/** * $Id: mxMockupNavigation.js,v 1.5 2014/01/21 13:11:15 gaudenz Exp $ * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd */ //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Breadcrumb (LEGACY) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb, mxShape); mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.cst = { SHAPE_BREADCRUMB : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.breadcrumb', MAIN_TEXT : 'mainText', TEXT_SIZE : 'textSize', TEXT_COLOR : 'textColor', TEXT_COLOR2 : 'textColor2' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var textStrings = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.cst.MAIN_TEXT, 'Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3').toString().split(','); var fontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR, '#666666'); var selectedFontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR2, '#008cff'); var fontSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.cst.TEXT_SIZE, '17').toString(); var separatorColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, '#c4c4c4'); var buttonNum = textStrings.length; var buttonWidths = new Array(buttonNum); var buttonTotalWidth = 0; var labelOffset = 10; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { buttonWidths[i] = mxUtils.getSizeForString(textStrings[i], fontSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; buttonTotalWidth += buttonWidths[i]; } var trueH = Math.max(h, fontSize * 1.5, 20); var minW = 2 * labelOffset * buttonNum + buttonTotalWidth; var trueW = Math.max(w, minW); c.translate(x, y); c.setShadow(false); this.separators(c, trueW, trueH, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, separatorColor); var currWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { if (i + 1 === buttonNum) { c.setFontColor(selectedFontColor); } else { c.setFontColor(fontColor); } currWidth = currWidth + labelOffset; this.buttonText(c, currWidth, trueH, textStrings[i], buttonWidths[i], fontSize, minW, trueW); currWidth = currWidth + buttonWidths[i] + labelOffset; } }; mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.separators = function(c, w, h, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, separatorColor) { //draw the button separators c.setStrokeColor(separatorColor); var midY = h * 0.5; var size = 5; c.begin(); for (var i = 1; i < buttonNum; i++) { var currWidth = 0; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { currWidth += buttonWidths[j] + 2 * labelOffset; } currWidth = currWidth * w / minW; c.moveTo(currWidth - size * 0.5, midY - size); c.lineTo(currWidth + size * 0.5, midY); c.lineTo(currWidth - size * 0.5, midY + size); } c.stroke(); }; mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.buttonText = function(c, w, h, textString, buttonWidth, fontSize, minW, trueW) { c.begin(); c.setFontSize(fontSize); c.text((w + buttonWidth * 0.5) * trueW / minW, h * 0.5, 0, 0, textString, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb.prototype.cst.SHAPE_BREADCRUMB, mxShapeMockupBreadcrumb); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Step Bar //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupStepBar(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupStepBar, mxShape); mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst = { SHAPE_STEP_BAR : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.stepBar', SELECTED : '+', //must be 1 char MAIN_TEXT : 'mainText', TEXT_SIZE : 'textSize', TEXT_COLOR : 'textColor', TEXT_COLOR2 : 'textColor2' }; mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'mainText', dispName: 'Text', type: 'string'}, {name: 'textSize', dispName: 'Text Size', type: 'float'}, {name: 'textColor', dispName: 'Text Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'textColor2', dispName: 'Text2 Color', type: 'color'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var textStrings = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.MAIN_TEXT, 'Step 1, Step 2, Step 3').toString().split(','); var fontColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR, '#666666'); var currColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR2, '#008cff'); var fontSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.TEXT_SIZE, '17').toString(); var bgColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, '#c4c4c4'); var doneColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, '#666666'); var buttonNum = textStrings.length; var buttonWidths = new Array(buttonNum); var buttonTotalWidth = 0; var labelOffset = 10; var selectedButton = -1; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { var buttonText = textStrings[i]; if(buttonText.charAt(0) === mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { buttonText = textStrings[i].substring(1); selectedButton = i; } buttonWidths[i] = mxUtils.getSizeForString(buttonText, fontSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; buttonTotalWidth += buttonWidths[i]; } var trueH = Math.max(h, fontSize * 1.5, 20); var minW = 2 * labelOffset * buttonNum + buttonTotalWidth; var trueW = Math.max(w, minW); c.translate(x, y); this.stepLineBg(c, trueW, trueH, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, bgColor, fontSize, trueW); c.setShadow(false); this.stepLineFg(c, trueW, trueH, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, bgColor, doneColor, currColor, fontSize, trueW, selectedButton); var currWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { if (i >= selectedButton) { c.setFontColor(currColor); } else { c.setFontColor(fontColor); } currWidth = currWidth + labelOffset; this.buttonText(c, currWidth, trueH, textStrings[i], buttonWidths[i], fontSize, minW, trueW); currWidth = currWidth + buttonWidths[i] + labelOffset; } }; mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.stepLineBg = function(c, w, h, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, bgColor, fontSize, trueW) { //draw the button separators c.setStrokeColor(bgColor); c.setFillColor(bgColor); var midY = fontSize * 2; var size = 10; var startX = 0; var endX = 0; for (var i = 0; i < buttonNum; i++) { var currWidth = 0; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { currWidth += buttonWidths[j] + 2 * labelOffset; } currWidth += buttonWidths[i] * 0.5 + labelOffset; currWidth = currWidth * w / minW; if (i === 0) { startX = currWidth; } else if (i + 1 === buttonNum) { endX = currWidth; } c.begin(); c.ellipse(currWidth - size, midY - size, 2 * size, 2 * size); c.fillAndStroke(); } c.begin(); c.rect(startX, midY - size * 0.2, endX - startX, size * 0.4); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.stepLineFg = function(c, w, h, buttonNum, buttonWidths, labelOffset, minW, bgColor, doneColor, currColor, fontSize, trueW, selectedButton) { //draw the button separators c.setStrokeColor(doneColor); var midY = fontSize * 2; var size = 10 * 0.75; var startX = 0; var endX = 0; var strokeWidth = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, '1'); for (var i = 0; i <= selectedButton; i++) { var currWidth = 0; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { currWidth += buttonWidths[j] + 2 * labelOffset; } currWidth += buttonWidths[i] * 0.5 + labelOffset; currWidth = currWidth * w / minW; if (i === 0) { startX = currWidth; } else if (i === selectedButton) { endX = currWidth; } } c.setFillColor(doneColor); c.begin(); c.rect(startX, midY - size * 0.15, endX - startX, size * 0.3); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(bgColor); for (var i = 0; i <= selectedButton; i++) { var currWidth = 0; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { currWidth += buttonWidths[j] + 2 * labelOffset; } currWidth += buttonWidths[i] * 0.5 + labelOffset; currWidth = currWidth * w / minW; if (i === 0) { startX = currWidth; } else if (i + 1 === selectedButton) { endX = currWidth; } if (i < selectedButton) { c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); c.begin(); c.ellipse(currWidth - size, midY - size, 2 * size, 2 * size); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 0.5); c.begin(); c.ellipse(currWidth - size * 0.6, midY - size * 0.6, 2 * size * 0.6, 2 * size * 0.6); c.fillAndStroke(); } else { c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); c.setFillColor(bgColor); c.setStrokeColor(bgColor); c.begin(); c.ellipse(currWidth - size / 0.75, midY - size / 0.75, 2 * size / 0.75, 2 * size / 0.75); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); c.setFillColor('#ffffff'); c.setStrokeColor('#ffffff'); c.begin(); c.ellipse(currWidth - size, midY - size, 2 * size, 2 * size); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor(currColor); c.setStrokeColor(currColor); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 0.5); c.begin(); c.ellipse(currWidth - size * 0.7, midY - size * 0.7, 2 * size * 0.7, 2 * size * 0.7); c.fillAndStroke(); } } }; mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.buttonText = function(c, w, h, textString, buttonWidth, fontSize, minW, trueW) { if(textString.charAt(0) === mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.SELECTED) { textString = textString.substring(1); } c.begin(); c.setFontSize(fontSize); c.text((w + buttonWidth * 0.5) * trueW / minW, fontSize * 0.5, 0, 0, textString, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupStepBar.prototype.cst.SHAPE_STEP_BAR, mxShapeMockupStepBar); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Cover Flow //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupCoverFlow(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupCoverFlow, mxShape); mxShapeMockupCoverFlow.prototype.cst = { SHAPE_COVER_FLOW : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.coverFlow' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupCoverFlow.