/** * $Id: mxMockupGraphics.js,v 1.5 2013/05/22 12:28:49 mate Exp $ * Copyright (c) 2006-2010, JGraph Ltd */ //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Bar Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupBarChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupBarChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.cst = { STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3', FILL_COLOR2 : 'fillColor2', FILL_COLOR3 : 'fillColor3', SHAPE_BAR_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.barChart' }; mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Stroke2 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor3', dispName: 'Stroke3 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Fill2 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor3', dispName: 'Fill3 Color', type: 'color'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); var bgFill = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'none'); if (bgFill !== 'none') { c.setShadow(false); } this.bars(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.bars = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var barStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, 'none'); var coordStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR3, '#666666'); var barFill1 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR2, '#008cff'); var barFill2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR3, '#dddddd'); var strokeWidth = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, '1'); c.setStrokeColor(barStroke); c.setFillColor(barFill1); c.rect(0, h * 0.2, w * 0.75, h * 0.05); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(0, h * 0.45, w * 0.6, h * 0.05); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(0, h * 0.7, w * 0.95, h * 0.05); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor(barFill2); c.rect(0, h * 0.25, w * 0.85, h * 0.05); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(0, h * 0.5, w * 0.65, h * 0.05); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(0, h * 0.75, w * 0.8, h * 0.05); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 2); c.setStrokeColor(coordStroke); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0,0); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupBarChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_BAR_CHART, mxShapeMockupBarChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Column Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupColumnChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupColumnChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.cst = { STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3', FILL_COLOR2 : 'fillColor2', FILL_COLOR3 : 'fillColor3', SHAPE_COLUMN_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.columnChart' }; mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Bar Stroke Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor3', dispName: 'Coord System Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Bar1 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor3', dispName: 'Bar2 Color', type: 'color'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); var bgFill = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'none'); if (bgFill !== 'none') { c.setShadow(false); } this.bars(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.bars = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var barStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, 'none'); var coordStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR3, '#666666'); var barFill1 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR2, '#008cff'); var barFill2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR3, '#dddddd'); var strokeWidth = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, '1'); c.setStrokeColor(barStroke); c.setFillColor(barFill1); c.rect(w * 0.2, h * 0.25, w * 0.05, h * 0.75); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(w * 0.45, h * 0.4, w * 0.05, h * 0.6); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(w * 0.7, h * 0.05, w * 0.05, h * 0.95); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor(barFill2); c.rect(w * 0.25, h * 0.15, w * 0.05, h * 0.85); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(w * 0.5, h * 0.35, w * 0.05, h * 0.65); c.fillAndStroke(); c.rect(w * 0.75, h * 0.2, w * 0.05, h * 0.8); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 2); c.setStrokeColor(coordStroke); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0,0); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupColumnChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_COLUMN_CHART, mxShapeMockupColumnChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Line Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupLineChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupLineChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.cst = { STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3', STROKE_COLOR4 : 'strokeColor4', SHAPE_LINE_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.lineChart' }; mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Coord. System Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor3', dispName: 'Line1 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor4', dispName: 'Line2 Color', type: 'color'}, ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); var bgFill = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'none'); if (bgFill !