set($name, $value); $corePlugin = new CorePlugin(); $corePlugin->propFindLate($propFind, new SimpleCollection('hi')); $this->assertEquals("hello", $propFind->get('{}getctag')); } /** * In these test-cases, the plugin is forced to do a local propfind to * fetch the items. * * @dataProvider data */ function testRefetch($name, $value) { $this->server->tree = new Tree( new SimpleCollection('root', [ new Mock\PropertiesCollection( 'foo', [], [$name => $value] ) ]) ); $propFind = new PropFind('foo', [ '{}getctag', $name, ]); $corePlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('core'); $corePlugin->propFindLate($propFind, new SimpleCollection('hi')); $this->assertEquals("hello", $propFind->get('{}getctag')); } function testNoData() { $this->server->tree = new Tree( new SimpleCollection('root', [ new Mock\PropertiesCollection( 'foo', [], [] ) ]) ); $propFind = new PropFind('foo', [ '{}getctag', ]); $corePlugin = $this->server->getPlugin('core'); $corePlugin->propFindLate($propFind, new SimpleCollection('hi')); $this->assertNull($propFind->get('{}getctag')); } function data() { return [ [ '{}sync-token', "hello" ], [ '{DAV:}sync-token', "hello" ], [ '{DAV:}sync-token', new Xml\Property\Href(Sync\Plugin::SYNCTOKEN_PREFIX . "hello", false) ] ]; } }