//last step by user
$laststep = array();
$user = '';
$source = '';
$target = '';
foreach ($content as $line) {
$path = explode($delimiter,$line);
if (sizeof($path) == 3) {
$user = $path[0];
$source = trim($path[1]);
$target = trim($path[2]);
} else {
// guard clauses
// unautheticated user
if ($registeredOnly)
if (strcmp($user ,'-') == 0) continue;
// one of the pages doesn't exist
if ((!page_exists(str_replace('/',':',$source))) || (!page_exists(str_replace('/',':',$target)))) continue;
// BUG: This is still not workin properly...
// self-reference
if (strcmp($source, $target) == 0) {
// check for valid STEP
if (!isset($lastmove[$user])) {
$lastmove[$user] = array();
$lastmove[$user]['source'] = '';
$lastmove[$user]['target'] = '';
if ((strcmp($source,$lastmove[$user]['source']) != 0) ||
(strcmp($target,$lastmove[$user]['target']) != 0)) {
// compose step string
$step = trim($source).'->'.trim($target);
//error_log("step: ".$step);
if (!isset($data[$step])) {
$data[$step] = 1;
} else {
$lastmove[$user]['source'] = $source;
$lastmove[$user]['target'] = $target;
return $data;
* generateDirections
* This function produces the directions (incoming/outgoing pages) for a particular wiki page.
function dir_generateDirections($info, $data, $fanInOnly=false, $fanOutOnly=false, $showGraph=true) {
// get current page id (name with namespace)
$id = getID();
// parse data to find fan in and fan out
// $data comes has associative array with step string (page1->page2) on "key" and occurences of step in "value".
// find relevant steps first, order by ocurrences second.
$graph = array();
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
$pages = explode("->", $key);
$page1 = str_replace('/',':',$pages[0]);$page1 = trim($page1);
$page2 = str_replace('/',':',$pages[1]);$page2 = trim($page2);
if (strcmp($id,$page1) == 0) {
$index = $page1.'->'.$page2;
$graph[$index] = $value;
$fanOut[$page2] = $value;
if (strcmp($id,$page2) == 0) {
$index = $page1.'->'.$page2;
$graph[$index] = $value;
$fanIn[$page1] = $value;
if (isset($fanOut)) arsort($fanOut);
if (isset($fanIn)) arsort($fanIn);
// return (printable) results
$results .= dir_prettyPrintResults($fanIn, $fanInOnly, $fanOut, $fanOutOnly);
if ($showGraph) {
if(!in_array('graphviz',plugin_list())) {
$results .= 'To view the graph the graphviz plug-in must be installed.';
} else {
$results .= dir_generateGraph($info, $graph);
return $results;
* generateListofJumps
* prints out the table of 'jumps' of the whole wiki.
function dir_generateListofJumps($data) {
global $conf;
$trimLimit = $conf['plugin']['directions']['trim_limit'];
$output = '
$output .= '
$output .='
return $output;
* dir_prettyPrintResults
* helper function that enables optional printing of "incoming" or "outgoing" (or both) sections of the directions table.
function dir_prettyPrintResults($fanIn, $fanInOnly, $fanOut, $fanOutOnly, $trimLimit) {
global $conf;
$maxdirections = $conf['plugin']['directions']['max_directions'];
if (!isset($trimLimit)) $trimLimit = $conf['plugin']['directions']['trim_limit'];
$limit = $maxdirections;
if ($fanInOnly) {
$output .= '';
return $output;
if ($fanOutOnly) {
$output .= '';
return $output;
$output = '';
$output .= '
$output .='
return $output;
* dir_get_first_heading
* return the first heading of a page or, if nonexistant, the name of the page.
function dir_get_first_heading($page) {
$heading = p_get_first_heading($page);
if (!isset($heading)) $heading = $page;
return $heading;
* dir_trimPageTitle
* trims the title of a page by $maxchars visible. Useful to printout title names as a preview...
function dir_trimPageTitle($title, $maxchars=19) {
if (strlen($title) > $maxchars) return substr($title,0,$maxchars).'...';
return $title;