*/ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); // Check for presence of data plugin $dataPluginFile = DOKU_PLUGIN.'data/syntax/table.php'; if(file_exists($dataPluginFile)){ require_once $dataPluginFile; } else { msg('datatemplate: Cannot find Data plugin.', -1); return; } require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'datatemplate/syntax/inc/cache.php'); /** * This inherits from the table syntax of the data plugin, because it's basically the * same, just different output */ class syntax_plugin_datatemplate_list extends syntax_plugin_data_table { var $dtc = null; // A cache instance /** * Constructor. */ function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); $this->dtc = new datatemplate_cache($this->dthlp); } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('----+ *datatemplatelist(?: [ a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?-+\n.*?\n----+', $mode, 'plugin_datatemplate_list'); } function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){ // We want the parent to handle the parsing, but still accept // the "template" paramter. So we need to remove the corresponding // line from $match. $template = ''; $lines = explode("\n", $match); foreach ($lines as $num => $line) { // ignore comments $line = preg_replace('/(? '', 'key' => '%pageid%', 'title' => 'Title', 'type' => 'page'); if(array_key_exists('headers', $data)) array_push($data['headers'], '%pageid%'); } return $data; } /** * The _buildSQL routine of the data table class considers also filtering and * limits passed via $_REQUEST. For efficient caching, we need to bypass these once in while. * For this purpose, this function strips $_REQUEST of the unwanted fields before calling * _buildSQL. * * @param array $data from the handle function * @return string SQL */ function _buildSQL(&$data) { // First remove unwanted fields. $limit = $data['limit']; $dataofs = $_REQUEST['dataofs']; $dataflt = $_REQUEST['dataflt']; unset($data['limit']); unset($_REQUEST['dataofs']); unset($_REQUEST['dataflt']); $sql = parent::_buildSQL($data); // Restore removed fields $data['limit'] = $limit; $_REQUEST['dataofs'] = $dataofs; $_REQUEST['dataflt'] = $dataflt; return $sql; } /** * Create output */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $R, $data) { if(is_null($data)) return false; $sql = $this->_buildSQL($data); if($format == 'metadata') { // Remove metadata from previous plugin versions $this->dtc->removeMeta($R); } if($format == 'xhtml') { $R->info['cache'] = false; $this->dtc->checkAndBuildCache($data, $sql, $this); if(!array_key_exists('template', $data)) { // If keyword "template" not present, we will leave // the rendering to the parent class. msg("datatemplatelist: no template specified, using standard table output."); return parent::render($format, $R, $data); } $datarows = $this->dtc->getData($sql); $datarows = $this->_match_filters($data, $datarows); if(count($datarows) < $_REQUEST['dataofs']) $_REQUEST['dataofs'] = 0; $rows = array(); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; foreach($datarows as $row) { $i++; if($i - 1 < $_REQUEST['dataofs']) continue; $rows[] = $row; $cnt++; if($data['limit'] && ($cnt == $data['limit'])) break; // keep an eye on the limit } if ($cnt === 0) { $this->nullList($data, $clist = array(), $R); return true; } $wikipage = preg_split('/\#/u', $data['template'], 2); $R->doc .= $this->_renderPagination($data, count($datarows)); $this->_renderTemplate($wikipage[0], $data, $rows, $R); $R->doc .= $this->_renderPagination($data, count($datarows)); return true; } return false; } /** * Rendering of the template. The code is heavily inspired by the templater plugin by * Jonathan Arkell. Not taken into consideration are correction of relative links in the * template, and circular dependencies. * * @param string $wikipage the id of the wikipage containing the template * @param array $data output of the handle function * @param array $rows the result of the sql query * @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $R the dokuwiki renderer * @return boolean Whether the page has been correctly (not: succesfully) processed. */ function _renderTemplate($wikipage, $data, $rows, &$R) { global $ID; resolve_pageid(getNS($ID), $wikipage, $exists); // resolve shortcuts // check for permission if (auth_quickaclcheck($wikipage) < 1) { $R->doc .= '
No permissions to view the template
'; return true; } // Now open the template, parse it and do the substitutions. // FIXME: This does not take circular dependencies into account! $file = wikiFN($wikipage); if (!@file_exists($file)) { $R->doc .= '
'; $R->doc .= "Template {$wikipage} not found. "; $R->internalLink($wikipage, '[Click here to create it]'); $R->doc .= '
'; return true; } //collect column key names $clist = array_keys($data['cols']); // Construct replacement keys foreach ($clist as $num => $head) { $replacers['keys'][] = "@@" . $head . "@@"; $replacers['raw_keys'][] = "@@!" . $head . "@@"; } // Get the raw file, and parse it into its instructions. This could be cached... maybe. $rawFile = io_readfile($file); // embed the included page $R->doc .= "
"; // We only want to call the parser once, so first do all the raw replacements and concatenate // the strings. $raw = ""; $i = 0; $replacers['vals_id'] = array(); $replacers['keys_id'] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $replacers['keys_id'][$i] = array(); foreach($replacers['keys'] as $key) { $replacers['keys_id'][$i][] = "@@[" . $i . "]" . substr($key,2); } $replacers['vals_id'][$i] = array(); $replacers['raw_vals'] = array(); foreach($row as $num => $cval) { $replacers['raw_vals'][] = trim($cval); $replacers['vals_id'][$i][] = $this->dthlp->_formatData($data['cols'][$clist[$num]], $cval, $R); } // First do raw replacements $rawPart = str_replace($replacers['raw_keys'], $replacers['raw_vals'], $rawFile); // Now mark all remaining keys with an index $rawPart = str_replace($replacers['keys'], $replacers['keys_id'][$i], $rawPart); $raw .= $rawPart; $i++; } $instr = p_get_instructions($raw); // render the instructructions on the fly $text = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info); // remove toc, section edit buttons and category tags $patterns = array('!