== 'none') { c.setShadow(false); } this.bars(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.bars = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var coordStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, '#666666'); var line1Stroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR3, '#008cff'); var line2Stroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR4, '#dddddd'); var strokeWidth = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, '1'); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 2); c.setStrokeColor(line2Stroke); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w * 0.3, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w * 0.6, h * 0.74); c.lineTo(w * 0.9, h * 0.24); c.stroke(); c.setStrokeColor(line1Stroke); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w * 0.3, h * 0.65); c.lineTo(w * 0.6, h * 0.6); c.lineTo(w * 0.9, h * 0.35); c.stroke(); c.setStrokeColor(coordStroke); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0,0); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupLineChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_LINE_CHART, mxShapeMockupLineChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Pie Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupPieChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupPieChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.cst = { PARTS : 'parts', PART_COLORS : 'partColors', SHAPE_PIE_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.pieChart' }; mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'partsCount', dispName: 'partsCount', type: 'int', defVal: 4, dependentProps: ['partColors', 'parts']}, {name: 'partColors', dispName: 'Part Colors', type: 'staticArr', subType: 'color', sizeProperty: 'partsCount', subDefVal: '#FFFFFF'}, {name: 'parts', dispName: 'Part Sizes', type: 'staticArr', subType: 'int', sizeProperty: 'partsCount', subDefVal: '10'}, ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.ellipse(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.foreground = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var parts = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.cst.PARTS, '10,20,30').toString().split(','); var partNum = parts.length; var partColors = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.cst.PART_COLORS, '#333333,#666666,#999999').toString().split(','); var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < partNum; i++) { total = total + parseInt(parts[i], 10); } for (var i = 0; i < partNum; i++) { if (partColors.length > i) { c.setFillColor(partColors[i]); } else { c.setFillColor('#ff0000'); } var beginPerc = 0; var endPerc = 0; var currPerc = parseInt(parts[i], 10) / total; if (currPerc === 0.5) { currPerc = 0.501; } for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { beginPerc = beginPerc + parseInt(parts[j], 10) / total; } endPerc = currPerc + beginPerc; var startAngle = 2 * Math.PI * beginPerc; var endAngle = 2 * Math.PI * endPerc; var x1 = w * 0.5 - w * Math.sin(startAngle) * 0.5; var y1 = h * 0.5 - h * Math.cos(startAngle) * 0.5; var x2 = w * 0.5 - w * Math.sin(endAngle) * 0.5; var y2 = h * 0.5 - h * Math.cos(endAngle) * 0.5; var largeArc = 1; var sweep = 1; if (endPerc - beginPerc < 0.5) { largeArc = 0; } c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(x2, y2); c.arcTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, largeArc, 1, x1, y1); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); } }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupPieChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_PIE_CHART, mxShapeMockupPieChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Icon Grid (LEGACY) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupIconGrid(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupIconGrid, mxShape); mxShapeMockupIconGrid.prototype.cst = { GRID_SIZE : 'gridSize', SHAPE_ICON_GRID : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.iconGrid' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupIconGrid.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var gridSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupIconGrid.prototype.cst.GRID_SIZE, '3,3').toString().split(','); this.background(c, w, h, gridSize); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, w, h, gridSize); }; mxShapeMockupIconGrid.prototype.background = function(c, w, h, gridSize) { var boxSizeX = w / (parseInt(gridSize[0],10) + (gridSize[0]-1) * 0.5); var boxSizeY = h / (parseInt(gridSize[1],10) + (gridSize[1]-1) * 0.5); for (var i = 0; i < gridSize[0]; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < gridSize[1]; j++) { c.rect(boxSizeX * 1.5 * i, boxSizeY * 1.5 * j, boxSizeX, boxSizeY); c.fillAndStroke(); } } }; mxShapeMockupIconGrid.prototype.foreground = function(c, w, h, gridSize) { var boxSizeX = w / (parseInt(gridSize[0],10) + (gridSize[0]-1) * 0.5); var boxSizeY = h / (parseInt(gridSize[1],10) + (gridSize[1]-1) * 0.5); for (var i = 0; i < gridSize[0]; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < gridSize[1]; j++) { c.begin(); c.moveTo(boxSizeX * 1.5 * i, boxSizeY * 1.5 * j); c.lineTo(boxSizeX * 1.5 * i + boxSizeX, boxSizeY * 1.5 * j + boxSizeY); c.moveTo(boxSizeX * 1.5 * i + boxSizeX, boxSizeY * 1.5 * j); c.lineTo(boxSizeX * 1.5 * i, boxSizeY * 1.5 * j + boxSizeY); c.stroke(); } } }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupIconGrid.prototype.cst.SHAPE_ICON_GRID, mxShapeMockupIconGrid); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Bubble Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupBubbleChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupBubbleChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.cst = { STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3', FILL_COLOR2 : 'fillColor2', FILL_COLOR3 : 'fillColor3', SHAPE_BUBBLE_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.bubbleChart' }; mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Bubble Stroke Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor3', dispName: 'Coord. System Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Bubble1 Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor3', dispName: 'Bubble2 Color', type: 'color'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); var bgFill = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'none'); if (bgFill !