var mxIsElectron = navigator.userAgent != null && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(' electron/') > -1; var GOOGLE_APPS_MAX_AREA = 25000000; var GOOGLE_SHEET_MAX_AREA = 1048576; //1024x1024 //TODO Add support for loading math from a local folder Editor.initMath((remoteMath? '' : '') + 'math/MathJax.js'); function render(data) { var autoScale = false; if (data.scale == 'auto') { autoScale = true; data.scale = 1; } document.body.innerHTML = ''; var container = document.createElement('div'); = 'graph'; = '100%'; = '100%'; document.body.appendChild(container); var graph = new Graph(container); data.border = parseInt(data.border) || 0; data.w = parseFloat(data.w) || 0; data.h = parseFloat(data.h) || 0; data.scale = parseFloat(data.scale) || 1; var extras = null; try { extras = JSON.parse(data.extras); } catch (e) { try { extras = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(data.extras)); } catch (e) { // ignore } } var gridColor = null; if (extras != null && extras.grid != null) { graph.gridSize = extras.grid.size; graph.view.gridSteps = extras.grid.steps; gridColor = extras.grid.color; } if (extras != null && extras.diagramLanguage != null) { Graph.diagramLanguage = extras.diagramLanguage; Graph.translateDiagram = true; } //PNG+XML format if (data.xml.substring(0, 5) == 'iVBOR' || (extras != null && extras.isPng)) { data.xml = Editor.extractGraphModelFromPng('data:image/png;base64,' + data.xml); } //IE11 sends incorrect xml if (data.xml.substring(0, 11) == '<#document>') { data.xml = data.xml.substring(11, data.xml.length - 12); } // Parses XML var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(data.xml); var node = Editor.extractGraphModel(doc.documentElement, true); if (node == null) { //Electron pdf export try { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); ipcRenderer.send('render-finished', null); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } return graph; } var xmlDoc = node.ownerDocument; var diagrams = null; var from = 0; if (mxIsElectron && data.format == 'xml') { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); try { var xml = mxUtils.getXml(xmlDoc); EditorUi.prototype.createUi = function(){}; EditorUi.prototype.addTrees = function(){}; EditorUi.prototype.updateActionStates = function(){}; var editorUi = new EditorUi(); var tmpFile = new LocalFile(editorUi, xml); editorUi.setCurrentFile(tmpFile); editorUi.setFileData(xml); ipcRenderer.send('xml-data', mxUtils.getXml(editorUi.getXmlFileData(null, null, data.uncompressed))); } catch(e) { ipcRenderer.send('xml-data-error'); } return; } // Handles mxfile if (xmlDoc.documentElement.nodeName == 'mxfile') { diagrams = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('diagram'); } //Add global variables to graph if (extras != null && extras.globalVars != null) { graph.globalVars = extras.globalVars; } /** * Disables custom links on shapes. */ var graphGetLinkForCell = graph.getLinkForCell; graph.getLinkForCell = function(cell) { var link = graphGetLinkForCell.apply(this, arguments); if (link != null && this.isCustomLink(link)) { link = null; } return link; }; /** * Disables custom links in labels. */ var cellRendererRedrawLabelShape = graph.cellRenderer.redrawLabelShape; graph.cellRenderer.redrawLabelShape = function(shape) { cellRendererRedrawLabelShape.apply(this, arguments); if (shape.node != null) { var links = shape.node.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var href = links[i].getAttribute('href'); if (href != null && graph.isCustomLink(href)) { links[i].setAttribute('href', '#'); } } } }; var preview = null; var waitCounter = 1; var bounds; var pageId; var expScale; // Waits for all images to finish loading var cache = new Object(); var math = false; // Decrements waitCounter and invokes callback when finished function decrementWaitCounter() { if (--waitCounter < 1) { //Note: This code targets Chrome as it is the browser used by export server //Ensure that all fonts has been loaded, this promise is never rejected document.fonts.ready.then(function() { var doneDiv = document.createElement("div"); var