)!s', '##e', '!
!s'); $replace = array('','',''); $text = preg_replace($patterns,$replace,$text); // Do remaining replacements foreach($replacers['vals_id'] as $num => $vals) { $text = str_replace($replacers['keys_id'][$num], $vals, $text); } /** @deprecated 18 May 2013 column key names are used in stead of (localized) headers */ if(strpos($text, '@@Page@@') !== false) { msg("datatemplate plugin: Use of @@Page@@ in '{$wikipage}' is deprecated. Replace it by @@%title%@@ please.", -1); } // Replace unused placeholders by empty string $text = preg_replace('/@@.*?@@/', '', $text); $R->doc .= $text; $R->doc .= ''; return true; } /** * Render page navigation area if applicable. * * @param array $data The output of the handle function. * @param int $numrows the total number of rows in the sql result. * @return string The html for the pagination. */ function _renderPagination($data, $numrows) { global $ID; $text = ''; // Add pagination controls if($data['limit']){ $params = $this->dthlp->_a2ua('dataflt',$_REQUEST['dataflt']); //$params['datasrt'] = $_REQUEST['datasrt']; $offset = (int) $_REQUEST['dataofs']; if($offset){ $prev = $offset - $data['limit']; if($prev < 0) $prev = 0; // keep url params $params['dataofs'] = $prev; $text .= ''; } else { $text .= '← '.$this->getLang('prevpage').''; } for($i=1; $i <= ceil($numrows / $data['limit']); $i++) { $offs = ($i - 1) * $data['limit']; $params['dataofs'] = $offs; $selected = $offs == $_REQUEST['dataofs'] ? ' class="selected"': ''; $text .= '' . $i. ''; } if($numrows - $offset > $data['limit']){ $next = $offset + $data['limit']; // keep url params $params['dataofs'] = $next; $text .= ''; } else { $text .= ''.$this->getLang('nextpage').' →'; } return '
' . $text . '
'; } return $text; } /** * Apply filters to the (unfiltered) sql output. * * @param array $data The output of the handle function. * @param array $datarows The output of the sql request * @return array The filtered sql output. */ function _match_filters($data, $datarows) { /* Get whole $data as input and * - generate keys * - treat multi-value columns specially, i.e. add 's' to key and look at individual values */ $out = array(); $keys = array(); foreach($data['headers'] as $k => $v) { $keys[$v] = $k; } $filters = $this->dthlp->_get_filters(); if(!$datarows) return $out; foreach($datarows as $dr) { $matched = True; $datarow = array_values($dr); foreach($filters as $f) { if (strcasecmp($f['key'], 'any') == 0) { $cols = array_keys($keys); } else { $cols = array($f['key']); } $colmatch = False; foreach($cols as $col) { $multi = $data['cols'][$col]['multi']; if($multi) $col .= 's'; $idx = $keys[$col]; switch($f['compare']) { case 'LIKE': $comp = $this->_match_wildcard($f['value'], $datarow[$idx]); break; case 'NOT LIKE': $comp = !$this->_match_wildcard($f['value'], $datarow[$idx]); break; case '=': $f['compare'] = '=='; default: $evalstr = $datarow[$idx] . $f['compare'] . $f['value']; $comp = eval('return ' . $evalstr . ';'); } $colmatch = $colmatch || $comp; } if($f['logic'] == 'AND') { $matched = $matched && $colmatch; } else { $matched = $matched || $colmatch; } } if($matched) $out[] = $dr; } return $out; } /** * Match string against SQL wildcards. * @param $wildcard_pattern * @param $haystack * @return boolean Whether the pattern matches. */ function _match_wildcard( $wildcard_pattern, $haystack ) { $regex = str_replace(array("%", "\?"), // wildcard chars array('.*','.'), // regexp chars preg_quote($wildcard_pattern) ); return preg_match('/^\s*'.$regex.'$/im', $haystack); } function nullList($data, $clist, &$R) { $R->doc .= '
'; } } /* Local Variables: */ /* c-basic-offset: 4 */ /* End: */