const fs = require('fs') const os = require('os'); const path = require('path') const url = require('url') const electron = require('electron') const {Menu: menu, shell} = require('electron') const ipcMain = electron.ipcMain const dialog = electron.dialog const app = const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow const crc = require('crc'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const log = require('electron-log') const program = require('commander') const {autoUpdater} = require("electron-updater") const PDFDocument = require('pdf-lib').PDFDocument; const Store = require('electron-store'); const store = new Store(); const ProgressBar = require('electron-progressbar'); const remoteMain = require("@electron/remote/main") remoteMain.initialize() const disableUpdate = require('./disableUpdate').disableUpdate() || process.env.DRAWIO_DISABLE_UPDATE === 'true' || fs.existsSync('/.flatpak-info'); //This file indicates running in flatpak sandbox autoUpdater.logger = log autoUpdater.logger.transports.file.level = 'info' autoUpdater.autoDownload = false const __DEV__ = process.env.DRAWIO_ENV === 'dev' let windowsRegistry = [] let cmdQPressed = false let firstWinLoaded = false let firstWinFilePath = null //Read config file var queryObj = { 'dev': __DEV__ ? 1 : 0, 'test': __DEV__ ? 1 : 0, 'gapi': 0, 'db': 0, 'od': 0, 'gh': 0, 'gl': 0, 'tr': 0, 'browser': 0, 'picker': 0, 'mode': 'device', 'export': '', 'disableUpdate': disableUpdate? 1 : 0 }; try { if (fs.existsSync(process.cwd() + '/urlParams.json')) { let urlParams = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.cwd() + '/urlParams.json')); for (var param in urlParams) { queryObj[param] = urlParams[param]; } } } catch(e) { console.log('Error in urlParams.json file: ' + e.message); } function createWindow (opt = {}) { let options = Object.assign( { frame: false, backgroundColor: '#FFF', width: 1600, height: 1200, webViewTag: false, 'web-security': true, webPreferences: { // preload: path.resolve('./preload.js'), nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: true, spellcheck: (os.platform() == "darwin" ? true : false), contextIsolation: false, nativeWindowOpen: true } }, opt) let mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(options) remoteMain.enable(mainWindow.webContents) windowsRegistry.push(mainWindow) if (__DEV__) { console.log('createWindow', opt) } let ourl = url.format( { pathname: `${__dirname}/index.html`, protocol: 'file:', query: queryObj, slashes: true }) mainWindow.loadURL(ourl) // Open the DevTools. if (__DEV__) { mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools() } mainWindow.on('close', (event) => { const win = event.sender const index = windowsRegistry.indexOf(win) if (__DEV__) { console.log('Window on close', index) } const contents = win.webContents if (contents != null) { contents.executeJavaScript('if(typeof global.__emt_isModified === \'function\'){global.__emt_isModified()}', true) .then((isModified) => { if (__DEV__) { console.log('__emt_isModified', isModified) } if (isModified) { var choice = dialog.showMessageBoxSync( win, { type: 'question', buttons: ['Cancel', 'Discard Changes'], title: 'Confirm', message: 'The document has unsaved changes. Do you really want to quit without saving?' //mxResources.get('allChangesLost') }) if (choice === 1) { win.destroy() } else { cmdQPressed = false } } else { win.destroy() } }) event.preventDefault() } }) // Emitted when the window is closed. mainWindow.on('closed', (event/*:WindowEvent*/) => { const index = windowsRegistry.indexOf(event.sender) if (__DEV__) { console.log('Window closed idx:%d', index) } windowsRegistry.splice(index, 1) }) return mainWindow } // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. app.on('ready', e => { //asynchronous ipcMain.on('asynchronous-message', (event, arg) => { console.log(arg) // prints "ping" event.sender.send('asynchronous-reply', 'pong') }) //synchronous ipcMain.on('winman', (event, arg) => { if (__DEV__) { console.log('ipcMain.on winman', arg) } if (arg.action === 'newfile') { event.returnValue = createWindow(arg.opt).id return } event.returnValue = 'pong' }) let argv = process.argv // if (process.defaultApp != true) { argv.unshift(null) } var validFormatRegExp = /^(pdf|svg|png|jpeg|jpg|vsdx|xml)$/; function argsRange(val) { return val.split('..').map(Number); } try { program .version(app.getVersion()) .usage('[options] [input file/folder]') .allowUnknownOption() //-h and --help are considered unknown!! .option('-c, --create', 'creates a new empty file if no file is passed') .option('-k, --check', 'does not overwrite existing files') .option('-x, --export', 'export the input file/folder based on the given options') .option('-r, --recursive', 'for a folder input, recursively convert all files in sub-folders also') .option('-o, --output ', 'specify the output file/folder. If omitted, the input file name is used for output with the specified format as extension') .option('-f, --format ', 'if output file name extension is specified, this option is ignored (file type is determined from output extension, possible export formats are pdf, png, jpg, svg, vsdx, and xml)', validFormatRegExp, 'pdf') .option('-q, --quality ', 'output image quality for JPEG (default: 90)', parseInt) .option('-t, --transparent', 'set transparent background for PNG') .option('-e, --embed-diagram', 'includes a copy of the diagram (for PNG and PDF formats only)') .option('-b, --border ', 'sets the border width around the diagram (default: 0)', parseInt) .option('-s, --scale ', 'scales the diagram size', parseFloat) .option('--width ', 'fits the generated image/pdf into the specified width, preserves aspect ratio.', parseInt) .option('--height ', 'fits the generated image/pdf into the specified height, preserves aspect ratio.', parseInt) .option('--crop', 'crops PDF to diagram size') .option('-a, --all-pages', 'export all pages (for PDF format only)') .option('-p, --page-index ', 'selects a specific page, if not specified and the format is an image, the first page is selected', parseInt) .option('-g, --page-range ..', 'selects a page range (for PDF format only)', argsRange) .option('-u, --uncompressed', 'Uncompressed XML output (for XML format only)') .parse(argv) } catch(e) { //On parse error, return [exit and commander will show the error message] return; } var options = program.opts(); //Start export mode? if (options.export) { var dummyWin = new BrowserWindow({ show : false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, nativeWindowOpen: true } }); windowsRegistry.push(dummyWin); try { //Prepare arguments and confirm it's valid var format = null; var outType = null; //Format & Output if (options.output) { try { var outStat = fs.statSync(options.output); if (outStat.isDirectory()) { outType = {isDir: true}; } else //If we can get file stat, then it exists { throw 'Error: Output file already exists'; } } catch(e) //on error, file doesn't exist and it is not a dir { outType = {isFile: true}; format = path.extname(options.output).substr(1); if (!validFormatRegExp.test(format)) { format = null; } } } if (format == null) { format = options.format; } var from = null, to = null; if (options.pageIndex != null && options.pageIndex >= 0) { from = options.pageIndex; } else if (options.pageRange && options.pageRange.length == 2) { from = options.pageRange[0] >= 0 ? options.pageRange[0] : null; to = options.pageRange[1] >= 0 ? options.pageRange[1] : null; } var expArgs = { format: format, w: options.width > 0 ? options.width : null, h: options.height > 0 ? options.height : null, border: options.border > 0 ? options.border : 0, bg: options.transparent ? 'none' : '#ffffff', from: from, to: to, allPages: format == 'pdf' && options.allPages, scale: (options.crop && (options.scale == null || options.scale == 1)) ? 1.00001: (options.scale || 1), //any value other than 1 crops the pdf embedXml: options.embedDiagram? '1' : '0', jpegQuality: options.quality, uncompressed: options.uncompressed }; var paths = program.args; // If a file is passed if (paths !