/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2020, JGraph Ltd * Copyright (c) 2006-2020, draw.io AG */ //Add a closure to hide the class private variables without changing the code a lot (function () { var _token = null; window.OneDriveClient = function(editorUi, isExtAuth, inlinePicker, noLogout) { if (isExtAuth == null && window.urlParams != null && window.urlParams['extAuth'] == '1') { isExtAuth = true; } if (inlinePicker == null) //Use inline picker as default { inlinePicker = window.Editor != null? Editor.oneDriveInlinePicker : true; } if (noLogout == null && window.urlParams != null && window.urlParams['noLogoutOD'] == '1') { noLogout = true; } DrawioClient.call(this, editorUi, isExtAuth? 'oneDriveExtAuthInfo' : 'oneDriveAuthInfo'); this.isExtAuth = isExtAuth; this.inlinePicker = inlinePicker; this.noLogout = noLogout; var authInfo = JSON.parse(this.token); if (authInfo != null) { this.endpointHint = authInfo.endpointHint != null ? authInfo.endpointHint.replace('/Documents', '/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx') : authInfo.endpointHint; } }; // Extends DrawioClient mxUtils.extend(OneDriveClient, DrawioClient); /** * Specifies if thumbnails should be enabled. Default is true. * LATER: If thumbnails are disabled, make sure to replace the * existing thumbnail with the placeholder only once. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.clientId = window.DRAWIO_MSGRAPH_CLIENT_ID || ((window.location.hostname == 'test.draw.io') ? '2e598409-107f-4b59-89ca-d7723c8e00a4' : '45c10911-200f-4e27-a666-9e9fca147395'); OneDriveClient.prototype.clientId = window.location.hostname == 'app.diagrams.net' ? 'b5ff67d6-3155-4fca-965a-59a3655c4476' : OneDriveClient.prototype.clientId; OneDriveClient.prototype.clientId = window.location.hostname == 'viewer.diagrams.net' ? '417a451a-a343-4788-b6c1-901e63182565' : OneDriveClient.prototype.clientId; /** * OAuth 2.0 scopes for installing Drive Apps. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.scopes = 'user.read files.readwrite.all sites.read.all'; /** * OAuth 2.0 scopes for installing Drive Apps. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.redirectUri = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/microsoft'; OneDriveClient.prototype.pickerRedirectUri = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/onedrive3.html'; /** * This is the default endpoint for personal accounts */ OneDriveClient.prototype.defEndpointHint = 'api.onedrive.com'; OneDriveClient.prototype.endpointHint = OneDriveClient.prototype.defEndpointHint; /** * Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.extension = '.drawio'; /** * Executes the first step for connecting to Google Drive. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.baseUrl = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0'; /** * Empty function used when no callback is needed */ OneDriveClient.prototype.emptyFn = function(){}; OneDriveClient.prototype.invalidFilenameRegExs = [ /[~"#%\*:<>\?\/\\{\|}]/, /^\.lock$/i, /^CON$/i, /^PRN$/i, /^AUX$/i, /^NUL$/i, /^COM\d$/i, /^LPT\d$/i, /^desktop\.ini$/i, /_vti_/i ]; /** * Check if the file/folder name is valid */ OneDriveClient.prototype.isValidFilename = function(filename) { if (filename == null || filename === '') return false; for (var i = 0; i < this.invalidFilenameRegExs.length; i++) { if (this.invalidFilenameRegExs[i].test(filename)) return false; } return true; }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.get = function(url, onload, onerror) { var req = new mxXmlRequest(url, null, 'GET'); req.setRequestHeaders = mxUtils.bind(this, function(request, params) { request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + _token); }); req.send(onload, onerror); return req; }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.updateUser = function(success, error, failOnAuth) { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT}); }), this.ui.timeout); this.get(this.baseUrl + '/me', mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { if (req.getStatus() < 200 || req.getStatus() >= 300) { if (!failOnAuth) { this.logout(); this.authenticate(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.updateUser(success, error, true); }), error); } else { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied')}); } } else { var data = JSON.parse(req.getText()); this.setUser(new DrawioUser(data.id, data.mail, data.displayName)); success(); } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(err); } })); }; OneDriveClient.prototype.resetTokenRefresh = function(expires_in) { if (this.tokenRefreshThread != null) { window.clearTimeout(this.tokenRefreshThread); this.tokenRefreshThread = null; } // Starts timer to refresh token before it expires if (expires_in > 0) { this.tokenRefreshInterval = expires_in * 1000; this.tokenRefreshThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { //Get a new fresh accessToken this.authenticate(this.emptyFn, this.emptyFn, true); }), expires_in * 900); } }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ OneDriveClient.prototype.authenticate = function(success, error, failOnAuth) { if (this.isExtAuth) { window.parent.oneDriveAuth(mxUtils.bind(this, function(newAuthInfo) { this.updateAuthInfo(newAuthInfo, true, this.endpointHint == null, success, error); }), error, window.urlParams != null && urlParams['odAuthCancellable'] == '1'); return; } var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.redirectUri + '?getState=1', null, 'GET'); req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { this.authenticateStep2(req.getText(), success, error, failOnAuth); } else if (error != null) { error(req); } }), error); }; OneDriveClient.prototype.updateAuthInfo = function(newAuthInfo, remember, forceUserUpdate, success, error) { if (forceUserUpdate) { this.setUser(null); } _token = newAuthInfo.access_token; delete newAuthInfo.access_token; //Don't store access token newAuthInfo.expiresOn = Date.now() + newAuthInfo.expires_in * 1000; this.tokenExpiresOn = newAuthInfo.expiresOn; newAuthInfo.remember = remember; this.setPersistentToken(JSON.stringify(newAuthInfo), !remember); this.resetTokenRefresh(newAuthInfo.expires_in); if (forceUserUpdate) { //Find out the type of the account + endpoint this.getAccountTypeAndEndpoint(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { success(); }), error); } else { success(); } }; OneDriveClient.prototype.authenticateStep2 = function(state, success, error, failOnAuth) { if (window.onOneDriveCallback == null) { var auth = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var acceptAuthResponse = true; //Retry request with refreshed token var authInfo = JSON.parse(this.getPersistentToken(true)); if (authInfo != null) { var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.redirectUri + '?state=' + encodeURIComponent('cId=' + this.clientId + '&domain=' + window.location.hostname + '&token=' + state), null, 'GET'); //To identify which app/domain is used req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { this.updateAuthInfo(JSON.parse(req.getText()), authInfo.remember, false, success, error); } else { this.clearPersistentToken(); this.setUser(null); _token = null; if (req.getStatus() == 401 && !failOnAuth) // (Unauthorized) [e.g, invalid refresh token] { auth(); } else { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied'), retry: auth}); } } }), error); } else { this.ui.showAuthDialog(this, true, mxUtils.bind(this, function(remember, authSuccess) { var url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize' + '?client_id=' + this.clientId + '&response_type=code' + '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.redirectUri) + '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(this.scopes + (remember? ' offline_access' : '')) + '&state=' + encodeURIComponent('cId=' + this.clientId + '&domain=' + window.location.hostname + '&token=' + state); //To identify which app/domain is used var width = 525, height = 525, screenX = window.screenX, screenY = window.screenY, outerWidth = window.outerWidth, outerHeight = window.outerHeight; var left = screenX + Math.max(outerWidth - width, 0) / 2; var top = screenY + Math.max(outerHeight - height, 0) / 2; var features = ['width=' + width, 'height=' + height, 'top=' + top, 'left=' + left, 'status=no', 'resizable=yes', 'toolbar=no', 'menubar=no', 'scrollbars=yes']; var popup = window.open(url, 'odauth', features.join(',')); if (popup != null) { window.onOneDriveCallback = mxUtils.bind(this, function(authInfo, authWindow) { if (acceptAuthResponse) { window.onOneDriveCallback = null; acceptAuthResponse = false; try { if (authInfo == null) { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied'), retry: auth}); } else { if (authSuccess != null) { authSuccess(); } this.updateAuthInfo(authInfo, remember, true, success, error); } } catch (e) { error(e); } finally { if (authWindow != null) { authWindow.close(); } } } else if (authWindow != null) { authWindow.close(); } }); popup.focus(); } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (acceptAuthResponse) { window.onOneDriveCallback = null; acceptAuthResponse = false; error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied'), retry: auth}); } })); } }); auth(); } else { error({code: App.ERROR_BUSY}); } }; OneDriveClient.prototype.getAccountTypeAndEndpoint = function(success, error) { this.get(this.baseUrl + '/me/drive/root', mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { try { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { var resp = JSON.parse(req.getText()); if (resp.webUrl.indexOf('.sharepoint.com') > 0) { //TODO Confirm this works with all sharepoint sites this.endpointHint = resp.webUrl.replace('/Documents', '/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx'); } else { this.endpointHint = this.defEndpointHint; } //Update authInfo with endpointHint var authInfo = JSON.parse(this.getPersistentToken(true)); if (authInfo != null) { authInfo.endpointHint = this.endpointHint; this.setPersistentToken(JSON.stringify(authInfo), !authInfo.remember); } success(); return; } } catch(e) {} //It is expected to work as this call immediately follows getting a fresh access token error({message: mxResources.get('unknownError') + ' (Code: ' + req.getStatus() + ')'}); }), error); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.executeRequest = function(url, success, error) { var doExecute = mxUtils.bind(this, function(failOnAuth) { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT, retry: doExecute}); }), this.ui.timeout); this.get(url, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { // 404 (file not found) is a valid response for checkExists if ((req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) || req.getStatus() == 404) { if (this.user == null) { this.updateUser(this.emptyFn, this.emptyFn, true); } success(req); } // 400 is returns if wrong user for this file else if (!failOnAuth && (req.getStatus() === 401 || req.getStatus() === 400)) { //Authorize again using the refresh token this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error, failOnAuth); } else { error(this.parseRequestText(req)); } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(err); } })); }); if (_token == null || this.tokenExpiresOn - Date.now() < 60000) //60 sec tolerance window { this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error); } else { doExecute(false); } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.checkToken = function(fn) { if (_token == null || this.tokenRefreshThread == null || this.tokenExpiresOn - Date.now() < 60000) { this.authenticate(fn, this.emptyFn); } else { fn(); } }; OneDriveClient.prototype.getItemRef = function(id) { var idParts = id.split('/'); if (idParts.length > 1) { return {driveId: idParts[0], id: idParts[1]}; } else { return {id: id}; } }; OneDriveClient.prototype.getItemURL = function(id, relative) { var idParts = id.split('/'); if (idParts.length > 1) { var driveId = idParts[0]; var itemId = idParts[1]; return (relative? '' : this.baseUrl) + '/drives/' + driveId + (itemId == 'root' ? '/root' : '/items/' + itemId); } else { return (relative? '' : this.baseUrl) + '/me/drive/items/' + id; } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.getLibrary = function(id, success, error) { this.getFile(id, success, error, false, true); }; /** * Workaround for added content to HTML files in Sharepoint. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.removeExtraHtmlContent = function(data) { var idx = data.lastIndexOf(' 0) { data = data.substring(0, idx); } return data; }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.getFile = function(id, success, error, denyConvert, asLibrary) { asLibrary = (asLibrary != null) ? asLibrary : false; this.executeRequest(this.getItemURL(id), mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { var meta = JSON.parse(req.getText()); var binary = /\.png$/i.test(meta.name); // Handles .vsdx, Gliffy and PNG+XML files by creating a temporary file if (/\.v(dx|sdx?)$/i.test(meta.name) || /\.gliffy$/i.test(meta.name) || /\.pdf$/i.test(meta.name) || (!this.ui.useCanvasForExport && binary)) { var mimeType = (meta.file != null) ? meta.file.mimeType : null; this.ui.convertFile(meta['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'], meta.name, mimeType, this.extension, success, error); } else { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT}) }), this.ui.timeout); this.ui.editor.loadUrl(meta['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'], mxUtils.bind(this, function(data) { try { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { if (/\.html$/i.test(meta.name)) { data = this.removeExtraHtmlContent(data); } var index = (binary) ? data.lastIndexOf(',') : -1; var file = null; if (index > 0) { var xml = this.ui.extractGraphModelFromPng(data); if (xml != null && xml.length > 0) { data = xml; } else { // Imports as PNG image file = new LocalFile(this.ui, data, meta.name, true); } } // Checks for base64 encoded mxfile else if (data.substring(0, 32) == '') { var temp = data.substring(22); data = (window.atob && !mxClient.IS_SF) ? atob(temp) : Base64.decode(temp); } if (Graph.fileSupport && new XMLHttpRequest().upload && this.ui.isRemoteFileFormat(data, meta['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'])) { this.ui.parseFile(new Blob([data], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}), mxUtils.bind(this, function(xhr) { try { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299) { success(new LocalFile(this.ui, xhr.responseText, meta.name + this.extension, true)); } else if (error != null) { error({message: mxResources.get('errorLoadingFile')}); } } } catch (e) { if (error != null) { error(e); } else { throw e; } } }), meta.name); } else { if (file != null) { success(file); } else if (asLibrary) { success(new OneDriveLibrary(this.ui, data, meta)); } else { success(new OneDriveFile(this.ui, data, meta)); } } } } catch (e) { if (error != null) { error(e); } else { throw e; } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(this.parseRequestText(req)); } }), binary || (meta.file != null && meta.file.mimeType != null && ((meta.file.mimeType.substring(0, 6) == 'image/' && meta.file.mimeType.substring(0, 9) != 'image/svg') || meta.file.mimeType == 'application/pdf'))); } } else { if (this.isExtAuth) { error({message: mxResources.get('fileNotFoundOrDenied'), ownerEmail: window.urlParams != null? urlParams['ownerEml'] : null}); } else { error(this.parseRequestText(req)); } } }), error); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.renameFile = function(file, filename, success, error) { if (file != null && filename != null) { if (!this.isValidFilename(filename)) { error({message: this.invalidFilenameRegExs[0].test(filename) ? mxResources.get('oneDriveCharsNotAllowed') : mxResources.get('oneDriveInvalidDeviceName')}); return; } // TODO: How to force overwrite file with same name? this.checkExists(file.getParentId(), filename, false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(checked) { if (checked) { this.writeFile(this.getItemURL(file.getId()), JSON.stringify({name: filename}), 'PATCH', 'application/json', success, error); } else { error(); } })); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.moveFile = function(id, folderId, success, error) { //check that the source and destination are on the same drive var folderInfo = this.getItemRef(folderId); var fileInfo = this.getItemRef(id); if (folderInfo.driveId != fileInfo.driveId) { error({message: mxResources.get('cannotMoveOneDrive', null, 'Moving a file between accounts is not supported yet.')}); } else { this.writeFile(this.getItemURL(id), JSON.stringify({parentReference: folderInfo}), 'PATCH', 'application/json', success, error); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.insertLibrary = function(filename, data, success, error, folderId) { this.insertFile(filename, data, success, error, true, folderId); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.insertFile = function(filename, data, success, error, asLibrary, folderId) { if (!this.isValidFilename(filename)) { error({message: this.invalidFilenameRegExs[0].test(filename) ? mxResources.get('oneDriveCharsNotAllowed') : mxResources.get('oneDriveInvalidDeviceName')}); return; } asLibrary = (asLibrary != null) ? asLibrary : false; this.checkExists(folderId, filename, true, mxUtils.bind(this, function(checked) { if (checked) { var folder = '/me/drive/root'; if (folderId != null) { folder = this.getItemURL(folderId, true); } var insertSuccess = mxUtils.bind(this, function(meta) { if (asLibrary) { success(new OneDriveLibrary(this.ui, data, meta)); } else { success(new OneDriveFile(this.ui, data, meta)); } }); var url = this.baseUrl + folder + '/children/' + encodeURIComponent(filename) + '/content'; //OneDrive has a limit on PUT API of 4MB, larger files needs to use the upload session method if (data.length >= 4000000 /*4MB*/) { //Create empty file first then upload. TODO Can we get an upload session for non-existing files? this.writeFile(url, '', 'PUT', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function(meta) { this.writeLargeFile(this.getItemURL(meta.id), data, insertSuccess, error); }), error); } else { this.writeFile(url, data, 'PUT', null, insertSuccess, error); } } else { error(); } })) }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.checkExists = function(parentId, filename, askReplace, fn) { var folder = '/me/drive/root'; if (parentId != null) { folder = this.getItemURL(parentId, true); } this.executeRequest(this.baseUrl + folder + '/children/' + encodeURIComponent(filename), mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { if (req.getStatus() == 404) { fn(true); } else { if (askReplace) { this.ui.spinner.stop(); this.ui.confirm(mxResources.get('replaceIt', [filename]), function() { fn(true); }, function() { fn(false); }); } else { this.ui.spinner.stop(); this.ui.showError(mxResources.get('error'), mxResources.get('fileExists'), mxResources.get('ok'), function() { fn(false); }); } } }), function(req) { fn(false); }, true); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.saveFile = function(file, success, error, etag) { try { var savedData = file.getData(); var fn = mxUtils.bind(this, function(data) { var saveSuccess = mxUtils.bind(this, function(resp) { success(resp, savedData); }); var url = this.getItemURL(file.getId()); //OneDrive has a limit on PUT API of 4MB, larger files needs to use the upload session method if (data.length >= 4000000 /*4MB*/) { this.writeLargeFile(url, data, saveSuccess, error, etag); } else { this.writeFile(url + '/content/', data, 'PUT', null, saveSuccess, error, etag); } }); if (this.ui.useCanvasForExport && /(\.png)$/i.test(file.meta.name)) { var p = this.ui.getPngFileProperties(this.ui.fileNode); this.ui.getEmbeddedPng(mxUtils.bind(this, function(data) { fn(this.ui.base64ToBlob(data, 'image/png')); }), error, (this.ui.getCurrentFile() != file) ? savedData : null, p.scale, p.border); } else { fn(savedData); } } catch (e) { error(e); } }; OneDriveClient.prototype.writeLargeFile = function(url, data, success, error, etag) { try { var chunkSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; //4MB chunk; if (data != null) { var uploadPart = mxUtils.bind(this, function(uploadUrl, index, retryCount) { try { retryCount = retryCount || 0; var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = null; timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT}); }), this.ui.timeout); var part = data.substr(index, chunkSize); var req = new mxXmlRequest(uploadUrl, part, 'PUT'); req.setRequestHeaders = mxUtils.bind(this, function(request, params) { request.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', part.length); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Range', 'bytes ' + index + '-' + (index + part.length - 1) + '/' + data.length); }); req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { var status = req.getStatus(); if (status >= 200 && status <= 299) { var nextByte = index + part.length; if (nextByte == data.length) { success(JSON.parse(req.getText())); } else { uploadPart(uploadUrl, nextByte, retryCount); } } else if (status >= 500 && status <= 599 && retryCount < 2) //Retry on server errors { retryCount++; uploadPart(uploadUrl, index, retryCount); } else { error(this.parseRequestText(req), req); } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(this.parseRequestText(req)); } })); } catch (e) { error(e); } }); var doExecute = mxUtils.bind(this, function(failOnAuth) { try { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = null; try { timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT}); }), this.ui.timeout); } catch (e) { // Ignore window closed } var req = new mxXmlRequest(url + '/createUploadSession', '{}', 'POST'); req.setRequestHeaders = mxUtils.bind(this, function(request, params) { request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + _token); if (etag != null) { request.setRequestHeader('If-Match', etag); } }); req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { var resp = JSON.parse(req.getText()); uploadPart(resp.uploadUrl, 0); } else if (!failOnAuth && req.getStatus() === 401) { this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error, failOnAuth); } else { error(this.parseRequestText(req), req); } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(this.parseRequestText(req)); } })); } catch (e) { error(e); } }); if (_token == null || this.tokenExpiresOn - Date.now() < 60000) //60 sec tolerance window { this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error); } else { doExecute(false); } } else { error({message: mxResources.get('unknownError')}); } } catch (e) { error(e); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.writeFile = function(url, data, method, contentType, success, error, etag) { try { if (url != null && data != null) { var doExecute = mxUtils.bind(this, function(failOnAuth) { try { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = null; try { timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT}); }), this.ui.timeout); } catch (e) { // Ignore window closed } var req = new mxXmlRequest(url, data, method); req.setRequestHeaders = mxUtils.bind(this, function(request, params) { // Space deletes content type header. Specification says "text/plain" // should work but returns an 415 Unsupported Media Type error request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType || ' '); //TODO This header is needed for moving a file between two different drives. // Note: the response is empty when this header is used, also the server may take some time to really execute the request (i.e. async) //request.setRequestHeader('Prefer', 'respond-async'); request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + _token); if (etag != null) { request.setRequestHeader('If-Match', etag); } }); req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { if (this.user == null) { this.updateUser(this.emptyFn, this.emptyFn, true); } success(JSON.parse(req.getText())); } else if (!failOnAuth && req.getStatus() === 401) { this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error, failOnAuth); } else { error(this.parseRequestText(req), req); } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(this.parseRequestText(req)); } })); } catch (e) { error(e); } }); if (_token == null || this.tokenExpiresOn - Date.now() < 60000) //60 sec tolerance window { this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error); } else { doExecute(false); } } else { error({message: mxResources.get('unknownError')}); } } catch (e) { error(e); } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.parseRequestText = function(req) { var result = {message: mxResources.get('unknownError')}; try { result = JSON.parse(req.getText()); result.status = req.getStatus(); if (result.error) { result.error.status = result.status; result.error.code = result.status; } } catch (e) { // ignore } return result; }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.pickLibrary = function(fn) { this.pickFile(function(id) { // Ignores second argument fn(id); }); }; OneDriveClient.prototype.createInlinePicker = function(fn, foldersOnly) { return mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var odPicker = null; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.position = 'relative'; var dlg = new CustomDialog(this.ui, div, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var item = odPicker.getSelectedItem(); if (item != null) { if (foldersOnly && typeof item.folder == 'object') { fn({ value: [item] }); return; } else if (!item.folder) { fn(OneDriveFile.prototype.getIdOf(item)); return; } } return mxResources.get('invalidSel', null, 'Invalid selection'); }), null, mxResources.get(foldersOnly? 'save' :'open'), null, null, null, null, true); this.ui.showDialog(dlg.container, 550, 500, true, true); //Set width/height of the picker container div.style.width = dlg.container.parentNode.style.width; div.style.height = (parseInt(dlg.container.parentNode.style.height) - 60) + 'px'; odPicker = new mxODPicker(div, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function(url, success, error) { this.executeRequest(this.baseUrl + url, function(req) { success(JSON.parse(req.getText())); }, error); }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(id, driveId, success, error) { this.executeRequest(this.baseUrl + '/drives/' + driveId + '/items/' + id, function(req) { success(JSON.parse(req.getText())); }, error); }), null, null, function(item) { if (foldersOnly) //Currently this is not called when in foldersOnly mode { fn({ value: [item] }); } else { fn(OneDriveFile.prototype.getIdOf(item)); } }, mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { this.ui.showError(mxResources.get('error'), err); }), foldersOnly); }); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.pickFolder = function(fn, direct) { var errorFn = mxUtils.bind(this, function(e) { this.ui.showError(mxResources.get('error'), e && e.message? e.message : e); }); var odSaveDlg = mxUtils.bind(this, function(direct) { var openSaveDlg = this.inlinePicker? this.createInlinePicker(fn, true) : mxUtils.bind(this, function() { OneDrive.save( { clientId: this.clientId, action: 'query', openInNewWindow: true, advanced: { 'endpointHint': mxClient.IS_IE11? null : this.endpointHint, //IE11 doen't work with our modified version, so, setting endpointHint disable using our token BUT will force relogin! 'redirectUri': this.pickerRedirectUri, 'queryParameters': 'select=id,name,parentReference', 'accessToken': _token, isConsumerAccount: false }, success: mxUtils.bind(this, function(files) { fn(files); //Update the token in case a login with a different user if (mxClient.IS_IE11) { _token = files.accessToken; } }), cancel: mxUtils.bind(this, function() { // do nothing }), error: errorFn }); }); if (direct) { openSaveDlg(); } else { this.ui.confirm(mxResources.get('useRootFolder'), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { fn({value: [{id: 'root', name: 'root', parentReference: {driveId: 'me'}}]}); }), openSaveDlg, mxResources.get('yes'), mxResources.get('noPickFolder') + '...', true); } if (this.user == null) { this.updateUser(this.emptyFn, this.emptyFn, true); } }); if (_token == null || this.tokenExpiresOn - Date.now() < 60000) //60 sec tolerance window { this.authenticate(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { odSaveDlg(false); }), errorFn); } else { odSaveDlg(direct); } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.pickFile = function(fn) { fn = (fn != null) ? fn : mxUtils.bind(this, function(id) { this.ui.loadFile('W' + encodeURIComponent(id)); }); var errorFn = mxUtils.bind(this, function(e) { this.ui.showError(mxResources.get('error'), e && e.message? e.message : e); }); var odOpenDlg = this.inlinePicker? this.createInlinePicker(fn) : mxUtils.bind(this, function() { OneDrive.open( { clientId: this.clientId, action: 'query', multiSelect: false, advanced: { 'endpointHint': mxClient.IS_IE11? null : this.endpointHint, //IE11 doen't work with our modified version, so, setting endpointHint disable using our token BUT will force relogin! 'redirectUri': this.pickerRedirectUri, 'queryParameters': 'select=id,name,parentReference', //We can also get @microsoft.graph.downloadUrl within this request but it will break the normal process 'accessToken': _token, isConsumerAccount: false }, success: mxUtils.bind(this, function(files) { if (files != null && files.value != null && files.value.length > 0) { //Update the token in case a login with a different user if (mxClient.IS_IE11) { _token = files.accessToken; } fn(OneDriveFile.prototype.getIdOf(files.value[0]), files); } }), cancel: mxUtils.bind(this, function() { // do nothing }), error: errorFn }); if (this.user == null) { this.updateUser(this.emptyFn, this.emptyFn, true); } }); if (_token == null || this.tokenExpiresOn - Date.now() < 60000) //60 sec tolerance window { this.authenticate(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (this.inlinePicker) { this.ui.hideDialog(); odOpenDlg(); } else { this.ui.showDialog(new BtnDialog(this.ui, this, mxResources.get('open'), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.ui.hideDialog(); odOpenDlg(); })).container, 300, 140, true, true); } }), errorFn); } else { odOpenDlg(); } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ OneDriveClient.prototype.logout = function() { if (isLocalStorage) { var check = localStorage.getItem('odpickerv7cache'); if (check != null && check.substring(0, 19) == '{"odsdkLoginHint":{') { localStorage.removeItem('odpickerv7cache'); } } window.open('https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/logout', 'logout', 'width=525,height=525,status=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes'); //Send to server to clear refresh token cookie this.ui.editor.loadUrl(this.redirectUri + '?doLogout=1&state=' + encodeURIComponent('cId=' + this.clientId + '&domain=' + window.location.hostname)); this.clearPersistentToken(); this.setUser(null); _token = null; }; })();