// Handles form-submit by preparing to process response function handleSubmit() { var form = window.openForm || document.getElementById('openForm'); if (window.parent.openNew && window.parent.baseUrl != null) { window.parent.openFile.setConsumer(null); window.parent.open(window.parent.baseUrl); } // NOTE: File is loaded via JS injection into the iframe, which in turn sets the // file contents in the parent window. The new window asks its opener if any file // contents are available or waits for the contents to become available. return true; }; // Hides this dialog function hideWindow(cancel) { window.parent.openFile.cancel(cancel); } function fileChanged() { var supportedText = document.getElementById('openSupported'); var form = window.openForm || document.getElementById('openForm'); var openButton = document.getElementById('openButton'); if (form.upfile.value.length > 0) { openButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { openButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } function main() { if (window.parent != null && window.parent.Editor != null) { if (window.parent.Editor.useLocalStorage) { document.body.innerHTML = ''; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.fontFamily = 'Arial'; window.parent.listBrowserFiles(function(filesInfo) { if (window.parent != null) { if (filesInfo.length == 0) { window.parent.mxUtils.write(div, window.parent.mxResources.get('noFiles')); div.style.color = (window.parent.uiTheme == 'dark') ? '#cccccc' : ''; window.parent.mxUtils.br(div); } else { // Sorts the array by filename (titles) filesInfo.sort(function (a, b) { return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.title.toLowerCase()); }); var table = document.createElement('table'); var hrow = document.createElement('tr'); hrow.style.backgroundColor = (window.parent.uiTheme == 'dark') ? '#000' : '#D6D6D6'; hrow.style.color = (window.parent.uiTheme == 'dark') ? 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