content] */ protected $files = []; /** * Initialize the skeletor from provided data * * @param string $type * @param string $base * @param string $desc * @param string $author * @param string $email * @param string $name * @param string $url */ public function __construct($type, $base, $desc, $author, $email, $name = '', $url = '') { $this->type = $type; $this->base = $base; $this->desc = $desc; $this->author = $author; $this->email = $email; $this->name = $name ?: ucfirst($base . ' ' . $type); if ($type == self::TYPE_PLUGIN) { $this->url = $url ?: '' . $base; $this->dir = 'lib/plugins/' . $base; } else { $this->url = $url ?: '' . $base; $this->dir = 'lib/tpl/' . $base; } } /** * Create an instance using an existing plugin or template directory * * @param string $dir * @return Skeletor */ static public function fromDir($dir) { if (file_exists($dir . '/')) { $type = self::TYPE_PLUGIN; } elseif (file_exists($dir . '/')) { $type = self::TYPE_TEMPLATE; } else { throw new RuntimeException('Not a plugin or template directory'); } $data = file($dir . '/' . $type . '.info.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); $data = array_map(function ($item) { return array_map('trim', sexplode(' ', $item, 2, '')); }, $data); $data = array_combine(array_column($data, 0), array_column($data, 1)); return new self($type, $data['base'], $data['desc'], $data['author'], $data['email'], $data['url']); } /** * Return the files to be created * * @return array [path => content] */ public function getFiles() { return $this->files; } // region content creators /** * Add the basic files to the plugin */ public function addBasics() { $this->loadSkeleton('info.txt', $this->type . '.info.txt'); $this->loadSkeleton('README'); $this->loadSkeleton('LICENSE'); $this->loadSkeleton('_gitattributes', '.gitattributes'); } /** * Add another component to the plugin * * @param string $type * @param string $component */ public function addComponent($type, $component = '', $options = []) { if ($this->type !== self::TYPE_PLUGIN) { throw new RuntimeException('Components can only be added to plugins'); } if (!in_array($type, self::PLUGIN_TYPES)) { throw new RuntimeException('Invalid type ' . $type); } $plugin = $this->base; if ($component) { $path = $type . '/' . $component . '.php'; $class = $type . '_plugin_' . $plugin . '_' . $component; $self = 'plugin_' . $plugin . '_' . $component; } else { $path = $type . '.php'; $class = $type . '_plugin_' . $plugin; $self = 'plugin_' . $plugin; } if ($type === 'action') { $replacements = $this->actionReplacements($options); } if ($type === 'renderer' && isset($options[0]) && $options[0] === 'Doku_Renderer_xhtml') { $type = 'renderer_xhtml'; // different template then } $replacements['@@PLUGIN_COMPONENT_NAME@@'] = $class; $replacements['@@SYNTAX_COMPONENT_NAME@@'] = $self; $this->loadSkeleton($type . '.php', $path, $replacements); } /** * Add test framework optionally with a specific test * * @param string $test Name of the Test to add */ public function addTest($test = '') { // pick a random day and time for the cron job $cron = sprintf( '%d %d %d * *', random_int(0, 59), random_int(0, 23), random_int(1, 28) ); $test = ucfirst($test); $this->loadSkeleton('.github/workflows/dokuwiki.yml', '', ['@@CRON@@' => $cron]); if ($test) { $replacements = ['@@TEST@@' => $test]; $this->loadSkeleton('_test/StandardTest.php', '_test/' . $test . 'Test.php', $replacements); } else { $this->loadSkeleton('_test/GeneralTest.php'); } } /** * Add configuration * * @param bool $translate if true the settings language file will be be added, too */ public function addConf($translate = false) { $this->loadSkeleton('conf/default.php'); $this->loadSkeleton('conf/metadata.php'); if ($translate) { $this->loadSkeleton('lang/settings.php', 'lang/en/settings.php'); } } /** * Add language * * Currently only english is added, theoretically this could also copy over the keys from an * existing english language file. * * @param bool $conf if true the settings language file will be be added, too */ public function addLang($conf = false) { $this->loadSkeleton('lang/lang.php', 'lang/en/lang.php'); if ($conf) { $this->loadSkeleton('lang/settings.php', 'lang/en/settings.php'); } } // endregion /** * Prepare the string replacements * * @param array $replacements override defaults * @return array */ protected function prepareReplacements($replacements = []) { // defaults $data = [ '@@AUTHOR_NAME@@' => $this->author, '@@AUTHOR_MAIL@@' => $this->email, '@@PLUGIN_NAME@@' => $this->base, // FIXME rename to @@PLUGIN_BASE@@ '@@PLUGIN_DESC@@' => $this->desc, '@@PLUGIN_URL@@' => $this->url, '@@PLUGIN_TYPE@@' => $this->type, '@@INSTALL_DIR@@' => ($this->type == self::TYPE_PLUGIN) ? 'plugins' : 'tpl', '@@DATE@@' => date('Y-m-d'), ]; // merge given overrides return array_merge($data, $replacements); } /** * Replacements needed for action components. * * @param string[] $event Event names to handle * @return string[] */ protected function actionReplacements($events = []) { if (!$events) $events = ['EXAMPLE_EVENT']; $register = ''; $handler = ''; $template = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/skel/action_handler.php'); foreach ($events as $event) { $event = strtoupper($event); $fn = 'handle' . str_replace('_', '', ucwords(strtolower($event), '_')); $register .= ' $controller->register_hook(\'' . $event . '\', \'AFTER|BEFORE\', $this, \'' . $fn . '\');' . "\n"; $handler .= str_replace(['@@EVENT@@', '@@HANDLER@@'], [$event, $fn], $template); } return [ '@@REGISTER@@' => rtrim($register, "\n"), '@@HANDLERS@@' => rtrim($handler, "\n"), ]; } /** * Load a skeleton file, do the replacements and add it to the list of files * * @param string $skel Skeleton relative to the skel dir * @param string $target File name in the final plugin/template, empty for same as skeleton * @param array $replacements Non-default replacements to use */ protected function loadSkeleton($skel, $target = '', $replacements = []) { $replacements = $this->prepareReplacements($replacements); if (!$target) $target = $skel; $file = __DIR__ . '/skel/' . $skel; if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new RuntimeException('Skeleton file not found: ' . $skel); } $content = file_get_contents($file); $this->files[$target] = str_replace( array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $content ); } }