pageCount = diagrams != null? diagrams.length : 1; = 'LoadingComplete'; = 'none'; doneDiv.setAttribute('bounds', JSON.stringify(bounds)); doneDiv.setAttribute('page-id', pageId); doneDiv.setAttribute('scale', expScale); doneDiv.setAttribute('pageCount', pageCount); document.body.appendChild(doneDiv); //Electron pdf export if (mxIsElectron) { try { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); ipcRenderer.on('get-svg-data', (event, arg) => { graph.mathEnabled = math; //Enable math such that getSvg works as expected // Returns the exported SVG for the given graph (see EditorUi.exportSvg) var bg = graph.background; if (bg == mxConstants.NONE) { bg = null; } var svgRoot = graph.getSvg(bg, 1, 0, false, null, true, null, null, null); if (graph.shadowVisible) { graph.addSvgShadow(svgRoot); } // TODO addFontCss cannot be used as it requires this // Adds CSS //Editor.prototype.addFontCss(svgRoot); if (math) { Editor.prototype.addMathCss(svgRoot); } ipcRenderer.send('svg-data', '\n' + mxUtils.getXml(svgRoot)); }); //For some reason, Electron 9 doesn't send this object as is without stringifying. Usually when variable is external to function own scope ipcRenderer.send('render-finished', {bounds: JSON.stringify(bounds), pageCount: pageCount}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } }); } }; function waitForImages(tagName, attributeName) { var imgs = document.body.getElementsByTagName(tagName); waitCounter += imgs.length; for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { // No load events for image elements in Phantom using indirection instead var src = imgs[i].getAttribute(attributeName); if (src != null && src.length > 0 && cache[src] == null) { cache[src] = new Image(); cache[src].onload = decrementWaitCounter; cache[src].onerror = decrementWaitCounter; cache[src].src = src; } else { decrementWaitCounter(); } } }; // Waits for MathJax.Hub to become available to register // wait counter callback asynchronously after math render var editorDoMathJaxRender = Editor.doMathJaxRender; Editor.doMathJaxRender = function(container) { editorDoMathJaxRender.apply(this, arguments); window.setTimeout(function() { window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(function () { decrementWaitCounter(); }); }, 0); }; // Adds async MathJax rendering task function renderMath(elt) { if (math && Editor.MathJaxRender != null) { waitCounter++; Editor.MathJaxRender(elt); } }; function loadExtFonts(extFonts) { try { extFonts = extFonts.split('|').map(function(ef) { var parts = ef.split('^'); return {name: parts[0], url: parts[1]}; }); } catch(e) { //ignore and return! return; } waitCounter += extFonts.length; //Note: This code targets Chrome as it is the browser used by export server for (var i = 0; i < extFonts.length; i++) { if (extFonts[i].url.indexOf(Editor.GOOGLE_FONTS) == 0) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8'); link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); link.onload = decrementWaitCounter; link.onerror = decrementWaitCounter; link.setAttribute('href', extFonts[i].url); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(link); } else { //Relative urls doesn't work if (extFonts[i].url.indexOf(PROXY_URL) == 0 && PROXY_URL.indexOf('http') == -1) { var href = window.location.href; href = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); extFonts[i].url = href + extFonts[i].url; } var font = new FontFace(extFonts[i].name, 'url(' + extFonts[i].url + ')'); font.load().then(function(loadedFont) { document.fonts.add(loadedFont); decrementWaitCounter(); }).catch(decrementWaitCounter); } } }; function renderGrid() { if (gridColor == null) return; var view = graph.view; var gridImage = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(view.createSvgGrid(gridColor)))); gridImage = 'url(' + 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + gridImage + ')'; var phase = graph.gridSize * view.gridSteps * view.scale; var x0 = 0; var y0 = 0; if (view.backgroundPageShape != null) { var bds = view.getBackgroundPageBounds(); x0 = 1 + bds.x; y0 = 1 + bds.y; } // Computes the offset