== undefined && paths[0] != null) { var inStat = null; try { inStat = fs.statSync(paths[0]); } catch(e) { throw 'Error: input file/directory not found'; } var files = []; function addDirectoryFiles(dir, isRecursive) { fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) { var filePath = path.join(dir, file); stat = fs.statSync(filePath); if (stat.isFile() && path.basename(filePath).charAt(0) != '.') { files.push(filePath); } if (stat.isDirectory() && isRecursive) { addDirectoryFiles(filePath, isRecursive) } }); } if (inStat.isFile()) { files.push(paths[0]); } else if (inStat.isDirectory()) { addDirectoryFiles(paths[0], options.recursive); } if (files.length > 0) { var fileIndex = 0; function processOneFile() { var curFile = files[fileIndex]; try { var ext = path.extname(curFile); expArgs.xml = fs.readFileSync(curFile, ext === '.png' || ext === '.vsdx' ? null : 'utf-8'); if (ext === '.png') { expArgs.xml = Buffer.from(expArgs.xml).toString('base64'); startExport(); } else if (ext === '.vsdx') { dummyWin.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/vsdxImporter.html`); const contents = dummyWin.webContents; contents.on('did-finish-load', function() { contents.send('import', expArgs.xml); ipcMain.once('import-success', function(evt, xml) { expArgs.xml = xml; startExport(); }); ipcMain.once('import-error', function() { console.error('Error: cannot import VSDX file: ' + curFile); next(); }); }); } else { startExport(); } function next() { fileIndex++; if (fileIndex < files.length) { processOneFile(); } else { cmdQPressed = true; dummyWin.destroy(); } }; function startExport() { var mockEvent = { reply: function(msg, data) { try { if (data == null || data.length == 0) { console.error('Error: Export failed: ' + curFile); } else if (msg == 'export-success') { var outFileName = null; if (outType != null) { if (outType.isDir) { outFileName = path.join(options.output, path.basename(curFile)) + '.' + format; } else { outFileName = options.output; } } else if (inStat.isFile()) { outFileName = path.join(path.dirname(paths[0]), path.basename(paths[0], path.extname(paths[0]))) + '.' + format; } else //dir { outFileName = path.join(path.dirname(curFile), path.basename(curFile, path.extname(curFile))) + '.' + format; } try { var counter = 0; var realFileName = outFileName; if (program.rawArgs.indexOf('-k') > -1 || program.rawArgs.indexOf('--check') > -1) { while (fs.existsSync(realFileName)) { counter++; realFileName = path.join(path.dirname(outFileName), path.basename(outFileName, path.extname(outFileName))) + '-' + counter + path.extname(outFileName); } } fs.writeFileSync(realFileName, data, format == 'vsdx'? 'base64' : null, { flag: 'wx' }); console.log(curFile + ' -> ' + outFileName); } catch(e) { console.error('Error writing to file: ' + outFileName); } } else { console.error('Error: ' + data + ': ' + curFile); } next(); } finally { mockEvent.finalize(); } } }; exportDiagram(mockEvent, expArgs, true); }; } catch(e) { console.error('Error reading file: ' + curFile); next(); } } processOneFile(); } else { throw 'Error: input file/directory not found or directory is empty'; } } else { throw 'Error: An input file must be specified'; } } catch(e) { console.error(e); cmdQPressed = true; dummyWin.destroy(); } return; } else if (program.rawArgs.indexOf('-h') > -1 || program.rawArgs.indexOf('--help') > -1 || program.rawArgs.indexOf('-V') > -1 || program.rawArgs.indexOf('--version') > -1) //To prevent execution when help/version arg is used { return; } //Prevent multiple instances of the application (casuses issues with configuration) const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock() if (!gotTheLock) { app.quit() } else { app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => { //Create another window let win = createWindow() let loadEvtCount = 0; function loadFinished() { loadEvtCount++; if (loadEvtCount == 2) { //Open the file if new app request is from opening a file var potFile = commandLine.pop(); if (fs.existsSync(potFile)) { win.webContents.send('args-obj', {args: [potFile]}); } } } //Order of these two events is not guaranteed, so wait for them async. //TOOD There is still a chance we catch another window 'app-load-finished' if user created multiple windows quickly ipcMain.once('app-load-finished', loadFinished); win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function() { win.webContents.zoomFactor = 1; win.