== 'none') { c.setShadow(false); } this.bars(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.bars = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var barStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, 'none'); var coordStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR3, '#666666'); var barFill1 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR2, '#008cff'); var barFill2 = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.cst.FILL_COLOR3, '#dddddd'); var strokeWidth = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, '1'); c.setStrokeColor(barStroke); c.setFillColor(barFill1); var cx = w * 0.4; var cy = h * 0.45; var r = Math.min(h, w) * 0.14; c.ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.1; cy = h * 0.8; r = Math.min(h, w) * 0.1; c.ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.7; cy = h * 0.7; r = Math.min(h, w) * 0.22; c.ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor(barFill2); cx = w * 0.15; cy = h * 0.25; r = Math.min(h, w) * 0.19; c.ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.48; cy = h * 0.7; r = Math.min(h, w) * 0.12; c.ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.74; cy = h * 0.17; r = Math.min(h, w) * 0.1; c.ellipse(cx - r, cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 2); c.setStrokeColor(coordStroke); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0,0); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupBubbleChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_BUBBLE_CHART, mxShapeMockupBubbleChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Gauge //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupGauge(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; this.gaugePos = 25; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupGauge, mxShape); mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst = { SCALE_COLORS : 'scaleColors', GAUGE_LABELS : 'gaugeLabels', NEEDLE_COLOR : 'needleColor', TEXT_COLOR : 'textColor', TEXT_SIZE : 'textSize', GAUGE_POS : 'gaugePos', SHAPE_GAUGE : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.gauge' }; mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'scaleColors', dispName: 'Scale Colors', type: 'String'}, {name: 'needleColor', dispName: 'Needle Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'gaugePos', dispName: 'Needle Position', type: 'float', min:0, max:100, defVal:25} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, w, h); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.background = function(c, w, h) { c.ellipse(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.foreground = function(c, w, h) { var gaugePos = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.GAUGE_POS, '0'); var scaleColors = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.SCALE_COLORS, '#888888,#aaaaaa,#444444').toString().split(','); var gaugeLabels = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.GAUGE_LABELS, 'CPU[%],0,100').toString().split(','); var needleColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.NEEDLE_COLOR, '#008cff'); var fillColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, '#ffffff'); var textColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR, '#666666'); var textSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.TEXT_SIZE, '12'); gaugePos = Math.max(0, gaugePos); gaugePos = Math.min(100, gaugePos); c.setFillColor(scaleColors[1]); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.05, h * 0.5); c.arcTo(w * 0.4, h * 0.4, 0, 0, 1, w * 0.95, h * 0.5); c.lineTo(w, h * 0.5); c.arcTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, h * 0.5); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(scaleColors[0]); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.05, h * 0.5); c.arcTo(w * 0.45, h * 0.45, 0, 0, 0, w * 0.182, h * 0.818); c.lineTo(w * 0.146, h * 0.854); c.arcTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0, h * 0.5); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(scaleColors[2]); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w, h * 0.5); c.arcTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.5, 0, 0, 1, w * 0.854, h * 0.854); c.lineTo(w * 0.818, h * 0.818); c.arcTo(w * 0.45, h * 0.45, 0, 0, 0, w * 0.95, h * 0.5); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFontSize(textSize); c.setFontColor(textColor); c.text(w * 0.5, h * 0.3, 0, 0, gaugeLabels[0], mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); c.text(w * 0.2, h * 0.85, 0, 0, gaugeLabels[1], mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); c.text(w * 0.8, h * 0.85, 0, 0, gaugeLabels[2], mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT, mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0, null, 0, 0, 0); var needlePos = (0.75 * (2 * Math.PI * parseFloat(gaugePos) / 100) + 1.25 * Math.PI); var x1 = w * 0.5 + w * 0.38 * Math.sin(needlePos); var y1 = h * 0.5 - h * 0.38 * Math.cos(needlePos); var x2 = 0; var y2 = 0; c.setFillColor(needleColor); c.begin(); c.moveTo(x1, y1); x1 = w * 0.5 + w * 0.05 * Math.cos(needlePos); y1 = h * 0.5 + h * 0.05 * Math.sin(needlePos); c.lineTo(x1, y1); x2 = w * 0.5 + w * (-0.05) * Math.sin(needlePos); y2 = h * 0.5 - h * (-0.05) * Math.cos(needlePos); c.arcTo(w * 0.05, h * 0.05, 0, 0, 1, x2, y2); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = w * 0.5 - w * 0.05 * Math.cos(needlePos); y2 = h * 0.5 - h * 0.05 * Math.sin(needlePos); c.arcTo(w * 0.05, h * 0.05, 0, 0, 1, x2, y2); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(fillColor); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.49, h * 0.49); c.lineTo(w * 0.51, h * 0.49); c.lineTo(w * 0.51, h * 0.51); c.lineTo(w * 0.49, h * 0.51); c.close(); c.fill(); c.begin(); c.ellipse(0, 0, w, h); c.stroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.146, h * 0.854); c.lineTo(w * 0.219, h * 0.781); c.moveTo(w * 0.854, h * 0.854); c.lineTo(w * 0.781, h * 0.781); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.SHAPE_GAUGE, mxShapeMockupGauge); Graph.handleFactory[mxShapeMockupGauge.prototype.cst.SHAPE_GAUGE] = function(state) { var handles = [Graph.createHandle(state, ['gaugePos'], function(bounds) { var gaugePos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, parseFloat(mxUtils.getValue(this.state.style, 'gaugePos', this.gaugePos)))); return new mxPoint(bounds.x + bounds.width * 0.2 + gaugePos * 0.6 * bounds.width / 100, bounds.y + bounds.height * 0.8); }, function(bounds, pt) { this.state.style['gaugePos'] = Math.round(1000 * Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (pt.x - bounds.x) * 100 / bounds.width))) / 1000; })]; return handles; } //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Plot Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupPlotChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupPlotChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.cst = { STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3', SHAPES_COLORS : 'fillColor2', SHAPE_PLOT_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.plotChart' }; mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'strokeColor2', dispName: 'Bubble Stroke Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'strokeColor3', dispName: 'Coord. System Color', type: 'color'}, {name: 'fillColor2', dispName: 'Shapes Color', type: 'string'} ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); var bgFill = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, 'none'); if (bgFill !== 'none') { c.setShadow(false); } this.foreground(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.foreground = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var shapeStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR2, '#dddddd'); var coordStroke = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.cst.STROKE_COLOR3, '#666666'); var shapesColors = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.cst.SHAPES_COLORS, '#00aaff,#0044ff,#008cff').toString().split(','); var strokeWidth = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, '1'); var shapeSize = Math.min(w, h) * 0.03; c.setStrokeColor(shapeStroke); c.setFillColor(shapesColors[0]); var cx = w * 0.2; var cy = h * 0.8; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.3; cy = h * 0.65; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.6; cy = h * 0.44; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.85; cy = h * 0.9; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor(shapesColors[1]); cx = w * 0.08; cy = h * 0.65; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.58; cy = h * 0.85; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.72; cy = h * 0.92; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.5, cy + shapeSize * 0.5); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setFillColor(shapesColors[2]); cx = w * 0.32; cy = h * 0.28; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.lineTo(cx, cy + shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.92; cy = h * 0.45; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.lineTo(cx, cy + shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.81; cy = h * 0.37; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.lineTo(cx, cy + shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); cx = w * 0.51; cy = h * 0.7; c.begin(); c.moveTo(cx, cy - shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx + shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.lineTo(cx, cy + shapeSize * 0.75); c.lineTo(cx - shapeSize * 0.75, cy); c.close(); c.fillAndStroke(); c.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth * 2); c.setStrokeColor(coordStroke); c.setShadow(false); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0,0); c.lineTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, h); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupPlotChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_PLOT_CHART, mxShapeMockupPlotChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Gantt Chart //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupGanttChart(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupGanttChart, mxShape); mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.cst = { STROKE_COLOR2 : 'strokeColor2', STROKE_COLOR3 : 'strokeColor3', SHAPES_COLORS : 'fillColor2', TEXT_COLOR : 'textColor', TEXT_SIZE : 'textSize', SHAPE_GANTT_CHART : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.ganttChart' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); this.background(c, x, y, w, h); c.setShadow(false); this.foreground(c, x, y, w, h); }; mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.background = function(c, x, y, w, h, bgColor, frameColor) { c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.foreground = function(c, x, y, w, h) { var shapesColors = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.cst.SHAPES_COLORS, '#888888,#bbbbbb').toString().split(','); var textColor = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.cst.TEXT_COLOR, '#666666'); var textSize = mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.cst.TEXT_SIZE, '#12'); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, h * 0.13); c.lineTo(w, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.4, 0); c.lineTo(w * 0.4, h); c.moveTo(w * 0.4, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w, h * 0.065); c.moveTo(w * 0.03, 0); c.lineTo(w * 0.03, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.1, 0); c.lineTo(w * 0.1, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.315, 0); c.lineTo(w * 0.315, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.45, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.45, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.5, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.5, h); c.moveTo(w * 0.55, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.55, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.6, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.6, h); c.moveTo(w * 0.65, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.65, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.7, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.7, h); c.moveTo(w * 0.75, 0); c.lineTo(w * 0.75, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.8, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.8, h); c.moveTo(w * 0.85, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.85, h * 0.13); c.moveTo(w * 0.9, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.9, h); c.moveTo(w * 0.95, h * 0.065); c.lineTo(w * 0.95, h * 0.13); c.stroke(); c.setFillColor(shapesColors[0]); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.41, h * 0.15); c.lineTo(w * 0.64, h * 0.15); c.lineTo(w * 0.64, h * 0.18); c.lineTo(w * 0.625, h * 0.21); c.lineTo(w * 0.61, h * 0.18); c.lineTo(w * 0.44, h * 0.18); c.lineTo(w * 0.425, h * 0.21); c.lineTo(w * 0.41, h * 0.18); c.close(); c.moveTo(w * 0.41, h * 0.24); c.lineTo(w * 0.49, h * 0.24); c.lineTo(w * 0.49, h * 0.275); c.lineTo(w * 0.41, h * 0.275); c.close(); c.moveTo(w * 0.46, h * 0.31); c.lineTo(w * 0.64, h * 0.31); c.lineTo(w * 0.64, h * 0.345); c.lineTo(w * 0.46, h * 0.345); c.close(); c.moveTo(w * 0.56, h * 0.39); c.lineTo(w * 0.69, h * 0.39); c.lineTo(w * 0.69, h * 0.425); c.lineTo(w * 0.56, h * 0.425); c.close(); c.fill(); c.setFillColor(shapesColors[1]); c.begin(); c.moveTo(w * 0.46, h * 0.32); c.lineTo(w * 0.58, h * 0.32); c.lineTo(w * 0.58, h * 0.335); c.lineTo(w * 0.46, h * 0.335); c.close(); c.fill(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupGanttChart.prototype.cst.SHAPE_GANTT_CHART, mxShapeMockupGanttChart); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Simple Icon //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupSimpleIcon(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupSimpleIcon, mxShape); mxShapeMockupSimpleIcon.prototype.cst = { SIMPLE_ICON : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.simpleIcon' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupSimpleIcon.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); c.rect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillAndStroke(); c.begin(); c.moveTo(0, 0); c.lineTo(w, h); c.moveTo(0, h); c.lineTo(w, 0); c.stroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupSimpleIcon.prototype.cst.SIMPLE_ICON, mxShapeMockupSimpleIcon); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Anchor (a dummy shape without visuals used for anchoring) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupGraphicsAnchor(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupGraphicsAnchor, mxShape); mxShapeMockupGraphicsAnchor.prototype.cst = { ANCHOR : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.anchor' }; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupGraphicsAnchor.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupGraphicsAnchor.prototype.cst.ANCHOR, mxShapeMockupGraphicsAnchor); //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** //Rounded rectangle (adjustable rounding) //********************************************************************************************************************************************************** /** * Extends mxShape. */ function mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) { mxShape.call(this); this.bounds = bounds; this.fill = fill; this.stroke = stroke; this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1; }; /** * Extends mxShape. */ mxUtils.extend(mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect, mxShape); mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect.prototype.cst = { RRECT : 'mxgraph.mockup.graphics.rrect', R_SIZE : 'rSize' }; mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect.prototype.customProperties = [ {name: 'rSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:10}, ]; /** * Function: paintVertexShape * * Paints the vertex shape. */ mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect.prototype.paintVertexShape = function(c, x, y, w, h) { c.translate(x, y); var rSize = parseInt(mxUtils.getValue(this.style, mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect.prototype.cst.R_SIZE, '10')); c.roundrect(0, 0, w, h, rSize); c.fillAndStroke(); }; mxCellRenderer.registerShape(mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect.prototype.cst.RRECT, mxShapeMockupGraphicsRRect);