to maintain origin for grid var position = -Math.round(phase - mxUtils.mod(view.translate.x * view.scale - x0, phase)) + 'px ' + -Math.round(phase - mxUtils.mod(view.translate.y * view.scale - y0, phase)) + 'px'; var pages = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=mxPage]'); var cssTxt = 'margin: 0;padding: 0;background-image: ' + gridImage + ';background-position: ' + position; = cssTxt; for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { pages[i].style.cssText = cssTxt; } }; var origAddFont = Graph.addFont; Graph.addFont = function(name, url) { waitCounter++; return, name, url, decrementWaitCounter); }; function renderPage() { // Enables math typesetting math |= xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('math') == '1'; //Load external fonts var extFonts = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('extFonts'); if (extFonts) { loadExtFonts(extFonts); } // Configure graph graph.foldingEnabled = false; graph.setEnabled(false); // Sets background image var bgImg = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('backgroundImage'); if (bgImg != null) { bgImg = JSON.parse(bgImg); graph.setBackgroundImage(new mxImage(bgImg.src, bgImg.width, bgImg.height, bgImg.x, bgImg.y)); } // Parses XML into graph var codec = new mxCodec(xmlDoc); var model = graph.getModel(); codec.decode(xmlDoc.documentElement, model); var bg; if (data.format == 'pdf') { if ( == 'none') { bg = null; } else { bg = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('background'); if (bg == 'none' || !bg) { bg = '#ffffff'; } } } else { // Loads background color bg = ( != null && > 0) ? : xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('background'); // Normalizes values for transparent backgrounds if (bg == 'none' || bg == '') { bg = null; } // Checks if export format supports transparent backgrounds if (bg == null && data.format != 'gif' && data.format != 'png') { bg = '#ffffff'; } } // Sets background color on page if (bg != null) { = bg; } //handle layers if (extras != null && ((extras.layers != null && extras.layers.length > 0) || (extras.layerIds != null && extras.layerIds.length > 0))) { var childCount = model.getChildCount(model.root); // Hides all layers for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { model.setVisible(model.getChildAt(model.root, i), false); } if (extras.layerIds != null) { for (var i = 0; i < extras.layerIds.length; i++) { model.setVisible(model.getCell(extras.layerIds[i]), true); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < extras.layers.length; i++) { var layer = model.getChildAt(model.root, extras.layers[i]); if (layer != null) { model.setVisible(layer, true); } } } } // Sets initial value for PDF page background graph.pdfPageVisible = false; // Handles PDF output where the output should match the page format if the page is visible if (data.print || (data.format == 'pdf' && xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('page') == '1' && data.w == 0 && data.h == 0 && data.scale == 1)) { //Electron printing var printScale = 1; if (data.print) { document.title = data.fileTitle; var gb = graph.getGraphBounds(); printScale = data.pageScale; if (isNaN(printScale)) { printScale = 1; } if ( { var h = parseInt(data.sheetsAcross); var v = parseInt(data.sheetsDown); data.scale = Math.min((data.pageHeight * v) / (gb.height / graph.view.scale), (data.pageWidth * h) / (gb.width / graph.view.scale)); } else { data.scale = data.scale / graph.pageScale; if (isNaN(data.scale)) { printScale = 1 / graph.pageScale; } } } var pw = data.pageWidth || xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('pageWidth'); var ph = data.pageHeight || xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('pageHeight'); graph.pdfPageVisible = true; if (pw != null && ph != null) { graph.pageFormat = new mxRectangle(0, 0, parseFloat(pw), parseFloat(ph)); } var ps = data.pageScale || xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('pageScale'); if (ps != null) { graph.pageScale = ps; } graph.getPageSize = function() { return new mxRectangle(0, 0, this.pageFormat.width * this.pageScale, this.pageFormat.height * this.pageScale); }; graph.getPageLayout = function() { var size = this.getPageSize(); var bounds = this.getGraphBounds(); if (bounds.width == 0 || bounds.height == 0) { return new mxRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); } else { // Computes untransformed graph bounds var x = Math.ceil(bounds.x / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.x); var y = Math.ceil(bounds.y / this.view.scale - this.view.translate.y); var w = Math.floor(bounds.width / this.view.scale); var h = Math.floor(bounds.height / this.view.scale); var x0 = Math.floor(x / size.width); var y0 = Math.floor(y / size.height); var w0 = Math.ceil((x + w) / size.width) - x0; var h0 = Math.ceil((y + h) / size.height) - y0; return new mxRectangle(x0, y0, w0, h0); } }; // Fits the number of background pages to the graph graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds = function() { var layout = this.graph.getPageLayout(); var page = this.graph.getPageSize(); return new mxRectangle(this.scale * (this.translate.x + layout.x * page.width), this.scale * (this.translate.y + layout.y * page.height), this.scale * layout.width * page.width, this.scale * layout.height * page.height); }; } if (!graph.pdfPageVisible) { var b = graph.getGraphBounds(); // Floor is needed to keep rendering crisp if (data.w > 0 || data.h > 0) { var s = 1; if (data.w > 0 && data.h > 0) { s = Math.min(data.w / b.width, data.h / b.height); } else if (data.w > 0) { s = data.w / b.width; } else { s = data.h / b.height; } graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(s, Math.floor(data.border / s - Math.floor(b.x)), Math.floor(data.border / s - Math.floor(b.y))); } else { var s = data.scale; if (autoScale) { var pageWidth = (extras != null && extras.pageWidth != null) ? extras.pageWidth : 800; if (b.width < pageWidth & b.height < 1.5 * pageWidth) { s = 4; } else if (b.width < 2 * pageWidth & b.height < 3 * pageWidth) { s = 3; } else if (b.width < 4 * pageWidth && b.height < 6 * pageWidth) { s = 2; } if (extras != null && extras.isGoogleSheet != null) { GOOGLE_APPS_MAX_AREA = GOOGLE_SHEET_MAX_AREA; } //The image cannot exceed 25 MP to be included in Google Apps if (b.width * s * b.height * s > GOOGLE_APPS_MAX_AREA) { //Subtracting 0.01 to prevent any other rounding that can make slightly over 25 MP s = Math.sqrt(GOOGLE_APPS_MAX_AREA / (b.width * b.height)) - 0.01; } } graph.view.scaleAndTranslate(s, Math.floor(data.border - Math.floor(b.x)), Math.floor(data.border - Math.floor(b.y))); } } else { // Disables border for PDF page export data.border = 0; // Moves to first page in page layout var layout = graph.getPageLayout(); var page = graph.getPageSize(); var dx = layout.x * page.width; var dy = layout.y * page.height; if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { graph.view.setTranslate(Math.floor(-dx), Math.floor(-dy)); } } // Gets the diagram bounds and sets the document size bounds = (graph.pdfPageVisible) ? graph.view.getBackgroundPageBounds() : graph.getGraphBounds(); bounds.width = Math.ceil(bounds.width + data.border) + 1; //The 1 extra pixels to prevent cutting the cells on the edges when crop is enabled bounds.height = Math.ceil(bounds.height + data.border) + 1; //The 1 extra pixels to prevent starting a new page. TODO Not working in every case expScale = graph.view.scale || 1; // Converts the graph to a vertical sequence of pages for PDF export if (graph.pdfPageVisible) { var pf = graph.pageFormat || mxConstants.PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAIT; var scale = data.print? data.scale : 1 / graph.pageScale; var autoOrigin = (data.print && != null) ? : false; var border = 0; // Negative coordinates are cropped or shifted if page visible var gb = graph.getGraphBounds(); var x0 = 0; var y0 = 0; // Applies print scale pf = mxRectangle.fromRectangle(pf); pf.width = Math.ceil(pf.width * printScale) + 1; //The 1 extra pixels to prevent cutting the cells on the right edge of the page pf.height = Math.ceil(pf.height * printScale) + 1; //The 1 extra pixels to prevent starting a new