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.0924, h * 0.07); c.lineTo(w * 0.005, h * 0.01); c.lineTo(w * 0.005, h * 0.99); c.lineTo(w * 0.0924, h * 0.93); c.moveTo(w * 0.1774, h * 0.09); c.lineTo(w * 0.0924, h * 0.01); c.lineTo(w * 0.0924, h * 0.99); c.lineTo(w * 0.1774, h * 0.91); c.moveTo(w * 0.3373, h * 0.22); c.lineTo(w * 0.1774, h * 0.01); c.lineTo(w * 0.1774, h * 0.99); c.lineTo(w * 0.3373, h * 0.78); c.moveTo(w * 0.912, h * 0.07); c.lineTo(w * 0.998, h * 0.01); c.lineTo(w * 0.998, h * 0.99); c.lineTo(w * 0.912, h * 0.93); c.moveTo(w * 0.8271, h * 0.09); c.lineTo(w * 0.912, h * 0.01); c.lineTo(w * 0.912, h * 0.99); c.lineTo(w * 0.8271, h * 0.91); c.moveTo(w * 0.6672, h * 0.22); c.lineTo(w * 0.8271, h * 0.01); c.lineTo(w * 0.8271, h * 0.99); c.lineTo(w * 0.6672, h * 0.78); c.moveTo(w * 0.3373, h * 0.005); c.lineTo(w * 0.3373, h * 0.995); c.lineTo(w * 0.6672, h * 0.995); c.lineTo(w * 0.6672, h * 0.005); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupCoverFlow.prototype.cst.SHAPE_COVER_FLOW, mxShapeMockupCoverFlow); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Scroll Bar //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupScrollBar(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupScrollBar, mxShape); mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.cst = { SHAPE_SCROLL_BAR : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.scrollBar', FILL_COLOR2 : 'fillColor2', STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', BAR_POS : 'barPos' }; mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'barPos', dispName: 'Handle Position', type: 'float'}, {name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Fill2 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Stroke2 Color', type: 'color'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { h = 20; var buttonX = 20; w = Math.max(w, 2 * buttonX); c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, w, h, buttonX); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, w, h, buttonX); this.barPos = 20; }; mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.background = function(c, w, h, buttonX) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(buttonX, 0); c.lineTo(buttonX, h); c.moveTo(w - buttonX, 0); c.lineTo(w - buttonX, h); c.stroke(); } mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.foreground = function(c, w, h, buttonX) { var barPos = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.cst.BAR_POS, '20'); var fillColor2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR2, '#99ddff'); var strokeColor2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, 'none'); barPos = Math.max(0, barPos); barPos = Math.min(100, barPos); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor2); c.setFillColor(fillColor2); c.begin(); c.moveTo(buttonX * 0.2, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(buttonX * 0.8, h * 0.2); c.lineTo(buttonX * 0.8, h * 0.8); c.close(); c.moveTo(w - buttonX * 0.2, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w - buttonX * 0.8, h * 0.2); c.lineTo(w - buttonX * 0.8, h * 0.8); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); //draw the handle based on arg.barPos var barWidth = 60; var barMin = buttonX; var barMax = w - buttonX; barWidth = Math.min(barWidth, barMax - barMin); var barCenterMin = barMin + barWidth / 2; var barCenterMax = barMax - barWidth / 2; var barCenterRange = barCenterMax - barCenterMin; var barCenterPos = barCenterRange * barPos / 100; var barStart = barMin + barCenterPos; c.roundrect(barStart, h * 0.15, barWidth, h * 0.7, 5, 5); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.cst.SHAPE_SCROLL_BAR, mxShapeMockupScrollBar); Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeMockupScrollBar.prototype.cst.SHAPE_SCROLL_BAR] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['barPos'], function(bounds) { var barPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'barPos', this.barPos)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + ((bounds.width - 100) * barPos / bounds.width) / 100 * bounds.width + 50, bounds.y + 10); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['barPos'] = Math.round(1000 * Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (pt.x - bounds.x - 50) * 100 / (bounds.width - 100)))) / 1000; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Pagination //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupPagination(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupPagination, mxShape); mxShapeMockupPagination.prototype.cst = { MAIN_TEXT : 'linkText', TEXT_SIZE : 'textSize', TEXT_COLOR : 'textColor', SHAPE_PAGINATION : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.pagination' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupPagination.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var mainText = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPagination.prototype.cst.MAIN_TEXT, '0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z'); var textSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPagination.prototype.cst.TEXT_SIZE, '17'); var textColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPagination.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR, '#0000ff'); c.translate(x, y); var width = mxUtils.getSizeForString(mainText, textSize, mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY).width; c.setStrokeColor(textColor); c.setFontSize(textSize); c.setFontColor(textColor); c.text(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, 0, mainText, mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5 - width * 0.5, (h + parseInt(textSize, 10)) * 0.5); c.lineTo(w * 0.5 + width * 0.5, (h + parseInt(textSize, 10)) * 0.5); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupPagination.prototype.cst.SHAPE_PAGINATION, mxShapeMockupPagination); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Page Control //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupPageControl(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupPageControl, mxShape); mxShapeMockupPageControl.prototype.cst = { SHAPE_PAGE_CONTROL : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.pageControl' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupPageControl.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var fillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, '#000000'); var strokeColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, '#000000'); var rSize = Math.min(h * 0.5, w * 0.05); c.setFillColor(strokeColor); c.ellipse(0, h * 0.5 - rSize, 2 * rSize, 2 * rSize); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(fillColor); c.ellipse(w * 0.35 - rSize, h * 0.5 - rSize, 2 * rSize, 2 * rSize); c.fill(); c.ellipse(w * 0.65 - rSize, h * 0.5 - rSize, 2 * rSize, 2 * rSize); c.fill(); c.ellipse(w - 2 * rSize, h * 0.5 - rSize, 2 * rSize, 2 * rSize); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupPageControl.prototype.cst.SHAPE_PAGE_CONTROL, mxShapeMockupPageControl); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Map Navigator //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupMapNavigator(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupMapNavigator, mxShape); mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.cst = { SHAPE_MAP_NAVIGATOR : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.mapNavigator', FILL_COLOR2 : 'fillColor2', STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3' }; mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Fill2 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Stroke2 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor3', dispName: 'Stroke3 Color', type: 'color'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, w, h); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.background = function(c, w, h) { c.ellipse(0, 0, w, h * 0.6); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.35, h * 0.584); c.lineTo(w * 0.35, h * 0.95); c.arcTo(w * 0.083, h * 0.05, 0, 0, 0, w * 0.43, h); c.lineTo(w * 0.56, h); c.arcTo(w * 0.083, h * 0.05, 0, 0, 0, w * 0.65, h * 0.95); c.lineTo(w * 0.65, h * 0.584); c.fillAndStroke(); } mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.foreground = function(c, w, h) { var fillColor2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR2, '#99ddff'); var strokeColor2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, 'none'); var strokeColor3 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR3, '#ffffff'); c.setFillColor(fillColor2); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor2); c.ellipse(w * 0.4, h * 0.65, w * 0.2, h * 0.12); c.fillAndStroke(); c.ellipse(w * 0.4, h * 0.85, w * 0.2, h * 0.12); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.1806, h * 0.34); c.lineTo(w * 0.1357, h * 0.366); c.lineTo(w * 0.0228, h * 0.3); c.lineTo(w * 0.1357, h * 0.234); c.lineTo(w * 0.1806, h * 0.26); c.lineTo(w * 0.1142, h * 0.3); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.433, h * 0.108); c.lineTo(w * 0.3881, h * 0.08); c.lineTo(w * 0.4994, h * 0.012); c.lineTo(w * 0.6123, h * 0.08); c.lineTo(w * 0.5658, h * 0.108); c.lineTo(w * 0.4994, h * 0.068); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.8198, h * 0.262); c.lineTo(w * 0.868, h * 0.233); c.lineTo(w * 0.9776, h * 0.3); c.lineTo(w * 0.868, h * 0.367); c.lineTo(w * 0.8198, h * 0.341); c.lineTo(w * 0.8863, h * 0.3); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5641, h * 0.493); c.lineTo(w * 0.6123, h * 0.522); c.lineTo(w * 0.4994, h * 0.588); c.lineTo(w * 0.3881, h * 0.521); c.lineTo(w * 0.4363, h * 0.493); c.lineTo(w * 0.4994, h * 0.533); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.3333, h * 0.32); c.lineTo(w * 0.3333, h * 0.28); c.lineTo(w * 0.4163, h * 0.3); c.close(); c.moveTo(w * 0.4662, h * 0.2); c.lineTo(w * 0.5326, h * 0.2); c.lineTo(w * 0.4994, h * 0.25); c.close() c.moveTo(w * 0.6654, h * 0.28); c.lineTo(w * 0.6654, h * 0.32); c.lineTo(w * 0.5824, h * 0.3); c.close(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5326, h * 0.4); c.lineTo(w * 0.4662, h * 0.4); c.lineTo(w * 0.4994, h * 0.35); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(2); c.setStrokeColor(strokeColor3); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.67); c.lineTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.75); c.moveTo(w * 0.43, h * 0.71); c.lineTo(w * 0.57, h * 0.71); c.moveTo(w * 0.43, h * 0.91); c.lineTo(w * 0.57, h * 0.91); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupMapNavigator.prototype.cst.SHAPE_MAP_NAVIGATOR, mxShapeMockupMapNavigator); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Anchor (a dummy shape without visuals used for anchoring) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupNavigationAnchor(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupNavigationAnchor, mxShape); mxShapeMockupNavigationAnchor.prototype.cst = { ANCHOR : 'mxgraph.mockup.navigation.anchor' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupNavigationAnchor.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupNavigationAnchor.prototype.cst.ANCHOR, mxShapeMockupNavigationAnchor);