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 1); loadFinished(); }); }) } let win = createWindow() let loadEvtCount = 0; function loadFinished() { loadEvtCount++; if (loadEvtCount == 2) { //Sending entire program is not allowed in Electron 9 as it is not native JS object win.webContents.send('args-obj', {args: program.args, create: options.create}); } } //Order of these two events is not guaranteed, so wait for them async. //TOOD There is still a chance we catch another window 'app-load-finished' if user created multiple windows quickly ipcMain.once('app-load-finished', loadFinished); win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function() { if (firstWinFilePath != null) { if (program.args != null) { program.args.push(firstWinFilePath); } else { program.args = [firstWinFilePath]; } } firstWinLoaded = true; win.webContents.zoomFactor = 1; win.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 1); loadFinished(); }); let updateNoAvailAdded = false; function checkForUpdatesFn() { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); store.set('dontCheckUpdates', false); if (!updateNoAvailAdded) { updateNoAvailAdded = true; autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', (info) => { dialog.showMessageBox( { type: 'info', title: 'No updates found', message: 'You application is up-to-date', }) }) } }; let checkForUpdates = { label: 'Check for updates', click: checkForUpdatesFn } ipcMain.on('checkForUpdates', checkForUpdatesFn); if (process.platform === 'darwin') { let template = [{ label:, submenu: [ { label: 'About ' +, click() { shell.openExternal(''); } }, { label: 'Support', click() { shell.openExternal(''); } }, checkForUpdates, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'hide' }, { role: 'hideothers' }, { role: 'unhide' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'quit' } ] }, { label: 'Edit', submenu: [ { role: 'undo' }, { role: 'redo' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'cut' }, { role: 'copy' }, { role: 'paste' }, { role: 'pasteAndMatchStyle' }, { role: 'selectAll' } ] }] if (disableUpdate) { template[0].submenu.splice(2, 1); } const menuBar = menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.setApplicationMenu(menuBar) } else //hide menubar in win/linux { menu.setApplicationMenu(null) } autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ provider: 'github', repo: 'drawio-desktop', owner: 'jgraph' }) if (!disableUpdate && !store.get('dontCheckUpdates')) { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates() } }) //Quit from the dock context menu should quit the application directly if (process.platform === 'darwin') { app.on('before-quit', function() { cmdQPressed = true; }); } // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on('window-all-closed', function () { if (__DEV__) { console.log('window-all-closed', windowsRegistry.length) } // On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q if (cmdQPressed || process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit() } }) app.on('activate', function () { if (__DEV__) { console.log('app on activate', windowsRegistry.length) } // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (windowsRegistry.length === 0) { createWindow() } }) app.on('will-finish-launching', function() { app.on("open-file", function(event, path) { event.preventDefault(); if (firstWinLoaded) { let win = createWindow(); let loadEvtCount = 0; function loadFinished() { loadEvtCount++; if (loadEvtCount == 2) { win.webContents.send('args-obj', {args: [path]}); } } //Order of these two events is not guaranteed, so wait for them async. //TOOD There is still a chance we catch another window 'app-load-finished' if user created multiple windows quickly ipcMain.once('app-load-finished', loadFinished); win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function() { win.webContents.zoomFactor = 1; win.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 1); loadFinished(); }); } else { firstWinFilePath = path } }); }); autoUpdater.on('error', e => log.error('@error@\n', e)) autoUpdater.on('update-available', (a, b) => {'@update-available@\n', a, b) dialog.showMessageBox( { type: 'question', buttons: ['Ok', 'Cancel', 'Don\'t Ask Again'], title: 'Confirm Update', message: 'Update available.\n\nWould you like to download and install new version?', detail: 'Application will automatically restart to apply update after download', }).then( result => { if (result.response === 0) { autoUpdater.downloadUpdate() var progressBar = new ProgressBar({ title: ' Update', text: 'Downloading update...' }); function reportUpdateError(e) { progressBar.detail = 'Error occurred while fetching updates. ' + (e && e.message? e.message : e) progressBar._window.setClosable(true); } autoUpdater.on('error', e => { if (progressBar._window != null) { reportUpdateError(e); } else { progressBar.on('ready', function() { reportUpdateError(e); }); } }) var firstTimeProg = true; autoUpdater.on('download-progress', (d) => { //On mac, download-progress event is not called, so the indeterminate progress will continue until download is finished'@update-progress@\n', d); var percent = d.percent; if (percent) { percent = Math.round(percent * 100)/100; } if (firstTimeProg) { firstTimeProg = false; progressBar.close(); progressBar = new ProgressBar({ indeterminate: false, title: ' Update', text: 'Downloading update...', detail: `${percent}% ...`, initialValue: percent }); progressBar .on('completed', function() { progressBar.detail = 'Download completed.'; }) .on('aborted', function(value) {`progress aborted... ${value}`); }) .on('progress', function(value) { progressBar.detail = `${value}% ...`; }) .on('ready', function() { //InitialValue doesn't set the UI! so this is needed to render it correctly progressBar.value = percent; }); } else { progressBar.value = percent; } }); autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', (info) => { if (!progressBar.isCompleted()) { progressBar.close() }'@update-downloaded@\n', info) // Ask user to update the app dialog.showMessageBox( { type: 'question', buttons: ['Install', 'Later'], defaultId: 0, message: 'A new version of ' + + ' has been downloaded', detail: 'It will be installed the next time you restart the application', }).then(result => { if (result.response === 0) { setTimeout(() => autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(), 1) } }) }); } else if (result.response === 2) { //save in settings don't check for updates'@dont check for updates!@') store.set('dontCheckUpdates', true) } }) }) //Pdf export const MICRON_TO_PIXEL = 264.58 //264.58 micron = 1 pixel const PNG_CHUNK_IDAT = 1229209940; const LARGE_IMAGE_AREA = 30000000; //NOTE: Key length must not be longer than 79 bytes (not checked) function writePngWithText(origBuff, key, text, compressed, base64encoded) { var isDpi = key == 'dpi'; var inOffset = 0; var outOffset = 0; var data = text; var dataLen = isDpi? 9 : key.length + data.length + 1; //we add 1 zeros with non-compressed data, for pHYs it's 2 of 4-byte-int + 1 byte //prepare compressed data to get its size if (compressed) { data = zlib.deflateRawSync(encodeURIComponent(text)); dataLen = key.length + data.length + 2; //we add 2 zeros with compressed data } var outBuff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(origBuff.length + dataLen + 4); //4 is the header size "zTXt", "tEXt" or "pHYs" try { var magic1 = origBuff.readUInt32BE(inOffset); inOffset += 4; var magic2 = origBuff.readUInt32BE(inOffset); inOffset += 4; if (magic1 != 0x89504e47 && magic2 != 0x0d0a1a0a) { throw new Error("PNGImageDecoder0"); } outBuff.writeUInt32BE(magic1, outOffset); outOffset += 4; outBuff.writeUInt32BE(magic2, outOffset); outOffset += 4; } catch (e) { log.error(e.message, {stack: e.stack}); throw new Error("PNGImageDecoder1"); } try { while (inOffset < origBuff.length) { var length = origBuff.readInt32BE(inOffset); inOffset += 4; var type = origBuff.readInt32BE(inOffset) inOffset += 4; if (type == PNG_CHUNK_IDAT) { // Insert zTXt chunk before IDAT chunk outBuff.writeInt32BE(dataLen, outOffset); outOffset += 4; var typeSignature = isDpi? 'pHYs' : (compressed ? "zTXt" : "tEXt"); outBuff.write(typeSignature, outOffset); outOffset += 4; if (isDpi) { var dpm = Math.round(parseInt(text) / 0.0254) || 3937; //One inch is equal to exactly 0.0254 meters. 3937 is 100dpi outBuff.writeInt32BE(dpm, outOffset); outBuff.writeInt32BE(dpm, outOffset + 4); outBuff.writeInt8(1, outOffset + 8); outOffset += 9; data = Buffer.allocUnsafe(9); data.writeInt32BE(dpm, 0); data.writeInt32BE(dpm, 4); data.writeInt8(1, 8); } else { outBuff.write(key, outOffset); outOffset += key.length; outBuff.writeInt8(0, outOffset); outOffset ++; if (compressed) { outBuff.writeInt8(0, outOffset); outOffset ++; data.copy(outBuff, outOffset); } else { outBuff.write(data, outOffset); } outOffset += data.length; } var crcVal = 0xffffffff; crcVal = crc.crcjam(typeSignature, crcVal); crcVal = crc.crcjam(data, crcVal); // CRC outBuff.writeInt32BE(crcVal ^ 0xffffffff, outOffset); outOffset += 4; // Writes the IDAT chunk after the zTXt outBuff.writeInt32BE(length, outOffset); outOffset += 4; outBuff.writeInt32BE(type, outOffset); outOffset += 4; origBuff.copy(outBuff, outOffset, inOffset); // Encodes the buffer using base64 if requested return base64encoded? outBuff.toString('base64') : outBuff; } outBuff.writeInt32BE(length, outOffset); outOffset += 4; outBuff.writeInt32BE(type, outOffset); outOffset += 4; origBuff.copy(outBuff, outOffset, inOffset, inOffset + length + 4);// +4 to move past the crc inOffset += length + 4; outOffset += length + 4; } } catch (e) { log.error(e.message, {stack: e.stack}); throw e; } } //TODO Create a lightweight html file similar to export3.html for exporting to vsdx function exportVsdx(event, args, directFinalize) { let win = createWindow({ show : false }); let loadEvtCount = 0; function loadFinished() { loadEvtCount++; if (loadEvtCount == 2) { win.webContents.send('export-vsdx', args); ipcMain.once('export-vsdx-finished', (evt, data) => { var hasError = false; if (data == null) { hasError = true; } //Set finalize here since it is call in the reply below function finalize() { win.destroy(); }; if (directFinalize === true) { event.finalize = finalize; } else { //Destroy the window after response being received by caller ipcMain.once('export-finalize', finalize); } if (hasError) { event.reply('export-error'); } else { event.reply('export-success', data); } }); } } //Order of these two events is not guaranteed, so wait for them async. //TOOD There is still a chance we catch another window 'app-load-finished' if user created multiple windows quickly ipcMain.once('app-load-finished', loadFinished); win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', loadFinished); }; async function mergePdfs(pdfFiles, xml) { //Pass throgh single files if (pdfFiles.length == 1 && xml == null) { return pdfFiles[0]; } try { const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create(); pdfDoc.setCreator(''); if (xml != null) { //Embed diagram XML as file attachment await pdfDoc.attach(Buffer.from(xml).toString('base64'), 'diagram.xml', { mimeType: 'application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile', description: 'Diagram Content' }); } for (var i = 0; i < pdfFiles.length; i++) { const pdfFile = await PDFDocument.load(pdfFiles[i].buffer); const pages = await pdfDoc.copyPages(pdfFile, pdfFile.getPageIndices()); pages.forEach(p => pdfDoc.addPage(p)); } const pdfBytes = await; return Buffer.from(pdfBytes); } catch(e) { throw new Error('Error during PDF combination: ' + e.message); } } //TODO Use canvas to export images if math is not used to speedup export (no capturePage). Requires change to export3.html also function exportDiagram(event, args, directFinalize) { if (args.format == 'vsdx') { exportVsdx(event, args, directFinalize); return; } var browser = null; try { browser = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: false, nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, nativeWindowOpen: true }, show : false, frame: false, enableLargerThanScreen: true, transparent: args.format == 'png' && ( == null || == 'none'), parent: windowsRegistry[0] //set parent to first opened window. Not very accurate, but useful when all visible windows are closed }); browser.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/export3.html`); const contents = browser.webContents; var pageByPage = (args.format == 'pdf' && !args.print), from, pdfs; if (pageByPage) { from = args.allPages? 0 : parseInt(args.from || 0); to = args.allPages? 1000 : parseInt( || 1000) + 1; //The 'to' will be corrected later pdfs = []; args.from = from; = from; args.allPages = false; } contents.on('did-finish-load', function() { //Set finalize here since it is call in the reply below function finalize() { browser.destroy(); }; if (directFinalize === true) { event.finalize = finalize; } else { //Destroy the window after response being received by caller ipcMain.once('export-finalize', finalize); } function renderingFinishHandler(evt, renderInfo) { var pageCount = renderInfo.pageCount, bounds = null; //For some reason, Electron 9 doesn't send this object as is without stringifying. Usually when variable is external to function own scope try { bounds = JSON.parse(renderInfo.bounds); } catch(e) { bounds = null; } var pdfOptions = {pageSize: 'A4'}; var hasError = false; if (bounds == null || bounds.width < 5 || bounds.height < 5) //very small page size never return from printToPDF { //A workaround to detect errors in the input file or being empty file hasError = true; } else { //Chrome generates Pdf files larger than requested pixels size and requires scaling var fixingScale = 0.959; var w = Math.ceil(bounds.width * fixingScale); // +0.1 fixes cases where adding 1px below is not enough // Increase this if more cropped PDFs have extra empty pages var h = Math.ceil(bounds.height * fixingScale + 0.1); pdfOptions = { printBackground: true, pageSize : { width: w * MICRON_TO_PIXEL, height: (h + 2) * MICRON_TO_PIXEL //the extra 2 pixels to prevent adding an extra empty page }, marginsType: 1 // no margin } } var base64encoded = args.base64 == '1'; if (hasError) { event.reply('export-error'); } else if (args.format == 'png' || args.format == 'jpg' || args.format == 'jpeg') { //Adds an extra pixel to prevent scrollbars from showing var newBounds = {width: Math.ceil(bounds.width + bounds.x) + 1, height: Math.ceil(bounds.height + bounds.y) + 1}; browser.setBounds(newBounds); //TODO The browser takes sometime to show the graph (also after resize it takes some time to render) // 1 sec is most probably enough (for small images, 5 for large ones) BUT not a stable solution setTimeout(function() { browser.capturePage().then(function(img) { //Image is double the given bounds, so resize is needed! var tScale = 1; //If user defined width and/or height, enforce it precisely here. Height override width if (args.h) { tScale = args.h / newBounds.height; } else if (args.w) { tScale = args.w / newBounds.width; } newBounds.width *= tScale; newBounds.height *= tScale; img = img.resize(newBounds); var data = args.format == 'png'? img.toPNG() : img.toJPEG(args.jpegQuality || 90); if (args.dpi != null && args.format == 'png') { data = writePngWithText(data, 'dpi', args.dpi); } if (args.embedXml == "1" && args.format == 'png') { data = writePngWithText(data, "mxGraphModel", args.xml, true, base64encoded); } else { if (base64encoded) { data = data.toString('base64'); } } event.reply('export-success', data); }); }, bounds.width * bounds.height < LARGE_IMAGE_AREA? 1000 : 5000); } else if (args.format == 'pdf') { if (args.print) { pdfOptions = { scaleFactor: args.pageScale, printBackground: true, pageSize : { width: args.pageWidth * MICRON_TO_PIXEL, //This height adjustment fixes the output. TODO Test more cases height: (args.pageHeight * 1.025) * MICRON_TO_PIXEL }, marginsType: 1 // no margin }; contents.print(pdfOptions, (success, errorType) => { //Consider all as success event.reply('export-success', {}); }); } else { contents.printToPDF(pdfOptions).then(async (data) => { pdfs.push(data); to = to > pageCount? pageCount : to; from++; if (from < to) { args.from = from; = from; ipcMain.once('render-finished', renderingFinishHandler); contents.send('render', args); } else { data = await mergePdfs(pdfs, args.embedXml == '1' ? args.xml : null); event.reply('export-success', data); } }) .catch((error) => { event.reply('export-error', error); }); } } else if (args.format == 'svg') { contents.send('get-svg-data'); ipcMain.once('svg-data', (evt, data) => { event.reply('export-success', data); }); } else { event.reply('export-error', 'Error: Unsupported format'); } }; ipcMain.once('render-finished', renderingFinishHandler); if (args.format == 'xml') { ipcMain.once('xml-data', (evt, data) => { event.reply('export-success', data); }); ipcMain.once('xml-data-error', () => { event.reply('export-error'); }); } args.border = args.border || 0; args.scale = args.scale || 1; contents.send('render', args); }); } catch (e) { if (browser != null) { browser.destroy(); } event.reply('export-error', e); console.log('export-error', e); } }; ipcMain.on('export', exportDiagram);