page. TODO Not working in every case scale *= printScale; // Starts at first visible page if (!autoOrigin) { var layout = graph.getPageLayout(); x0 -= layout.x * pf.width; y0 -= layout.y * pf.height; } if (preview == null) { preview = new mxPrintPreview(graph, scale, pf, border, x0, y0); preview.printBackgroundImage = true; preview.autoOrigin = autoOrigin; preview.backgroundColor = bg; // Renders print output into this document and removes the graph container, window); graph.container.parentNode.removeChild(graph.container); } else { preview.backgroundColor = bg; preview.autoOrigin = autoOrigin; preview.appendGraph(graph, scale, x0, y0); } // Adds shadow // NOTE: Shadow rasterizes output /*if (mxClient.IS_SVG && xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('shadow') == '1') { var svgs = document.getElementsByTagName('svg'); for (var i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { var svg = svgs[i]; var filter = graph.addSvgShadow(svg, null, true); filter.setAttribute('id', 'shadow-' + i); svg.appendChild(filter); svg.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + 'shadow-' + i + ')'); } border = 7; }*/ bounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, pf.width, pf.height); } else { var bgImg = graph.backgroundImage; if (bgImg != null) { var t = graph.view.translate; var s = graph.view.scale; bounds.add(new mxRectangle( (t.x + bgImg.x) * s, (t.y + bgImg.y) * s, bgImg.width * s, bgImg.height * s)); } // Adds shadow // NOTE: PDF shadow rasterizes output so it's disabled if (data.format != 'pdf' && mxClient.IS_SVG && xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('shadow') == '1') { graph.addSvgShadow(graph.view.canvas.ownerSVGElement, null, true); graph.setShadowVisible(true); bounds.width += 7; bounds.height += 7; } = Math.ceil(bounds.x + bounds.width) + 'px'; = Math.ceil(bounds.y + bounds.height) + 'px'; } }; if (diagrams != null && diagrams.length > 0) { var to = diagrams.length - 1; //Parameters to and all pages should not be sent with formats other than PDF with page view enabled if (!data.allPages) { if (data.pageId != null) { for (var i = 0; i < diagrams.length; i++) { if (data.pageId == diagrams[i].getAttribute('id')) { from = i; to = i; break; } } } else { from = Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(data.from) || from, diagrams.length - 1)); to = parseInt(; //If to is not defined, use from (so one page), otherwise, to is restricted to the range from "from" to diagrams.length - 1 to = isNaN(to)? from : Math.max(from, Math.min(to, diagrams.length - 1)); } } /** * Implements %page% and %pagenumber% placeholders */ var graphGetGlobalVariable = graph.getGlobalVariable; graph.getGlobalVariable = function(name) { if (name == 'page') { return (diagrams == null) ? 'Page-1' : (diagrams[from].getAttribute('name') || ('Page-' + (from + 1))); } else if (name == 'pagenumber') { return from + 1; } return graphGetGlobalVariable.apply(this, arguments); }; for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) { if (diagrams[i] != null) { if (pageId == null) { pageId = diagrams[i].getAttribute('id') } xmlDoc = Editor.parseDiagramNode(diagrams[i]); if (xmlDoc != null) { xmlDoc = xmlDoc.ownerDocument; } graph.getModel().clear(); from = i; renderPage(); } } } else { renderPage(); } if (fallbackFont) { //Add a fallbackFont font to all labels in case the selected font doesn't support the character //Some systems doesn't have a good fallback fomt that supports all languages //Use this with a custom font-face in export-fonts.css file document.querySelectorAll('foreignObject div').forEach(d => = ( || '') + ', ' + fallbackFont); } renderGrid(); // Includes images in SVG and HTML labels waitForImages('image', 'xlink:href'); waitForImages('img', 'src'); renderMath(document.body); // Immediate return if not waiting for any content decrementWaitCounter(); return graph; }; //Electron pdf export if (mxIsElectron) { try { const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); ipcRenderer.on('render', (event, arg) => { render(arg); }); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } }