<?php namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule; use Sabre\DAV; use Sabre\VObject\ITip; /** * iMIP handler. * * This class is responsible for sending out iMIP messages. iMIP is the * email-based transport for iTIP. iTIP deals with scheduling operations for * iCalendar objects. * * If you want to customize the email that gets sent out, you can do so by * extending this class and overriding the sendMessage method. * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/). * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/) * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License */ class IMipPlugin extends DAV\ServerPlugin { /** * Email address used in From: header. * * @var string */ protected $senderEmail; /** * ITipMessage * * @var ITip\Message */ protected $itipMessage; /** * Creates the email handler. * * @param string $senderEmail. The 'senderEmail' is the email that shows up * in the 'From:' address. This should * generally be some kind of no-reply email * address you own. */ function __construct($senderEmail) { $this->senderEmail = $senderEmail; } /* * This initializes the plugin. * * This function is called by Sabre\DAV\Server, after * addPlugin is called. * * This method should set up the required event subscriptions. * * @param DAV\Server $server * @return void */ function initialize(DAV\Server $server) { $server->on('schedule', [$this, 'schedule'], 120); } /** * Returns a plugin name. * * Using this name other plugins will be able to access other plugins * using \Sabre\DAV\Server::getPlugin * * @return string */ function getPluginName() { return 'imip'; } /** * Event handler for the 'schedule' event. * * @param ITip\Message $iTipMessage * @return void */ function schedule(ITip\Message $iTipMessage) { // Not sending any emails if the system considers the update // insignificant. if (!$iTipMessage->significantChange) { if (!$iTipMessage->scheduleStatus) { $iTipMessage->scheduleStatus = '1.0;We got the message, but it\'s not significant enough to warrant an email'; } return; } $summary = $iTipMessage->message->VEVENT->SUMMARY; if (parse_url($iTipMessage->sender, PHP_URL_SCHEME) !== 'mailto') return; if (parse_url($iTipMessage->recipient, PHP_URL_SCHEME) !== 'mailto') return; $sender = substr($iTipMessage->sender, 7); $recipient = substr($iTipMessage->recipient, 7); if ($iTipMessage->senderName) { $sender = $iTipMessage->senderName . ' <' . $sender . '>'; } if ($iTipMessage->recipientName) { $recipient = $iTipMessage->recipientName . ' <' . $recipient . '>'; } $subject = 'SabreDAV iTIP message'; switch (strtoupper($iTipMessage->method)) { case 'REPLY' : $subject = 'Re: ' . $summary; break; case 'REQUEST' : $subject = $summary; break; case 'CANCEL' : $subject = 'Cancelled: ' . $summary; break; } $headers = [ 'Reply-To: ' . $sender, 'From: ' . $this->senderEmail, 'Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8; method=' . $iTipMessage->method, ]; if (DAV\Server::$exposeVersion) { $headers[] = 'X-Sabre-Version: ' . DAV\Version::VERSION; } $this->mail( $recipient, $subject, $iTipMessage->message->serialize(), $headers ); $iTipMessage->scheduleStatus = '1.1; Scheduling message is sent via iMip'; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // This is deemed untestable in a reasonable manner /** * This function is responsible for sending the actual email. * * @param string $to Recipient email address * @param string $subject Subject of the email * @param string $body iCalendar body * @param array $headers List of headers * @return void */ protected function mail($to, $subject, $body, array $headers) { mail($to, $subject, $body, implode("\r\n", $headers)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd /** * Returns a bunch of meta-data about the plugin. * * Providing this information is optional, and is mainly displayed by the * Browser plugin. * * The description key in the returned array may contain html and will not * be sanitized. * * @return array */ function getPluginInfo() { return [ 'name' => $this->getPluginName(), 'description' => 'Email delivery (rfc6037) for CalDAV scheduling', 'link' => 'http://sabre.io/dav/scheduling/', ]; } }