < $createdB) ? -1 : 1; } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:enc=utf-8: