/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2017, JGraph Ltd * Copyright (c) 2006-2017, Gaudenz Alder */ //Add a closure to hide the class private variables without changing the code a lot (function () { var _token = null; window.GitHubClient = function(editorUi, authName) { DrawioClient.call(this, editorUi, authName || 'ghauth'); }; // Extends DrawioClient mxUtils.extend(GitHubClient, DrawioClient); /** * Specifies if thumbnails should be enabled. Default is true. * LATER: If thumbnails are disabled, make sure to replace the * existing thumbnail with the placeholder only once. */ GitHubClient.prototype.clientId = (window.location.hostname == 'test.draw.io') ? '23bc97120b9035515661' : window.DRAWIO_GITHUB_ID; /** * OAuth scope. */ GitHubClient.prototype.scope = 'repo'; /** * Default extension for new files. */ GitHubClient.prototype.extension = '.drawio'; /** * Base URL for API calls. */ GitHubClient.prototype.baseUrl = DRAWIO_GITHUB_API_URL; GitHubClient.prototype.baseHostUrl = DRAWIO_GITHUB_URL; GitHubClient.prototype.redirectUri = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/github2'; /** * Maximum file size of the GitHub REST API. */ GitHubClient.prototype.maxFileSize = 1000000 /*1MB*/; /** * Name for the auth token header. */ GitHubClient.prototype.authToken = 'token'; GitHubClient.prototype.setToken = function(token) { _token = token; }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ GitHubClient.prototype.updateUser = function(success, error, failOnAuth) { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT, message: mxResources.get('timeout')}); }), this.ui.timeout); var userReq = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/user', null, 'GET'); var temp = this.authToken + ' ' + _token; userReq.setRequestHeaders = function(request, params) { request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', temp); }; userReq.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { if (userReq.getStatus() === 401) { if (!failOnAuth) { this.logout(); this.authenticate(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.updateUser(success, error, true); }), error); } else { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied')}); } } else if (userReq.getStatus() < 200 || userReq.getStatus() >= 300) { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied')}); } else { this.setUser(this.createUser(JSON.parse(userReq.getText()))); success(); } } }), error); }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ GitHubClient.prototype.createUser = function(userInfo) { return new DrawioUser(userInfo.id, userInfo.email, userInfo.name); }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ GitHubClient.prototype.authenticate = function(success, error) { var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.redirectUri + '?getState=1', null, 'GET'); req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { if (req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) { this.authenticateStep2(req.getText(), success, error); } else if (error != null) { error(req); } }), error); }; GitHubClient.prototype.authenticateStep2 = function(state, success, error) { if (window.onGitHubCallback == null) { var auth = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var acceptAuthResponse = true; //NOTE: GitHub doesn't provide a refresh token, so we had to authorize always this.ui.showAuthDialog(this, true, mxUtils.bind(this, function(remember, authSuccess) { var win = window.open(this.baseHostUrl + '/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=' + this.clientId + '&scope=' + this.scope + '&state=' + encodeURIComponent('cId=' + this.clientId + //To identify which app/domain is used '&domain=' + window.location.hostname + '&token=' + state), 'ghauth'); if (win != null) { window.onGitHubCallback = mxUtils.bind(this, function(newAuthInfo, authWindow) { if (acceptAuthResponse) { window.onGitHubCallback = null; acceptAuthResponse = false; if (newAuthInfo == null) { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied'), retry: auth}); } else { if (authSuccess != null) { authSuccess(); } _token = newAuthInfo.access_token; this.setUser(null); //NOTE: GitHub doesn't provide a refresh token, so we had to authorize always //This is to clear current saved token and for the future if they decided to support it if (remember) { this.setPersistentToken('remembered'); } success(); if (authWindow != null) { authWindow.close(); } } } else if (authWindow != null) { authWindow.close(); } }); } else { error({message: mxResources.get('serviceUnavailableOrBlocked'), retry: auth}); } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (acceptAuthResponse) { window.onGitHubCallback = null; acceptAuthResponse = false; error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied'), retry: auth}); } })); }); auth(); } else { error({code: App.ERROR_BUSY}); } }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ GitHubClient.prototype.getErrorMessage = function(req, defaultText) { try { var temp = JSON.parse(req.getText()); if (temp != null && temp.message != null) { defaultText = temp.message; } } catch (e) { // ignore } return defaultText; }; /** * Authorizes the client, gets the userId and calls . */ GitHubClient.prototype.executeRequest = function(req, success, error, ignoreNotFound) { var doExecute = mxUtils.bind(this, function(failOnAuth) { var acceptResponse = true; var timeoutThread = window.setTimeout(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { acceptResponse = false; error({code: App.ERROR_TIMEOUT, retry: fn}); }), this.ui.timeout); var temp = this.authToken + ' ' + _token; req.setRequestHeaders = function(request, params) { request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', temp); }; req.send(mxUtils.bind(this, function() { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { if ((req.getStatus() >= 200 && req.getStatus() <= 299) || (ignoreNotFound && req.getStatus() == 404)) { success(req); } else if (req.getStatus() === 401) { if (!failOnAuth) { this.authenticate(function() { doExecute(true); }, error); } else { error({code: req.getStatus(), message: mxResources.get('accessDenied'), retry: mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.authenticate(function() { fn(true); }, error); })}); } } else if (req.getStatus() === 403) { var tooLarge = false; try { var temp = JSON.parse(req.getText()); if (temp != null && temp.errors != null && temp.errors.length > 0) { tooLarge = temp.errors[0].code == 'too_large'; } } catch (e) { // ignore } error({message: mxResources.get((tooLarge) ? 'drawingTooLarge' : 'forbidden')}); } else if (req.getStatus() === 404) { error({code: req.getStatus(), message: this.getErrorMessage(req, mxResources.get('fileNotFound'))}); } else if (req.getStatus() === 409) { // Special case: flag to the caller that there was a conflict error({code: req.getStatus(), status: 409}); } else { error({code: req.getStatus(), message: this.getErrorMessage(req, mxResources.get('error') + ' ' + req.getStatus())}); } } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutThread); if (acceptResponse) { error(err); } })); }); var fn = mxUtils.bind(this, function(failOnAuth) { if (this.user == null) { this.updateUser(function() { fn(true); }, error, failOnAuth); } else { doExecute(failOnAuth); } }); if (_token == null) { this.authenticate(function() { fn(true); }, error); } else { fn(false); } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.getLibrary = function(path, success, error) { this.getFile(path, success, error, true); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.getSha = function(org, repo, path, ref, success, error) { // Adds random parameter to bypass cache var rnd = '&t=' + new Date().getTime(); var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/repos/' + org + '/' + repo + '/contents/' + path + '?ref=' + ref + rnd, null, 'HEAD'); this.executeRequest(req, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { try { success(req.request.getResponseHeader('Etag').match(/"([^"]+)"/)[1]); } catch (e) { error(e); } }), error); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.getFile = function(path, success, error, asLibrary, checkExists) { asLibrary = (asLibrary != null) ? asLibrary : false; var tokens = path.split('/'); var org = tokens[0]; var repo = tokens[1]; var ref = tokens[2]; path = tokens.slice(3, tokens.length).join('/'); var binary = /\.png$/i.test(path); // Handles .vsdx, Gliffy and PNG+XML files by creating a temporary file if (!checkExists && (/\.v(dx|sdx?)$/i.test(path) || /\.gliffy$/i.test(path) || /\.pdf$/i.test(path) || (!this.ui.useCanvasForExport && binary))) { // Should never be null if (_token != null) { var url = this.baseUrl + '/repos/' + org + '/' + repo + '/contents/' + path + '?ref=' + ref; var headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + _token}; tokens = path.split('/'); var name = (tokens.length > 0) ? tokens[tokens.length - 1] : path; this.ui.convertFile(url, name, null, this.extension, success, error, null, headers); } else { error({message: mxResources.get('accessDenied')}); } } else { // Adds random parameter to bypass cache var rnd = '&t=' + new Date().getTime(); var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/repos/' + org + '/' + repo + '/contents/' + path + '?ref=' + ref + rnd, null, 'GET'); this.executeRequest(req, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { try { success(this.createGitHubFile(org, repo, ref, JSON.parse(req.getText()), asLibrary)); } catch (e) { error(e); } }), error); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ GitHubClient.prototype.createGitHubFile = function(org, repo, ref, data, asLibrary) { var meta = {'org': org, 'repo': repo, 'ref': ref, 'name': data.name, 'path': data.path, 'sha': data.sha, 'html_url': data.html_url, 'download_url': data.download_url}; var content = data.content; if (data.encoding === 'base64') { if (/\.jpe?g$/i.test(data.name)) { content = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + content; } else if (/\.gif$/i.test(data.name)) { content = 'data:image/gif;base64,' + content; } else { if (/\.png$/i.test(data.name)) { var xml = this.ui.extractGraphModelFromPng(content); if (xml != null && xml.length > 0) { content = xml; } else { content = 'data:image/png;base64,' + content; } } else { content = Base64.decode(content); } } } return (asLibrary) ? new GitHubLibrary(this.ui, content, meta) : new GitHubFile(this.ui, content, meta); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ GitHubClient.prototype.insertLibrary = function(filename, data, success, error, folderId) { this.insertFile(filename, data, success, error, true, folderId, false); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ GitHubClient.prototype.insertFile = function(filename, data, success, error, asLibrary, folderId, base64Encoded) { asLibrary = (asLibrary != null) ? asLibrary : false; var tokens = folderId.split('/'); var org = tokens[0]; var repo = tokens[1]; var ref = tokens[2]; var path = tokens.slice(3, tokens.length).join('/'); if (path.length > 0) { path = path + '/'; } path = path + filename; this.checkExists(org + '/' + repo + '/' + ref + '/' + path, true, mxUtils.bind(this, function(checked, sha) { if (checked) { // Does not insert file here as there is another writeFile implicit via fileCreated if (!asLibrary) { success(new GitHubFile(this.ui, data, {'org': org, 'repo': repo, 'ref': ref, 'name': filename, 'path': path, 'sha': sha, isNew: true})); } else { if (!base64Encoded) { data = Base64.encode(data); } this.showCommitDialog(filename, true, mxUtils.bind(this, function(message) { this.writeFile(org, repo, ref, path, message, data, sha, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { try { var msg = JSON.parse(req.getText()); success(this.createGitHubFile(org, repo, ref, msg.content, asLibrary)); } catch (e) { error(e); } }), error); }), error); } } else { error(); } })) }; /** * */ GitHubClient.prototype.showCommitDialog = function(filename, isNew, success, cancel) { // Pauses spinner while commit message dialog is shown var resume = this.ui.spinner.pause(); var dlg = new FilenameDialog(this.ui, mxResources.get((isNew) ? 'addedFile' : 'updateFile', [filename]), mxResources.get('ok'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(message) { resume(); success(message); }), mxResources.get('commitMessage'), null, null, null, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { cancel(); }), null, 280); this.ui.showDialog(dlg.container, 400, 80, true, false); dlg.init(); }; /** * */ GitHubClient.prototype.writeFile = function(org, repo, ref, path, message, data, sha, success, error) { if (data.length >= this.maxFileSize) { error({message: mxResources.get('drawingTooLarge') + ' (' + this.ui.formatFileSize(data.length) + ' / 1 MB)'}); } else { var entity = { path: path, branch: decodeURIComponent(ref), message: message, content: data }; if (sha != null) { entity.sha = sha; } var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/repos/' + org + '/' + repo + '/contents/' + path, JSON.stringify(entity), 'PUT'); this.executeRequest(req, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { success(req); }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { if (err.code == 404) { err.helpLink = this.baseHostUrl + '/settings/connections/applications/' + this.clientId; err.code = null; } error(err); })); } }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ GitHubClient.prototype.checkExists = function(path, askReplace, fn) { var tokens = path.split('/'); var org = tokens[0]; var repo = tokens[1]; var ref = tokens[2]; path = tokens.slice(3, tokens.length).join('/'); this.getSha(org, repo, path, ref, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sha) { if (askReplace) { var resume = this.ui.spinner.pause(); this.ui.confirm(mxResources.get('replaceIt', [path]), function() { resume(); fn(true, sha); }, function() { resume(); fn(false); }); } else { this.ui.spinner.stop(); this.ui.showError(mxResources.get('error'), mxResources.get('fileExists'), mxResources.get('ok'), function() { fn(false); }); } }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { fn(true); }), null, true); }; /** * Translates this point by the given vector. * * @param {number} dx X-coordinate of the translation. * @param {number} dy Y-coordinate of the translation. */ GitHubClient.prototype.saveFile = function(file, success, error, overwrite, message) { var org = file.meta.org; var repo = file.meta.repo; var ref = file.meta.ref; var path = file.meta.path; var fn = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sha, data) { this.writeFile(org, repo, ref, path, message, data, sha, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { delete file.meta.isNew; success(JSON.parse(req.getText()).content.sha); }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { error(err); })); }); var fn2 = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (this.ui.useCanvasForExport && /(\.png)$/i.test(path)) { var p = this.ui.getPngFileProperties(this.ui.fileNode); this.ui.getEmbeddedPng(mxUtils.bind(this, function(data) { fn(file.meta.sha, data); }), error, (this.ui.getCurrentFile() != file) ? file.getData() : null, p.scale, p.border); } else { fn(file.meta.sha, Base64.encode(file.getData())); } }); if (overwrite) { this.getSha(org, repo, path, ref, mxUtils.bind(this, function(sha) { file.meta.sha = sha; fn2(); }), error); } else { fn2(); } }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.pickLibrary = function(fn) { this.pickFile(fn); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.pickFolder = function(fn) { this.showGitHubDialog(false, fn); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.pickFile = function(fn) { fn = (fn != null) ? fn : mxUtils.bind(this, function(path) { this.ui.loadFile('H' + encodeURIComponent(path)); }); this.showGitHubDialog(true, fn); }; /** * */ GitHubClient.prototype.showGitHubDialog = function(showFiles, fn) { var org = null; var repo = null; var ref = null; var path = null; var content = document.createElement('div'); content.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; content.style.overflow = 'hidden'; content.style.height = '304px'; var hd = document.createElement('h3'); mxUtils.write(hd, mxResources.get((showFiles) ? 'selectFile' : 'selectFolder')); hd.style.cssText = 'width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:12px'; content.appendChild(hd); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; div.style.border = '1px solid lightgray'; div.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; div.style.padding = '4px'; div.style.overflow = 'auto'; div.style.lineHeight = '1.2em'; div.style.height = '274px'; content.appendChild(div); var listItem = document.createElement('div'); listItem.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis'; listItem.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; listItem.style.overflow = 'hidden'; listItem.style.padding = '4px'; listItem.style.width = '100%'; var dlg = new CustomDialog(this.ui, content, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { fn(org + '/' + repo + '/' + encodeURIComponent(ref) + '/' + path); })); this.ui.showDialog(dlg.container, 420, 370, true, true); if (showFiles) { dlg.okButton.parentNode.removeChild(dlg.okButton); } var createLink = mxUtils.bind(this, function(label, exec, padding, underline) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('title', label); link.style.cursor = 'pointer'; mxUtils.write(link, label); mxEvent.addListener(link, 'click', exec); if (underline) { link.style.textDecoration = 'underline'; } if (padding != null) { var temp = listItem.cloneNode(); temp.style.padding = padding; temp.appendChild(link); link = temp; } return link; }); var updatePathInfo = mxUtils.bind(this, function(hideRef) { var pathInfo = document.createElement('div'); pathInfo.style.marginBottom = '8px'; pathInfo.appendChild(createLink(org + '/' + repo, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { path = null; selectRepo(); }), null, true)); if (!hideRef) { mxUtils.write(pathInfo, ' / '); pathInfo.appendChild(createLink(decodeURIComponent(ref), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { path = null; selectRef(); }), null, true)); } if (path != null && path.length > 0) { var tokens = path.split('/'); for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { (function(index) { mxUtils.write(pathInfo, ' / '); pathInfo.appendChild(createLink(tokens[index], mxUtils.bind(this, function() { path = tokens.slice(0, index + 1).join('/'); selectFile(); }), null, true)); })(i); } } div.appendChild(pathInfo); }); var error = mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { // Pass a dummy notFoundMessage to bypass special handling this.ui.handleError(err, null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.ui.spinner.stop(); if (this.getUser() != null) { org = null; repo = null; ref = null; path = null; selectRepo(); } else { this.ui.hideDialog(); } }), null, {}); }); // Adds paging for repos, branches and files (files limited to 1000 by API) var nextPageDiv = null; var scrollFn = null; var pageSize = 100; var selectFile = mxUtils.bind(this, function(page) { if (page == null) { div.innerHTML = ''; page = 1; } var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/repos/' + org + '/' + repo + '/contents/' + path + '?ref=' + encodeURIComponent(ref) + '&per_page=' + pageSize + '&page=' + page, null, 'GET'); this.ui.spinner.spin(div, mxResources.get('loading')); dlg.okButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (scrollFn != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(div, 'scroll', scrollFn); scrollFn = null; } if (nextPageDiv != null && nextPageDiv.parentNode != null) { nextPageDiv.parentNode.removeChild(nextPageDiv); } nextPageDiv = document.createElement('a'); nextPageDiv.style.display = 'block'; nextPageDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer'; mxUtils.write(nextPageDiv, mxResources.get('more') + '...'); var nextPage = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { selectFile(page + 1); }); mxEvent.addListener(nextPageDiv, 'click', nextPage); this.executeRequest(req, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { this.ui.spinner.stop(); if (page == 1) { updatePathInfo(); div.appendChild(createLink('../ [Up]', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (path == '') { path = null; selectRepo(); } else { var tokens = path.split('/'); path = tokens.slice(0, tokens.length - 1).join('/'); selectFile(); } }), '4px')); } var files = JSON.parse(req.getText()); if (files == null || files.length == 0) { mxUtils.write(div, mxResources.get('noFiles')); } else { var gray = true; var count = 0; var listFiles = mxUtils.bind(this, function(showFolders) { for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(file, idx) { if (showFolders == (file.type == 'dir')) { var temp = listItem.cloneNode(); temp.style.backgroundColor = (gray) ? ((Editor.isDarkMode()) ? '#000000' : '#eeeeee') : ''; gray = !gray; var typeImg = document.createElement('img'); typeImg.src = IMAGE_PATH + '/' + (file.type == 'dir'? 'folder.png' : 'file.png'); typeImg.setAttribute('align', 'absmiddle'); typeImg.style.marginRight = '4px'; typeImg.style.marginTop = '-4px'; typeImg.width = 20; temp.appendChild(typeImg); temp.appendChild(createLink(file.name + ((file.type == 'dir') ? '/' : ''), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (file.type == 'dir') { path = file.path; selectFile(); } else if (showFiles && file.type == 'file') { this.ui.hideDialog(); fn(org + '/' + repo + '/' + encodeURIComponent(ref) + '/' + file.path); } }))); div.appendChild(temp); count++; } }))(files[i], i); } }); listFiles(true); if (showFiles) { listFiles(false); } // LATER: Paging not supported for contents in GitHub // if (count == pageSize) // { // div.appendChild(nextPageDiv); // // scrollFn = function() // { // if (div.scrollTop >= div.scrollHeight - div.offsetHeight) // { // nextPage(); // } // }; // // mxEvent.addListener(div, 'scroll', scrollFn); // } } }), error, true); }); var selectRef = mxUtils.bind(this, function(page, auto) { if (page == null) { div.innerHTML = ''; page = 1; } var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/repos/' + org + '/' + repo + '/branches?per_page=' + pageSize + '&page=' + page, null, 'GET'); dlg.okButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); this.ui.spinner.spin(div, mxResources.get('loading')); if (scrollFn != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(div, 'scroll', scrollFn); scrollFn = null; } if (nextPageDiv != null && nextPageDiv.parentNode != null) { nextPageDiv.parentNode.removeChild(nextPageDiv); } nextPageDiv = document.createElement('a'); nextPageDiv.style.display = 'block'; nextPageDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer'; mxUtils.write(nextPageDiv, mxResources.get('more') + '...'); var nextPage = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { selectRef(page + 1); }); mxEvent.addListener(nextPageDiv, 'click', nextPage); this.executeRequest(req, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { this.ui.spinner.stop(); if (page == 1) { updatePathInfo(true); div.appendChild(createLink('../ [Up]', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { path = null; selectRepo(); }), '4px')); } var branches = JSON.parse(req.getText()); if (branches == null || branches.length == 0) { mxUtils.write(div, mxResources.get('noFiles')); } else if (branches.length == 1 && auto) { ref = branches[0].name; path = ''; selectFile(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < branches.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(branch, idx) { var temp = listItem.cloneNode(); temp.style.backgroundColor = (idx % 2 == 0) ? ((Editor.isDarkMode()) ? '#000000' : '#eeeeee') : ''; temp.appendChild(createLink(branch.name, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { ref = branch.name; path = ''; selectFile(); }))); div.appendChild(temp); }))(branches[i], i); } if (branches.length == pageSize) { div.appendChild(nextPageDiv); scrollFn = function() { if (div.scrollTop >= div.scrollHeight - div.offsetHeight) { nextPage(); } }; mxEvent.addListener(div, 'scroll', scrollFn); } } }), error); }); var selectRepo = mxUtils.bind(this, function(page) { if (page == null) { div.innerHTML = ''; page = 1; } var req = new mxXmlRequest(this.baseUrl + '/user/repos?per_page=' + pageSize + '&page=' + page, null, 'GET'); dlg.okButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); this.ui.spinner.spin(div, mxResources.get('loading')); if (scrollFn != null) { mxEvent.removeListener(div, 'scroll', scrollFn); } if (nextPageDiv != null && nextPageDiv.parentNode != null) { nextPageDiv.parentNode.removeChild(nextPageDiv); } nextPageDiv = document.createElement('a'); nextPageDiv.style.display = 'block'; nextPageDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer'; mxUtils.write(nextPageDiv, mxResources.get('more') + '...'); var nextPage = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { selectRepo(page + 1); }); mxEvent.addListener(nextPageDiv, 'click', nextPage); this.executeRequest(req, mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) { this.ui.spinner.stop(); var repos = JSON.parse(req.getText()); if (repos == null || repos.length == 0) { mxUtils.write(div, mxResources.get('noFiles')); } else { if (page == 1) { div.appendChild(createLink(mxResources.get('enterValue') + '...', mxUtils.bind(this, function() { var dlg = new FilenameDialog(this.ui, 'org/repo/ref', mxResources.get('ok'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(value) { if (value != null) { var tokens = value.split('/'); if (tokens.length > 1) { var tmpOrg = tokens[0]; var tmpRepo = tokens[1]; if (tokens.length < 3) { org = tmpOrg; repo = tmpRepo; ref = null; path = null; selectRef(); } else if (this.ui.spinner.spin(div, mxResources.get('loading'))) { var tmpRef = encodeURIComponent(tokens.slice(2, tokens.length).join('/')); this.getFile(tmpOrg + '/' + tmpRepo + '/' + tmpRef, mxUtils.bind(this, function(file) { this.ui.spinner.stop(); org = file.meta.org; repo = file.meta.repo; ref = decodeURIComponent(file.meta.ref); path = ''; selectFile(); }), mxUtils.bind(this, function(err) { this.ui.spinner.stop(); this.ui.handleError({message: mxResources.get('fileNotFound')}); })); } } else { this.ui.spinner.stop(); this.ui.handleError({message: mxResources.get('invalidName')}); } } }), mxResources.get('enterValue')); this.ui.showDialog(dlg.container, 300, 80, true, false); dlg.init(); }))); mxUtils.br(div); mxUtils.br(div); } for (var i = 0; i < repos.length; i++) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(repository, idx) { var temp = listItem.cloneNode(); temp.style.backgroundColor = (idx % 2 == 0) ? ((Editor.isDarkMode()) ? '#000000' : '#eeeeee') : ''; temp.appendChild(createLink(repository.full_name, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { org = repository.owner.login; repo = repository.name; path = ''; selectRef(null, true); }))); div.appendChild(temp); }))(repos[i], i); } } if (repos.length == pageSize) { div.appendChild(nextPageDiv); scrollFn = function() { if (div.scrollTop >= div.scrollHeight - div.offsetHeight) { nextPage(); } }; mxEvent.addListener(div, 'scroll', scrollFn); } }), error); }); selectRepo(); }; /** * Checks if the client is authorized and calls the next step. */ GitHubClient.prototype.logout = function() { //NOTE: GitHub doesn't provide a refresh token, so no need to clear the token cookie //this.ui.editor.loadUrl(this.redirectUri + '?doLogout=1&state=' + encodeURIComponent('cId=' + this.clientId + '&domain=' + window.location.hostname)); this.clearPersistentToken(); this.setUser(null); _token = null; }; })();